Also, the Kougar's mother would drink a large can of tomato juice for cold or flu, and that worked for her. Nowadays, this Big Cat uses Nutribiotic's Grapefruit Seed Extract, the formula with Echinacea... But yes, whisky is medicinal... just use organic, or as close as you can get... because the pesticides in whiskey these days ARE NOT MEDICINAL...
The health benefits of whiskey include its ability to aid in weight loss, slow down the onset of dementia, improve heart health, prevent and manage diabetes, increase HDL , eliminate blood clots, and strengthen the immune system. When people think of whiskey (also known as whisky), there are countless images that come to mind. Jul 12 2019
‘I did refuse to take the antibiotics the doctors prescribed me because I didn’t want to take any medicines’

The first Englishman diagnosed with Wuhan coronavirus has been cleared of the sickness after ignoring doctors’ orders and instead choosing to drink Hot Toddies.
That’s right, the classic hot cocktail consisting of whiskey, lemon, honey and cinnamon allegedly cured the Brit of his illness.
Connor Reed, a 25-year-old English teacher living in Wuhan, China, told The Sun he was diagnosed with coronavirus two months ago after he suffered from a bad cough he couldn’t shake.
“I was stunned when the doctors told me I was suffering from the virus. I thought I was going to die but I managed to beat it,” Reed explained.
“I used the inhaler which helped control the cough and drank a hot whiskey with honey until that ran out,” he continued. “It’s an old fashioned remedy but it seemed to do the trick.”
Hinting towards skepticism of mainstream medicine, Reed added, “I did refuse to take the antibiotics the doctors prescribed me because I didn’t want to take any medicines.”
Connor also described what it’s like in Wuhan at the moment, saying, “Wuhan is becoming a real ghost town — there is hardly anybody in the streets and the shops are running low of fresh fruit and vegetables.”
“And there is no medicine or masks left in the pharmacies. If you go out without a mask the police will arrest you,” he concluded.
The coronavirus survivor says he did contact the Foreign Office, but that “they kept asking if I wanted a place on a flight out but I said no. I’ll stick it out here.”
“I am proof coronavirus can be beaten,” Reed said, providing hope for others fighting the virus.
In fact, Reed’s ethnicity could have played a role with a new study by Chinese scientistsclaiming Caucasians are essentially immune to the virus because of the low number of Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2)-expressing cells in the lungs.
On the other hand, Asian males have a large number of ACE2 cells, which the coronavirus clings to, making them more vulnerable to the virus.
https://www.infowars.com/first-brit-with-coronavirus-defies-doctors-kills-illness-with-hot-whiskey-honey/clings to, making them more vulnerable to the virus.
NOTE: As the Kougar suspected this bio-concocted virus is sadly gene-targeted toward Chinese people. Now it's been discovered that it has been targeted specifically against Chinese men.
btw, THE TWITTER-VERSE IS SO DUMBZOID 'overall', ITS FREAKIN' INFANTILE RIDICULOUS ... no, this Big Cat DOES NOT participate... this is based on what she sees on other platforms...
Report: $90 Billion in US Taxpayer Money Donated to Global Slush Fund to Fight AIDS But a Portion of the Funds Made It to Clintons, Soros and Others Instead
An investigative report revealed that $90 Billion in US Taxpayer money has been funneled to overseas organizations in the name of helping those with HIV AIDS. In reality the funds are distributed to organizations including the Clinton Health Access Initiative and George Soros’s Open Health Institute.
Corey Diggs put together a report that shows that efforts to combat HIV AIDS may just be fronts for money laundering schemes ran by the Clintons and George Soros. The story begins in August 2000, a few months before Bill Clinton’s second term ends. On August 19, 2000:
Bill Clinton signed a bill establishing the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, intending to locate it inside the World Bank in Switzerland.The Washington Post reported “Clinton, who will travel to Nigeria and Tanzania, is directing Treasury Secretary Lawrence H. Summers to begin negotiations with the World Bank to set up the trust fund.”
In her efforts to unfold the truth, Diggs uncovered that money sent from the US to help fight AIDS actually ends up in the hands of the likes of George Soros:
In 2003, The Global Fund issued [with funds from the US and others] its first grant to the Open Health Institute (OHI), an Open Society Foundation affiliate (George Soros) operating in the Russian Federation, to the tune of $88 million. Yes, Russia. Grants continued through 2018. But this wasn’t the only involvement George Soros had with the Global Fund. More on this in subsequent chapters.• The ANTIAIDS Foundation was founded by Elena Franchuk and husband Victor Pinchuk in the Ukraine, who went on to work with the Clinton Health Access Initiative in 2004. Of course, the Pinchuks also partnered with Coca-cola, George Soros, Kofi Annan, Elton John, and others. Victor Pinchuk was also a big donor to the Clinton Foundation. More on this in subsequent chapters.
In 2002 the Clintons inserted themselves into the global initiatives with AIDS:
Enter Bill and Hillary Clinton, who had nicely set this into motion back in 2000 just before Bill’s exit from the White House, and with the Clinton Foundation already established, why not create an illegal offshoot called Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) and say it’s part of the foundation? Despite the fact it’s totally illegal to claim another non-profit within a non-profit without filing separate tax returns or registering it as a separate entity, but hey, this is par for the course for the Clintons. In fact, they went on with this charade for 7 whole years from 2002-2009 when they finally decided to separate it out as its own entity and begin listing their donors. This donor list is quite an eye opener and very extensive to say the least, including such donors as UNITAID, the Clinton Foundation, the CDC and CDC Foundation, WHO, The Global Fund, the World Bank, governments, universities, and hundreds more. Surely there is no pay-to-play action taking place in this upstanding organization.
Diggs uncovered a 2011 email from Cheryl Mills to Hillary Clinton, where Mills provides “talking points” for Hillary when discussing with Ellen DeGeneres her promoting Hillary’s HIV/AIDS speech:
Background: I spoke with Ellen DeGeneres’ manager, David McGuire, today about Ellen serving as a Special Envoy for Global HIV/AID Awareness. OGAC is developing a concept paper for consideration, but David agreed that there will be some sort of arrangement for Ellen to promote both your speech and World AIDS Day through social media or perhaps you phoning into her show at some point.
In conclusion, Diggs reports the following:
In short, U.S. taxpayers are forced to give their hard-earned money to the government, who has funneled $90 billion dollars of it to NGOs with a substantial amount to the Global Fund. Meanwhile, big pharma is lining the pockets of politicians. The Global Fund is in charge of distributing the funds to numerous organizations and NGOS, many of which are located in the US, as well as health ministries throughout developing countries. And yes, Clinton Health Access Initiative is one of the recipients, in addition to George Soros’ Open Health Institute, among many other familiar faces.Yet, the drugs repeatedly have issues with making it to the alleged victims of HIV, some have been watered down, millions in funds have mysteriously vanished, and the founding board member and chairman of the Global Fund did a 2-year stint in prison for securities fraud. Simultaneously, U.S. patients who are suffering from HIV cannot afford the $39,000/year treatment that is only costing $75/year for nearly the same treatment in developing countries. This is how your hard earned money is being spent – all $90 billion dollars worth.
How many billions left the US and landed in the pockets of individuals like the Clintons, Soros and others?
Hat tip Kevin O.
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/02/report-90-billion-in-us-taxpayer-money-donated-to-global-slush-fund-to-fight-aids-but-a-portion-of-the-funds-made-it-to-clintons-soros-and-others-instead/YES, THE U.N. IS EVIL, EVIL, EVIL!!!
WTH? WHO Praises China
Fleeing Chinese Telling the Truth
***Seth Rich EXPOSED... the Clintonista Connection To Burisma***
Seth Rich and His 44K Emails
Seth Rich Case May Be Solved- Major Revelations
FYI to Any Candidate Holding an Open Death Wish: Hillary Clinton Is Angling for a VP Slot
For the adventurous candidate out there–
Hillary Clinton is angling for a VP slot on the Democrat Party ticket.
That would be a very bold choice.
THIS Should Scare the Hell Out of Every American: Democrats Promise to Persecute Trump Supporters if They Take White House… AND THEY MEAN IT!
Far left Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) unveiled a new campaign plan Tuesday. She must have come up with this idea while sitting through hours of sham impeachment testimony in the US Senate.
Warren’s plan calls for the creation of a Justice Department task force to investigate and prosecute corruption and immigration “violations” committed by the Trump administration. This plan is hatched while the Democrats/media excuse the Biden corruption entirely.
Warren threw red meat to her fascist followers.
She is promising to persecute Trump officials.
According to National Review Warren promises to go after the Trump administration.
The Massachusetts senator says she will move to establish a task force to probe whether Trump officials broke any “federal bribery laws, insider trading laws, and other anti-corruption and public integrity laws” during their time in office.Warren also proposed a DOJ task force to investigate possible violations of law committed in the course of enacting the Trump administration’s immigration agenda.
Democrats in her comment section cheered the plan to get back at Trump officials.
This should scare the hell out of EVERY AMERICAN!
When Democrats threaten tyrannical control over their opponents — THEY MEAN IT!
When Democrats threaten tyrannical control over their opponents — THEY MEAN IT!
Democrats — even though they are out of power except for the US House of Representatives — Have been on a mission to DESTROY their opposition since November 9, 2016, the day after the election of President Donald J. Trump.
Democrats illegally spied on Trump, his family, his children, his transition team, his administration since early 2016.
Democrats, with the help of Jeff Sessions, launched a Special Counsel to investigate President Trump and his administration for collusion with Russia despite already knowing this was a debunked conspiracy theory.
Democrats cheered as Paul Manafort was sent to prison for life for his role as Trump campaign manager — when his business partners, the Podestas, walk free.
Democrats in the Deep State went after Trump officials to ruin them financially.
Democrats went after General Flynn to destroy his reputation, threaten his son, slander his good name, bankrupt him and jail him, based on lies.
Democrats charged Republican operative Roger Stone with process crimes in the hope of jailing him until death.
Democrats eliminated prominent conservative voices online and on social media.
Democrats in the tech world eliminated conservative voices on Facebook — eliminated conservative voices on Twitter — eliminated conservative voices on YouTube and Google. This top Trump-supporting website has suffered greatly as a target of the Left.
Democrats are starving conservative publishers from advertising dollars.
Democrats are beating Trump supporters in the streets.

And of course, the leftie fake news media is cheering on their violence and hiding their brutality.
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