Hey KitKats All, the Kougar has been so overwhelmed with problems that had to be solved immediately... yeah, brushfire after problem-brushfire, she's had no time or energy to post... Crapola, it just doesn't seem to STOP... okay then, the whole bio-lab virus situation just gets worse and worse... Today Dr. Boyle was on with bad, bad AJ outlining a devastating document he found that not only explains this mad-scientist, weaponized virus loosed upon humanity, but the fact that the Chinese originally bought it from a US university lab... isn't this just too much pandemic-fun???
So, yes, the Kougaress missed Valentine's Day BECAUSE it was a beyond-hectic day of trying to stay afloat... you know, keep her head above water in this problem-verse she's been existing in... sighs... anyway, to make up for it, here's BURN DOWN THE CITIES BOLSHEVIK BERNIE...

Donald Trump’s Campaign Creates Valentine’s Day Cards Mocking 2020 Democrats
https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/02/14/donald-trumps-campaign-creates-valentines-day-cards-mocking-2020-democrats/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=best_of_the_week&utm_campaign=20200215THIS IS A MUST-SEE VID IF YOU WANT TO KNOW THE VIRUS-SITUATION...
LEAK PROJECT: David DuByne, Consolidation of Power Beyond Anything You've Ever Seen
Japan activates global suicide mission, releasing thousands who might be infected | |
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Japan has just activated a global suicide mission, releasing thousands of potentially infected cruise ship passengers onto the streets of Tokyo, allowing them to take international flights to dozens of cities all across the world.
It's total suicide/incompetence. And Japan isn't alone in this stupidity. We're also seeing suicidal stupidity in Hawaii, Washington and Florida.
'The government does not care about us'
Alex Jones coins new term that defines how mankind fulfills its greatness

Alex Jones coins a new term that explains the realm of human triumph and potentiality for greatness.
"There is a certain class of race problem-solvers who don't want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public." - Booker T. Washington
WOW! President Trump TORCHES Corrupt, Evil Judge Amy Berman Jackson!

On Tuesday President Trump TORCHED Demon Judge Amy Berman Jackson!
The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on this corrupt and demonic judge.
Judge Amy Berman Jackson, an Obama appointed corrupt liberal judge with an angry disposition towards Americans who think differently than Obama, continues to put her own distorted interpretation of US law ahead of the US Constitution.
In February 2019 we reported that the judge’s actions with Paul Manafort alone are ample cause for her to be removed or impeached. It looked then like she would kill Manafort before she is brought to justice!
We reported months ago and again in May 2018, that Obama appointed liberal activist Judge, Amy Berman Jackson, was assigned to the most important court case in US history, the Manafort case in the Trump-Russia fake investigation.
Sadly, Judge Jackson has a horrible far left record on the bench.
In 2013 Judge Jackson rejected arguments from the Catholic Church that Obamacare’s requirements that employers provide cost free coverage to contraceptive services in spite of being contrary to their religious beliefs. This was overturned by the Supreme Court.

In 2017 Judge Jackson dismissed the wrongful death suit against Hillary Clinton filed by two of the families who lost loved ones in Benghazi. The families argued that Clinton had done little to help their sons and then lied to cover it up.
Then on January 19, 2018, Paul Manafort’s case was reassigned to Judge Jackson on January 19th, a few weeks after being filed.
It is unknown why she was assigned to this case or by whom. What is clear is that with her atrocious and slanted record to date, the Deep State and the Mueller team certainly wanted Judge Jackson overseeing the Manafort case.
On January 3, 2018, we reported that Paul Manafort filed a suit against the “Deep State” DOJ (Jeff Sessions), Assistant AG Rod Rosenstein and Corrupt Investigator Robert Mueller that should have shut down Mueller’s corrupt investigation!
We reported for months on the many criminal and corrupt actions taken by numerous parties related to the Mueller investigation. Mueller never should have taken on the job in the first place due to numerous conflicts. He is best friends with fired leaker and former FBI Director James Comey. He met with Comey shortly before Comey testified with Congress and strategized with him. For this alone he should have recused himself. The team Mueller built to attack President Trump and have him removed is all Deep State liberal attorneys and crooks. Mueller’s record in the past is scattered with actions that let the Clintons off scot-free on numerous occasions when they should have been put in jail.
We know that Mueller’s team illegally obtained documents related to the Trump transition team and these emails were protected under attorney-client privilege. Mueller and his entire team should have resigned after this.
But perhaps one of the most damning aspects of the Mueller investigation was that it was not legal. The corrupt Mueller investigation is tasked with finding a crime that does not exist in the law. It was a legal impossibility. Mueller was being asked to do something that was manifestly unattainable.
FOX News Legal Analyst Gregg Jarrett explained this in an article in 2017 that the entire Mueller investigation is lawless. Jarrett argued that:
… George Papadopoulos pled guilty to a single charge of making a false statement to the FBI. He was not charged with so-called “collusion” because no such crime exists in American statutory law, except in anti-trust matters. It has no application to elections and political campaigns.It is not a crime to talk to a Russian. Not that the media would ever understand that. They have never managed to point to a single statute that makes “colluding” with a foreign government in a political campaign a crime, likely because it does not exist in the criminal codes.
Jarrett then turned his attention to Corrupt Hillary:
It is against the law for the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee to funnel millions of dollars to a British spy and to Russian sources in order to obtain the infamous and discredited Trump “dossier.” The Federal Election Campaign Act (52 USC 30101) prohibits foreign nationals and governments from giving or receiving money in U.S. campaigns. It also prohibits the filing of false or misleading campaign reports to hide the true purpose of the money (52 USC 30121). This is what Clinton and the DNC appear to have done.Most often the penalty for violating this law is a fine, but in egregious cases, like this one, criminal prosecutions have been sought and convictions obtained. In this sense, it could be said that Hillary Clinton is the one who was conspiring with the Russians by breaking campaign finance laws with impunity.But that’s not all. Damning new evidence appears to show that Clinton used her office as Secretary of State to confer benefits to Russia in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her foundation and cash to her husband. Secret recordings, intercepted emails, financial records, and eyewitness accounts allegedly show that Russian nuclear officials enriched the Clintons at the very time Hillary presided over a governing body which unanimously approved the sale of one-fifth of America’s uranium supply to Russia.If this proves to be a corrupt “pay-to-play” scheme, it would constitute a myriad of crimes, including bribery (18 USC 201-b), mail fraud (18 USC 1341), and wire fraud (18 USC 1343). It might also qualify for racketeering charges (18 USC 1961-1968), if her foundation is determined to have been used as a criminal enterprise.
The US statutory law is clear and Jarrett pointed it out. He concluded with the following –
…Mueller’s appointment by Acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein violated the special counsel law.As I pointed out in a column last May, the law (28 CFR 600) grants legal authority to appoint a special counsel to investigate crimes. Only crimes. He has limited jurisdiction. Yet, in his order appointing Mueller as special counsel (Order No. 3915-2017), Rosenstein directed him to investigate “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump.” It fails to identify any specific crimes, likely because none are applicable.
To put it plainly, Mueller was tasked with finding a crime that does not exist in the law. It was a legal impossibility. He was being asked to do something that was manifestly unattainable.
Manafort sued the DOJ, Mueller and Rosenstein because what they are doing was not supported by US Law.
Manafort’s case argued in paragraph 33 of its filing that the special counsel put in place by crooked Rosenstein gave crooked and criminal Mueller powers that are not permitted by law. Mueller was given the latitude to investigate whatever he wanted to and that is not permitted by the law. Manafort’s filing paragraph 33 stated –
But paragraph (b)(ii) of the Appointment Order purports to grant Mr. Mueller further authority to investigate and prosecute “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.” That grant of authority is not authorized by DOJ’s special counsel regulations. It is not a “specific factual statement of the matter to be investigated.” Nor is it an ancillary power to address efforts to impede or obstruct investigation under 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).
Manafort’s case was solid but the judge was Obama’s corrupt liberal Judge Jackson. On April 27, 2018, Judge Jackson dismissed Manafort’s plea.
Judge Jackson was not only wrong in her judgments, she was also overly abusive to Manafort. She scolded Manafort and his team for a statement his spokesman issued maintaining his innocence and said the comments appeared to run afoul of the order she issued limiting public statements about the case by lawyers involved and by the defendants. Of course she said nothing about the many leaks from the corrupt Mueller team.
In May 2018 Judge Jackson addressed another argument from the Manafort team and basically threw it out as well. (Back then it was more than clear that there’s no way Manafort was getting a fair trial with Judge Jackson overseeing his case.)
A federal judge delivered a setback to President Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort on Friday by refusing to throw out some of the criminal charges against him.Manafort’s legal team had argued in a Washington, D.C., court that he was being charged twice for the same offense of lying to federal officials. Manafort maintained that the stacking up charges could negatively influence a jury against him, The Associated Press reported.U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson, however, said in a ruling Friday that any harm or prejudice Manafort could face would be handled by giving the jury “proper” instructions, according to the AP.The judge dismissed the motion from Manafort without prejudice, meaning he can revisit it after his trial in the case, which is scheduled for September, the AP noted.
The corrupt and criminal Mueller team next worked with Obama Appointed Judge Amy Berman Jackson to place President Trump’s former Campaign Manager Paul Manafort in solitary confinement. This was a conscious action to literally torture Manafort for working with Trump during the campaign.
Bernard Kerik at Newsmax wrote an excellent post on why Manafort was placed in solitary confinement. According to Kerik –
In a very small regional jail in Warsaw, Virginia, sits Bob Mueller’s big fish, Paul Manafort.Mueller, the U.S. Department of Justice Special Counsel appointed to investigate any possible collusion between Russia and President Donald Trump’s campaign, has charged Manafort with multiple counts of conspiracy, money laundering, tax crimes, false statements, and anything else they can wad into a big ball and throw up against the wall to see what sticks.After his arrest, Manafort was placed on house arrest on a $10 million-dollar bail, until the government recently accused him of witness tampering and convinced U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson to revoke his bail, and remand him to jail pending trail.To a casual observer, this would seem justified, however, to anyone that has been through it, or has witnessed the government’s selective and political prosecutions over the past few decades, they would tell you that it is all a part of a prosecutorial strategy.Solitary confinement in prison lingo is also referred to as a special housing unit (SHU), or punitive segregation unit (PSU), and their individual cells are called a box, hole, or cage.It’s basically a deathtrap. A 12′ x 8′ solid steel or concrete box with a metal bed, stainless steel sink and toilet, and if you’re lucky, a small concrete or metal writing table and stool. On the solid steel metal door, there may be a 4 x 24-inch window that gives the inmate a slight view of the outside corridor, that can be blackened out by the correction staff at a moment’s notice.Kerik continued –Where prison itself demeans, degrades, and demoralizes a defendant, solitary confinement goes far beyond the normal deprivation of freedom, where the strain of isolation can cause a prisoner to suffer from manic depression, hopelessness and despair, paranoia, anxiety and, quite often experience hallucinations. It can send suicidal prisoners over the edge, and incite juveniles to act out.Pre-trial inmates can easily be manipulated into confessions and or guilty pleas, with promises or suggestions of being released from the box, and quite often they will do anything to be freed from the mentally and emotionally breaking cell, including lying, and pleading guilty to something they never did.
Again later in 2018, corrupt Judge Jackson –
…denied a request by President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort to suppress evidence seized by the FBI from his home as part of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s ongoing probe into whether Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign colluded with Russia.
Manafort’s lawyers had sought to limit the scope of evidence that prosecutors can rely on for his upcoming September trial in Washington, D.C., claiming that the search warrant was overly broad and unconstitutional.“Given the nature of the investigation, the warrant was not too broad in scope,” wrote Judge Amy Berman Jackson for the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in her ruling.
Friends of Trump go to solitary – Friends of Obama are set free!
No individual who disagrees with Obama will receive justice in Judge Jackson’s court.
Next somehow after being assigned to Paul Manfort’s case Judge Jackson was assigned to Obama White House counsel Greg Craig’s case related to the Mueller investigation. The only individual related to Obama that was indicted in the investigation was then let go after Judge Jackson dismissed one of the two counts the Feds filed against him and then ultimately let him go.
After this Judge Jackson tossed a lawsuit over SPLC’s ‘Hate Group’ labels.
Next Judge Jackson was somehow assigned to Roger Stone’s case where he was indicted by the Mueller gang after being arrested a 5 in the morning in Florida by 20+ FBI Agents live on CNN!
Judge Jackson quickly put a gag order on Stone similar to what she did with Manafort. Next when Stone argued that he committed no crime related to knowing that WikiLinks because ther
Stone was accused of making a false statement related to the Russian collusion canard but Judge Jackson said his defense lawyers are not allowed to bring up the fact that the government was never able to show proof the Russians were behind the ‘stolen’ emails given to WikiLeaks. This was central to his case. If there is no evidence that Russia hacked the DNC then Stone could not have been prosecuted by Mueller.
Stone’s charge was lying to Congress but Congress lies to Americans every day with immunity.
In November Tucker Carlson discussed the corrupt Judge Amy Berman Jackson.
Most recently Judge Jackson was magically assigned to most corrupt FBI Agent in US History, Peter Strzok‘s case where he is suing for wrongful termination. He likely will win his case even if he’s behind bars for his man criminal actions while working at the FBI.
Judge Amy Berman Jackson should be impeached and thrown in jail for their blatant abuse of the US judicial system in torturing and destroying the lives of those who worked with President Trump. She should be held to the same criminal treatment that she promotes. She’s a banana republic judge at a time when Americans want justice!
Clinton Fixer John Podesta Lashes Out at President Trump For Attacking Crooked Tony Podesta
....Here are the cold, hard facts on Tony Podesta:
In September, federal prosecutors ended their investigation into Tony Podesta for his Ukrainian lobbying efforts and failing to file a FARA [Foreign Agents Registration Act] form in a timely manner.
Tony Podesta, who was the chairman of the now-defunct Podesta Group is a well-connected Democrat and brother to John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign chairman.
Former special counsel Robert Mueller also gave Tony Podesta immunity to testify against Trump’s campaign manager Paul Manafort.
“In other words, for a near identical crime, Bill and Hillary’s friend could escape and emerge completely unscathed while Paul Manafort may rot in jail. Only one of them made the mistake of chairing Donald Trump’s presidential campaign,” Tucker Carlson said in the summer of 2019.
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/02/clinton-fixer-john-podesta-lashes-out-at-president-trump-for-attacking-crooked-tony-podesta/PELOSI FOR PRISON, THE KOUGAR LOVES IT!!!
AERIAL ATTACK: “Pelosi For Prison” Banner Spotted In The Skies of San Fran

Days after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi bitterly ripped up President Trump’s SOTU speech, DeAnna Lorraine, the leading GOP candidate running against the bitter impeachment queen, contracted a plane to fly around San Francisco with a banner in tow that read “Pelosi For Prison”
Lorraine posted a photo of the airplane flying around the city on her Twitter account early Thursday morningand told this Gateway Pundit reporter that the plane will circle San Fran for several hours.
“I am running for Congress to clean out the corruption that is Nancy Pelosi. Instead of caring for the people of San Francisco and advancing their issues on a national scale, she spends her time conducting asinine impeachments, petulant theatrical tantrums and ripping apart the President’s State of the Union Speech,” said Lorraine.
The banner, which measures a whopping 25×80 feet, promotes pelosiforprison.co, a splash page petition site where the upstart candidate encourages people to put Pelosi in prison for her crimes against America. DeAnna bills the House Speaker as a “known violator” of our Constitution and accuses the pickled partisan of using her political power for personal financial gain.
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/02/aerial-attack-pelosi-for-prison-banner-spotted-in-the-skies-of-san-fran/“It’s past time we start hitting her hard on her record of poor leadership and egregious crimes against America, and I look very much forward to retiring her in November.”
Instagram and Facebook Bans Censored.TV and Everyone Associated With it — Users Can No Longer Link to Their Website
Censored.tv, a network featuring the most censored — and some of the most interesting — people on the internet, has now been banned from Instagram and Facebook.
The network is home to popular and controversial commentators such as Gavin McInnes, Milo Yiannopoulos, Laura Loomer, Joe Biggs and many others.

McInnes, the comedian and political commentator who founded the Proud Boys, said that he is receiving reports that people who simply “liked” or followed the pages have been banned for “supporting a violent organization.” He said that “this could come from the FBI saying ‘white nationalists’ are just as dangerous as ISIS. That must include Proud Boys, which must include me, and anyone remotely associated with me.”
Proud Boys are a diverse right-wing and pro-Trump social club for men, though they have been smeared as “white nationalists” by the left for years.
It is not only the accounts for the network and those who work there that have been censored by the Silicon Valley giants, but also all links to their website from any user, including in direct messages.
“Censored.tv is the new n—-r,” remarked Yiannopoulos, the network’s Friday night host, when asked for a comment about the ban.
“You can’t even say ‘I hate the alcoholic, bed-wetting neo-Nazi warlords at censored.tv in a DM to a friend,” Yiannopoulos added. “What an amazing compliment and admission of fear and respect from Menlo Park.”

McInnes told Gateway Pundit that even their tech guy was banned from both platforms.
“This is clearly Big Tech trying to deny the right to a platform. They are for the DNC and against free speech — which ultimately means they are against America,” McInnes said. “Punishing me is not enough. Now they want to punish anyone who goes near me. They think this is going to help them win 2020, but they’ve already lost.”

Biggs called the ban “horsesh-t” and noted that his show on the network is about health and helping veterans — hardly controversial content.
“Here we have a website with the most banned people on the planet, putting out actual content. Real content with a bit of comedy added to it,” Biggs told TGP. “God forbid we bring a little laughter into this world.”
The veteran said that the ban is typical behavior from Democrats and their allies in Big Tech, who ban hardworking individuals from social media platforms “in an effort to control the narrative.”
“This is unacceptable behavior — and childish,” Biggs added. “I mean, my show is about helping veterans and getting healthy. What is so threatening about that?”
A fan account for Loomer, who is also running for Congress in Florida, reported that they were not even allowed to post an image with the link written on it.

Loomer recently filed a formal Federal Election Commission complaint against Twitter for providing in-kind corporate contributions to her opponent, Democrat Congresswoman Lois Frankel, by censoring her from the platform.
The feisty candidate has also inspired a bill to stop political censorship by Big Tech platforms. The bill, introduced last month by Florida State Senator Joe Gruters, awards a minimum of $75,000 in damages against social media companies that “deletes or censors the user’s religious speech or political speech; or uses an algorithm to disfavor or censure the user’s religious speech or political speech.” It will also bar tech platforms from using “the social media website user’s alleged hate speech as a basis for justification or defense of the social media website’s actions at trial.”
“Facebook, which owns Instagram, might as well change its name to Fascistbook because they have yet again decided to censor and ban people who express conservative opinions. Mark Zuckerberg is an absolute hypocrite. Less than 1 week ago he said Facebook must stand up for free speech, and in the same week he is banning people affiliated with Censored.TV, a new site that I am a part of, which was created to host the content of banned individuals,” Loomer told TGP in response to the ban.
“Facebook is creating a digital gulag and Mark Zuckerberg is essentially the gestapo, silencing and even threatening the lives of those who he disagrees with politically. In May, Facebook and Instagram banned me and labeled me a dangerous individual, which prompted me to file a 3 billion dollar lawsuit against the company for defamation. The day I filed my lawsuit, Facebook changed its community standards to say it was ok for users to post death threats against me and others they deemed ‘dangerous individuals,'” Loomer continued. “It is so obvious Facebook and it’s company Instagram along with Twitter are amping up their silencing of conservatives so that they can help the Democrats steal the 2020 election. They must be stopped.”
Those who wish to support the network can visit their website for more information.
THE KOUGAR STATED THIS WEEKS AGO: whatever the chicoms do against WE THE PEOPLE will brutally backfire against them... boom-boom boomerang... YEP.
Local investigators confirm plane’s destination is Taiwan
Editorial note: To all national security personnel reading this from Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Canada, the USA, Russia and other nations, you will want to urgently forward this to your commanding officers, as this story is verified and true, confirmed through our Taiwan investigators. It indicates a dangerous, global escalation of warfare tactics by a lawless, authoritarian regime that you already know has been dispatching spies to your countries, stealing intellectual property and infiltrating your universities, governments and military weapons research institutions. China’s end game goal is world domination, and there is no weapon they won’t deploy to achieve it.
On the heels of the bombshell revelation that China has been engineering an “offensive biological warfare weapon” that accidentally escaped their BSL-4 facilities and launched a global pandemic, we are now getting confirmation from our investigators in Taiwan that China has deployed a biological warfare attack against Taiwan by seeding an evacuation flight of Taiwan citizens with an infected “Trojan horse” human weapon who contaminated the entire evacuation flight.
This is a damning escalation of tensions between communist China and Taiwan as the coronavirus pandemic explodes, nearly doubling the number of confirmed infections every 3.5 days (i.e. exponential, self-sustained pandemic outbreak).
As part of an evacuation operation carried out by the government of Taiwan, the communist Chinese government refused to allow Taiwan to charter its own plane to rescue its citizens from the Wuhan region. China demanded that its own airplane be used, refusing to follow the Taiwan government’s request that “old women, women with children and children” should be the priority of evacuees allowed to take the flight.
Instead, China placed three passengers on the flight who were not on Taiwan’s list of citizens, and one of those individuals, completely unknown to Taiwan, turned out to be infected with coronavirus.
The covert operation appears to be a biological warfare attack on Taiwan by the communist Chinese regime, which deliberately intended to infect the entire flight with coronavirus so that infected passengers would further spread the pandemic in Taiwan. Such actions, of course, violate international laws, the Geneva Convention and various international treaties that outlaw the deployment of biological weapons.
Translated from Chinese, via Liberty Times Net: (emphasis added)
When senior media person Cai Yuzhen accepted an interview with “Faith” today, he criticized the Chinese side for a series of actions that were “black box operations”…
…there was no protective measures for the entire charter plane, and no one knew who was infected. It was not until the passengers returned to Taiwan for examination that one person was confirmed [infected]. “This charter flight took two hours. The virus is inserted into the charter flight, the rest of the passengers become a high-risk group. What can you say to them? It’s a helpless situation. How can we use the original method to evacuate the rest of the people? “The worst part is how can a confirmed case get on the flight? Once it’s on the flight, it’s treated the same as the rest of the people, there’s no quarantine. Can you still trust this kind of China?”
The Minister of Health Fu Chen Shizhong who did his best to prevent epidemics was sentimental and wept, because a confirmed case was like a black hole in epidemic prevention on an unprotected charter plane. It caused him to shed tears [for the safety of the people of Taiwan]…
Here’s the original Chinese article, for those who are able to read it:

It now appears China is attempting to export its pandemic to Taiwan by swapping seeding evacuation charter flights with “human weapons” who are known to be infected with the coronavirus. Given that China already realizes its economic and political future is now uncertain in the face of an exploding pandemic that has likely killed at least 25,000 Chinese, the deceptive communist regime appears to be attempting to cause the maximum damage to Taiwan as a form of lashing out against its political enemies as its own domestic situation turns to chaos.
The nCoV strain of the coronavirus was genetically engineered by Chinese scientists to create the perfect biological warfare weapon, which would one day be deployed against the United States, stunning new investigations have revealed. This underscores China’s philosophy of achieving the extermination of its political enemies using horrifying weapons of death and destruction. This is why China’s sudden biological warfare “Trojan horse” attack on Taiwan should come as a surprise to no one.
Taiwan is working feverishly to protect its citizens from the malicious, criminal actions of the mainland Chinese regime, but given that China is willing to deploy “pandemic sleeper cells” on Taiwan evacuation flights, the Taiwan government is now facing an enormous burden to screen, quarantine and treat patients who may be in various stages of the coronavirus incubation.
For this effort, the communist Chinese regime should be labeled a criminal regime that is committing crimes against humanity, yet the compromised W.H.O. remains committed to China, even absurdly praising China for its “transparency.”
Every institution in America — from Hollywood to the tech giants and even the U.S. Senate — seems to be running cover for China, one of the most inhumane, cruel authoritarian regimes in the history of our world. China routinely kidnaps innocent civilians, subjects them to rape and torture, murders political enemies, runs “education” camps that imprison Muslims, and even runs organ harvesting factories to generate profits from the international black market of human organs.
China also routinely bullies Taiwan and even threatens global corporations with retribution if they do not bow to the demands of the communist regime. By any reasonable standard, China is truly one of the most dangerous, evil and destructive regimes on our planet, and it proves that designation yet again by illegally deploying a human weapon biological warfare attack against Taiwan.
Why is there no outcry from the United Nations or the WHO? Where is the outcry from the scientific community? Where is the coverage in the mainstream media? It’s nowhere to be found, because all the corrupt, criminal institutions of our world have already sold out to the communist Chinese regime. (Much of the controlled U.S. media is now run by communists. CNN is now called the “Communist News Network.”)
Surely China’s biological warfare attack on Taiwan should trigger a considered response from the United States, but so far, no one is even acknowledging this incident has taken place, since it’s not reported anywhere in the (controlled) U.S. media. President Trump is likely not even aware this has happened.
The entire mainstream media is lying to you about the coronavirus pandemic and China in particular. But you already knew that, of course.
Fascinatingly, media lies about the coronavirus seem to be spreading almost as fast as the virus itself.
Dr. Francis Boyle, who drafted the Biological Weapons Act, joins Owen Shroyer on The Alex Jones Show to expose the 2019 Wuhan coronavirus as an offensive biological warfare weapon that the World Health Organization (WHO) already knows about.
OPERATION FREEDOM YOUTUBE: Part 1: The Fight for Freedom: General Flynn & President Trump
OPERATION FREEDOM YOUTUBE: Part 2: The Fight for Freedom: General Flynn & President Trump
Gee, I wonder why.

A Chinese woman in New York was racially attacked for wearing a face mask, but despite numerous warnings about the coronavirus provoking racism, the media hasn’t covered the story.
The incident occurred in Chinatown at Manhattan’s Grand Street station when the woman was approached by a black man who called her a “diseased bitch,” according toNextShark.
A Facebook user identifying herself as Gin who filmed the confrontation said the man then hit the woman repeatedly on the head before fleeing (probably not a wise move if she actually had coronavirus).
When the woman tried to retaliate, the man hit her with an umbrella.
“No one stepped in as she was getting beaten with an umbrella until I pulled him off. He ran out of the station shortly after,” said Gin. “I truly believe that wearing a mask in NYC right now marks you as a target. So please be careful, and stand up for your friends.”
After receiving threatening messages via Facebook, the woman subsequently removed the video and asserted that it was “NOT an excuse to be racially discriminatory towards African Americans.”
“The problem is ignorance, not an entire race! We stand in solidarity against ignorance, not against a race,” said Gin.
What seems unfathomable is that despite relentlessly lecturing people not to use the coronavirus as an excuse for “racism,” including by labeling discussion of ‘bat soup’ memes as racist, the media hasn’t touched this story.
I wonder why?
The mind truly boggles.
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