The women in Western culture have bravely, historically fought for their/our right to be simply human, to be treated fairly, justly... to declare their/our human independence. Are you willing to lose all that? Are you willing to have your daughters subjected to that kind of cancerous, bloodthirsty culture -- where their genitals are cut off?
No, NOT EVERY culture is good in nature. Not every culture can live together in peace, unless it's PEACE BY THE SWORD. Yeah, don't agree with the TOTALITARIAN REGIME, or sharia law, well torture and death become you.
Truth is, the brutal TRUTH IS, every Muslim, every ***person*** who believes and practices any form of sharia law MUST be deported from every country who wants freedom.
We as Americans MUST take our country back. We MUST deport those who want and demand sharia law. If we don't do this NOW, blood will flow copiously in our very streets, across our beloved land. Worse, we will lose every form of freedom that is OURS by DIVINE RIGHT. We will have failed The Most High and Loving Creator ... that Being Creatoress, who created us ALL into existence.
This Big Cat says, line up the buses. line up the planes en masse, and deport anyone who practices and believes in sharia law. Where? How about Saudi Arabia? If they refuse, then bomb their airports, bomb Mecca, etc. Because another truth, WE DON'T NEED THEIR STINKING OIL. That's all a convenient diabolical lie.
Afterward, tear down most of the mosques, or put them to a benign use. That is, all the mosques being funded by Saudi Arabia, currently being built like an explosion of shopping malls.
KNOW THIS, WE THE PEOPLE have to do this, demand this...because the dark-side establishment is using this unconscionable clash of cultures to keep their Machiavellian power base, and to enslave us all into a dark-ages world of constant hunger, strife, and terror. And they will keep flooding, invading our country with jihadi Muslims terrorists.
Critical Infrastructure Being Guarded by Muslim Immigrants -DHS Paying Security Firms $1200 for Each Muslim Hired
Why are refugee/resettlement Jihadis guarding some of America’s most sensitive infrastructure?
We know that Omar Mateen, the Orlando shooter, was employed by G4S Plc, a British security firm whose clients in more than 100 countries include the U.S. government (e.g. DHS). It is also known that his firm was part of a larger organization that participated in the catch and release of OTM’s (other than Mexicans) at the southern border. The OTM’s consisted of people from other Central American countries as well as Muslims from the Middle East. Once these OTM’s were caught, they were released into the deep interior of the country without being screened and without supervision.
Mateen’s firm is technically operating under the direction of DHS on this matter. The catch and release of Muslims at the southern border violates our nation’s immigration laws. However, as we witnessed last week with the FBI giving Clinton a get out of jail card for self-admitted criminal activity, our federal government is playing by its own rules that they are making up as they go along.
The catch and release of these Muslims technically falls under the auspices of the United Nations. Before I get into my personal revelation on this matter which gravely threatens national security, let’s review what is happening to the United States at the behest of the United Nations.
Eleven Years Ago, the Problem Was Revealed and Ignored
Researcher, Paul Sperry, the author of Infiltration has detailed the type of immigrants that we are importing from the Middle East. Here, Paul Sperry, details the threat to our communities while appearing on C-SPAN2.
Sperry cites how we know from the testimony offered from the FBI officials who are in charge of that type of vetting immigrants are not being allowed to perform their duties of protecting American communities from would-be unscreened terrorists as expressed in a recent radio interview in which FBI agents have admitted, under oath, that they have no idea who and what they are letting into the country.
The United Nations and the State Department (i.e. Hillary Clinton) Are Behind This Invasion of America
The above is one of the most stunning videos I have seen in sometime with regard to the radicalunscreened, extremist Muslim invasion of America. The program has its roots with the United Nations and the State Department is its willing accomplice. And the amazing aspect of this revelation is that it is 11 years old! The invasion of America has been going on for almost a generation in its totality. Obama is merely a continuance and fulfillment of this plot to deculturalize America and destroy our heritage through unwarranted Muslim immigrant from which many will not assimilate.
Make No Mistake, the UN Is Invading the United States
Antonio Guterres is the head of the UNHCR and he is responsible for sending 9,000 Muslims from anti-America Syria to Boise and Twin Falls, Idaho. This man and his organization is your enemy! His job is the deculturalization of European nations and the United States.
Leo Hohmann, from World Net Daily, has another in what is turning into a series on Obama’s plan to change America by changing the people. This invasion has impacted 190 American communities and it is growing by the day. There are over 10,000 anti-American Somali refugees in ten years who have settled in Minnesotastan, alone. In the first 4 months of this year, we have admitted 4,425 Somalis to America. And the numbers are growing exponentially. And amazingly, these immigrants are not being screened and they are coming to us from areas that are known hotbeds for terrorism.
Now that the requisite background has been set, here is who and what is increasingly guarding America’s critical infrastructure
An Innocent Conversation Leads to a Stunning Revelation
I was having a casual conversation with an old friend the other day and this casual conversation drifted into the area of national security.
He told me a firm that he works for called Veterans Security, or Vet/Sec for short. They are tasked with providing security for some America’s most sensitive infrastructure (e.g. power plants, etc).
Historically, the firm hired almost exclusively American veterans. However, that demographic is changing. According to an anonymous inside source that works for this security firm, they are increasingly hiring unvetted Muslim immigrants to provide security at these sensitive locations. Amazingly, the firm is receiving $1200 from the government to hire these workers. According to my source, some of these employees barely speak English.
If there anyone anything wrong with hiring Muslims to guard American infrastructure? No, so long as they are citizens and have passed an extensive background check and they certainly should not be part of a program that hires Muslims and then the government pays the employer $1200 to hire them. And if the government cannot screen these immigrants, neither can this firm.
In the following short video, I provide an analysis of what is wrong with this practice, followed by more confirmatory information.
Ten Percent Are Radicalized
In recent months, the FBI has acknowledged two critical issues related to the Muslims coming into the country under the Refugee/Resettlement plan which is a plan sponsored by the United Nations.
In the following video, CIA Director Brennan affirms that ISIS is slipping into the country amongst refugees.
The critical part of the video is located at between 3 minutes and 4 minutes and 30 seconds.
More Confirmation
With God’s providence and timing, I received this communication in yesterday’s email.
Dave,I did an assignment at Kirkland AFB / Sandia National Labs. The trucking company we used was xxxx Trucking. xxxx xxxx used to quip they were the only NM truckers that could get onto the base.Note, you have to have a serious background check to get inside the gates.The last time I talked to xxxx (~16 mos). He was called to the Sandia main gate. Where he was to transport a load from inside the base to the front gate to a 3rd party trucker who could not get a security clearance to get inside the gate.He related his story about the cargo: He drove deep onto the base into a uber secure facility. Where and AP put a weapon to the back of his head and told him to follow the painted foot prints on the floor. He was then instructed to face the wall. (SOP for this facility) After the cargo was loaded, the AP came back, they did the reverse procedure and Hayes then delivered his cargo to outside the front gate where this 3rd World trucker, who should not been within 10 miles of Kirkland AFB took charge of the cargo.Apparently, our beloved FedGov.Inc (note domain suffix) has been importing 3rd World types and:
- Paying for their CDL license training
- Giving / leasing them Commercial trucks
- Giving them lucrative Gummint hauling contracts for hauling TS and above components..
- Taking contracts from US contractors capable of getting needed clearances.
Not a recipe for success.Regards
This closely parallels what my inside source said about Vet/Sec. I believe we are seeing just the tip of the iceberg.
If this is not concerning to you, then you are not paying attention. These federally subsidized Muslim immigrants are in a prime position to do this country irreparable harm. Remember, the American Revolution was carried out with less than 3% participation. You do the math as we continue on this path of national suicide.
This is just another pathway into martial law, by allowing our enemies access to our critical infrastructure and we have give potential terrorists the keys to the proverbial car (i.e. the nation’s power plants).
Secretary of State, John Kerry and Anne C. Richards are the UN’s accomplices in these devastating immigration policies.
Is this why we are seeing with ever-greater frequency these kinds of scenes inside of the United States?
And now the Associated Press admitted last week, by quoting Pentagon offiicals that UN troops will be used to impose martial law. God Help US.
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