Sunday, March 30, 2008

Death by Chlorine

Burning asthmatic lungs, burning filmy eyes, a burning face, lousy balance, a mushy brain ~ and months backwards in moi's healing. The Kougar swears, lovely Big Cats, there is now more chlorine in her shower water than in the average swimming pool ~ meaning days of recovery for the Kougaress. Yoooowwwlll! Help! Bast!
However, to the day's productive accomplishment, mushy brain and all, the Kougar did get her cover art form filled out for Tangerine Carnal Dreams, an exhaustive, if rewarding creative exercise. Not to rumbling mention attempting to create a new file set up the way moi wants -- too bad, computer programs don't care!!! It's the old and endless meow story. When tech works, its great. When it doesn't it's the effing headache from the nastiest hell ever imagined. And you can growl-quote moi on that!
Has moi previously mentioned how much she *tearing-ripping* despises hyperlinks. Why even have a word like 'cancel', if it cannot be applied to this application? Granted, the Kougaress is a mere cub on the plains of these programs, and probably just hasn't figured out to use the various helpful and ridiculously way too many convoluted functions designed (the New World Oder monopoly elite) to cause a complete lack of self esteem -- indeed, a properly applied claw or fang would create a fierce satisfaction currently.
A wowza great discussion on the Liquid Silver forum yesterday, on the hot topic of promo-ing your new e-novel. Happy-roar helpful to the Kougaress, thank you very much all. Especially appreciated is the message to write, instead of wandering in the vast forty years worth of promotional desert.

A grouchy smooch from the Kougar...

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