SAVANNA KOUGAR ~ RUN ON THE WILD SIDE OF ROMANCE ~ Roaring-welcome to the blog lair of the Kougar, paranormal erotic romance author. Stroll on in if you dare. And take a frisky run on the wild side of romance. Or find a comfy spot, recline, stretch your toes...and lounge with the Big Cats.
After midnight yowls, most wonderful and wild-spirited Kittens ... okay, deep breaths...deep breaths... the confluence of events, here and worldwide, is about to go so fierce-extreme that many of us will not know whether we're coming or going. This will involve political wrongdoings so BIG that the layers and layers of entrenched, psychopathic corruption will be EXPOSED to the public ... even the sheeple, the head-in-the-sand ostriches among us, will not be able to ignore everything, and will AWAKEN to some degree. This American and worldwide AWAKENING, which will likely hit zenith in Ocotober 2017 ... this will cause a tectonic social shift toward 1776 freedom. In truth, this will look like and feel like CHAOS unleashed as never before. Be prepared to stand your ground, and demand the FREEDOM-CHANGES you want. Demand the rights that are yours by DIVINE DECREE ... the rights as protected by the American Constitution and by the Bill of Rights. For, that is what will aid most in saving humanity from the dark-empire forces aligning and aligned against us.
Of course, it is wise to prepare for any contingency, for any and every emergency, as you can... or, like a boy scout, always be prepared. Your neighbors, your community, your local up cooperation and understanding if you are able. For, these are the times that will test us ALL.
Just remember, this Big Cat loves ya!
Breitbart | Forty-eight out of 50 Moroccan migrants applying for asylum in Sweden who claimed to be underage are actually adults, according to Swedish border authorities.
RT | The mother of a US State Department officer killed in the 2012 attack on US facilities in Benghazi, Libya told RT she is determined to win a court battle against Hillary Clinton.
Daily Caller | Students at Evergreen State College are furious that a video documenting their anarchic behavior has been made public, The College Fix reports.
Can Trump Defeat the Deep State? Who’s Side Is God On?
I spent 90 minutes in communication with a source who is a former ARSOF commander. He listened to my interview with Gary Heavin last night, the main producer of the movie Amerigeddon, the Founder of Curves, and the person, from my perspective, who is the leading candidate to be the next ambassador to Haiti. My source was very interested in a comment and a question that I asked Gary during Sunday night’s (May 28, 2017) show.
Hodges: “Gary, I have been told that we have 2 America’s, the imperfect Constitutionally elected Republic, much of which is controlled by the Deep State, who influences and controls the government like some hidden planet. And then of course, we have the Deep State. At some point, the Deep State will emerge during a crisis and take full dictatorial control over the country. Trump and Sessions are going after the Deep State by going after child-sex-trafficking because it will open up drug-running and gun-running and money laundering as well. Gary, who gets to the bank first? Who is going to win?”
Before I give you Gary’s answer, please allow me to focus on my source’s response to the question.
Memorial Day weekend yowls, HAVE A GOOD ONE, KITTENS ... Freedom, real freedom, as was begun in 1776, is sacred, a sacred human right ... it is NOT for governments to tell the people what their freedoms are, or are not... all those who fight and died for FREEDOM are heroes and heroines, and should be treasured in our collective hearts and minds.
Okay then, the story, THE TRUE STORY OF AMERICAN HERO, SETH RICH, will ultimately be ***exposed*** in full ... out of this will come the Divine opportunity for WE THE PEOPLE to renew our free republic ... the Kougar asks for your prayers and thoughts of protection for Dr. Jerome Corsi, and those assisting him, because Dr. Corsi has key info-details on who murdered Seth Rich, to be released this coming Tuesday.
On the cosmic-sacred front, SOME HUGE AND MIGHTY ENERGY-SHIFTS ARE HAPPENING NOW, AND WILL BE STRENGTHENING TOWARD THE GOOD ... For a time on the world stage this will appear as pure political chaos ... as war and rumors of more war. However, this is a process of COSMICALLY spotlighting EVIL and the evil global players who have manipulated humanity for centuries. Out of this will come the REAL CHANGES needed to finally rid Earth of this parasitical, anti-christ bloodline.
Westmonster | Boats containing migrants picked up in the Mediterranean will be banned from docking in Sicily during the G7 meeting over fears for world leader’s security.
American Mirror | As Barack Obama waxes eloquent about the supposed negative impact of walls on humanity, crews have completed the wall surrounding his Washington, DC home.
The Deep State vs. the Republic- Your Life Depends on Who Wins
Attorney General Jeff Sessions Is Leading the Fight Against the Deep State. The Battleground Is Child Sex Trafficking.
It has long been my contention that the Deep State is mired in three crimes that defines the essence of it existence and these crimes are (1) drug trafficking, (2) gunrunning to terrorists and, (3) child-sex-trafficking. The one crime that would arouse the public and demand criminal prosecution would be the latter.
What’s wrong with America, in large part, is the Deep State. The way to unravel the Deep State and protect the Trump Presidency is to expose the organized pedophilia of the Deep State. To that end, Jeff Sessions, the Attorney General is a man on a mission.
This is article is a dot connecting exercise where I will summarize where Sessions/Trump are at with regard to this war on America’s underground government.
The Sessions’ Crusade
Attorney General Jeff Sessions penned a memo to federal prosecutors in early May of 2017 ordering them to stop seeking lenient sentences for drug/sex offenders and instead seek “the most serious, readily provable” charges that will result in maximum incarceration.
It marked a reversal from the very modest reforms made under the Obama administration, and it delivers a clear signal that the Department of Justice will be ramping up policies that contribute to mass incarceration. The United States already leads the world in prison population and this approach is expected to greatly increase the lead. Yes, that is correct, the US has more prisoners than Communist China and that population is about to grow to an ever-higher level.
Jeff Sessions, A Man On a Mission
In his first 28 days in his present office, the Attorney General prosecuted and incarcerated 1,500 child sex traffickers. This was something that certainly went unreported at CNN as they were no doubt licking their wounds. And what has been the result of these prosecutions? The organized criminal element which rules the Deep State is adopting a CIA/Mafia approach to solving the problem of criminal exposure.
Jeff Sessions reminds me a of Bobby Kennedy (RFK). RFK went after organized crime with a vengeance after decades of the FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, a proven pedophile, denied there was any such thing as organized crime. RFK’s reign of terror against organized crime (eg Jimmy Hoffa) came to an end with the assassination of RFK’s brother, President John F. Kennedy. Mark Twain once said something about the fact that history may not repeat, but it sure does rhyme. There can be no doubt that Sessions and Trump are on very dangerous ground. As Sessions, on behalf of Trump, pursues the most prominent and notorious criminals inside of the Deep State, one has to be concerned about the life-span of both men.
Anthony Weiner’s Lifespan
As disgusting as the former Congressional pervert’s crime was, Anthony Weiner received a very long sentence of 27 months in prison. This is far and above what others, convicted of the same crime would have received. Why was Weiner singled out?
Weiner was singled out because he has dead-man switches all around the country with emails containing damning information on people that he is afraid of. Who is Weiner afraid of? Well, his soon-t0-be former wife, Hillary Clinton’s most trusted confidant, Huma Abedin, knows where all the bodies are buried and she has her stash of emails as well. Two weeks ago, I published a story in which I revealed that Weiner and Abedin were going to turn state’s evidence, presumably against Clinton and Podesta. Apparently that strategy fell apart as Weiner is willing to take his chances in prison and Abedin is distancing herself from Weiner by filing for divorce.
Who Is Weiner Protecting?
In response to the Wikileaks emails provided by Seth Rich, John “the pizza man” Podesta promised to “make an example of the leaker”. He did, Seth Rich was shot twice and died under mysterious circumstances at the hospital. First, this blows the Russian of the DNC emails story out of the water with Podesta’s actions and words. And shortly after Podesta’s smoking gun words, Seth Rich, the leaker, is dead.
Give Weiner credit, he has correctly assessed the threat to his life and he is taking his chances in prison. This is why he received such a poor plea deal because he will not roll over on Podesta and Clinton. I predict that Weiner will never leave prison alive and his 27 months of scheduled incarceration gives Podesta’s cleaners ample time to track down and cover his evidence. Sometimes I wonder if the Clinton Foundation has the same power as the FBI.
The Common Sense Show has previously established the fact that Huma Abedin has family members who are a part of the Muslim Brotherhood. Her divorcing Anthony Weiner sends a clear signal, that her allegiances to Clinton and the Brotherhood remains in place. In short, she is bargaining for her life.
This is a disturbing development for Sessions because it signals that the Deep State’s deep secrets, regarding this heinous crimes will remain a secret from the courts and the general population for the time being.
The Latest Development
There are reporters with conscience, not many, but there are some. Jack Posobiec is such a reporter. Take a look at the following tweet from reporter Jack Posobiec:
“FBI source tells me Comey dropped the Susan Rice unmasking investigation bc it would have implicated himself. Developing
The Weiner/Abedin angle may have fallen apart for Sessions. However, Comey’s dropping of the Susan Rice case may prove to be another angle for Sessions to pursue.
As already reported on The Common Sense Show, and courtesy of former HSBC Bank Senior VP, John Cruz, we know that former FBI Director, James Comey was on the Board of Directors when HSBC laundered money went into the Clinton Foundation. This may prove to be the smoking gun that brings Hillary down. this brings in Susan Rice and explains why Comey stopped pursuing Rice and her story. If the Independent Media wants to expose more of the criminal underground government of the Deep State, Susan Rice is fertile ground for that investigation.
However, at the end of the day, Susan Rice and Anthony Weiner may all share the same mortician. These are the times that we live in.
On the surface, we have our publicly visible government, our Republic form of government, and as corrupt as it may be, it is preferable to the Deep State.. Much of the public has discovered the shadow government of the Deep State. Only one of these two governments will survive. The revelation of the existence of the Deep State to the public has changed the outcome. If the Deep State prevails, there will no need for the symbolic and elected government. If we , the people, lose, we will see a Deep State that will rival any police state in history and we will surely find out why we have empty FEMA camps all across our country. At this point in time, inaction could prove fatal.
Experimenting with formulas that quickly dissolve in liquid with which they can poison food with, we quite literally see food being used as a weapon as the sickening story reports, the terrorists have used these poisons to kill their 'human guinea pigs' already. Claiming to have found 'the ideal, lethal poison', this Newsweek story reports ISIS is creating an 'elite chemical weapons cell' in the area near the border of Iraq and Syria with one expert claiming we're witnessing a throw back to the 1940's Nazi Germany.
Chemical weapons expert Hamish de Bretton-Gordon told The Times: "This is a horrifying throwback to the Nazis who would test nerve agents on live humans. During the Second World War, the Nazis conducted thousands of deadly experiments with mustard gas on prisoners at Sachsenhausen concentration camp, near Berlin.” In this new story from Jim Hoft over at Gateway Pundit he reports that back in November, ISIS released a video with explicit instructions on how to make a home made bomb. The surreal screenshot from that video seen below is probably a far cry from what most Americans think of when they imagine ISIS creating bombs. And with recent warnings from their members that 'Manchester was only the beginning' and 'what comes next will be even worse', we can only imagine the carnage that one deranged extremist in the right career field could do to a restaurant full of diners or a grocery store full of food should they be given the right opportunity.
These stories support a new narrative being pushed by the media and our government. They’ve been saying the same thing for several weeks now: As the Islamic State crumbles, ISIS is morphing back into an underground organization that will focus less on holding territory, and more on conducting insidious terror attacks in the West.
When you examine these stories together, and consider the fact that our government has been secretly helping ISIS and Al-Qaeda in Syria for years, we have to ask ourselves a very important question. Is the mainstream media priming the public for a major chemical weapons attack on the West; an attack that our government may be complicit in? Because it sure looks like they’re telling us to expect a chemical attack in the near future.
ISIS is clearly a creation of the deep state, who are also desperately trying to co-opt President Trump’s administration. They want him to drag our country into yet another major war in the Middle East. And if their ISIS puppets pull off this kind of attack, they might just convince him to follow the warpath that they have laid out for him.
Just imagine responding to an advertisement for a job or an apartment and being met by a machete wielding psychopath screaming 'allahu akbar' instead. Giving us another reason to be very careful about strangers who we're meeting with even if it appears to be for a legitimate reason, such threats by terrorists have a way of reminding us to be vigilant at all times. There are unfortunately a lot of very bad people out there who want to do us harm simply for our religious beliefs or because we don't think like they do or because they've bought into the devil's ways.
As this story over at the Daily Mail reports, ISIS followers celebrated the cowardly bombing that took far too many lives, showing us once again that 'free humanity' is dealing with the worst of the worst - those who celebrate the taking of the lives of the innocent. And as this new story from Slavo over at SHTFPlan reports, this despicable bombing could have possibly been stopped with alleged warnings posted to Twitter hours before the bombing that 'an incident' would occur.
Slavo's story also reminds us why we here in America and those living in the UK and elsewhere in the 'free world' need to remain vigilant - a massive 'trojan horse' invasion has been allowed to occur in the West.
The Islamic State has claimed responsibility, saying that a soldier of their Kaliphate was directly involved:
“With Allah’s grace and support, a soldier of the Khilafah managed to place explosive devices in the midst of the gatherings of the Crusaders in the British city of Manchester, in revenge for Allah’s religion, in an endeavor to terrorize the mushrikin, and in response to their transgressions against the land of the Muslims. The explosive devices were detonated in the shameless concert arena, resulting in 30 Crusaders being killed and 70 others being wounded. And what comes next will be more severe on the worshipers of the Cross and their allies, by Allah’s permission. And all praises due to Allah, Lord of the creation.”
Now, just hours after the incident, it has been revealed by numerous mainstream reports that a member of the Islamic State made a threat approximately four hours before the explosion that killed at least 22 people.
According to Express UK and Huffington Post, a user by the name of ‘owys663’ (now suspended) posted a Tweet in which he specifically identified Manchester as a terror target utilizing hashtags.
That the Islamic State has claimed responsibility and that it is possible that the now suspended Islamic State twitter account posted this tweet ahead of time indicates significant coordination and planning.
As President Donald Trump recently stated during his speech on terrorism to Islamic nations, “the deadliest toll has been extracted from the innocent people of Arab and Muslim nations.” The optimism of the region, he said, was “held at bay by bloodshed and terror.” And he added: “There can be no co-existence with this violence.” Once again, we see the worst of the worst attacking the innocent.
President Trump's words are proven in this brand new story out of the Philippines as Islamic extremists, backed by ISIS, take partial control over the town of Marawi, leading to countless deaths, power outages, complete chaos and a war zone where no one was expecting there to be one. Once again, the innocent people of Marawi are being terrorized by those holding extremist and evil beliefs.
While Philippines president Duterte has been forced to impose martial law on the entire southern region for at least 60 days as heard in the final video below, with the 'trojan horse invasion' of America that was allowed to take place over the past 8 years, imagine an American city such as Detroit under the same kind of seige by those who hate America and are already here within.
According to this new story over at Reuters, countries all over the world will be increasing security at major cultural and sports events following the Manchester bombing with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security specifically warning that Americans may also experience more security at public events. The vicious cycle lives on.