Censorship-Machiavellia-landia yowls and roars, wonderful and wild Kitkats ... HERE IT IS, THE RATSTEIN REVEALED!!! btw, ***Rod Rosenstein looks like Heinrich Himmler ( Head of Nazi SS )***
Yes, Little Chrissy Is MKULTRA ... read all about the connections below ... and much, much more!!! the Kougar didn't have time to read these articles before, so she is behind the curve...
September 17, 2018
Daughter Of CIA Assassin Paymaster Tries To Bring Down Trump Supreme Court Nominee Kavanaugh
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
An intriguing in-depth new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that a Stanford University Psychiatry Professor named Dr. Christine Blasey has become the latest centerpiece of a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) plot to harm President Trump with her last-minute allegation, just days prior to US Senate confirmation, that Supreme Courtnominee Brett Kavanaugh had attempted to sexually assault her over 30 years ago when they were teenage school children—while being kept from the American people about Dr. Blasey is that she currently oversees the CIA Undergraduate Internship Program Stanford University developed by the notorious CIA-connected Stanford University Psychiatric Professor Dr. Frederick T. Melges—who himself, in 1985, took into his care the homeless woman Lois Lang who assassinated CIA paymaster Nick Deak—and that afterwards saw the CIA’s black operations monies being controlled by Ralph G. Blasey Jr.—who, not so mysteriously, just happens to be the father of Dr. Christine Blasey. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
According to this report, with Trump being warned, just prior to his assuming the presidency, by the powerful Democratic Party US Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer that US intelligence services “have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you”, this past nearly two years has shown just how prescient this warning was—and whose latest “strike back” against Trump is coming courtesy of a rogue CIA faction who have just trotted out for public display Dr. Christine Blasey (married name Christine Blasey Ford)—who claims that as a young high school teenager Brett Kavanaugh, also a high school teenager, tried to sexually assault her—but whose “evidence” for this being true shows Dr. Blasey unable to name the exact year it happened, her not remembering where the incident took place or how she got home, her not being able to remember key details of the incident, her not remembering how the gathering came together the night of the incident, and her not telling anyone else about at the time—but should be expected to be the case from an unproven salacious allegation of this sort as it comes from a woman supporting the Democratic Party and who, also, hates President Trump.
Christine Blasey (above) in 1983 high school yearbook photo
As the “Deep State ” aligned US mainstream propaganda media began flooding the airwaves, newspapers and internet with Dr. Blasey’s claims against Judge Kavanaugh, that have absolutely no proof or evidence behind anyone could ever investigate, this report continues, SVR intelligence analysts were immediately able to bring up her file in the archive of known and/or suspected CIAoperatives—and whose placement in this file was due to her extensive and advanced educational training at Stanford University in the CIA-funded mind control-brainwashing techniques developed byStanford University Psychiatric Professor Dr. Frederick T. Melges—whose primary mission for the CIA was to develop new technologies for interrogation and torture, secondary applications going towards studying the possibilities of exploiting highly “suggestible” subjects and getting them to do things — murders, couriers — they wouldn’t otherwise do, and of which they would have no memory in case they were caught.
CIA research notes of Stanford University Psychiatric Professor Dr. Frederick T. Melges
Linked to Dr. Blasey’s SVR file of known and/or suspected CIA operatives, this report notes, is that of her father Ralph G. Blasey Jr.—a proven CIA operative who, from June-1962 to January-1974, was the Vice President of National Savings and Trust of Washington, D.C.—a CIA black budget bank best known for being 100 paces from the White House, and whom, in 1998, was taken over by SunTrust Bank—whose majority share owner is the CIA-linked investment fund BlackRock.
The importance of noting the CIA banking connections of Ralph G. Blasey Jr., this report explains, is due to the outbreak of what is now known as the “CIA Bank War”—and whose start of, in 1982, a CIA seized from publication news report (Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/05: CIA-RDP90-00965R00150010-7) describes as: “This is Wall Street, the center of the international banking system, a system on the edge of a crisis so severe that the Central Intelligence Agency is preparing drastic measures. Something must be done to avert the breakdown of the Free World's monetary system.”
The main CIA operative involved in this war, and whom Ralph G. Blasey Jr. reported to, this report details, was Nicholas Deak—a longtime OSS and CIA operative, both during and after World War II, who ran the CIA’s main black budget operations under the direct command of the feared CIA Counterintelligence Chief James Jesus Angleton.
To how the CIA prevented the total breakdown of the Western banking system in 1982, this report says, was by their illegally laundering hundreds-of-millions of dollars of Colombian drug cartel cash into it to keep it afloat in an operation overseen by the CIA’s “James Bond of Money” Nickolas Deak—but when the President Ronald Reagan administration found out what the CIA had done, and started investigating it, saw Deak, on 19 November 1985, being assassinated in his New York City office by a homeless woman named Lois Lang—who had mysteriously managed to travel thousands-of-miles across the United States from Seattle to conduct this killing in what news reports at the time described as:
Lang saw him and turned the corner with purpose, aiming the pistol with both arms.
When she had Deak in her sights, she froze, transfixed. “It was as if she’d finally found what she was looking for,” a witness later testified.
Deak seized the pause to lunge and grab Lang’s throat with both hands, pressing his body into hers.
She fired once next to Deak’s ear and missed wide, before pushing him away just enough to bring the gun into his body and land a shot above his heart.
The bullet ricocheted off his collarbone and shredded his organs.
Deak crumbled onto the floor. “Now you’ve got yours,” said Lang.
A witness later claimed she took out a camera and snapped photographs of her victim’s expiring body.
The bag lady then grabbed the banker by the legs, dragged him into his office, and shut the door.
Though the American people were correctly told that Nicolas Deak assassin Lois Lang had previously been under psychiatric care, this report continues, what was failed to be reported to them was that Lang had been under the direct care and medical supervision of the CIA’s own Stanford University Psychiatric Professor Dr. Frederick T. Melges just prior to her traveling from Seattle toNew York City to carry out this assassination—and who was the exact type of assassin Dr. Melges had been working to create in his CIA-funded mind control MKULTRA programme—and whose Canadian victims of are still being silenced after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, this past December, imposed a gag order on them to keep them silent—but that does apply to Judge Kavanaugh accuser Dr. Christine Blasey, who remains able to teach her CIA Undergraduate Internship Program at Stanford University the MKULTRA mind control techniques discovered by Dr. Melges.
Like his daughter Dr. Christine Blasey, this report concludes, CIA black money operative Ralph G. Blasey Jr. remains secure, too—and who, today, is the Vice President of Business Development of Red Coats, Inc.—whose Admiral Security Services provides armed security for “Deep State” elites in Washington D.C.—that is overseen by Red Coats, Inc. co-founder andVice Chairman William F. Peel III—and whose Datawatch Systems, Peel III also controls, has US government contracts extending till 23 June 2023 under the category of 246.42.1 to provideUS defense and intelligence agencies with facility management systems to include accessories and repair parts, computerized systems for surveillance, monitoring, controlling, signaling and reporting multiple functions—all of which SVR intelligence analysts believe the American people have the right to know about in their evaluating the claims against Judge Kavanaugh being leveled against him byDr. Christine Beasley—but who know it will never happen.
September 17, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
September 19, 2018
Democrats Do The Impossible By Actually Forcing The Powerful Bush Family Into Backing Trump In Support Of Supreme Court Nominee Kavanaugh
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A very intriguing new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today is expressing astonished amusement over the Democratic Party in the United Statesaccomplishing a feat no one would have ever thought possible by their actually forcing former President George W. Bush to come to the aid of his detested enemy President Donald Trump in order to defend US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh from what the Wall Street Journal calls a “political assassination ambush”—with Bush, just hours ago, emerging from his self imposed semi-exile from public life to declare his and his wife’s full and unequivocal support for Kavanaugh. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh (left) stands with President George W. Bush (center) at White House swearing in ceremony
According to this report, no true history of the United States could ever be written without including the two most powerful forces that have shaped it for nearly the entirety of the past 100 years—and are known as the Bush Crime Family and Clinton Crime Family—both of whom were improbably defeated by New York City multi-billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump in the 2016 USpresidential election—and whose combined Bush-Clinton remnants buried within the American government now constitute what is known as the “Deep State” that’s constantly trying, and constantly failing, to overthrow Trump in a coup.
By far, the most powerful of these two entities that have shaped and molded American history over the past century, this report continues, is the Bush Crime Family—whose namesake scionPrescott Bush, in the early 1930’s, led a plot to overthrow President Franklin D. Roosevelt in a coup, and in failing then financed the rise to power in Nazi Germany of its leader Adolph Hitler—and whose son, George H. W. Bush, was part of the “Deep State” plot to assassinate President John F. Kennedy, and attempt to assassinate President Ronald Reagan, before his becoming president—and whose grandson, George W. Bush, in 1980, used the US Supreme Court to steal the presidency away from Clinton Crime Family operative Al Gore.
In 2008, and in their knowing that the American people would not accept a continuation of the Bush-Clinton Crime Family dynasties, this report details, the little known US Senator Barack Obamawas installed as the “placeholder president”, with his reign intended to last until 2016 when both Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush would run for president—but neither of whom succeeded in doing so due to now President Trump having destroyed both of them.
Though Hillary Clinton has never been able to accept her defeat by Trump, this report says, the Bush Crime Family came to an accommodation with their nation’s new president who began installing some of their former officials into his own administration—as Trump rightly knew he couldn’t battle against both of these powerful forces at the same time—and whose near peaceful coexistence was solidified, in 2017, when President Trump ordered to be kept secret until 2021 the CIA’s most damning evidence of former President George H.W. Bush’s complicity in the assassination ofPresident Kennedy.
On 27 June 2018, this report notes, the decades long power struggle between the Clinton-Bush Crime Families exploded when US Supreme Court Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy hand delivered to President Trump his now famous “Dear Mr. President” letter announcing his retirement—and whose replacement all the experts “knew” would Trump’s favorite anti-abortion US Federal Appellate Judge Amy Coney Barrett—but who were all shocked when Trump, instead, nominated Bush-loyalist, and US Federal Judge, Brett Kavanaugh to fill the US Supreme Court vacancy left open by Kennedy’s retirement.
By Trump picking Judge Kavanaugh over Judge Barrett, this report explains, he deliberately pitted the Clinton-Bush Crime Families against each other—and whose reason for doing was so that he could ensure Bush Republican Party loyalists would support his forces in the upcoming critical for his survival 2018 Midterm Election—and even more importantly, his own 2020 presidential re-election—that the Bushs know is vital so that Trump can keep secret the CIA’s files on Kennedy’s assassination past 2021—but that the Democrats would release if they gained power to destroy the Bushs forever.
President Donald Trump (left) begins Bush-Clinton Crime Family war with nomination to US Supreme Court of Judge Brett Kavanaugh
With this Bush-Clinton battle over Judge Kavanaugh descending into a public circus during his US Senate confirmation hearing, this report continues, everyone knew it wouldn’t stop his ascending to the US Supreme Court—that is, until, the leftist-socialist faction of the Democratic Party this past week launched a political assassination attack on Kavanaugh—that they accomplished by using ananti-Trump rogue faction CIA-linked collage professor named Christine Blasey Ford.
In a world occupied by sane people of sound mind, this report explains, this CIA-Blasey Ford political assassination attack on Judge Kavanaugh would be recognized and quickly discarded for its being the dark comedy it actually is—most particularly due to Ms. Blasey Ford claiming that Judge Kavanaugh attempted to sexually assault her when they were both high school teenagers over 35 years ago—but who can’t name the year it happened, nor where it happened—in 2012 told a counselor she was assaulted by 4 boy teenagers, but now says it was only two—called the Washington Post this past July to report her “story” and said she wanted to remain anonymous—but immediately afterwards was given a high-power Democratic Party lawyer to represent her, who quickly deleted all of her social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) and past postings—and arranged for her to take a supposed lie detector test—thus proving beyond all doubt the lie that she ever intended to remain anonymous.
With top Republican Party US Senator Lindsey Graham rightfully characterizing Ms. Blasey Ford’s preposterous accusations against Judge Kavanaugh as “a drive-by shooting”, this report details, he stands nearly alone in using plain common sense to confront this travesty of justice—as opposing him is former Democratic Party Vice President Joe Biden who says Judge Kavanaughis guilty until he can somehow prove his innocence—and Democratic Party US Senator Mazie Hirono going ever further and saying men like Judge Kavanaugh don’t even have the right to defend themselves and “should just shut up”.
Even over the past day, this report continues, the lies surrounding Ms. Blasey Ford continue to pile up—with mainstream propaganda media reports claiming that she has had to leave her home because of death threats being made against her, but stands opposed to her telling a reporter that no such thing happened—and that joins Ms. Blasey Ford’s Democratic Party lawyers lying by claiming “While Dr. Ford’s life was being turned upside down, you and your staff scheduled a public hearing for her to testify at the same table as Judge Kavanaugh in front of two dozen U.S. Senators”—and that the US Senate was quick to counter by their telling the truth and declaring: “Contrary to suggestions by Dr. Ford’s attorneys, the committee had no plans to place Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh on a panel together, and never indicated plans to do so. Grassley’s staff offered Dr. Ford multiple dates as well as a choice of providing information in a public or private setting”.
Most important to note about all of the lies and un-provable allegations surrounding Ms. Blasey Ford’s unprovoked attack on Judge Kavanaugh, however, this report concludes, are that they have now provoked the anger of the Bush Crime Family whose wrath is legendary against those who come up against them—and who are now being forced into an ever closer alliance with President Trump by a Hillary Clinton led Democratic Party whose destruction will, most assuredly, come much sooner than later as this latest coup plot stunt, like all those before it, spirals down into the flames of truth exposing it for what it really is—the dying last gasps of a soon to be dead dragon slain by a fearless Knight protecting his people.
September 19, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
September 20, 2018
Trail Of Sordid Kavanaugh Sex Smear Attack Leads Straight To Top Defense Contractor Linked ToClinton Foundation
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
An interesting new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today detailing events related to the rogue faction CIA plot to destroy US Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, reveals that its investigative findings have discovered that a State of Maryland childhood friend of Kavanaugh accuser Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford named, Todd Leasure, was arrested for crimes committed against the National Security Agency by loyal Trump forces just days prior to Dr. Blasey-Ford’s accusations against Kavanaugh were made public—and whose work Leasure was doing for the NSA occurred while he was employed by the giant American defense contractor giant General Dynamics—who are facing a potential multi-million dollar loss due to a class action lawsuit being filed against them that will end up in the US Supreme Court, and whose over 2,000 complainant workers are being represented by the Katz Marshall & Banks: Whistleblower & Employment Law Firm—two of whose partner attorneys, Debra Katz and Lisa Banks, are now, also, representing Dr. Blasey-Ford—and whose reasons for doing so can be understood by noticing Debra Katz has been a long time top fundraiser for Hillary Clinton, and General Dynamics having been one of the Clinton Foundation’s major pay-to-play donors to the then US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
According to this report, this past January-2018, President Trump reopened the FBI-US Justice Department investigation into the Clinton Foundation—and that the SVR was tasked to monitor by the Security Council (SC) as its Hillary Clinton-Uranium One component could affect the national security of the Russian Federation.
Prior to the Clinton Foundation investigation being shut down by the Obama Regime, this report notes, it was conducted out of the United States Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York in walking distance of Clinton’s presidential campaign headquarters in Brooklyn—but that in re-opening, Trump moved to the FBI Field Office in Little Rock-Arkansas—and who are being assisted by numerous United States Attorney Offices around the country, most particularly, in this instance, by the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Maryland—that was overseen by now US Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein—but is now being run by Trump appointed loyalist US Attorney Robert Hur.
On Wednesday evening 13 September, this report details, the SVR noted that a team of US prosecutors and FBI agents led by US Attorney Robert Hur, as well as an NSA team led by National Security Agency Director US Army General Paul Nakasone, entered the White House for an over 4 hour meeting with President Trump—that was followed the next day, 14 September, by US Attorney Hur announcing that he had charged a NSA contractor named Todd Leasure with submitting fraudulent timesheets that billed the US federal government at least $250,000 for work he didn't perform.
The SVR file on Todd Leasure, this report says, showed that he worked as an independent contractor at the Colombia-Maryland office of the secretive US intelligence defense company CSRA Inc.—who last year were quietly awarded a massive NSA contract worth over $2.4 billion—that, on 12 February 2018, then saw them being bought by General Dynamics for $9.6 billion.
To how the crimes against the NSA committed by Todd Leasure were discovered at CSRA, Inc., this report explains, is because of what is called a “due diligence” investigation performed by theFBI and US Attorneys on companies receiving such massive US government contracts—but that, also, entrapped General Dynamics who had bought this company without their knowing this investigation was not complete—and has now bled over to the FBI, and other US government agencies, investigating financial crimes alleged to have been committed by General Dynamics.
With General Dynamics operating one of the largest gun powder mills in world, that has long been protected by their funneling money to Hillary Clinton and her associates, in exchange for her giving them multi-million US government contracts, this report continues, SVR intelligence analysts surmised that it wouldn’t take long for her to come to their defense and protect them against loyalist Trumpforces—and two days after NSA contractor Todd Leasure was arrested and charged, saw The Washington Post publishing the unproven claims against Judge Kavanaugh made by Dr. Blasey-Ford—that has left America in turmoil ever since.
Most surprising to SVR intelligence analysts, though, was Hillary Clinton then ordering her two top attorneys Debra Katz and Lisa Banks to represent Dr. Blasey-Ford—a curious move as she had already directed them to represent General Dynamics workers ready to file a class action lawsuit against their company—and as always happens under these “arrangements”, would see these attorneys selling out these workers to the benefit of the company whom they are really representing.
Though not being entirely sure of what Hillary Clinton’s gambit is in trying to destroy Judge Kavanaugh in order to protect General Dynamics, but which may have to do with a further ruling he would make against this company as part of the US Supreme Court, this report concludes, her increasingly desperate actions clearly show someone operating from a sense of dread and panic—most likely due to Trump’s loyalist forces closing in on her—and whom General Dynamics, like any other company she has illegally accepted money from, will quickly discard before President Trumpcomes after them, too.
September 20, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey exposed for ties to Big Pharma abortion pill maker… effort to derail Kavanaugh is plot to protect abortion industry profits
Thursday, September 20, 2018 by: Mike Adams
Tags: abortion pill, Big Pharma, Christine Blasey Ford, Corcept, kavanaugh, Mifepristone, Supreme Court
Tags: abortion pill, Big Pharma, Christine Blasey Ford, Corcept, kavanaugh, Mifepristone, Supreme Court

(Natural News) Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford, who claims — without any evidence — that Kavanaugh inappropriately touched her at a drunken party while in high school, turns out to have ties to an abortion pill pharmaceutical company called Corcept Therapeutics. This discovery brings to light an obvious conflict of interest in Blasey’s story, revealing that she works for a pharmaceutical company that manufacturers an abortion pill drug, whose profits could be strongly impacted by future Supreme Court decisions on abortion rights.
Corcept Therapeutics (Corcept.com) manufacturers and markets an abortion pill drug calledmifepristone, and Christine Blasey Ford is a co-author of at least eight published scientific papers produced by the pharmaceutical giant to promote its pills. You can see Blasey’s name listed on several publications at this Corcept.com web page detailing their research papers.
Corcept Therapeutics, Inc., a $166 billion market cap company (stock symbol CORT) reportedly has current annual sales of $216 million. The company offers just one drug,mifepristone, which is widely known as an “abortion pill” or RU-486. Many drugs have multiple uses, and mifepristone — brand name “Korlym” at Corcept — is currently marketed by the company for the treatment of Cushing’s syndrome. (h/t to The Gateway Pundit for initial work on this breaking story.)
Like all FDA-approved drugs, mifepristone is frequently prescribed off-label, meaning doctors prescribe it for conditions that it has never been approved to treat. It is well known throughout the medical industry that doctors routinely prescribe this drug to terminate unwanted pregnancies. It is a covert “abortion drug,” in other words.
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If Kavanaugh were to be confirmed on the U.S. Supreme Court and be part of a decision that overturns Roe vs. Wade, it would make the prescribing of Corcept’s drug for abortion illegal, directly impacting the bottom line profits of the company for which Christine Blasey works.
See this Medscape explanation of how this abortion pill works, where it explains the drug is “Indicated for the medical termination of intrauterine pregnancy through 70 days gestation in combination with misoprostol.”

The Corcept company even issues a strong warning about its abortion potential on its marketing website, offering the “warning” as a wink, wink message to doctors that this is actually an abortion pill.

The “warning” explains:
Mifepristone is a potent antagonist of progesterone and cortisol via the progesterone and glucocorticoid (GR-II) receptors, respectively. The antiprogestational effects will result in the termination of pregnancy.
“Mifepristone, also known as RU-486, is a medication typically used in combination with misoprostol, to bring about an abortion. This combination is more than 95% effective during the first 50 days of pregnancy,” says the Wikipedia entry on mifepristone. The World Health Organization currently promotes the drug as an abortion pill, calling it “safe and effective.” (Safe for the mother, not the child, of course.)
Christine Blasey scrubs her internet history to eliminate evidence of hazy, drunken sex parties documented in her high school yearbook
Christine Blasey Ford, whose middle name is Margaret, is known as “Blasey CM” on the science papers she’s published with Corcept Therapeutics.
Before going public with her baseless accusations against Brett Kavanaugh, Christine Blasey scrubbed her internet history, removing her Linked In pages and even managing to have her entire high school year book completely removed from the internet. (Natural News has now posted the recovered yearbook files at this link – PDF.) As InfoWars reports, the high school yearbook of Christine Blasey is full of accounts of wild, drunken sex parties attended by Blasey and others:
“And there were always parties to celebrate any occasion,” reads one passage. “Although these parties are no doubt unforgettable, they are only a memory lapse for most, since loss of consciousness is often an integral part of the party scene.”
The reasons for Blasey working so hard to scrub her own history are obvious: Even while she claims that Kavanaugh’s history should be researched and brought to light, she didn’t want anyone looking into her own history, including her wild, alcohol-induced party days and her ties with Corcept Therapeutics and its abortion pill drug profits.
But the ties cannot elude internet researchers like Natural News. A Palo Alto University document from 2015 (see page 97) confirms that Christine Blasey, Ph.D. is a professor at Palo Alto University and a “Director of Biostatistics at Corcept Therapeutics.” See the screen shot from that document:

Blasey is the co-author of numerous published studies funded by Corcept
Blasey also appears on numerous published studies at PubMed, where her author ID is 19888560. These studies are all funded by Corcept Therapeutics of Menlo Park, CA. They all center around uses of mifepristone for uses beyond the typical “abortion pill” application. They include studies such as:
Efficacy and safety of mifepristone for the treatment of psychotic depression – this study seeks to support the use of mifepristone as an antidepressant drug, demonstrating that Blasey is also engaged in Big Pharma’s pursuit to push more drugs for mental health disorders.

Some of Blasey’s colleagues in this pharmaceutical research include Coleman Gross, Dr. Henry Fein, Dr. T. Brooks Vaughan III and Dat Nguyen.
This P.R. announcement from Corcept, intended to entice investors, states that, “Corcept is exploring mifepristone (the active ingredient in Korlym) as a treatment for triple-negative breast cancer with a multi-center, Phase I clinical study currently underway in patients with metastatic or locally advanced unresectable breast cancer. It is also supporting investigator-led clinical studies of mifepristone in the treatment of ovarian cancer and castration-resistant prostate cancer.”
Furthermore, the company is also working to get FDA approval for mifepristone in the treatment of psychiatric disorders, saying, “[The company] owns or has licensed extensive intellectual property covering the use of GR antagonists, including mifepristone, in the treatment of a wide variety of metabolic and psychiatric disorders and triple-negative breast cancer.”
What’s clear is that Corcept is working to aggressively expand the approved uses of its drug, obviously in an effort to increase prescriptions and profits.
See the full details of this story in our REAL.video report
The full details of this article, by the way, are available in this REAL.video report, just filed today:
Now the truth comes out: Blasey is a paid researcher for an abortion pill company with a lot to lose if Kavanaugh is confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court
According to the left-wing media which has proven itself to be an activist propaganda network that opposes all conservatives like Kavanaugh, Christine Blasey’s story is a simple case of an alleged sexual assault in high school. Despite the fact that Blasey herself says she cannot remember where or when this alleged assault occurred, we are all told her allegations are instantly credible because she’s a woman (and because it’s popular to hate conservatives).
What we’re never told, of course, is that Christine Blasey works for a multi-million-dollar pharmaceutical company that manufacturers an abortion pill drug. The company is aggressively seeking to expand the FDA-approved applications of its drugs to encompass cancer, depression treatment and very likely abortion itself. Thus, the financial future of this company could be heavily impacted by abortion remaining legal in the United States.
Brett Kavanaugh is widely feared by Democrats because they believe he may be a pivotal decision maker that could theoretically overturn Roe vs. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide. Notably, this decision was never debated in Congress, and Congress passed no law legalizing abortion. Over the years, Democrats have found that their cultural demands are very often rejected by the due process of lawmakers, and Democrats have come to rely heavily on Supreme Court decisions to achieve their demanded goals of legalized abortion, legalized gay marriage, legalized Obamacare and other issues which cannot withstand the scrutiny of reasoned debated by lawmakers. Thus, the Supreme Court has been the Democrats’ “hammer” to drive through its priority achievements, even when Congress would reject such ideas.
Now, having Kavanaugh on the court represents a dire threat, they believe, to abortion “rights.” In turn, this represents a threat to Corcept Therapeutics, the drug company at which Christine Blasey has worked for years, helping to produce research that expands the company’s market reach and drug applications.
Now it’s all suddenly clear: Christine Blasey fabricated false allegations against Kavanaugh to protect her job and her employer’s profits
Now it all becomes clear: Christine Blasey clearly fabricated the false allegations against Kavanaugh in order to protect her own income and profits coming from an abortion pill drug company whose future may be impacted by Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the court. Blasey’s accusation flies in the face of literally hundreds of other men and women who have personally endorsed Kavanaugh as one of the most respectful, ethical and gentlemanly individuals they’ve ever met.
Now we know why Blasey’s accusation against Kavanaugh is so out of character for Kavanaugh: Because Blasey has a financial motivation to defeat Kavanaugh and keep him off the U.S. Supreme Court.
After all, potentially billions of dollars in Corcept profits are on the line. And Blasey has the advantage of being able to level a hazy, baseless allegation that is impossible to refute and impossible to investigate (which is why even the FBI has refused to launch an investigation into the alleged incident).
Share this story. All Americans need to know the truth about Christine Blasey and her ties to this abortion pill drug company. Now the true motivation is clear. Democrats and Big Pharma are trying to block a supremely qualified Supreme Court nominee for their own dishonest reasons, and they have come up with a completely baseless, desperate allegation as a last-ditch “Hail Mary” effort to overrule the country even when they lost the election.
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