Yep, the stolen stuffed cougar -- on moi's local news. The poor stiff, forever-posed darling was taken from its eternal mascot home. Two camera-fuzzy and unrecognized villains absconded with the taxidermy beast, tip-toeing away from the high school's trophy case, causing the Kougar to wonder -- why are there Big Brother eyes all over and the pics are such poor quality, any real crook will never be brought to justice? If only Tricky Dick had relied on high school thieves instead of real professionals, his mug and his bum would have been covered for all of historical posterity.
To add more insult or assault to the Kougaress, a poor rabid cougar was put out of his misery at a boy's birthday party...ah, on to the golden lands of Cougar Paradise, my friend.
Then, more assault...the ticker passes announcing the arrest of a Carolina Panther for DWI. Yowl to Mother Mother Crescent Moon -- her beauty unsurpassed last evening as she hung in dark teal of falling night.
Yes, a final assault, my Beautiful Big Cats, moi received the big NO form letter from Dorchester, the Editorial Staff. Bottom line, your ms isn't going to fill our coffers.
Meow maybe...perhaps, true. Since the Kougar has no real insight into Dorchester's market potential. And, perhaps, moi's yowling ego simply wants to believe...a big roar...Dorchester is making a big mistake.
Ah, Zen Cat yes, a huge twitch of moi's tail, a grand repose overlooking her sun-warmed prairie. And purring-truth ensues...the Kougaress prefers the freedom offered by e-publishing, not to rumbling-mention, often the release of a novel occurs more rabbit-swiftly.
Crossroads, Cougar crossroads...'down to the crossroads'...is that the spirit message? To choose the cyber world over the established print world? Or, and, has the world of publishing arrived at the crossroads? Which master is served? The land of the New York giants? Or the land of the many, who vote everyday with the small publishers by purchasing their reading choices via the internet? Are the smaller publishers about to play David hurling the stone between the giant's brow?
The Kougar has no definitive answer or opinion...only the questions, only the constant and curious vigilance of a huntress.
Spicy sci fi kisses from the Kougar....
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