Friday, September 30, 2016

WOW...So, Is the UN Planning An Invasion???

Late afternoon yowls, most darling kittens ... an absolutely gorgeous day on my tame prairie ... so, why are there United Nations invasion-type, police-state type vehicles being staged all over our country??? This is constantly being documented by independent investigative journalists, and just those who are willing to take the pics---inform the people.

Might this Big Cat remind you, the UN troops are mostly despicable, inhumane creepazoids who regularly savage the people of Africa in the most horrible, heinous ways... UN troops are also being used in Africa to burn out villages, murdering whoever won't leave, all in the name of so-called CLIMATE CHANGE.

However, don't believe the Kougar, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!!!

Heads Up! UN Fuel Tankers and Armored Vehicles In Maryland, FEMA Coffins In Texas!

A big shout out to Travis B, The person that took the images!
screenshot-7347 screenshot-7348 screenshot-7340 screenshot-7332 screenshot-7341
As you can see in the photos, there is a bunch of UN Equipment being staged at this Kellog’s Factory In Williamsport, MD. There is not only armored vehicles, but there are containers and fuel tankers marked with UN as well. This goes along with other activity we have seen recently across the country.
If you have any info you want me to break and get out, let me know at screenshot-7344
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