SAVANNA KOUGAR ~ RUN ON THE WILD SIDE OF ROMANCE ~ Roaring-welcome to the blog lair of the Kougar, paranormal erotic romance author. Stroll on in if you dare. And take a frisky run on the wild side of romance. Or find a comfy spot, recline, stretch your toes...and lounge with the Big Cats.
The Presidential Lion Roars and Takes Control of His Beloved Pride, America
Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse In the Sign of Leo *yowls and roars* GOOD KITTENS ALL ... we are, indeed, sailing in very dangerous waters right now ... assuming THE MEMO will be released, there will be those who absolutely LOSE THEIR EVER-LOVIN' MINDS ... they will go into hysterical, fit-throwing, brick-throwing *Bolshevik* DENIAL ... they will try to burn America down to the ground... yeah, like a toddler who does not get his/her way ... meanwhile, those of us who managed NOT to be completely and utterly brainwashed by the beast system will bravely carry on and value our freedom as never before ... oh, and not to mention, gawd knows what the evil-cabal deepstate will do ... keep trying to start a world war??? Blow up an American city [may the Divine intervene] ... attempt an assassination of our President Trump, as they have been doing ever since he threw is proverbial non-hat into the ring ... then the Hildebeast does that cameo Grammy thing where she alludes to 'poisoning' the President of these united states of America ... and gosh knows, the Clintonista body count continues to grow rapidly... so, watch out for the political fireworks and do the next right thing for you and your loved ones... and for the sovereignty of America.
And remember, this Big Cat loves ya!
Rare 'super blue blood moon' not seen for more than 150 years will grace the skies on Wednesday: Here's where and how to see it
The event combines three unusual lunar events; a super moon, a blue moon and a total lunar eclipse
It's the third in a series of 'super moons,' when the moon is closer to Earth in its orbit - known as perigee
Asia, Australia, the Pacific Ocean, and the West Coast of North America will get the best view of the event
While people in the eastern Hemisphere saw their last Blue Moon total lunar eclipse in 1982, for the Western Hemisphere, this eclipse will be the first blue moon total eclipse since 1866
Since news broke of the classified FISA abuse memo prepared by the House Intelligence Committee, one that Democrats on the committee unsuccessfully attempted to block the full 435 members of the House from seeing, which led to to a massive #ReleaseThememo campaign, with Rep. Mark Meadows even publishing a petition for Americans to sign demanding the release of the four page memo, we have seen the Democratic politicians and the MSM attempt to distract the public's attention with a number of BS stories. From Russian bots being behind the #ReleaseTheMemo campaign, to an alleged Trump scandal going back to 2006, to claims of bombshell news that President Trump had a discussion six months ago about whether Robert Mueller had a conflict of interest in being assigned the Russia probe, they have pumped out headline after headline on everything but the contents of this highly "explosive" memo.
If you think the media circus was bad last week, it is about to get exponentially worse... ...BOTTOM LINE
The noose is tightening on the key players that have attempted to frame a duly elected president in order to overturn a presidential election and they are panicked and running scared right now as not only their Russia narrative unraveling, but those that set it all up, using the Steele dossier to obtain FISA warrants, creating a bogus storyline to justify a special counsel to investigate said storyline, are all seeing their names in the headlines in relation to deep state corruption.
In the months since Mueller began as special counsel, he has managed to obtain only four indictments for process crimes, nothing in relation to "Russian collusion," spending millions and millions in taxpayer dollars on an investigation created solely by compromised sources and evidence, since many of the same players like Strzok, Page, Weissmann, McCabe, the Ohr's, and others played key roles in creating the Russia probe, while "fixing" the Clinton investigation to let her off, despite noting her criminal actions.
It is all falling apart and they are desperate. Desperate people are dangerous people.
Jimmy and JoAnne Moriarty tell of their escape from al Qaeda with 200 gigabytes of information on how the Obama, Clinton and Bush's destroyed perhaps the most perfect society on Earth. This sweet couple personally saw the war crimes leveled against a peaceful people as Lybians were tortured and slaughtered.
Why is the MSM hiding this humanitarian crisis?
The Alex Jones Show - JANUARY 26, 2018
Alex Jones presents a video of African migrants being held against their will as slaves for a re-emerging Islamic Caliphate that seeks to relaunch their old African slave trade in the modern age. FAKE NEWS...FAKE NEWS...FAKE NEWS... AND PRESIDENT TRUMP ABANDONS THE CIA TERRORISTS ... THANK THE DIVINE!
January 28, 2018
CNN Reports Turkey Killed Hollywood Actor Bradley Cooper After Trump Abandons CIA In Syria
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
With the “Deep State” knowing full well that Russia would never allow these CIA terrorists to establish themselves in a Syrian nation finally nearing peace, this report continues, this Americanshadow governments master plan war plot, nevertheless, met a miserable failure when its own NATO ally Turkey, not Russia, ordered the United States to get out of Syria—with Turkey further warning the US to stop supporting terrorists in Syria “or face confrontation”.
To the American people even knowing how President Trump just averted this global war being planned by the “Deep State” to cover up their crimes, this report concludes, is not to be seen—and who, instead of being told the truth, are now witnessing one the most depraved attacks upon a US president by the mainstream propaganda media ever seen in history—and whose latest vicious attack claims that UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, the born-again Christian daughter of Indian immigrants, is having an affair with Trump—a claim so disgusting, even CNN had to declare that “Ambassador Haleyis the victim of a classic smear against powerful women”—and whom one could only hope—since CNN’s being honest for a change—would, also, tell the grieving family of Hollywood actor Bradley Cooper that he’s not dead and lying lifeless on a Syrian battlefield.
And while we'd never urge people to steal or kill to ensure their own and their family's survival, as Smith's story points out, history provides example after example of the 'have nots' rising up from near extinction to take down 'the elite' of their period in the very name of their survival - a scenario we may once again see playing out across America should this country continue to fail the masses while the global elite continue to steal billions via corruption and get away with it. THE SATANIC CON...
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