and you’ve left your cares behind. Now you’re strolling down the beach. The sultry breezes tempt your hair to flow in beautiful sexy waves and you’re feeling sensual and gorgeous... here’s what you might see... that is, if you’re spying out handsome men on beaches.
[The picture to the left... the Kougar in another lifetime... she wishes]
Yep... nice swimwear you got there.

Gee, and who do we have here?

Yowsa! More... the Kougar is hanging out here for good long while.

Meow and purr, talk about sexy and Mr. Appealing...

Yep, I'm coming in... the water looks fine...

Hawaii, and with no case to solve... damn!

The Kougar is feeling ultra hot, and definitely too bothered...

Yes, the Kougar passionately adored Miami Vice.

Now, who could this be?

Note: No movie stars or celebrities were harmed or named in the making of this blog.
Rember to leave a comment for your chance to win!
Rember to leave a comment for your chance to win!
YOUR NEXT BLOG TOUR STOP ~ Kayelle Allen’s blog ~ http://romancelivesforever.blogspot.com/ ~
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~
Happy Courtship on another Earth
X-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues...
Part 382 ~
Sylva naturally melted against Zeke. Their lips fused for long lovely moments, an impassioned clinging that not only ignited her flesh, but her soul. “Oh, god, my Sylva.” Her cowboy cupped the back of her head, pressing her close to his chest. “Let’s go eat before I take advantage of that audaciously curved, beautiful body of yours. You need some breakfast, darlin’.” Sylva let herself lean on her husband in a way she’d never done emotionally with a man. Or, never been allowed to do. Whenever she’d reached out before in this womanly soft way, she’d been denied, cruelly rejected.
Zeke hurt inside for his wife, his little bride, his most incredible woman, who had a heart made for soul-loving a man. Yep, he felt it as if a bullwhip cut across his middle. His Sylva had been starved for love, for the simple affection a man should always give to the woman he cared for. He figured it’d take time to nourish her with his caring, just how much he cared. He’d sensed it before, that huge wound inside her, that hole in her precious heart. The difference now, he’d become aware how well-deep she’d been wounded. “Kiss me.”
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 381 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ http://passionateink.org/forum ~ OR! Now available on The Romance Studio Forum, January through December 2009 flashes ~ http://theromancestudio.com ~ Click on the FORUMS, then Savanna Kougar ~ the Fantasy Lair ~
Wish Upon on a Blue Moon New Year...
May your most romantic dreams come true...
Fill your heart kisses from the Kougar...
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~
Happy Courtship on another Earth
X-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues...
Part 382 ~
Sylva naturally melted against Zeke. Their lips fused for long lovely moments, an impassioned clinging that not only ignited her flesh, but her soul. “Oh, god, my Sylva.” Her cowboy cupped the back of her head, pressing her close to his chest. “Let’s go eat before I take advantage of that audaciously curved, beautiful body of yours. You need some breakfast, darlin’.” Sylva let herself lean on her husband in a way she’d never done emotionally with a man. Or, never been allowed to do. Whenever she’d reached out before in this womanly soft way, she’d been denied, cruelly rejected.
Zeke hurt inside for his wife, his little bride, his most incredible woman, who had a heart made for soul-loving a man. Yep, he felt it as if a bullwhip cut across his middle. His Sylva had been starved for love, for the simple affection a man should always give to the woman he cared for. He figured it’d take time to nourish her with his caring, just how much he cared. He’d sensed it before, that huge wound inside her, that hole in her precious heart. The difference now, he’d become aware how well-deep she’d been wounded. “Kiss me.”
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 381 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ http://passionateink.org/forum ~ OR! Now available on The Romance Studio Forum, January through December 2009 flashes ~ http://theromancestudio.com ~ Click on the FORUMS, then Savanna Kougar ~ the Fantasy Lair ~
Wish Upon on a Blue Moon New Year...
May your most romantic dreams come true...
Fill your heart kisses from the Kougar...
I'm really going to have a good day after this!
So nice!
This really makes my day.
Rebecca, hi, I need this today, myself. It's foggy with icy rain and I really needed to get some shopping done. Oh well...
cfisher, hi!
Noelle, thanks.
Hi Andrea, that makes it worth doing, for sure.
Eva, glad you enjoyed!
Mr. Appealing is def. appealing.
sigh brad pitt pre-angelina days
I knew it! That was Adrian Paul on the beach. He'd make a perfect 007.
My blog's up next. :)
Tom Selleck and Adrian Paul! You've made my Friday! (I know, I'm showing my age)
Ahhh I see you have spied a hairless privitus male specimen. Rare indeed. You must investigate him thoroughly and take many notes to share. Quickly! Before he gets away!
Fallon, there's just something sexy-tingling about seeing a man that comfortable and all by himself.
Jennifer, yep, pre-angelina days...
Kayelle, wouldn't he make the perfect 007? Though, I'm thinking now, he should just eclipse James Bond with a new character.
Lisa, I know. My age is showing, too. Whatever... passion is passion!
Sweet Vernal Zephyr... treading silently, I follow... with every stop he makes, I find a shadowed area and swiftly jot down my notes on the primitive pad of paper I always carry with me... hmmmm... what's he up to now... or, wait! he's halted inside a lovely palm tree grove... private, yes, so private... and something is definitely coming up... oops, the pad has dropped out of my hand...
Ooo bright sunshiney stars to share!! Thank You so much!
Oh very nice, thanks for the great line up.
All these pictures are really improving my day. I look forward to even more!
I love Adrian Paul I watched the TV series Highlander just to drool over him. Thank you so much for having his picture here.
You are too kind to the celebs. What a great contest. Thanks for being part of it.
Stephanie, bright and shiny and on the beach...
Cathy, you're welcome... sorta my own fantasy, obviously.
Joder, there are some great eye candy pics waiting for you.
Sherry... that was best and only beach shot I found of Adrian...
orelukjp0, yeah, bad habit of mine... too kind at times.
Oh, I like stripes.. I like stripes.. A LOT!
Tracey D
Fantastic! you know used to want to be a mermaid. But with views like that of the sandlappers, i'm contented to be beached.
Hi booklover... yep, those stripes are definitely accentuating certain attributes.
Leigh, the best of both worlds, mermaid and shifting to two legs... and the beach is yours.
I really like your beach!
Like the "Kougar" pic
Very funny - Thanks, Kougar!
yummy pics
Its no longer winter here with those sizzling pics!
Tom Selleck. Mamma was right... he is mighty fine and sexy... and TALL. makes you wonder about hands and feet and.... um... okay going now.
Love to win e-books. Now, if I can just get my parents to get me an e-book reader with part of the gift certificate they won from Best Nuy, I would be very happy.
Plus, the eye candy, I am in heaven
Leslie Jane
Sophia, I'm partial to it myself.
Hi Scott, yeah, if I were a man I'd like her too!
Marcieo, thanks!
Amy S, hi! great to see you again.
Caffey, winter has disappeared... that's the joy of being a writer, you can create your own world.
April, as I recall from watching Magnum PI, his hands and feet were large... and definitely sexy.
Leslie, good luck with getting that e-book reader. The eye candy is spectacular on the blog tour.
Oh Savanna, you do know how to make a gals dream come true! All those hotties and ending it with a highlander god....whew! ;)
Serena ~ glad you got to stroll along the beach!
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