Hillary Clinton – the woman who voted for a war that was sold on a diet of fake news – a war that killed hundreds of thousands of people – is now lecturing Americans about fake news putting “lives at risk”.
“The epidemic of malicious fake news and false propaganda that flooded social media over the past year – it’s now clear that so-called fake news can have real world consequences,” said Clinton during a speech on Thursday for retiring Nevada Senator Harry Reid.
“Lives are at risk — lives of ordinary people just trying to go about their days, to do their jobs, contribute to their communities,” she added.
Hillary went on to say that it was imperative for the public and private sector to take action against fake news “to protect innocent lives”.
Such concern for “innocent lives” wasn’t apparent when Hillary supported the fake news narrative that led to the slaughter in Iraq, a war that ended hundreds of thousands of innocent lives.
A war based on the completely fake contrived narrative, based on fake whistleblowers, and fake intelligence, that said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and that Saddam Hussein was involved in 9/11.
Nor was Hillary’s sympathy for innocent lives evident when she helped push the fake news that jihadist rebels in Syria and Libya were actually “moderate,” in order to send them weapons, a narrative and a conflict that led to hundreds of thousands more dead and displaced people, in addition to a wrecked continent and the rise of ISIS.
Hillary’s sudden worry over fake news putting lives at risk was also noticeably absent back in September 2012, when she advanced the fake news story that a YouTube video was to blame for the attack on Benghazi that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other innocent people.
Hillary Clinton is the queen of fake news. When she’s not pushing fake news to start wars that really do put lives at risk, she’s faking news about being under Bosnian sniper fire in order to look tough.
Being lectured by Hillary Clinton about fake news is like being lectured by Ted Bundy about not raping and killing women.
It’s a joke, but a particularly sick joke given that Hillary’s role in pushing fake news has actually led to the deaths of countless innocent people.
Click here for the real fake news list.
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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com.