Monday, September 17, 2018

"Government declares emergency at Brunswick nuclear power plant"

Monday 'not mews' with no views ... most darling KitKats, you need to be supplementing with a good quality iodine like this product from the infowars store ... or any good quality iodine product from your local health food store ... if you are anywhere near the Brunswick Nuke Power Plant, then start taking potassium iodide along with iodine [some iodine products naturally have potassium iodide included] ... you can take good quality KELP supplements, but be aware they level of iodine isn't high enough to protect you unless you're supplementing throughout the day far beyond recommended levels. High levels of iodine will NOT hurt you... although you could experience a cleanse, a cleansing of fluoride, for example. Likely, the HEALTH RANGER will give you good advice. The Kougar hasn't read the full article yet.

btw, the pic above is an original drawing by the Kougar and is copyrighted. 


Nuclear emergency: Government declares emergency at Brunswick nuclear power plant
Mike Adams
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commissio9n has now declared an emergency at the Brunswick nuclear power facility that was subjected to a direct hit by Hurricane Florence.
Flooding is now so extreme, that all personnel are blocked from accessing the facility, which is running a "hot shutdown" procedure to try to take the nuclear fuel rods offline.
Also today: I've posted an urgent video revealing why the Democrats are working so desperately to stop the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court.
If Kavanaugh is confirmed, Trump is likely to issue mass arrest warrants fordeep state operatives who committed treason.
This is a very important analysis. See the full video here.
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