Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Human Soul on Fire

The tail-switching thankful moment: Adrian Paul in a kilt.

Night yowls, my lovely and loveliest Big Kittens... cold and rainy on the tame prairie... the Kougaress did get some leaves piled up on some of her surviving tomato plants before the icy feeling rains came... though, that might not keep them warm enough... le sigh... oh, well, soon it will be illegal keep your own seeds and plant them in your own garden... according to the latest anti-health, horror bill passed by congress...

Wowsers, though, are some folks standing up in revolt against the TSA. Power up. Power up. Power up. As moi heard today ~The most powerful weapon is the human soul on fire~
The torch that is the soul of humanity has been ignited and the flame will not go out.

Hey, sexy Big Cats, have you heard about *Manscaping*? Or the lengths some men will go to groom themselves... kinda weird in a raised eyebrow sort of way. Yep, hairless as a Mexican Hairless pooch. All over. Not all that sexy-tantalizing to the Kougaress, yet fascinating. To escape the world into this topic see the info below.

Big Cat by-the-numbers ~

2:22 am... 4:44 am... 2:12 pm... 4:44 pm... 5:55 pm... 1:11 am... humanity is soul-rising and romance will burn ever more brightly...

Authoress news and mews ~

Just kewlness from a Googlie Alert... BRANDED BY THE TEXANS

~ ~

Copy: Paperback 9781606013458 Siren Publishing, Inc.

This is the Kougar’s official ROARS OF THANK YOU!!! moment to everyone who has purchased BRANDED BY THE TEXANS, or any of her books. She is grateful! ~wahoo good good vibes are coming your way~ this Big Cat luvs ya... yeeeehawww!


Double Dog Crossed
Posted by Rebecca Murray

Enough with the chit-chat, though. Mooney has a real crisis on his hands! How will he ever get that fine paid now that he’s been fired?


“We regret to inform you that, due to your recent legal troubles and the repercussions caused thereunto, we must release you from your duties as a freelance columnist.”

Losing Control...Yeah, baby!
by Valerie Mann

As a writer, I’m always amazed when I tell other authors my characters tell me what to write...and some of those same authors look at me askance. And say something like, “Well, don’t let them” or “you’re the one in control” or “that’s ridiculous, if you follow your outline, you won’t lose control”.

Hi Everyone,

I’m blogging about manscaping at Nine Naughty Novelists blogspot. Don’t know what it is? Find out!


Em Petrova

From ~ ~

On November 18, the two planets that represent good fortune, money and happiness -- Jupiter followed by Venus -- turn direct and the lessons that they have been trying to teach us in their retrograde periods of introspection are now ours to put into practice!

Jupiter turned retrograde in Aries on July 23 and moved into Pisces during its retrograde motion. It now turns direct in Pisces and will stay there until January 2011. This is, however, the last time until 2021 that Jupiter will be in Pisces, and there are significant lessons that this transit holds for us. When Jupiter is direct, the energy of the cosmos calls for renewed enthusiasm, and the time is ideal to put in a stronger sense of meaning and purpose in life and move onward with a revived sense of direction and sparkle. Jupiter gives us momentum to accomplish our goals and favors idealism, good luck, and financial success!

With Jupiter retrograde in Pisces, many of us may have been questioning our real values and priorities in life and what it is that is really important for us in life that we must gain or accomplish! Now that Jupiter turns direct, we have a chance to put into practice our new goals and philosophy of life. With Jupiter direct, there'll be more opportunities for outer expansion -- at work and with money. Good fortune should not be so hard to find and optimism should soar.

With Venus retrograde in Libra, the sign of one-to-one relationships, many of us may have felt a sense of failure in being unable to attain the kind of intimate emotional connection we are ideally seeking with a significant other in our lives -- regardless of the nature of the relationship -- other than this relationship is very central to our lives. This has been a period of introspection. But now the universe urges us to step out -- softer, wiser, more heart-centered and better equipped to fully embrace what life and relationships have to offer. This is a time to value your partners and romance will burn ever more brightly!

Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~ from the Flash Cat...

Happy Courtship on another Earth

X-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues...

Part 689 ~

Sylva let the natural rhythm of her body control her movements. With each thrust of her hips and slide of her pussy on her cowboy’s long cock, she felt freer. She felt wilder. She felt like the queen of sultry. At some point, as she rode her stud cowboy, their gazes fused, then melted into one another. Their passion seared her insides in a way that had her feeling all steamy and swoony. Slowly, she increased her speed, rocking with more and more frenzy. God, could he be any bigger? Could his shaft be any more perfect? Sylva doubted it.

Zeke kept a light hold on his woman’s ass. His hands felt as if they caressed carnal paradise. He didn’t want to interrupt her smooth gliding ride by seizing her hard. He didn’t want to interrupt the passionate lock of their gazes as her sweltering little sheath took his cock. Her wild feminine soul belonged to him. For now. Her eyes bewitched him. They were shimmering molten pools of sky that had fallen to Earth, and now held him in thrall. Even as she rode his cock in a way that turned him inside out, it was her. His woman.
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 688 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ ~ OR! Now available on The Romance Studio Forum, JANUARY 2009 through JUNE 2010 flashes ~ ~ Click on the FORUMS, then Savanna Kougar ~ the Fantasy Lair ~

The most powerful weapon is the human soul on fire.


Wish Upon on a Blue Moon New Year...
May your most romantic dreams come true...

Soul on Fire kisses from the Kougar...


Serena Shay said...

Holy Manscaping Kat girl! LOL I too prefer hair on my man.

Congrats on Branded!!

Savanna Kougar said...

Serena, that's a great 'manscaping' line. I hope you use it in one of your stories.

Yep, I need to get my print copies of Branded, just so I can kiss and ogle them a bit.