Sunday, February 26, 2017

National Suicide...One More Reason

THIS BIG CAT CANNOT ABIDE ORGANIZED RELIGION ... Sunday yowls, most beloved KitKats ... truth is, the Kougar never fit it in when it came to churches and organized religion, and such ... ultimately, she couldn't stand the hypocrisy, the holier-than-thou attitudes... for a time, she did attend services at Unity Village, which had a lot of value for her at that point in her life ... however, it got down to politics where those who were less spiritually aware gained control ... thus, that was the end of that ... corruption of the spiritual message always rules unless vigilance against this dark force is extreme ... at least, that's this Big Cat's experience in life.

Here's another outstanding article by Dave Hodges about American Churches.

 The American Church Has Become An Instrument of Globalist Oppression
In the annals of the Independent Media, it is a well-established fact that unorganized and chaotic immigration practices are being used to undermine the culture of national sovereignty of the nations of the West.
Unfortunately, the American church has become a primary instrument being used in the demise of our culture and nation’s  sovereignty.

Sanctuary Cities

Phoenix is a sanctuary city, or at least it was until President Trump told these cities that their federal money would be withheld if they continued to break federal immigration laws. And it is interesting, the deportations of illegal immigrants is limited to those who have committed serious crimes against the people of the United States, and yet people continue to protest the enforcement of our laws. I fail to understand why this is an issue for any person to accept. Isn’t a nation a safer nation if felons, who are not supposed to be in the country are being expelled?
Although sacntuary cities will all but disappear, chruches will take up their function.
I fail to understand what people are protesting. Are they protesting the fact that a government’s Chief Executive does not have the right to screen immigrants for health and criminal background? Are they protesting the fact that we should not be deporting criminals who have a track record of endangering our society? Is America supposed to become the modern day version of a penal colony? And nowhere is this leftist lunacy more prevalent than in the American church. While President Trump is espousing “America first”, many of the American churches live by the philosophy, “America last”.

A Personal Anecdote

I was driving in downtown Phoenix last week and I saw a truck with the words, Lutheran Church. In a subtitle beneath the these words, were the words “Refugee Services”. In other words, an American based church was diverting the offerings of Americans to the church to perpetuate the illegal sanctuaries for illegal immigrants.
For the record, if a human being, in front of me is bleeding, I will render aid, without regard to the language that they speak. If a human being, without regard to a country of origin, is starving, I will feed them. My Christianity is not bounded by national boundaries. Churches should and do have outreach programs to help those in need in order to grow the flock of Christians.
However, what I found in a cursory investigation, was that my former church, a Lutheran church located in Glendale, Arizona, has greatly increased its contributions to “Refugee Services” while decreasing contributions to other programs which would include and serve primarily American citizens. In other words, my former church was playing politics with the contributions of its membership in order to support illegal immigrants.  I have a major problem with this practice. Where I would render aid to a human being without regard to their demographics, my former church is rendering aid in preference to illegal alien’s demographics, and this is done in deference to overt programs intended for American citizens. In other words, my former church is playing politics on behalf of the deculturizing strategies of people like George Soros and the New World Order.
I took my local observations and attempted to query the various sects of the Lutheran Church on their national allocations of their American member’s contributions and found an exaggerated version of the same trend. Immigrants, first, Americans last, when it comes to expanding and contracting budgets. The biggest example had to do with foreign outreach programs vs. the same kind of programs in America which used to be directed at the homeless in America’s inner cities.
I have come to the conclusion that the modern church is an instrument of the New World Order as it participates as the church has come to view itself on a global scale with a decided deemphasis on American needs. I was raised on the edict of God, Country, Family.  That mandate has changed to Less emphasis on the true word of God, no emphasis on country and a decided globalist view is being forced upon today’s church-goers.
The concept of Christ is universal. However, churches are meant to be primarily a vessel of service, in the name of Christ, that serves the needs of their community. My anecdotal investigation also found several instances of where the Catholic church was actively recruiting foreigners to come to America, without regard to the legal process of immigration. In other words, the Catholic church was facilitating criminal behavior.  So much for Romans 13.

Churches Have Become the Enemy of the American People

nwo and the churchThe birth rate in America is 1.8 and we need 2.1 to maintain our population and as I have said before, immigration is good and needed in America. However, type of immigration being set forth by the American churches of today is national suicide.

When Does a Modern Country Become a Third World Country?

When does a First World country become a Third World country? The better question is, how many third world immigrants can a modern country take on until they become the newest Third World country? This is why in the 1880’s, at the height of America’s largest legal immigration period, American law reflected the fact that the country would control the number of immigrants and the origin of the immigrants would be limited by a quota system. Further, the absence of communicable disease was a requirement for entry as was the absence of serious criminal behavior in the background of the immigrant as much as could be determined.
Today’s churches and their “immigration outreach services” have total disdain for the welfare of the country, as a whole, as they facilitate law-breaking behavior to the overall detriment of American citizens. The FBI has stated, for example, that one in ten immigrants from the Middle East could be expected to be radicalized. This is a euphemism for terrorist potentialities.
Why would any organization, even a church, advocate for the entry of these people without proper screening? Are we to assume that the Lutheran church is just fine with the events of Orlando, San Bernardino and 9/11? If so, this is why I want nothing to do with the modern American church.

Other Transgressions

When Donald Trump said he was opposed to the restrictions placed on tax-exempt churches to speak out on critical issues by the IRS, I had hoped that Christians without faith, Christians without courage and Christians without conviction to the teachings of Jesus Christ would rediscover their soul and subsequently speak the Christian truth on such subjects as abortion.
I would hope that Christians throughout America would recognize the globalist leanings of their church and reject these churches. One does not have to belong to a church, in the church’s present form to be a Christian. One can participate in home bible studies where the emphasis is on the Word of God and not on raising money for the social justice programs of the New World Order. Let’s be clear about one thing, if a church serves the purpose of globalism, that church does not serve God.
Please leave me examples of globalism in your church. I am particularly interested in anti-American sentiment being set forth by many churches.  Please leave your observations in the comments section.

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