Sunday, May 2, 2010

Rain Showers and Thunder at Sundown

Evening yowls, my exciting and exquisite KitKats... brief rain showers and lots of thunder on the tame prairie at sundown... the storm clouds came in from the north while the sun graced the horizon in a lovely display of color.

For a security measure, the Kougaress managed to put up sort of a gate across her drive... a major undertaking for her... some incidents have left her feeling uncomfortable and she plans to take other measures as well. To the truth, too, about every place is becoming more dangerous, no matter where you live. If this Big Cat was up to it, she would set up more fenced areas for protection and for more running room for her canine buddies.

Authoress news and mews ~

Yeppers-purrs, the Kougar will be blogging at SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS and THE ROMANCE STUDIO BLOG on Tuesday, the 4th... Nope, she doesn’t know what her bloggies will be about...??? Languid shrugs ensue...
Featured at LIQUID SILVER SEX blog ~ Flash Fiction Sunday

Three Little Words
PG Forte wrote this terribly early in the morning:

If you’re writing romance you gotta have ‘em, right? I mean, sooner or later someone–maybe it’s the hero, maybe it’s the heroine, maybe it’s both–is going to have to find the nerve to say, “I love you.”

Featured at TITLE MAGIC ~ Pat C Rides Again~

Mother Goose, Meet Louis L'Amour (or, a Western Nursery Rhyme
By Pat Cunningham

(I started this story for an anthology, then got distracted by vampires. I may finish it someday. Until then, enjoy the opening.)


Plugging Away: The Follow-Up
By Pat Cunningham

Last week I wrote about efforts to market my book, A London Werewolf in America, by posting ads on grocery store bulletin boards. So how did it work out?


Welcome to Sultry Sunday!
By Keta Diablo

I’m sure you all know that sultry means to be hot with passion or to be capable of exciting strong sexual desire. But sultry can also mean sweltering or torrid.

MAY NEWSLETTER by Gem Sivad ~ Western Erotic Romance Author ~ Yippee1 Yahoo! Check it out, Kittens, she has a reader’s contest going on.
Featured at Wolf Maiden Chronicles: Alpha Werewolves and Human Mates ~ ~

Monday, April 26, 2010
Full Moon Interview with Raven that Created Wolf from Pacific Northwest Athabascan Myth

Interview with Raven that Created the Wolf

Welcome back to the Werewolf Café for my Full Moon interviews with werewolves, wolves and like and magical creatures. Today our guest is Raven. Not just any raven but Raven from the Pacific Northwest Athabascan legend.

ROMANCE AUTHORS ~ News You Might Want to Use

Dear Book Lovers,

Excitement is building as we get ready to launch our new website on April 15 — and we can’t wait for its debut! In the new issue (May #315), which just shipped, you will get a visual of what the new site looks like (on page 5) but just wait until you experience first-hand all it can do.

For those of you who are loyal message-board posters, fear not, the boards will remain the same with all the threads intact. But the similarity of the new site to the old one ends there! There will be a new daily blog with news, views and reviews, giveaways and gossip so that you will have up-to-the-minute book information daily.

Our new search engine is like our old one on steroids! You will now be able to search keywords and render results associated with the keyword whether it’s in a blog, in a review, on an author page or any other place it’s mentioned on the site! If you’re interested in only book information, just click on the “books only” tab for the list. If it’s an author you are looking for, just click on the “author only” tab and you will refine your search to include only authors. The point is you will have the option to expand the search results depending on what you are looking for.

I know I have mentioned the genre microsites before, but they are AWESOME. When you click on your genre of choice it will take you to “all things” in that genre — blog entries, reviews, articles, authors, videos, podcasts etc., so that when you are in the mood for a particular kind of book all you need to do is click on the microsite of your choice for a plethora of information.

You will now be able to post your own review for every book on our site as well as post your rating for it. As a bonus, for every review you post, you will be entered in a drawing to win prizes, so be sure to post often. Your personal review of a book is invaluable to your fellow readers, so help each other out by sharing your opinions of the books you’ve read.

There will be other special sections on the site, like the RT Convention area, which will have photos, workshop agendas, party listings and all the information about past and upcoming conventions in one area.

There will also be an area for aspiring writers that will include exclusive articles as well as updated information about who is buying what and what the submission requirements are.

There will also be a bookseller area with a private forum where booksellers can openly discuss challenges and pet peeves as well as share trade secrets among themselves.

There will also be several other areas related to books and authors — too many to list here, but trust me, you’re in for a real treat.

To celebrate our new website, we have lowered our subscription rate to $29.95 for a limited time, so now is the time to subscribe to RT Book Reviews if you were considering it.


Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~ from the Flash Cat...

Happy Courtship on another Earth

X-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues...

Part 490 ~

Sylva felt the pieces of the puzzle attempt to come together inside her mind. Still, she realized there were pieces missing and all the answers weren’t available yet. Suddenly tired, she yawned and stretched. “Darlin, is that all of the download?” Zeke asked, once she gazed at him fully again. “I think that’s all I’ve got, cowboy. Unless, you know facts I don’t.” Flashes of the tunnel system flipped past her mind’s eye. “Wait, I do have mental images of the tunnels, but I don’t know if a description is really going to help at this point. I mean, if...”

Zeke wanted to scoop up his wife, carry her to bed, or place her in a tub of hot relaxing water... “If,” he encouraged at her pause. “...if I were there I might be able to follow the route to the facility.” Leaning back, he watched her think. “Unless, Coon was trying to leave a message in case he and Snake... couldn’t help rescue his kin.” Her expression changed to one of sadness. “I think he believes he and Snake are marked for assassination. I suppose that’s a given, now. Maybe he doesn’t think the center can save his life.”
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 489 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ ~ OR! Now available on The Romance Studio Forum, JANUARY 2009 through MARCH 2010 flashes ~ ~ Click on the FORUMS, then Savanna Kougar ~ the Fantasy Lair ~


Casino economics, who didn’t know that was going on during, by at least, the mid nineties? It was completely obvious by the behavior of the stock market and those idiots and criminals running it, at the time. Bubble this, bubble that. And everything was built on sand, sand castle dreams of a good economic future sold to the public at large. Heck, you would have been better off going to Vegas. The odds are better.
Yet, all of a sudden, it’s this big talking point... wow wee... gee... gee willy whiskers... yeah, this Big Cat is just so damn impressed with the so-called economic gurus out there. NOT! NOT IN A HUNDRED MILLION ZILLION YEARS.
If they’re not downright morons, then they’re downright crooks and cons of the worst order. They steal people’s dreams, if not they’re very lives.


~~~ Do not comply with the corporate Borg. Resistance is victory. ~~~
~~~ Remember, knowledge and truth make us unfit to be slaves... a Known Seditionist ~~~
~~~ May the FDA burn in the hell it’s made for all of us, immediately!!! ~~~


Wish Upon on a Blue Moon New Year...
May your most romantic dreams come true...

Rain Showers and Thunder at Sundown kisses from the Kougar...


Serena Shay said...

Oh my, I love this picture. I'm thinking fallen angel...hmmm ;)

Savanna Kougar said...

Serena, oh, I know. What a delicious picture. Gem first used it, that I saw. And I couldn't resist.