Friday, July 8, 2016

Smallpox Blankets...the Death Strategy Is the Same

Late night yowls, most darling and beautiful Kittens... so, how do you sicken, weaken, and deal a death blow to *we the American people*? Yeah, keep that southern border wide open. While the fake prez deliberately brings in an invasion of drug cartels, criminals, jihadi killers... and on top of that... well, don't you dare bother checking ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS for diseases, serious diseases...oh, and don't bother isolating those who are obviously sick... yeah, just haul them to the bus terminal, given them vouchers, and say 'so long' to the floods and floods of illegals crossing the border every single moment of every single day... yeah, don't bother isolating obviously ill people, and actually finding out what illnesses they are afflicted, just turn them loose on the unsuspecting, what is the difference between giving smallpox-infected blankets to the American Indians... and this???

This Video Can Convict Obama Of Treason

Watch as drugs and Illegals flood across our southern border

Hear the Border Patrol talk about the criminals, disease and amounts of drugs that pour over our border.
Listen to government agents talk about completing the smuggling process, which is the wish of Obama.
Spread this video around, do not let Obama get away with destroying our country.
If we do not have a border we are not a nation.

Police Harass Reporter, Ignore Illegals 

Infowars reporter Joe Biggs recounts how the state police continue to harass the Infowars crew as they document how unprotected the border really is.

Reporters Harassed and Chased by Texas State Police at US/Mex Border 

State police make reporters leave border area while trying to document illegal aliens.

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