Pic from Coast to Coast am ~ Stan Deyo sent us a couple illustrations from his book, Cosmic Conspiracy, to accompany his presentation. The first is of a 'mothership'-- huge in size, it would have a psychological impact as it hovered over cities. ~ millennium-ark.net/Podcast/101020.C2C/101020.C2C.html ~
Evening purrs, my lissome and lucky Felines, oooh release the fire! Release the Kougaress during this Full Moon in Aries. Some say it’s the Harvest Moon, others the Hunter Moon... or, it’s time for this Big Cat shift into the Huntress and seek out the new and discard the old... three days ago, the moon blazed orange as a pumpkin on the early morning horizon... a couple of days ago, the moon luminesced, a corn yellow color... the harvest is coming to a close... it’s time to celebrate with bonfires and enjoy the crisp cool nights before the dark cold of winter.
Oh, those invisible jets... this afternoon, the Kougaress was outside for a short time... the day was absolutely lovely... and she’d just cleaned off the top of her makeshift container for mail order packages... on her return she ran over what sounded like a black walnut... however the trees didn’t produce much this year... still, moi wanted to know because why have an unexpected flat tire... anyway, she heard the sound of a jet and followed it with her gaze... a military jet flew at low altitude due south, and not all that fast... however, the sound of the engines indicated they were nuclear powered... anyhoo, moments later, there was the sound of another jet, the same kind of jet, or similar... despite a relatively clear blue sky, nope, it could not be seen... and it was traveling westward... then, another jet flying west... and again, it could not be seen... when it should have been visible... yeah, tell this Big Cat that type of tech doesn’t exist. Sure-meow, she’ll believe you. And not her own eyes.
Yowls of commentary... this Big Cat doesn’t understand the hatred humanity seems to have for itself. In these time so-called authorities demand that folks in wheelchairs get up and walk, demand they follow orders... it doesn’t matter if the individual in the wheelchair CAN’T stand up... and, it doesn’t matter if that individual attempts to explain their health circumstance... they get tazered, they get dumped out... some of these folks are seriously injured, or they are murdered by this horrific abuse. THESE are not isolated examples. It’s happening more and more everyday. And, this is only an example, a microcosm for how humanity is currently treating itself. It’s like chopping the legs off a cow and then demanding the poor thing stand up. We’re all against animal cruelty. Why aren’t we against human cruelty? Really, this Big Cat does not understand. She DOES NOT understand these times at all, in that regard.
2:12 am... 3.33 am... 4:44 am... 12:12 am... 2:12 pm... 12:12 am... WOW! The next few days must be turning points as far as the year, 2012, goes... there are some nasty, nasty trends happening, put into place by ‘those’ in high level positions who care nothing for humanity, who care nothing about you.
Authoress news and mews ~
Yes, the Kougar finished another chapter on her WIP ~ Kandy Apple and Her Hellhounds ~ and is writing the next chapter. The spooktacular spirit of Halloween is helping... and is this Big Cat author ever grateful!
This is the Kougar’s official ROARS OF THANK YOU!!! moment to everyone who has purchased BRANDED BY THE TEXANS, or any of her books. She is grateful! ~wahoo good good vibes are coming your way~ this Big Cat luvs ya... yeeeehawww!
The NOOK ~ the Barnes and Noble e-reader. Siren-BookStrand has negotiated. and NOW their titles are available on the Nook.
The Kougar’s BRANDED BY THE TEXANS [Sales Rank: 88,302], HER INSATIABLE DARK HEROES [Sales Rank: 166,060], STALLION OF ASH AND FLAME, MURDER BY HAIR SPRAY IN GARDENIA, NEW ATLANTIS, ALL SHADES OF BLUE PARADISE [Sales Rank: 357,264] and WHEN A GOOD ANGEL FALLS [Sales Rank: 209,226] are now available for Nook lovers.
Also, RED LIONESS TAMED and BLACK CAT BEAUTY, the Kougar’s two Liquid Silver Books are also available.
Squicky sticky terminology
by Vivien Jackson
Was watching tweets squawk by the other day and noticed this gem:
@eroticawriter retweeting @rantyeditor: Phrases that shouldn't be used as euphemisms for vagina: womanly gash, secret garden, love nest, pleasure pit.
Right on.
I've been reading in romance and erotica for a long time, long enough to have my own personal list of Wince-Worthy Words (and Phrases). I'll just go on ahead and share:
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~ from the Flash Cat...
Happy Courtship on another Earth
X-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues...
Part 662 ~
Sylva made a show out of gradually tasting the nummy salad. “Mmm-mmm, that is so good.” Zeke’s undivided attention was working its magic on her, no doubt. After he took a large bite, obviously savoring, Sylva ate a bread stick that had a rich yeasty flavor. “You are so spoiling me. And, I so hope you continue. No pressure,” she added, then smiled. When had she ever felt this good? Except as a kid when she’d run the neighborhood, and simply lived. The glint in her cowboy’s eyes reassured her that he enjoyed her as much as she enjoyed him.
Zeke held out another spoon of the salad. His Sylva’s eyes gleamed as she flirtatiously took the bite. He hadn’t realized it, but in the back of his mind, he’d been concerned she wouldn’t know how to handle his family, being in their presence this way. He surely was going to keep encouraging his woman. He felt all too good surrounded by his loved ones and being with his bride. As he chewed on a thick strip of bacon, Zeke watched her glance around. “There’s such a big difference being here... and... well... everyone seems to truly enjoy each other.”
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 661 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ passionateink.org/forum ~ OR! Now available on The Romance Studio Forum, JANUARY 2009 through JUNE 2010 flashes ~ theromancestudio.com ~ Click on the FORUMS, then Savanna Kougar ~ the Fantasy Lair ~
Wish Upon on a Blue Moon New Year...
May your most romantic dreams come true...
Moonfire kisses from the Kougar...
Yay! Another chapter done...the ending is coming closer and closer!! Soon we'll get a taste of some tasty hellhounds. ;)
Serena, some lava-tasty hellhounds that adore martinis... lol... and, their one witch, of course.
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