After the Witching Hour meows, my magickal and memorable KitKats... the moon is nearing full and she is gorgeous, especially with a planet companion and gauzy clouds circling her... this Big Cat is thinking Jupiter is beside her... but, she didn’t do a search...
Witchy Woman... she’s got the moon in her eyes... the Kougaress just heard that wonderfully evocative Eagles song... it’s so like her current WIP, Kandy Apple and Her Hellhounds... and, yes, progress is being made. So far, the witchy story is at about 45,000.
There is simply something so marvelous and feminine-powerful about witches, or the archetype of a witch, their true herstory, their connection to Mother Earth and her elements, their affinity with animals and plants, their ability to survive generation after generation and age after age, despite the almost constant persecution. Their ability to help with healing is legendary. One way their strength has been demonstrated is by the emergence of the Wiccan religion in this Big Cat’s lifetime.
Hogwash, it’s unlimited!!! these days. One example is Astatalk. Oh, yeah, all that *we believe that copyrights are slavery* crap. Check out the info below.
2:22 am... 3:33 am... 2:22 pm... 4:44 pm... 5:55 pm... 12:12 am... 1:11 am... Yowsa! The numbers got the Kougaress, but good. What’s it all about, Alfie? Yes, moi saw that 1966 film when it first came out. Quite the impact. And, yes, family is the center of it all... family meaning those who truly love you and care about you.
Authoress news and mews ~
A seemingly insurmountable problem
by Taige Crenshaw
I was watching some movies the other day. They all had the common theme of facing that insurmountable problem. The one that you feel you have no way of overcoming.
ROMANCE AUTHORS, if you’re interested in having your book’s first chapter presented on D. Renee Bagby Presents First Chapter, she’s looking for more. Join the fun by claw-clicking ~ dreneebagbypresentsfirstchapters.blogspot.com/p/submissions.html ~ And, ROARS! Readers, there are prizes!!!
Ebook Publishing - Mark Coker
For anyone interested in learning more about ebook publishing, particularly through Smashwords, the founder, Mark Coker, is interviewed at the Creative Penn.
Here's that link:
~ thecreativepenn.com/2010/10/17/ebook-publishing-inspiration-with-mark-coker-from-smashwords ~
Rebecca J. Vickery
Romance With A Twist
Western Trail Blazer
Victory Tales Press
Below from Karen Fox's website. Berkley may be another publisher to try with a print query.
Berkley Publishing Group*
a division of Penguin/Putnam Inc.
375 Hudson Street
New York, NY 10014
(212) 366-2000
Cindy Hwang, Executive Editor
Wendy McCurdy, Executive Editor
Kate Seaver, Senior Editor
Allison Brandau, Editorial Assistant
Established 1955.
6/09: Cindy Hwang listed #1 of Top Ten Romance/Women's Fiction Editors by Publishers Weekly
Kate Seaver listed #4 of Top Ten Romance/Women's Fiction Editors by Publishers Weekly
No unsolicited manuscripts. Query first. Do not query Wendy.
Submissions should be in the form of a synopsis (two to five double-spaced pages that tell the basic facts of the story; chapter-by-chapter outline is not required) and the first three chapters or approximately the first 50 pages. State whether a finished manuscript is available. Word length: 100,000 words.
Accepting contemporary and historical romances, paranormal, romantic suspense, and single title mainstream.
No computer disk or email submissions.
Cheers, Lindsay
AUTHORS ~ INFO about *Astatalk* ~ THEY ARE IN IT FOR THE MONEY!!! Not because they believe in that crap about reading rights for all.
Info about Astatalk
Posted by: "D. Renee Bagby"
Mon Oct 18, 2010 10:23 am (PDT)
I stumbled onto this while doing a search (anyone else having issues getting on Astatalk today or is that just me? I hope they didn't block my IP).
For those who keep asking what's in it for the pirates, here's a report from Pastebin.com:
Advanced domain report about astatalk.com. According to our report this website is hosted on IP which is located in , Netherlands. The ISP currently hosting astatalk.com is Dedicated/Collocated/Various hosting customers. At this present time astatalk.com has a Google Pagerank of 4. We estimate that this site receives about 54,710 unique visitors per day which converts to a daily revenue stream of $175 USD. The overall value of astatalk.com might be around $123,447 USD.
Domain: astatalk.com
Our Estimate Value: $123,447 USD and makes $175 USD a day
Estimate Visits Per Day 54,710
Hosting Location: in Netherlands
Website IP:
Website Organization: Dedicated/Collocated/Various hosting customers
Website ISP: NForce Entertainment
Alexa Rank: #10,727
D. Reneé Bagby
Building New Realms of Passion...
~ dreneebagby.com
Zenobia Renquist
Discover Different and Unique Romance
~ zenobiarenquist.com
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~ from the Flash Cat...
Happy Courtship on another Earth
X-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues...
Part 660 ~
Sylva savored the buttery cornbread muffin. Zeke had fed her the first bite. They’d romantically gazed into each other’s eyes, then he’d filled their plates. Now they sat, their knees practically touching, and ate with slow gusto, their plates balanced on their laps. The family hubbub around Sylva felt comforting, as well as disconcerting. Laughter and the sounds of eating lifted her soul. Yet, she remained a stranger in a strange land. It would take time, she kept reminding herself. And, so far, it was all good. “Try this, darlin’.” Zeke held up a strip of something Sylva couldn’t identify.
Zeke watched his woman’s eyes cloud with uncertainty. “What is it?” He grinned teasingly. “Give it a try. Just a nibble. One tiny nibble.” His Sylva huffed a breath. “If it doesn’t taste good,” she warned, “or if it’s something icky.” Zeke wiggled the noodle-like piece. “Icky?” She gave him a brief scowl. “Disgusting.” Still, she slowly leaned forward and daintily took his offering. “You’re makin’ me feel darn guilty, my woman.” His Sylva’s expression was pained before she got a full taste of their family’s favorite squash. His mother kept it growing year round. “Oh, yummy. Some kind of vegetable.”
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 659 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ passionateink.org/forum ~ OR! Now available on The Romance Studio Forum, JANUARY 2009 through JUNE 2010 flashes ~ theromancestudio.com ~ Click on the FORUMS, then Savanna Kougar ~ the Fantasy Lair ~
SATURDAY ~ This coming Saturday, October 23, 2010... there will be a major rally in Washington DC, to illustrate that the entire administration is fraudulent. This Big Cat is hoping against hope, this will be a red letter day. A fraud of unknown proportions has been perpetrated against the American people. It’s time for it to end.
Wish Upon on a Blue Moon New Year...
May your most romantic dreams come true...
Witchy Woman kisses from the Kougar...
Man that Astatalk info is frustrating. All of the money they are taking from hard working authors who love to write and are thrilled to do so for their fans as well as for themselves. ~sigh~
I agree, there is something fabulous about witches. I love to explore their connection to Mother Earth.
Serena, yeah, the whole astatalk scene is depressing. You'd think those individuals never heard of karma or a karmic payback.
Every time I listen to a witch guest or read about their practices and such, it's so fascinating and it resonates in several ways.
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