Halloween-Scampering KitKats All, spooktacular growls, yowls, and roars from the Kougar ... while this Big Cat has NEVER been a fan of horror stories, horror movies, etc. ... still, she can downright guarantee you no Steven King novel can compare with how Artificial Intelligence is currently be used against YOU ... and how it could be used to destroy YOU in the near and far future.
***AI, Horror-Scarier Than the Most Hellacious Halloween***
WAR ROOM (2nd HOUR) Tue - 10/29/19 • Cyrus Parsa - AI News & Analysis • Infowars
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Dangers to Humanity: AI, U.S., China, Big Tech, Facial Recogniton, Drones, Smart Phones, IoT, 5G, Robotics, Cybernetics, & Bio-Digital Social Programming Kindle Edition
Question: What if the war paint, the ceremonial masks, used in many cultures[as in the American Indian tribes] is REALLY a leftover method to protect themselves from facial recognition tech? Or a remnant defense from the super tech civilizations of the antediluvian past.

Want to fool facial recognition systems? Become a Juggalo: Researcher finds makeup worn by Insane Clown Posse superfans can trip up AI
- A security researcher found that AI cannot detect faces behind Juggalo makeup
- Screenshots show the black-and-white makeup causes AI to misread the jawline
- Evaded system even as AI cracked through other techniques and makeup styles
The simplest, most widespread defense against face recognition in public spaces, in the media or at demonstrations is to wear a mask, hoodie, bandana or similar face covering. Protestors and rebel fighters across the Arab Spring used bandanas to mask their identity, like generations of activists before them.
October 29, 2019
Trump Brings In From Cold Female CIA Spy Hillary Clinton Disavowed And Left To Rot In Prison
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A fascinating new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the Italian operation personally conducted by US Attorney General William Barr toretrieve the British intelligence linked cell phones in the possession of Trump-Russia collusion hoax originator Joseph Mifsud, states that being less well known about Barr’s operation was that he was accompanied to Italy by President Trump’s powerful and feared CIA Director Gina Haspel who brought back with her to America the disavowed CIA spy Sabrina de Sousa—who in spy terms was “left out in the cold” by former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton whom CIA agent de Sousa said “abandoned her” because Clinton did not invoke diplomatic immunity on her behalf—further asserted that the CIA scapegoated her to deflect attention from those who authorized an illegal kidnapping operation—but upon his taking power, saw Trump coming to her aid after she begged for his protection—thus leading to CIA agent de Sousa declaring: “This administration has been absolutely awesome … if the Trump administration didn't say anything, didn't do anything, I'm very confident I would be in an Italian jail”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, on 17 February 2003, an Egyptian cleric named Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr living in Milan-Italy was illegally kidnapped in a joint operation conducted by theCentral Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Italian Military Intelligence and Security Service (SISMI) [English]—after which he was transferred to Egypt where he was imprisoned for four years without charges, secluded, interrogated and brutally tortured.
In June-2005, this report details, Italy issued arrest warrants for 22 persons said to be agents or operatives of the CIA who committed these grave crimes against this innocent Egyptiancleric—warrants that Italian prosecutors failed to get their own government to enforce in November-2005—thus causing an Italian court to issue European arrest warrants against these CIA operatives on 20 December 2005—but in whose further investigation of this crime, saw Italian prosecutors, in 2006, identifying a Portuguese-American citizen named Sabrina de Sousa as being an operative of this CIA spy ring who “helped make false documents to mislead investigators”—crimes for which CIA operative de Sousa was convicted of in absentia by an Italian court—which led to a multi-year legal battle being waged by Italy to have her extradited from Portugal—an extradition battle CIA operative de Souza tried to appeal against on the grounds that the CIA had documents that would establish she did not play the roles in the kidnapping for she was convicted—but were documents denied to CIA operative de Souza because Hillary Clinton and the CIA classified them as secret to protect themselves—thus causing, on 20 February 2017, the now convicted CIA operative de Souza to be taken into police custody and transferred to Italy where she would rot in prison—but that didn’t occur because President Trump forcefully intervened and forced Italy to grant her a pardon.

The vile and degrading treatment of women like CIA operative Sabrina de Sousa by Hillary Clinton and her Deep State socialist allies embedded in the US government and leftist mainstream propaganda media, this report continues, are as legendary as they are demonic—degrading treatment stretching back to the 1970s when Clinton herself laughed while freeing a baby girl child rapist—Clinton and her leftist media allies for decades covering up her husband President Bill Clinton’s sex crimes against defenseless women—and most recently exampled by theDeep State’s horrific treatment of the young Russian woman Maria Butina—whom the witch hunt prosecutors working for Special Counsel Robert Mueller descended upon like demons accusing of her being a Russian spy trading sex for information and threatened to jail her for life—a despicable and demeaning accusation these leftist prosecutors were forced to admit in a US Federal Court weren’t even close to being true—did see her, though, pleading guilty to a charge only one other person in American history was ever charged with—the true reality of which young Maria herself exposed by stating the obvious fact that “my hair color was proof of guilt”—and whose final indignity suffered at the hands of these leftist monsters occurred just one day before she was to be released, when a guard, who became unhappy with how Maria and her fellow prisoners were executing their duties in the prison kitchen, warned them: “If you do that again I will fuck each and every one of you”.

Why deal in facts, evidence and reality when it’s so much easier to smear an innocent young Russian woman to the cheers of leftist mobs
Though never publicly acknowledged, this report concludes, it remains a fact that President Trump instructed Attorney General Barr to end the unjust persecution of this young Russian woman so she could come home to her heartbroken mother and father tearfully awaiting her—an act of kindness Trump also bestowed on CIA operative Sabrina de Sousa who has now returned to the loving arms of her family in America—as well as Trump having pardoned and returned to her family an imprisoned black woman named Alice Johnson who is now able to hug with love the grandchildren she had never seen—and whose protection of the rights and wellbeing of the women in America, today sees Trump even extending his love and kindness to his country’s female dogs, too—specifically a female Belgian Malinois named “Conan” whom Trump has declared a hero for her valiant actions in the combat operation to terminate the barbaric leader of the ISIS terror organization—all of which exposes the leftist lies that Trump hates women to have never been true—but that no one of sane mind ever believed was true anyway.

October 29, 2019 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
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