Thursday night yowls and big ole roars, beautiful and very bold KitKats... watching the more-than-disgusting behavior of the left-tard lunatics around the political, horror-persecution of Roger Stone... well, everything the Kougar despises, everything she despised about human behavior as she grew up in this world ... well, it is on full movie-screen display ... yes, happening right out in the proverbial open. FOR ALL TO SEE, AND EXPERIENCE.
This is why many don't care of humanity is extinguished. Who wants to live with this type of insane-cruel, infantile behavior? However, the problem is: our human race has been Machiavellian manipulated for centuries to act in this *fallen* despicable way. Or, the Kougar's metaphor, it's like cutting a cow's legs off, then telling them to go graze in the pasture. The human race's legs have repeatedly been cut off, and we're sinisterly told to go out, graze, have a good life. Yeah, right.
Only the Divine, the grandness of the human spirit that cannot be broken...that has saved us over and over again. We're resilient. We grow legs again, only to have them chopped off again... and thus, what you see, hear, feel, experience today IS THE RESULT of this evil brutality against WE HUMANS.
Former Trump campaign adviser addresses FBI raid, Deep State coup
Former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone gives a statement without interruption at an Infowars exclusive press conference in Washington DC. Tune in to the LIVE Thursday, January 31 edition of War Room 3PM-6PM Central.
WE THE PEOPLE VERSUS TOTALITARIAN EVIL ... that is what it comes down to at this spinpoint in time...

Figurehead denounces brutal crackdown on French citizens
French President Emmanuel Macron has “declared war” on the Yellow Vests, according to a figurehead in the protest movement who was badly injured by riot police last week.
Jerome Rodrigues, who has become a recognizable character with over 60,000 Facebook followers, was live-streaming last weekend’s demonstrations when he was reportedly blasted in the face with a‘flashball’ – a 40mm rubber round being utilized by riot police.
“The president declared war on us and our injuries are battle wounds,” Rodrigues told RT. “The traumatic weapons are equipped with collimators [optical sights] – such equipment is used on the battlefield, at war.”
“I never thought that such a thing could happen in France.”
Rodrigues, a 40-year-old construction worker who describes himself as a “hyper pacifist,” was told by doctors he may never see from his injured eye again and could be handicapped for life.
“Now we understand that by going to a rally we put ourselves at risk of becoming victims of the government,” Rodrigues said. “It happened to me, but could’ve well happened to anyone.”
Rodrigues says he intends to return to the streets to continue demonstrating alongside thousands of French citizens who have reached their boiling point under globalist tyranny and oppressive taxation.
“I want to maintain my peaceful line,” he said. “We must restrain our anger and expand our cause, but remain non-violent and call for peace… A good rally is the one when everybody returns home safe.”
“They must give us what we ask for. I’m talking about a decrease in taxes on essential goods; the restoration of democracy, which must happen through referendums initiated by the citizens; withdrawal of privileges for the political leadership; and finally, the mutilated people must receive their apologies.”
The Yellow Vests are preparing for their 12th consecutive weekend of mass protests across the country.
Infowars has been reporting from the ground in France for the Yellow Vests protests. See some of our reports here, here, and here.
Dan Lyman:
Dan Lyman joins Alex Jones to detail his coverage of the Yellow Vest protests in Europe where he breaks the news that French police, sometimes foreign E.U. troops, are now armed with lethal rifles and other projectiles to use on the French citizens if need be.
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