Early evening maows, my holiday-frolicking and always fascinating Felines... milder temps on the tame prairie, but overcast and rather dreary... not that the Kougaress should have any grrrring-complaints given all the NASTY wintery weather going on... Big Cat blessings to one and all who are going through all the weather trials... which are likely to continue and increase in intensity... take care! Out there! Remember stay safe and warm because the Kougaress loves ya!!!
Cherry Merry Monday... the Kougaress heard a relatively new Christmas song with the phrase ‘it’s a cherry merry Christmas’... somehow it evokes the delightful spirit of the holiday, given the red and delicious taste of cherries... But, ooooh, get ready. During this holiday time ‘truth’ will find its way as never before.
Omy! A big bonehead move on this Big Cat’s part... and, it’s a sad headshaker. Several years ago moi planted some peach seeds in a patch of ground at the back of her lair... well, she thought none of them were going to grow because nothing came up the next year... but, to her very sad dismay, she may just have cut several of them down today... accidently thinking they were unwanted bushes or ubiquitous oak tree growth... so... massive sighing... maybe, they’ll still grow back next spring... and, now moi is trying to root them... not knowing what a tiny peach tree looked like and the stems didn’t look like wood this summer... they just looked like a regular plant... she hopes the peach tree spirit forgives her.
The tail-switching holiday moment: Holiday smiling thanks to historical romance author, Lindsay Townsend, for her ‘winter wonderland’ holiday ecard ~ jacquielawson.com/viewcard ~
AND! PURRS... thank you to the Kougaress’s sister for her wonderful Christmas package!!!
THANK YOU, to everyone who stopped by and commented for Winter Holidays Hottie blog tour... that was a gift to this Big Cat girl. Winners will be announced shortly.
Big Cat by-the-numbers ~
December 16, 2010 ~ 3:33 am... 4:44 am... 5:55 am... 1:11 pm... 4:44 pm... 5:55 pm... 11:11 pm... The Kougaress realized she needs an entire lifetime of being pampered and spoiled... ~whew mews~
December 17, 2010 ~ 12:12 am... 2:12 am... 1:11 pm... 2:22 pm... 10:10 pm... As this Big Cat heard from a philosopher-shaman type, human beings can only perform with free will... yes, absolutely! From personal experience, the Kougar knows this is true. The act of creating, being creative, innovative and inventive can only occur with freedom of the heart, with freedom of the soul... with FREE will...
December 18, 2010 ~ 1:11 am... 2:22 am... 4:44 am... 1:11 pm... 2:12 pm... 2:22 pm... 3:33 pm... 4:44 pm... Wow, just like Volcano said in his forecast, the Kougaress unexpectedly heard a song talking about the angels singing.
December 19, 2010 ~ 1:11 am... 2:22 pm... 5:55 pm... today, she heard the voice of an angel singing and playing a dulcimer... Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ sirenbookstrand.blogspot.com ~
Authoress news and mews ~
The Kougar posted at HAPPILY EVER AFTER ~
Romance of the Wolf Shifters
Happy Holidays, romance lovers. I posted this Flash Scene last year as a celebration for this time of year. I thought I’d offer it again in case you haven’t read it, or would like to again.
For those of you who are fond of running on winter’s wild side with the wolf shifters among us... here’s an R-rated Flash ~
Shifter Lovers! Courtesy of Rebecca SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS has it’s own Facebook page ~
facebook.com/pages/Shapeshifter-Seductions/169058776466955?v=app_4949752878 ~
Friday, December 17, 2010
Tongue Definitely Included!
by Serena Shay
“Freedom! Sweet, sweet freedom,” Penelope mumbled as she pushed her way through the hoards of people disembarking from their respective planes. She was so thoroughly disgusted with the level of incompetence she’d just suffered through at the hands of this airline, that the thought of actually getting back on a plane anytime soon turned her stomach. Spilt wine, thank the gods it was white, on her cheerful yellow frock. Possible broken toes and a disastrous rip in the purple leather of her lovely boots, from when said wine bottle was dropped on her foot, and a near concussion from a fellow passenger’s carry-on, which she was sure, must have been loaded down with something wholly inappropriate for an airplane flight. “First class, my ass.”
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Can One Plus Two Equal Three?
by Solara
Our cast grows by another person:
Josh Branston (Mixed Mutt Heritage)-He's loved Anthony for almost as long as he's known him. Anthony rescued Josh from life on the streets and brought him into the pack. Due to Josh's mixed heritage and unknown origins, his stature within the pack would be little more than tolerated if he wasn't part of Anthony's extended family and his second in command. Josh has never been jealous of the women in Anthony's life until Tory. Josh wants the passion and tenderness Anthony gave him before a huge part of his heart filled with the one woman Josh finds himself equally attracted to. Can two become three in love?
Featured at Lindsay Townsend’s THE PINK BLOG ~
Last Minute Christmas Gifts
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
No matter how carefully I make my list and plan my shopping each year, it seems I always need those dreaded last minute Christmas gifts.
Then comes the argument with myself. Am I going to hop in the car, spend hours in traffic, and fight the crowds to buy...what?
What is your GOTTA HAVE this Christmas???
We've talked about gifts for others, but for one minute let's consider ourselves.
There has to be something you are yearning for -- craving deeply -- wanting desperately to find in your stocking or under the tree. Your answer does not have to be practical or something you actually expect to receive. It can be outlandish and fantastic -- something you may never
receive in your lifetime, BUT...just in case Santa is listening:
Other than health, wealth, and peace on Earth, if you could have anything you truly desire, what would be on your Christmas list? Please leave a comment and share.
What is your GOTTA HAVE this year?
Thursday Thirteen by Kayelle Allen
13 Things I Can't Live Without
I'm going to alter that title a bit here and say I "don't want to" live without... because technically, we can live without some of these things. The quality of life without them is up for discussion.
So, who’s the real dummy?
In 1896, Wilhelm Von Osten taught a horse to do math and read. A firm believer in the intelligence of animals, Von Osten began with a cat, a bear, and a Russian stallion named Hans. Eventually, Hans was able to understand simple math and solve problems. He could read, tell what date it was, and distinguish between harmonious and dissonant music. Like wildfire his fame spread, and he became known as Clever Hans. Scientists and scholars throughout Europe came to study him and soon a raging controversy was underway, divided between those who thought Hans was a genuine phenomenon and those who thought trickery was involved. After Von Osten died in 1909, Hans went to Herr Krall, who loved the horse. Krall added two Arabian stallions, Zarif and Muhamed, to his teaching "class," and they quickly surpassed Hans in lessons. Muhamed comprehended addition and subtraction and within four months could multiply, divide, and extract square and cube roots. Krall also devised an alphabet board, which he combined with a form of Morse code to teach the animals to spell. Tapping with one hoof represented the dots and tapping another represented the dashes.
Reprinted with permission from Weiser Books, "Almanac of the Infamous, the Incredible, and the Ignored" by Juanita Rose Violini is available wherever books are sold or directly from the publisher. ~ redwheelweiser.com ~
NOTE: Last night on Coast to Coast am... Jason, the Horse, as he is known, was the featured guest. Jason says his soul is that of an equine and if you listen to, or read his story with an open mind, you’ll probably agree with him. Jason also said that Hans, the wonder stallion, wasn’t really counting, but could read the emotions of his owner, and know when to quit pawing. Horses are adept at knowing and feeling emotion, and would rather have an open display than be around an individual who hides their emotion.
Maybe Hans counted, maybe not???
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~ from the Flash Cat...
Happy Courtship on another Earth
X-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues...
Part 721 ~
Sylva felt an involuntary shiver shoot up her middle. “Where?” she automatically asked. Silly though, since she wouldn’t necessarily know a location here, or even know what it meant. Nevada gazed at her with compassion. “It’s close to where the second missile struck. On Westemoreland land. Zeke is with the posse, Sylva, and inside their transport.” Sylva nodded, still feeling incredibly odd. “Thank you. I know it was a silly question. I’m just worried...of course.” Moving to her, Marina patted her shoulder. “Of course, you are.” Gazing at her father, Marina asked. “Anything else goin’ on, dad?” Nevada’s brow furrowed.
Zeke flinched inside, but remained outwardly calm. It was the gunslinger in him. Narrowing his gaze, he let his instincts take center stage. “My new bride ain’t got nothin’ to do with this. And, you know it.” The slight flicker of Wayne’s eyes told Zeke he was goin’ down the right trail. “If you want my help in this situation... which is lookin’ dire for you two, I think I’d be spittin’ out the truth. About now.” Wes, with the bull-massive shoulders, leaned forward. “Yep. We’re in trouble. So, are you and yours,” he paused, ‘matter of fact, so is everybody.”
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 720 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ passionateink.org/forum ~ OR! Now available on The Romance Studio Forum, JANUARY 2009 through JUNE 2010 flashes ~ theromancestudio.com ~ Click on the FORUMS, then Savanna Kougar ~ the Fantasy Lair ~
The most powerful weapon is the human soul on fire.
Wish Upon on a Blue Moon New Year...
May your most romantic dreams come true...
Cherry Merry Monday kisses from the kisses...
Warm and positive thoughts going out to the little peach tree. May she come back, tougher than ever in the spring! ;)
Serena, oh thanks. I so hope my peach trees will grow and I can replant them in a better location.
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