Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Pipeline Protesters Sprayed By Helicopters During Prayer Meeting

Late evening yowls, darling Big Cats ... so, the degenerate dark-side establishment minions used helicopters to spray either pepper spray or tear gas on a peaceful prayer meeting of those who are defending the WATERS at the pipeline protest ... meanwhile, as usual, the despicable MEDIA are villainizing these brave people who are about saving the LAND [including their tribal burial lands] and the DRINKING WATER for 18 million people. Really, WHAT RIGHT DO THESE STOOGES FOR THE BANKSTER GANGSTERS have to ruin the people's, all the people's drinking water??? Not to mention ruining the environment for the animals and plants... you know, destroying Mother Nature for no other reason than pure greed, given there are much better energy systems already available ... *we the people* don't need this oil pipeline!!!

Unicorn RiotWater Protectors Pray at Dakota Access Pipeline Site

All points alert! Law enforcement dropped tear gas and pointed loaded guns at water protectors at Standing Rock today. The violence is against the water protectors! 

“Over 100 Iowans have been arrested so far in direct actions against this crude oil threat to our drinking water. We won’t rest until the pipeline has been stopped in Standing Rock and in Iowa. We won’t rest until all the Rivers are protected. We won’t rest until future generations are guaranteed clean water. We won’t rest until the Tribes have gotten justice,”

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