Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Phoenix Lights and Title Magic in 2010

Dr. Lynne D. Kitei ~ ~

Weekend yowls, my feisty ready-for-Spring Felines... yep, the Kougar was playing around today with the Title Magic blog... nothing fancy, *tail lazy twitches* mind you... Title Magic ~ the original bloggie of all us American Title IV finalists kinda fizzled when some of us got busy with other authorly demands and were just overwhelmed with the busy stuff of life... so, moi decided she’d make some changes and turn it into a place for herself and her ATIV buddy, Pat Cunningham... being a lover and appreciater of all things magical, this Big Cat couldn’t get her claws to do the final release... so, it’s up to the magical goddesses and gods, and magical mystical beings to help keep this bloggie going with lots of good stuff.

We’re not high profile, however guest bloggers are definitely welcome, just offer something with magic and miracles and love, something enchanting, something deeply and fiercely passionate, something that involves sorcery... real, imagined, fantasy... whatever your heart and soul desires... love is always magic, it can be as simple or complex as that.


THE PHOENIX LIGHTS ~ 13 years ago... they didn’t land on the white house lawn, but then why bother? If this Big Cat was an otherworld species (meow-maybe she just is ~ some would claim so) and wanted contact with Earthers, it would be with *the folks*, certainly not with any politician or governmental agency.
Why? Because in the long cosmic scheme of things THEY (the big boys and girls) aren’t important. THEY are only temporary. It is the population, those individuals who want contact and want communication and want a mutually beneficial relationship... those are the folks who are important.
Or... was it beta testing... you know like the whole WAR OF THE WORLDS radio program that sent farmers after the dreaded Martians... someone wanted to find out what us humans would do...???


Fact or fiction... you just can’t make this stuff up... sometimes... a Sumo wrestler in Russia took a cash machine without asking... he literally ripped it of the store and carried it out... when the pair of crooks was stopped, his friend-accomplice claimed it wasn’t Sumo Man’s fault since he’d told him the machine belonged to him and had been stolen. They were just going to reclaim it.

Authoress news and mews ~


Are We Being Fair?
by Paris Brandon

The hero in my last novella was not perfect. I don't mean he was wounded or flawed emotionally. I mean, physically, he was a man pushing forty and comfortable in his own weathered skin.


Sinful Saturday: Sexy Spartacus!
Are you ready to sin with us? Take off those halos and join us on Saturdays as we look at
how to sin, who sinned, where to sin and more! If it’s about misbehaving, if it’s naughty, we’ll tell you about it!

Today’s Sinful Saturday features a Sinful Man from history…Spartacus!

Yes, doff those togas and come to Rome with us. Spartacus, circa. 109–71 BC was the most notorious leader of the slaves in a major slave uprising against the Roman Republic. Not much is known about him beyond this, but a lot has been fantasized, I mean imagined.

Featured at Lindsay Townsend’s THE PINK BLOG ~

Leah Fleming: Remembrance Day

Every year on Remembrance Sunday my village holds a moving ceremony.


Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~ from the Flash Cat...

Happy Courtship on another Earth

X-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues...

Part 433 ~

Sylva frowned. “Spring eggs?” Her cowboy husband quirked a half-grin. “Hens ‘round these parts lay bigger eggs in the Spring and more of ‘em. Sometimes the shells are a bit thinner.” Sylva nodded in understanding. “Okay, Bill’s nuts are eggs and his bride is exploring. I bet ole Bill is getting his jollies on, or he’s about to.” Zeke’s eyebrows shot toward the ceiling. “Jollies?” Sylva cracked a grin after a moment of thought. “Substitute ‘whoopin’ it up’ for jollies.” Loosing a loud laugh, Zeke fell back onto the bed, his hand on his stomach. Sylva joined in with her giggles.

Zeke gradually halted his laughter and propped himself up on his elbow again. “This may be the longest throwin’ rope joke...” he paused. “No, go on,” his Sylva encouraged, then continued, “I won’t ask what that means. It’s obvious. Lulabelle is sliding her hand up and down Bill’s private rope and slipping her hands under his... what does he call them?” Zeke couldn’t help it, he burst out with a couple of guffaws. “Knots,” he spit out while he could. “He called them his rope knots.” He watched his bride collapse, soon helpless with her laughter. “Rope knots,” she echoed.
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 432 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ ~ OR! Now available on The Romance Studio Forum, January through December 2009 flashes ~ ~ Click on the FORUMS, then Savanna Kougar ~ the Fantasy Lair ~

~~~ Do not comply with the corporate Borg. Resistance is victory. ~~~
~~~ Remember, knowledge and truth make us unfit to be slaves. ~~~
~~~ May the FDA burn in the hell it’s made for all of us, immediately!!! ~~~

Wish Upon on a Blue Moon New Year...
May your most romantic dreams come true...

Phoenix magical kisses from the Kougar...


Jolie Cain said...

Sumo man is a moron! lol!

Serena Shay said...

LOL...I agree with Jolie, Sumo Man is a moron!

Title Magic blog is lovely. I'd love to sneak in as a guest sometime.. I do believe I have a WIP that is heavy on sorcery and lust. ;)

Savanna Kougar said...

Jolie ~ yep, Sumo man is definitely in that moronic category... lol...

Savanna Kougar said...

Serena ~ oh, you would be so welcome! to guest blog!

I'm going to get with Pat to see what her ideas are for the blog... so, hang tight.

Or, just shoot me... er email what you've got and I'll do a post.