Experts believe may be Chinese vaccine experiment gone wrong — watch live!

Alex Jones breaks down a scientific study showing how the coronavirus has “key structural proteins” of HIV, indicating the virus is man-made and was developed in a laboratory setting.
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Original article by Mike Adams of Natural News appears below:
Two days ago, a paper published in the Biorxiv.org journal presented findings that indicated the coronavirus appeared to be engineered with “key structural proteins” of HIV. The paper, entitled, “Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120
and Gag,” concluded that the engineering of coronavirus with such gene sequences was “unlikely to be fortuitous in nature,” providing strong scientific support for the theory that the coronavirus is an engineered bioweapon that escaped laboratory containment in China.
and Gag,” concluded that the engineering of coronavirus with such gene sequences was “unlikely to be fortuitous in nature,” providing strong scientific support for the theory that the coronavirus is an engineered bioweapon that escaped laboratory containment in China.
The coverage of this paper by Zero Hedge led to a firestorm of denials by governments, health authorities and the CIA-controlled media, not surprisingly. Any suggestion that the coronavirus was engineered as a bioweapon had to be immediately eliminated. The prevailing panic by the establishment sought to blame this outbreak on Mother Nature — i.e. bats, snakes, seafood, etc. — rather than the human beings who are playing around with deadly biological weapons that are designed to extinguish human life.
Within hours, Twitter slapped down a permanent ban on Zero Hedge, making sure the independent publisher could no longer reach its Twitter audience. After all, the first casualty in any pandemic is the truth, and Jack Dorsey is not only an enabler of pedophiles and child rapists, he’s also an authoritarian tyrant who wants to make sure the public is completely isolated from any “non official” reports about this pandemic. (Jack Dorsey has sided with communist China, in other words. Is anyone surprised?)
Under the intense pressure, the authors of the original paper have now withdrawn the paper and intend to revise it. The publication that originally carried the paper now has a warning message stating, “This article has been withdrawn. Click here for details.” (See original source link here.)
In addition, the publisher has posted a message warning that all the science papers it posts as “preliminary reports” that “should not be regarded as conclusive,” especially when the science establishment is panicked that its official narratives might be crumbling by the hour.

No doubt the authors of this particular paper have been sufficiently threatened to revise their conclusions, and an update of their original paper will soon be posted that effectively denounces everything they stated in the original paper. The criminal wing of the science establishment strikes again, of course, and this tactic of threatening scientists with loss of funding, being blacklisted or even physically threatened and killed is not unusual at all. The CDC, NIH and even the EPA have long histories of threatening scientists with being harmed or killed if they don’t fall in line with the prevailing lies of the establishment. In some cases, they’ve even imprisoned scientists for fraud after those individuals refused to retract their papers. This has been especially common in research areas such as HIV / AIDS, pandemics and vaccines. Any scientist who finds fault with the establishment is destroyed, imprisoned or murdered.
In fact, I’ve interviewed one of the science victims of this, named Judy Mikovits, PhD. Watch my full interview here, but keep reading below first, because there’s a lot more to this story that will shock you:
Now, stunning new evidence has emerged that proves the coronavirus was definitely engineered in a laboratory and may have been deliberately injected into patients as part of a Chinese vaccine experiment gone wrong.
As detailed by James Lyons-Weiler, PhD, founder of the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge and author of 57 peer-reviewed publications, an analysis of the gene sequence for the coronavirus finds a peculiar sequence called “pShuttle-SN.” This sequence is is the remnant of a genetic engineering sequence that’s used to insert genes into viruses and bacteria. It provides irrefutable “open source” proof that the coronavirus now circulating in the wild was engineered in a laboratory. Every lab that has the gene sequence can see this for themselves. It’s right out in the open, which is why we describe this revelation as “open source.”
“One thing we can say for certain is that this particular virus has a laboratory origin,” states Lyons-Weiler in a bombshell interview with Del Bigtree of The Highwire (see video below, via Brighteon.com, since the video would be banned everywhere else).
This genomic evidence does not, however, prove whether it was produced as a bioweapon or as a vaccine experiment. It could be either one, according to Lyons-Weiler:
In fact, if you then take that sequence and compare it to other proteins, we find that it’s actually a SARS protein that was put into a coronavirus for the purpose of making the vaccine work better. That’s why this element is in there, to create a more reactogenic vaccine.
There’s bombshell after bombshell in this interview, especially at the 27:59 and 33:57 marks. Watch it exclusively at Brighteon.com, given that this information is of course being banned everywhere else by the anti-human tech giants, all of which are now siding with communist China to cover up the truth:
Why does it matter whether the origin was a Chinese vaccine experiment vs. a bioweapon? As previous research has revealed, when these SARS insertions into the coronavirus are introduced into animal as part of a vaccine, they create heightened fatalities when patients are exposed to other coronavirus strains.
In effect, being vaccinated with this particular strain of coronavirus causes individuals to be more easily killed by the common cold and other non-pandemic coronavirus strains that are circulating in the wild.
This is confirmed in the following science paper published in the PLoS ONE science journal: Immunization with SARS Coronavirus Vaccines Leads to Pulmonary Immunopathology on Challenge with the SARS Virus.

This horrifying realization emerged when Chinese researchers were trying to make a SARS vaccine following the SARS outbreak from several years ago. They discovered that the SARS vaccine increased fatalities instead of saving people. Further study revealed that the SARS sequence being inserted into the coronavirus made the virus far more deadly, effectively transforming it into a bioweapon whether intended or not.
Now, James Lyons-Weiler, PhD, has published a detailed article explaining the SARS insertion into the coronavirus and why this is proof that the coronavirus now circulating in the wild is of laboratory origin, not coming from bats and snakes. From his interview, above:
Was it a vaccine that the Chinese government was experimenting with? … If you use a SARS vaccine in ferrets, rats or monkeys, and then they get a secondary infection of a SARS virus, the elderly and immunocompromised end up dying.
So what we may in fact be looking at is a hidden attempt by the Chinese to get a jump on this, the economics of vaccines… it’s not working no matter who develops the vaccine, and that’s why the last time there was a SARS vaccine, the vaccine developers could not get funding because the mice, the rats were dying.
I can say with certainty it’s not just a wild type coronavirus that just happened to acquire this [SARS] element. It’s laboratory acquired somehow. It has escaped from the laboratory or people have been vaccinated with it and that’s why it’s in their bodies…
There’s a huge difference in the predicted health outcome for the world if this is a vaccination experiment in China versus just a laboratory escaped vaccine. In the vaccination experiment, you’re not vaccinated against coronavirus with that vaccine…, so if the Chinese tried to get a jump on the vaccine market by surreptitiously running clinical trials against the coronavirus, and made their elderly and immunocompromised more susceptible to death due to subsequent infection by any coronavirus with this protein that’s in the vaccine, then the rest of the world has a serious humanitarian issue…
…if it is a biological laboratory weapons escape, it’s going to be a nightmare, but if it’s a vaccine type that escaped because of an accidental injection into someone, it’s going to be worse than… if they made their entire population susceptible to SARS with a vaccine program.
In other words, if it’s an escaped vaccine strain that has now gone wild, the entire world is now vulnerable to the SARS-coronavirus gene insertion which was previously found to be killing lab animals, which is why the SARS vaccine program was halted (because it was too dangerous to test on humans).
As Lyons-Weiler writes, “IPAK researchers found a sequence similarity between a pShuttle-SN recombination vector sequence and INS1378. Here’s a shot of the alignment and the DOT Plot.”

This sequence has a 92% match with the Spike protein from the SARS coronavirus:

The process for achieving this was patented by Chinese researchers as shown in this patent link.
Lyons-Weiler warns:
The disease progression in of 2019-nCoV is consistent with those seen in animals and humans vaccinated against SARS and then challenged with re-infection. Thus, the hypothesis that 2019-nCoV is an experimental vaccine type must be seriously considered.
He further concludes that this appears almost certain to be a vaccine experiment gone wrong:
The available evidence most strongly supports that the 2019-NCoV virus is a vaccine strain of coronavirus either accidentally released from a laboratory accident, perhaps a laboratory researcher becoming infected with the virus while conducting animal experiments, or the Chinese were performing clinical studies of a Coronavirus vaccine in humans.
If this is further confirmed, we may, in fact, be looking at a true vaccine holocaust where vaccine researchers are now subjecting the entire world to a deadly mistake that could theoretically cause a very large number of fatalities… all in the quest for vaccine profits, of course.
As Lyons-Weiler further warns:
If the Chinese government has been conducting human trials against SARS. MERS, or other coronviruses using recombined viruses, they may have made their citizens far more susceptible to acute respiratory distress syndrome upon infection with 2019-nCoV coronavirus.
The implications are clear: if China sensitized their population via a SARS vaccine, and this escaped from a lab, the rest of world has a serious humanitarian urgency to help China, but may not expect as serious an epidemic as might otherwise be expected.
In the worst-case scenario, if the vaccination strain is more highly contagious and lethal, 2019-nCoV could become the worst example of vaccine-derived contagious disease in human history.
As expected, the evil tech giants are working overtime to squelch any dissenting views and protect the vaccine industry as well as the bioweapons industry. No blame can be allowed to fall on either one. Instead, Mother Nature must be blamed for all this. And that means the truth must be silenced… a strategy that is, of course, routine for the vaccine industry.
Every channel, voice or website now exploring any human origins of this coronavirus strain — whether related to vaccines or bioweapons — is being rapidly de-platformed and attacked. In some cases, websites are being sabotaged and taken offline, as happened with Natural News last week (we have since recovered, which is why you are able to read this).
Yet the anti-human tech giants are unified in their efforts to silence all information that contradicts official lies, no matter how scientifically accurate that information may be.
Watch this important video to learn more about Big Tech and how it ran a simulation — complete with fake news censorship highlights — to play out the exact scenario we’re all witnessing now: A global pandemic of human origin, infecting tens of thousands of people, accompanied by a government cover-up:
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