Meows! Frisky and fabulous Felines... finally, the Kougaress got to sample one of her volunteer-growing Plucky tomatoes... she couldn’t tell how ripe the cherry-sized tomatoes were... well, because she didn’t know what kind of tomato species it was exactly... since she planted several different varieties last year that were different colors... but my, omy! Delicious is not the word... yum, yum, yum! And, there’s more. Hopefully, they’ll ripen soon. And, here’s hoping some seed will get saved for next year. KitKats, you could have guessed this science-based info was true... but, having sex is a brain booster... give a glimpse to the article below... this Big Cat can already hear it... husbands, significant others and boyfriends will be saying something along the lines of... you want me to work smarter, honey... you gotta give me some sugar tonight... okay, insert your own appropriate dialogue here... Wow, those bears are really getting their brave groove on lately... going for joy rides in cars... enjoying the hot tub experience... dodging the law by escaping out a window... dining on fruit, then grabbing a teddy bear on the way out... and now, the Kougaress just heard a story about a woman in New Mexico, who was staying with her neighbor because their was a bear in her house and no one from her local control agency had shown up yet to evict the big furry critter.~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~The Kougar is blogging at ROMANCE WRITERS BEHAVING BADLY ~ Here’s the opening ~Sinful Saturday ~ BRANDED BY THE TEXANS ~ New *Sextreme* Release After authoring eight erotic romance novels, this is the first one rated: Sextreme. Is that sinful enough for this Saturday? I certainly hope so!I didn’t start out with that particular goal in my mind when I began writing Branded. However, it is a menage, starring Kylie and her three Texans, Dillon, Dono and Dash. And, holy moly, did the heroine and her heroes take over my keyboard...their wants, their needs...sexually, emotionally and passionately. ~~~~~~
Featured at SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS ~ Too Much Of A Good Thing...By Serena ShayHere we are at Friday again. Yay! Any big plans out there for the weekend?So as I was writing Branwen's thoughts, it dawned on how much I enjoy writing descriptive scenes. Using a variety of words to make clear the pictures in my mind and letting those words roll over my tongue.~~~
Featured at ROMANCE WRITERS BEHAVING BADLY ~FLIRTY FRIDAYNot tonight, dear. I have a headache.We all have our arsenal of excuses for those times when we’re just not in the mood to get it on. “I’m too tired.” “I have to get up early in the morning.” “It’s that time of the month.” “I just don’t feel like it.”~~~
Featured at Jolie Cain’s blog ~ ~ Thirteen Crazy Laws 1. In Bozeman, Montana, a law prohibits all sexual activity from the front yard of a home after sundown. ~~~
Here’s an informative article with one-liner potential ~ Wanna boost your brain for that history exam, babe?Sex Boosts Brain Growth, Study SuggestsCharles Q. ChoiLiveScience – Wed Jul 28, 11:48 am ETSex apparently can help the brain grow, according to new findings in rats.Sexually active rodents also seemed less anxious than virgins, Princeton scientists discovered.Past findings had shown that stressful, unpleasant events could stifle brain cell growth in adults. To see if pleasant albeit stressful experiences could have the opposite effect, researchers studied the effects of sex in rats.Scientists played matchmaker by giving adult male rats access to sexually receptive females either once daily for two weeks or just once in two weeks. They also measured blood levels of stress hormones known as glucocorticoids, which researchers suspected might lie behind the detrimental effects that unpleasant experiences have on the brain.When compared with male virgins, both groups of sexually active rats had cell proliferation, or an increase in the number of neurons, in the hippocampus, a part of the brain linked with memory whose cells are especially sensitive to unpleasant experiences. The rats that had more sex also had adult brain cells grow, as well as a rise in the number of connections between brain cells.However, the rodents that only saw females once in two weeks had elevated levels of stress hormones, while the rats that had regular access showed no increase in the hormones. Sexually experienced rodents also proved less anxious than virgins, in that they were quicker to chomp down on food in unfamiliar environs.These findings suggest that while stress hormones can be detrimental to the brain, these effects can be overridden if whatever experiences triggered them were pleasant. ~~~~~~
From ~ On July 29, Mars moves into Libra for a brief but potent stay until September 14. It is being said in the astrology world that this is going to be period of revolutionary changes. These changes may be personal, relationship-oriented, or community-based, it may affect nations and even have global significance, but whatever is about to occur will probably be rather memorable or one for the history books.Mars moves into Libra and promptly runs into a highly strung, rather disruptive, not to say explosive opposition to Uranus on July 30 and a teeth-gritting, impatient, accident prone conjunction to Saturn on July 31. Tempers will flare, plans will get chopped and change with everyone going in opposite directions.The mood out in the world will be insecure. Playing it cool will be crucial. However tempting it might be, this is not the time to over-react to provocation. If you are confident within yourself, whatever is happening around you will just bounce off. Focus your energy on what can be done right away. Also, be aware that Mars in Libra gets especially annoyed about unfairness and injustice. So if feel you are being treated unfairly or see others in that position, you'll be out there arguing the case to right the wrongs.Once we survive the early days of August, we will be asked to arrive at decisions by being objective, balanced and listening to both sides of an argument before making judgements. Mars can be rather brash and tactless but it mellows in Libra to become co-operative and more refined. So there'll be a greater understanding of the need for compromise to keep relationships running along smoothly. Resolutions and solutions should be arrived at through diplomacy and communication. Be assertive but not aggressive.~~~~~~
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~ from the Flash Cat...Happy Courtship on another EarthX-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues... Part 579 ~Sylva tried to choke back her tears, but soon yielded to the flood, then to the sobs shaking her body. Somewhere during the storm of her weeping, she realized Zeke was okay. Before her mind’s eye, she witnessed the closure of the blackhole portal. For several moments, it looked like a giant sewing needle had stitched the dimensional wound closed... as if black thread had been used on pewter gray material. She watched evidence of the portal vanish, everything except a slender, nearly translucent strip. “A scar,” she whispered. A second later, Sylva knew the leftover anomaly affected this Earth. Zeke frowned, and figured his brow knit together like the tight weave of his mother’s sweaters. “The damn bad news,” he repeated. “We got a new problem. That godforsaken hole closed, but didn’t return to dang normal. Did it?” He heard Benjamin step closer.”Yep, right as springtime rain. It’s altering the matrix of our Earth, slight as can be, but it could turn out to be devastatin’ decades down the road.” Zeke listened to his dad’s approach. “From what I gather, studying those panel results, it’s leaking the energy from our Earth.” Benjamin whipped around, fast as a riled badger.~~~~~~TO BE CONTINUED...~~~~~~Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...Part 16 ~ 578 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ ~ OR! Now available on The Romance Studio Forum, JANUARY 2009 through JUNE 2010 flashes ~ ~ Click on the FORUMS, then Savanna Kougar ~ the Fantasy Lair ~~~~~~~
BIG CAT BEARER OF BAD NEWS ~ This is the LAST thing... one of them anyway, that this Big Cat ever wanted to be and do during her lifetime, be the bearer of bad news... not merely bad news... living-in-a-horror-movie news.No, she wanted to be a BEARER OF GOOD NEWS, or news about the constant uplifting of us ALL. Instead, the government establishments in our precious world have become so mind-blowingly corrupt, so evil in their actions that moi feels a duty to let as many of her darling Big Cats know as possible. These action/plans were begun decades and decades ago... read the novels, 1984 by George Orwell and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. These works of fiction are written by men who were on the ‘inside’ and wanted to expose the diabolical plans of the psychopath elite. One set of plans is the incremental poisoning of our food and water. If you dare, if you can stomach it, pun intended... check out the vids at ~ ~ to quote:People the world over, but especially in the United States are under chemical attack. Deadly and dangerous toxins ranging from Aspartame to Fluoride, GMO, Mercury-tainting, pesticides, cross-species chimeras, plastic compounds in chicken, high fructose corn syrup, cloned meat, rBGH and new aggressive GM species of salmon have all entered into our diets and environments– whether we want it or not. ~~~~~~
~ HAPPY LAZY HAZY SUMMER DAYS ~Wish Upon on a Blue Moon New Year...
May your most romantic dreams come true...Brain boost smooches from the Kougar...
Pic from ~ ~ A baby zedonk stands next to her mother Monday at the Chestatee Wildlife Preserve in Lumpkin County. The zebra, donkey mix was born Thursday.~~~
Late night yowls, my gliding and slinky-siding KitKats... oh, a rough draining day for the Kougaress... *not* bad as in things going wrong... thank you to the Divine... but, somehow, the heat and humidity got moi when she had to do her stock-up shopping... and she was down for the ‘nap’ count a couple of hours after returning. ~~~
Poetry... it’s here, probably to stay... okay, purrs, poetry has been around for Age upon Age... this Big Cat contends, this form of creative expression is simply and complexly a matter of the soul, of the spirit... of being the unique divine creations we are as human beings... our emotions, our experiences, our realizations... to put it in another way... poetry is ‘us’ and we are poetry... think of the phrase ‘poetry in motion’ ... in a deeply profound way... we are all poetry in motion and we ‘motion’ poetry by penning it... bringing those words to life on the page...In this wayward ‘coming apart’ day and age, we need poetry as never before. It is part of the Soul Rising that is taking place inside all of us, the Soul Rising that is tsunami-sweeping across our globe in this time of Awakening, of knowing the depths of our true natures. Poetry is our friend, our companion during this journey... we are Poetry Rising. ~~~~~~
Sorta Rant ~ Oh, and more good news... snark, meow, snark... yep, Googlie is ramping up to spy-track *everyone* in real time, according to a Wired mag article... via cell phone, searches on the World Wide Wiretap, purchases using credit cards, bank cards, face recognition software... oh, and by reading your license plate... of course, if you have a chipped ID, you’re even more screwed... did you know there are a slew of innocent folks serving time for crimes they didn’t commit because they were convicted on ‘false’ evidence... that is, THEY [bad guys and gals in the gov] can manufacture blood evidence against you, as well as ‘make’ your fingerprints... plus, THEY manipulate the results of lie detector tests... so, what does this mean? IT DOESN’T matter if you’re guilty of anything, or not, THEY can and will get you any time THEY want. Yeppers, that’s why the founding fathers were so fond of PRIVACY!!! and, to paraphrase... didn’t give a crap about the whole ‘if you have nothing to hide’ malarkey. Of course, so too roaring-bad! those poor *innocent* folks at the health food store in California didn’t hide the raw milk and yoghurt better from the feds and the cops’ SWAT-like raid. Yep, black market raw milk and raw dairy products... it’s here, it’s coming... and the Kougaress would be buying those PROHIBITION-like goodies if she could get her paws on some. Instead of gin in the bathtub... yoghurt in the bathtub?~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~ The Kougar is blogging at HAPPILY EVER AFTER on Friday, the 30th. Here’s the opening ~Romance Novella Poetry ~ BUFFALO’S RUSHING WINDOnce upon a time, during the zoom and boom days of the 1990's, I wrote a romance novella titled ~ ROPE THE BUFFALO’S RUSHING WIND ~ Now, don’t laugh, if you are, at my title. Hey, this story won first place in one of the RWA chapter contests, the paranormal category, of course. I think it was the Desert Rose, and that happened *way* back in 1999. AND!On Saturday, the 31st, the Kougar is posting at ROMANCE WRITERS BEHAVING BADLY.~~~
Featured at SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS ~Holy reptilian boyfriends, Batman!By Rebecca GillanHi and welcome to your Wednesday fix of Shapeshifter Seductions! Wow, what a week this has been so far. Yesterday, I had two important releases: my e-novella, ‘The Hawk’s Bride’, was released by Siren-BookStrand and my youngest son was released from the hospital. (The poor monkey had appendicitis.) I will be reviewing ‘Cold Moon Rising’ by C.T. Adams and Cathy Clamp. And last but not least, in honor of Ahmad finding a mate, I have a bit of unusual reading for you this week in the form of a woman who claims to have lived with a reptilian shape shifter crocodile. ~~~
Featured at HAPPILY EVER AFTER ~WINDOW TO THE SOULLinda Swift is our guest today. She has had over 100 poems published and won numerous awards for her work. She is a lifetime member and former president of the Kentucky State Poetry Society. ~~~
Featured at ROMANCE WRITERS BEHAVING BADLY ~ Thursday Thirteen - 13 places and things to do for the summer... Taige CrenshawThis week's Thursday Thirteen is all about places and things I’ve done or still plan to do for the summer. ~~~~~~
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~ from the Flash Cat...Happy Courtship on another EarthX-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues... Part 578 ~Sylva shut her eyes trying like sheer hell to send her awareness back to Zeke. But, she was blocked – by a good force or a bad force – she couldn’t manage anything. “Crap!” Balling her fists so that her nails dug into her palms, she prayed while tears slipped from the corners of her eyes. “Yeah, that’s right,” she teary muttered, “just when I’m getting used to these ‘powers’... they disappear. Disappear,” she repeated in a defiant shout. A loud sigh tore at her soul and she rolled on her side. “Zeke.” It’s not that she felt something terrible occurred... still... Zeke stared. “Yes, by God,” Benjamin boomed through gritted teeth. Dark as the devil’s eyes, the portal transformed to black as it consumed the Wormwood submersible. Several moments later, a flash of light exploded within the dimensional hole and spread out. Becoming giant spikes of illumination, it changed the coloration of the sea around them to translucent shades of turquoise. Gradually, the blast of light diminished, the sea appearing more normal. At the same time, the portal shrunk in size. “We’ve stopped moving,” Jamison uttered in the following silence. “That’s the damn good news,” Benjamin began. “The damn bad news...” ~~~~~~TO BE CONTINUED...~~~~~~Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...Part 16 ~ 577 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ ~ OR! Now available on The Romance Studio Forum, JANUARY 2009 through JUNE 2010 flashes ~ ~ Click on the FORUMS, then Savanna Kougar ~ the Fantasy Lair ~~~~~~~
Oh, my darling Big Cats, many of the *TOO BIG TO FAIL* INSURANCE COMPANIES are now bilking folks out of their duly-paid-for insurance, including the *Veterans* families. Why? How? Because they can. They’re so BIG nobody can stop them. Plus, THEY got the legal go-ahead from the corrupt sleazeballs in congress and in the white house.This Big Cat has tried to warn folks for a couple of years now, that Insurance companies are failing and will FAIL. Not only that they will lie, cheat and steal. Who’s going to STOP them? The corrupt sleazeballs are lining their pockets, filling their Cayman Island bank accounts with payoffs. It’s the MOB on steroids. On speed. It’s MOBZILLA and he’s coming for you. Heck, Wal-Mart takes out policies on their ‘elder’ greeters. Who gets the monies when they pass on to their reward? No, NOT THE FAMILIES. Wal-Mart gets the payout. ~~~~~~
~ HAPPY LAZY HAZY SUMMER DAYS ~Wish Upon on a Blue Moon New Year...
May your most romantic dreams come true...Poetry Rising smooches from the Kougar...
Purr greetings, most exalted Felines, yes, moi is all aflutter with excitement as the release date for Branded nears... and she has been doing some snippet-promo-ing.Okay, on to, hopefully, a more interesting topic. It’s POETRY WEEK at the HAPPILY EVER AFTER blog. The Kougar is blogging this Friday, the 30th. As she contemplated what poem to post... whether to pen one, or go with one already written... thoughts of her unpubbed 1990's romance novella, Rope the Buffalo’s Rushing Wind, began haunting her like a friendly ghost. So, two things. White Buffalo Woman will be speaking at HAPPILY EVER AFTER. And, the writer’s lesson for today, should you choose check it out, is ~ HOW *NOT* TO PEN a romance novella... that is, if you want it published without going Indie. What follows is part of a scene between the heroine, Kyote, and the hero, Zake. As is courting tradition in this world, Kyote must attend the evening celebration at Zake dynastic ranch.Warning: DON’T TRY THIS AT HOME!!! Authors and aspiring authors... From ~ Rope the Buffalo’s Rushing WindHer heart was a hunt-loud drum as Zake elegantly, powerfully wove his way toward her. Forcing breaths into her lungs, she watched him stride as if she had never fury-chastised him. But then, sun-real, she expected no less.“Woman Chief Kyote Spring Wind,” Zake velvet-formal commanded. “Your savage and beautiful companionship is mine for the remainder of this night’s festivity, as is our honored tradition.” Eagle-smoldering eyes swept over her face, then penetrated her eyes. Unwillingly, her breath torrid, Kyote admired the art-superior handsomeness of his face. “Caballero Zake Doliz Vyquerrone, I must accept your courting companionship, as remains our prairie-held tradition,” she pride-cold returned. Gallant-formal, Zake lifted her hands beneath his lips’ touch. Kyote’s fingers ice-numbed. Her heart beat-quivered. Whether it was passion-fright or romance-excitement, Kyote was not emotion-sure. Yet, as his lips tender-long pressed on each of her hands, it was not her ice fragile fingers that caused shivers to claim her…wild sweet shivers. Prairie Goddess She wind-raged within. How long? How long had she child-to-woman dreamed, cloud-gazing dreamed of this very moment? Pride-unwillingly, Kyote felt herself transform to woman-delicate flesh. “How shall I evening please you, Woman Chief?” Zake tradition-courted. “You could have man-pleased me earlier. If you had brave-captured your lust clawing cat before she snarl-ripped her words,” Kyote temper-blazed, her knees remaining soft romance. “Instead, my battle-riding wildcat, you have word-railing pleased me,” Zake true spoke, drinking in the untamed fiery sea of her eyes…drowning in the beauty-savagery of her face. “Dark World roaming beast ” Kyote cougaress-hissed, pulling her hands fierce-uselessly. “Do dare dream I will ever woman-passionate ride you ” “Mating-brilliant fantasies, my Kyote,” he wind-scorched. Blue-smoke eyes glowed into her. “I have soul-dreaming known them all with you.” Shock winged through her, a preying hawk. His thumbs caress-circled within her palms…then his thumbs pressed into her passion. The pleasure was soft-violent. Yet, still her soul tempest-spun with anger.~~~~~~
Yes, good and fierce Kittens All, it’s time. *Power Up* the Love Embrace... wrap Mother Earth with your thoughts of love... hug everyone on Earth who needs it with your mental love embrace... and we all need it in these times. This Big Cat does.With THOSE, who will *never* be on the front lines, pounding on the war drums like drunken mad idiots at one of Satan’s revelries... We All are facing the unthinkable. Mother Earth is facing the unthinkable. The eco-catastrophe in our precious Gulf will be nothing compared to the damage done if the mushroom bombs go off. And, that is the plan of SOME. Those who remain hidden, yet orchestrate the world like evil puppeteers. Yeah, it’s a James Bond movie for real.So, POWER UP THE LOVE EMBRACE... replace war vibes with love vibes. Or, as it was said in the Kougaress’s oldster generation. MAKE LOVE, NOT WAR. But, more in keeping with the times ~ MAKE LOVE TO A WARRIORESS, A WARRIOR. DON’T MAKE WAR FOR THE ENSLAVERS OF HUMANITY.~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~Featured at HAPPILY EVER AFTER ~ It’s Poetry Week!LOVE, Stalker of the Heart - A Collection of Poemsby Bekki LynnPoetry is a great outlet for emotions you shouldn't keep pent up. In my line of work, I work with a lot of teens and college students. Can you say DRAMA? ~~~
Featured at ROMANCE WRITERS BEHAVING BADLY ~Giving It Away For Freeby Carol StormI have a confession to make.Even though I’m a published author and I take my career seriously, there are times when I feel the urge to write what I want to write, and give it away for free. And that’s when I go over to the Fiction Press and Fan Fiction sites.Moi’s mew-sings ~Carol, I wasn't aware of those two sites. But then, I'm not that much of a fanfic writer. However, I certainly understand the appeal and the crazy fun of letting loose... and, I say, go for it!Authoring to be pubbed is a different kind of writing imo... as you described. It's still you, your heart and your soul, but it's written from a different aspect of you, and crafted in a way that is often more limiting.~~~
Yes, yowls, moi does not trust FACEBOOK!Details of 100m Facebook users collected and publishedBy Daniel Emery Technology reporter, BBC News 28 July 2010 Last updated at 15:13 ETPersonal details of 100m Facebook users have been harvested and published on the net by a security consultant.Ron Bowles used a piece of code to scan Facebook profiles, collecting data not hidden by the user's privacy settings.The list, which has been shared as a downloadable file, contains the URL of every searchable Facebook user's profile, their name and unique ID.Mr Bowles said he published the data to highlight privacy issues, but Facebook said it was already public information.The file has spread rapidly across the net.Related storiesOn the Pirate Bay, the world's biggest file-sharing website, the list was being distributed and downloaded by more than 1,000 users.More ~ ~ ~~~~~~
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~ from the Flash Cat...Happy Courtship on another EarthX-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues...Part 577 ~Sylva felt a strange tug, as if a strong wind grabbed at her. ‘No!’ she protested. Yet, something pulled her from Zeke, away from the sub, and she zipped somewhere fast. Her etheric arms reached out and she nearly mind-shouted for her cowboy husband. But that could have taken his attention off his critical circumstance. Her heart wasn’t silent, screaming for him, saying his name over and over. Zeke. Sylva found herself hovering over her body. In a blink, she felt the bed beneath her. Panting and in semi-shock, she rubbed her hands over the cool sheet. “Oh, God. Zeke.”Zeke mentally shoved the enemy sub closer to the chaotically whirling center of the widening portal. Transfixed, he watched the implosion spread, eat away the fabric of the BP underwater craft. Aware their submersible gradually slid toward the tiny sucking blackhole, even though they’d powered down to life support, he hoped like ever-lovin’ hell the timing he’d internally felt, was right, and inspired by the Lord above. “Come on,” Jamison uttered. “Come on, stick inside that damn-from-hell hole.” It seemed as if it took another eternity for the dissolving Wormwood submersible to enter the wildly flaring portal. Zeke didn’t breathe.~~~~~~TO BE CONTINUED...~~~~~~Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...Part 16 ~ 576 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ ~ OR! Now available on The Romance Studio Forum, JANUARY 2009 through JUNE 2010 flashes ~ ~ Click on the FORUMS, then Savanna Kougar ~ the Fantasy Lair ~~~~~~~
~ HAPPY LAZY HAZY SUMMER DAYS ~Wish Upon on a Blue Moon New Year...
May your most romantic dreams come true...Power Up Love smooches from the Kougar...
Early evening purrs, my wonderfully naughty Felines... the crickets are singing... the sun is shining... the yard is an amazing jungle and the roses are still blooming... oh, and moi’s brain cells are definitely over-taxed after this whirlwind-crazed day of authorly stuff and reading several incredible blogs, the ones listed below... there was a huge Aspen Mountain Press anniversary celebration on The Romance Studio Blue’s TRS yahoo chat loop that the Kougar stumbled into, and ended up enjoying while posting about TANGERINE CARNAL DREAMS. Omy! This Big Cat is tired.~~~
Omygoodness, who’s laughing now? Why it’s The Laughing Man on Facebook... however, this Big Cat hasn’t actually seen Mr. Laughing Man on Facebook... because she’s NOT on Facebook, and she WON’T be. However, she did read a transcript on another bloggie... POWERFUL REAWAKENING!!! Yeah, the Kougaress can get behind that... as long as Mr. Laughing Man isn’t stealing any info or doing any damage to anyone precious Facebook page... well, KEEP ON LAUGHING!!! because this Big Cat Rebel is with you.A little mew of confession... before the emergence of Mr. Laughing Man the Kougaress has done on her own mental visualization of laughing at the psychopath ‘mass murdering’ global elite MOB BANKSTERS... making fun of them mentally... the poor little wimp-psychos have lost their souls and can only ‘get it up’ by the horrific use of what they believe is POWER... they are to be pitied in the grand scheme of things... why? Because, actually, they’ve already lost. Though, currently, this Big Cat isn’t feeling all that much pity for them... more like rip and claw their eyes out, their guts out... rip and shred... shred and rip...~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~Featured at HAPPILY EVER AFTER ~ It’s Poetry Week!!!The Shadow of a Dog I Can't Forget - Mary EasthamI didn't choose poetry, it chose me with its spare, elegant language that stuns your psyche like a stray bullet. I think of myself as a storyteller who sometimes uses the format of poetry to tell a story. Oprah Winfrey, who until recently read very little poetry, now sees it as one of 100 THINGS THAT ARE GETTING BETTER because it is the key to modern conversation.~~~
Featured at Lindsay Townsend’s THE PINK BLOG ~The Nature of Short Fiction-or Short StoryBy Celia Yeary Several years ago, I bought a 1970 Edition Writer's Digest book titled "Handbook of Short Story Writing." This small book gives practical advice on the how-to's of: Ideas, Characters, Dialogue, Plotting, Viewpoint, The Scene, Description, Flashback, Transition, Conflict, Revision, and Marketing.With the complete guide, one would think a budding short story writer would soon learn the knack of writing decent stories, and perhaps one day turn into Eudora Welty. ~~~
Featured at ROMANCE WRITERS BEHAVING BADLY ~Emotions with no wordsby Taige Crenshaw The other day I was watching a ballet when I realized that although there were no words I clearly knew what the dancers were portraying with their body. The ballet had all the emotions it made me laugh, angry, and weep.~~~~~~
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~ from the Flash Cat...Happy Courtship on another EarthX-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues...Part 576 ~Sylva had no clue what to do, except to keep mentally standing with her Zeke. It seemed like destiny had taken over. He stood stoically, and looked like a powerful warrior as he waited to pull the lever. “Ready,” her cowboy stated. “Rewiring complete,” Jamison reported. Sylva felt hypnotized by the constant beam fire shooting toward them... by the blackhole portal that could be seen on submersible’s main view screen now. Zaps of lightning that looked as fragile as a spiders web began inside the portal. Silence had taken over everyone, over everything, except for the hum of the sub.Zeke remained ready, every muscle and sinew of his body. His focus zeroed in on the destabilized portal, and he felt the rising signal of his gut. “Go,” Benjamin barked. Zeke steadily pulled the lever downward while mentally counting the seconds. “That’s it, that’s it,” Benjamin chanted in his gruff voice. Zeke noticed a light sweat broke out on his forehead – nothing that interfered with his concentration. Slowly, he pulled until finally, the lever hit bottom and settled. “Activated,” Jamison reported, his tone hushed. “That Wormwood devil is starting to particle-implode.” Benjamin spoke what they all witnessed on one screen.~~~~~~TO BE CONTINUED...~~~~~~Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...Part 16 ~ 575 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ ~ OR! Now available on The Romance Studio Forum, JANUARY 2009 through JUNE 2010 flashes ~ ~ Click on the FORUMS, then Savanna Kougar ~ the Fantasy Lair ~~~~~~~
Dengue fever... did you know it’s in Florida, the area of The Keys? BE CAREFUL, darling Big Cats... this is most likely the experimental stuff from military experiments.Dengue Fever Hits Key West, Florida, Threatens to Spread Dengue fever, the most prevalent virus spread by mosquitoes globally, poses a growing ... Dengue virus is showing up in the Florida Keys, the CDC reported yesterday, with 5 ...~ ~~~~
There is no blue and gray battling each other, this time, however the civil war is here. The feds have attacked the states repeatedly and are unlawfully suing the state of Arizona. And, this is only one high-profile battle. Everywhere they can, the feds are attacking and deliberately provoking the states into a rebellion, unless the states become utterly subservient... and allow themselves to be taken over and federalized. Most of the police have already been federalized. They are no longer supposed to protect and serve the people, but are beholden to their federal masters. Only.Did you know the Sheriff of a county has the right to kick the feds out on behalf of the people? There has been so much mind-bending and mind control that people actually believe the feds are supposed to be in charge. Nope. It’s ass-backwards.~~~
"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."—Thomas Jefferson~~~~~~
~ HAPPY LAZY HAZY SUMMER DAYS ~Wish Upon on a Blue Moon New Year...
May your most romantic dreams come true...Reawakening smooches from the Kougar...
Pic from ~ ~Sorta stormy Monday meows, my adorably vivacious KitKats... a couple of hit and miss storms on the tame prairie that lowered the temperature delightfully, but threatened to shut down moi’s on-a-roll computer activities... but, so far, all is well, with Branded being e-sent back to Siren-BookStrand and the release now officially ONE WEEK away!!! Yes, the Kougar is stoked. Yahoooooo’s and excited mews...~~~
Why the postcard above... well, moi fancies [to use a British term] old or vintage postcards. And, she found this one and many others doing some research on the terrain around Elko, Nevada... guess what, there’s also a brothel called Sue’s Fantasy Club... now, there’s a title some erotica authors might like to use.Will she or won’t she? The Kougar is penning away on a new flash scene for her post at SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS, Tuesday, July 27th. Here’s the opening, so far...Dream Thief ~ Flashpoint FangsI am a hater of lies, injustice and the tyranny way. Who am I? I could be your worst nightmare or your sweetest dream. Your sweetest, most erotic dream if you’re a woman. For the sake of time, I’ll leave further descriptions of myself for later. ~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~Congrats to Lindsay Townsend! Posted by Lindsay on her chat loop.A Knight's Enchantment is a Night Owl Reviews TOP PICK!Hi, I'm thrilled that my medieval historical romance A KNIGHT'S ENCHANTMENT isa Night Owl reviews TOP PICK! Terri says she'd like to see more about the characters because she's still thinking about them and goes on, 'I believe Ms Townsend has raised the bar for this era for many of her fellow authors.'To see Terri's review please go here:~
Featured at SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS ~Getting TenseBy Pat CunninghamSince we were having so much fun discussing voice and tense in the comments last week, and since I’m blank for a topic, let’s run an opinion poll. Here are four versions of the same paragraph. Which one best serves the story?~~~
Featured at HAPPILY EVER AFTER ~ It’s Poetry Week!!!Villanelles and Quarternsby: Stephanie BurkhartJust recently, I learned several different forms of poetry. I thought I'd share a couple of my poems with you for poetry week.~~~
Featured at ROMANCE WRITERS BEHAVING BADLY ~Sultry Sunday- What A Girl Needsby Dawne ProchiloThis is another WIP, What A Girl Needs, from the erotic short story anthology that's consuming every waking hour in my life. Lovin' every minute of this novel.AND!Reader Contest -- Win My New Release Best Little Spin Wash in TexasFor the first time EVAH, I am holding off on my Monday interview to share a contest with you for my first release, Best Little Spin Wash in Texas (Thanks to Valerie Tibbs for the fantastic cover!!!). And as a special treat, I'm holding my very own contest. Enter and check out my book at ~ tomorrow. :>~~~
AUTHORS/ASPIRING AUTHORS ~ Here’s some good info from western romance author, Celia Yeary on her Romance and a little bit o' Texas blog ~ ~Clean Writing: The "Avoids"Writing science research papers taught me the process of clean writing—manuscripts free of too many useless words. "Just the facts, ma'am." As a result, my first fiction manuscript was a failure. The editor told me my writing read like a textbook. That sort of hurt, but the statement opened a floodgate of words that's still gushing. I could use adjectives! And adverbs! And descriptions!But also…too many useless words and phrases.~~~
PLUS! Check out this fun way to market your precious books. Marketing: Festivals and Fairs!LK Hunsaker- Victorian Days 2010Last weekend, I took part in our local Victorian Festival weekend. Even as an inhibited marketer, fairs and festivals are a great way to get out there and meet readers. If there’s a group of you, that’s better yet. ~ ~~~~
Weekly Angelic Forecast from VolcanoStraight from the Carnal Cherub himself...Angelic Forecast ~ #99During this week manufactured distractions will appear as reality on the world stage. The war drums will beat furiously as the need for freedom continues to gain momentum. A soul rising that cannot be hidden by the dark ones shines over the whole of humanity. Many who now see the false god behind the curtain will take action realizing they must protect themselves, those they love and the lands they love.At this time, on a personal level, reach out to those you care about and those you trust. If they need help and you can help them, now is the time. Community is the word of the week, and for the remainder of this year. Form a community of like minds wherever you can. Look for ways to join with family, friends and neighbors. Learn about each other. It is crucial.Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona~~~~~~MORE...Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ ~~~~~~~
From ~Overnight between July 25 and 26, there is a Full Moon in Aquarius, (July 26, 1.38 a.m. UT). As always, with the 29-day Full Moon cycle, there is a pull in two different directions. The Sun on one side of the zodiac in Leo wants to seek the spotlight and be flamboyant. While the Aquarius Moon on the opposite side says that being part of a group of friends is more important than personal glory. Finding a balance where you can fruitfully live out both ends of it, is the key to fulfillment.This Full Moon, however, will be less see-saw than most since it has a boost from Jupiter in Aries in an easy trine to the Sun and an easy sextile to the Moon. So there'll be enthusiasm around as well as good luck. The energies of the cosmos also call for a summer like marginally lazy or passive mood when making an effort to do something may not seem to be worth it.What is for sure is this is a people-friendly Full Moon so hiding away or going it alone is not an option. Maybe you will feel pulled between loved ones and your best buddies so you'll be spreading yourself in all directions at once. But at least you won't be lonely.~~~~~~
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~ from the Flash Cat...Happy Courtship on another EarthX-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues... Part 575 ~Sylva could only observe... could only add the strength of her will, as she felt Zeke doing. And pray. “The hellblade of it is,” Benjamin boomed, “how do we get ‘em into the portal at just the right time? Blow their system to wave-type smithareens too soon and we risk a dimensional collapse. Only the Lord above knows what that looks like. Blow ‘em too late and it’ll cause another kind of collapse...” Sylva watched Zeke’s father whip around at the waist. “They’re going in now, Benjamin,” he interrupted. “Sucked as if that thing is a mother of a cyclone.” Zeke jerked his gaze toward his dad. Benjamin stared hard at the panel. “Initiate,” he barked. “Laser-rewire that blasted that Wormwood demon, gentlemen. Zeke, when I say ‘go’ pull that lever all the way down. Slowly, like counting off seconds. We gotta time this down to the split second. Since I ain’t got the instruments to know that kind of timing, it’ll have to be done on a gut and a prayer.” Zeke steeled himself. Gripping the lever with a steady hand, he focused as if he was about to rope an ornery longhorn bull that charged his precious Sylva.~~~~~~TO BE CONTINUED...~~~~~~Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...Part 16 ~ 574 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ ~ OR! Now available on The Romance Studio Forum, JANUARY 2009 through JUNE 2010 flashes ~ ~ Click on the FORUMS, then Savanna Kougar ~ the Fantasy Lair ~ ~~~~~~
Did you know shrimp on Prozac are committing suicide, or simply swimming up to birds to be eaten... with no inhibition they are also recklessly attacking clams, who then merely devour them. Prozac is so prevalent in our culture, it is being found in the water supply and in shrimp and other seafood. We are all being medicated whether we want it or not, whether we need it, or not. Your municipal water supply is not filtering out Prozac or other contaminating drugs. Nor is food being decontaminated.It’s no wonder this Big Cat saw a photo of folks taken in the forties, today, who appeared a hell of a lot healthier, despite a lot them being seniors, than individuals do today. Also, recently shocking to the Kougaress was a picture of two South American young women that she saw while doing research on the solar eclipse... OHMYGAWD!!! They looked so healthy, so beautifully vibrant compared to Americans, or North Americans. Yes, even when compared to any actress or celebrity this Big Cat has seen pictured for the last several years.What has happened to us? What has happened to our health?~~~
"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."—Thomas Jefferson~~~~~~
~ HAPPY LAZY HAZY SUMMER DAYS ~Wish Upon on a Blue Moon New Year...
May your most romantic dreams come true...Stormy Monday kisses from the Kougar...
Full moon meows, glorious and glimmer-eyed Big Cats... good news on the editing front... the Kougar has completed her line edits for BRANDED BY THE TEXANS, and will be e-winging the final back to Siren-BookStrand soon... sighs of happiness along with the hope all will proceed well... moawsa! Moi super-enjoyed her *Sliders meets Bonanza meets the Three Star Republic* story... and she certainly HOPES the readers will, too!!! Nothing like three rough-tough Texas cowboys who need a whole lotta lustin’ and lovin’.~~~~~~
Do you remember the terrible tsunami of several years ago? There was a primitive island people who were thought to have perished. However, it was later discovered, that like many of the animals, the people had simply fled the danger zone. What was further learned by those who are interested in shamanic traditions – once they spoke with these people – is that they were warned by their shared communal dreams of the tsunami’s arrival. That is, these so-called primitive people have a long-standing tradition of sharing dreamtime. They gather in one place, decide on a question, like where is the best place to fish, then they move out on what they call their spider’s web and dream together. Wouldn’t it be ultra-cool if we were all sharing dreams, and asking questions that would benefit all of us as a community. Especially in these times. We could create Dream Web groups, an etheric world wide web for our communities. To check out this info and learn more ~ From Coast to Coast am ~Date: 07-22-10Host: George NooryIn the latter half of the program, Robert Moss, the pioneer of Active Dreaming, talked about whether we can we really "hack" into dreams like in the new movie Inception, and the concept of "shared dreaming." While Inception has created a buzz around lucid or shared dreaming, it depicts its usage for espionage and negative purposes. Though such psychic intrusions are possible, Moss said, his focus has been on the positive qualities of dreaming, such as practiced in the shamanic tradition. "Dreaming is not fundamentally about sleep, it's fundamentally about waking up...You don't have to go to sleep in order to dream," he declared.He has developed techniques for people to became active, conscious participants in their dreams, and enter shared dreams together, such as through shamanic drumming, which helps the mind screen out distractions. He also cited the hypnagogic state (between dreaming and waking) as a hotbed for creativity. Moss gave examples of how it can be helpful to consciously face dream adversaries, which can lead to powerful resolutions or transformations. In terms of dream analysis, he stressed the importance of examining one's first feelings upon waking from a specific dream.Website(s): mossdreams.comBook(s): by Robert MossDreamgates: Exploring the Worlds of Soul, Imagination, and Life Beyond DeathThe Secret History of Dreaming~~~~~~
Author’s news and mews ~Featured at the LIQUID SILVER SEX blog ~Pushing the limits…by Gem Sivad It’s hot, sultry, weather guaranteed to make the senses lethargic and the body crave that sweet, sweet, afterglow from an erotic encounter.~~~
Featured at Lindsay Townsend’s THE PINK BLOG ~ Short stories and novella DaysFrom Long Winded to Short Storyby Chelle It wouldn’t be the first time that I’ve been called long winded – even when I tell a story socially I tend to expound, flourish and build. What may only have been a simple childhood event becomes a long and entertaining tale.Moi’s mew-sings ~I will say that while I enjoy writing a short story and have one coming in a Halloween anthology... and I intend to write more short stories... I think the elegance and beauty of writing has been lost to a large degree in our 'condensed' society. And this goes for journalism, as well.An economy of words is often the ticket... however, while a bikini is an economy of clothing and sexy in it's own right, Scarlett was beautiful and a temptress in her Old South gowns.~~~~~~
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~ from the Flash Cat...Happy Courtship on another EarthX-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues... Part 574 ~Sylva felt like biting her nails. A no-go in this ephemeral state. “All hands to your stations,” Benjamin commanded, “I’m gonna need everyone here to pull this mother of a blast off. Zeke, man the other weapons’ lever.” Sylva watched Zeke pivot toward a joystick, and grip. She felt him empty his mind listening only for Benjamin’s orders. “Nevada, I need your steady eye on the energy readouts. You know the drill.” Zeke’s father slid between two other crewman, training his gaze on a panel Sylva hadn’t noticed. “Like old times. You just tell me the parameters you’re needin’, Benjamin.”Zeke brought forth his mightiest intention to defeat the BP yellow bellies. He figured the rest of the crew was doing the same, as they’d all been trained to do. He knew for hell certain his dad brought forth his formidable will. Benjamin had slowed their forward speed and the crew easily avoided the constant fire from the stationary submersible. From the corner of his eye, Zeke watched Benjamin jerk his gaze off his screens, then glance at his dad. “They’re a sitting duck,” he barked. “Cain’t move cause they’ll dismantle that sucking portal.” ~~~~~~TO BE CONTINUED...~~~~~~Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...Part 16 ~ 573 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ ~ OR! Now available on The Romance Studio Forum, JANUARY 2009 through JUNE 2010 flashes ~ ~ Click on the FORUMS, then Savanna Kougar ~ the Fantasy Lair ~ ~~~~~~
Darling Kittens, if you live in Texas or plan to vacation in certain areas of Texas, BE CAREFUL. Like has happened in Arizona, signs have been posted warning people *not to enter* certain areas because IT IS DANGEROUS. Mexico is considered a *failed* state by the US State Department. A terrible war is occurring on the southern border. Mexican troops, coyotes [human traffickers] and the drug cartels are not only battling for territory, they are essentially invading the United States of America, and taking over our beloved country. You may not believe this is happening simply because you don’t live in those areas, or because the US is *not* defending it’s borders. However, a bit of research beyond the BIG CORP news may demonstrate this reality. ~~~~~~
~ HAPPY LAZY HAZY SUMMER DAYS ~Wish Upon on a Blue Moon New Year...
May your most romantic dreams come true...Dream web kisses from the Kougar...
Okay, no rhyme or reason for this pic... he's just motorcyle-sexy-hawt...Late evening mews, my adored Felines... a stormburst moved over the tame prairie, a mild bout of rain and lightning compared to other surrounding areas... still thunder rumblies are occurring while a fairy-like apricot light spread over the western sky... then the pink tones took over... it is magically gorgeous...Oh, Kittens, emotionally the Kougaress is worn thin... how about you? This Big Cat thinks it’s a sign of the times, in part... that is, the sheer intensity and rapidity of what is happening on the world stage, in our communities, as well as in our individual lives, pounds on us with a relentless force... and, sadly, moi’s intuition is kicking her hard... Yowls, a stormburst, the weather and the world... there is likely to be, on the near horizon, a catastrophe of huge proportions [another one] or what is called a false flag event. Also, since our economy and the world economy is being manipulated by the bad guys, hey, that’s always on shaky what-will-happen-next ground. This future event/events could be so many different things, it’s really hard to pin down. Actually, there are many such events planned by those WHO are power mad, and don’t want to lose their power. So, be extra careful, darling KitKats, wherever you are.~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~Featured at SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS ~What a Weekby SolaraI've been so busy with work and home life, I've not gotten much writing done this week. It's hard to believe in another 6-8 weeks and fall season will be upon us. The heat we dish about will soon be a memory we want to recall some of when the snow and colder temperatures come calling. ~~~
Featured at Lindsay Townsend’s THE PINK BLOG ~ Short stories and novella DaysCutting my Teeth on Short Storiesby: Stephanie BurkhartBack in 2005, I discovered Writer's Digest Annual Writing Competition. There were 10 categories and basically they were looking for short stories up to 4000. I decided to dive in.~~~~~~
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~ from the Flash Cat...Happy Courtship on another EarthX-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues... Part 573 ~Sylva heard Zeke call for her. What was it she was supposed to know? Becoming string-like the red energy whipped around as if high winds had captured the portal opening. Suddenly, a stream of badly distorted bubbles flowed through the angry-looking portal, and only grew larger. Knowing that’s what she was supposed to see, Sylva pictured Zeke. In the blink of an eye she was beside her cowboy. ‘Bubbles,’ she began. ‘The portal.’ Sylva felt Zeke respond to her presence. ‘Sylva, where were you?’ Gathering her patience, Sylva focused on getting through to her husband. ‘I was near the portal.’ Zeke concentrated on telepathing with his Sylva. ‘It was red and angry.’ she continued. ‘What looked like twisted and contorted bubbles began flowing through, faster, and more of them. The portal is sucking stuff through.’ Zeke surely knew that wasn’t a good sign. His heartbeat paused. “Son?” his dad asked. “It’s turning into a blackhole. The portal,” he stated amid the discussion of what their next tactic would be. No one spoke. No one moved. “Holy catfish damn!” Benjamin erupted. “Yep, there it is. Time to trigger that Wormword submersible. Let the gates of hell have its way with her.”~~~~~~TO BE CONTINUED...~~~~~~Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...Part 16 ~ 572 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ ~ OR! Now available on The Romance Studio Forum, JANUARY 2009 through JUNE 2010 flashes ~ ~ Click on the FORUMS, then Savanna Kougar ~ the Fantasy Lair ~ ~~~~~~
This news blurb from Coast to Coast am ~Wal-Mart RFID Tags to Track ClothingThe retailer plans to roll out sophisticated electronic ID tags to track individual garments, a move that has privacy experts concerned.— Wall Street JournalWhile this Big Cat already does her best to avoid Wal-Mart like the plague!!! Now, you can bet she won’t be purchasing ANY clothing. Though, that was limited to tee-shirts, mostly. Even though, Wal-Mart claims no BIG BROTHER intended, the abusive use of this technology is all too easily accomplished, and you can damn well bet it will be put to diabolical uses that will ruin folks lives. Recently moi is using her dollars to support clothing Made in America. And, even if she does need a new sewing machine, well, the Kougaress can sew pretty darn well by machine or by hand. In moi’s opinion, it’s time for the mega corporate business to learn their place... we don’t need them... they need us. By using all of our skills and supporting each other with our skills/talents, and by purchasing from local and small businesses [who employ most folks], we can regain control.~~~~~~
~ HAPPY LAZY HAZY SUMMER DAYS ~Wish Upon on a Blue Moon New Year...
May your most romantic dreams come true...Stormburst smooches from the Kougar...
Darling Kittens, is it really Saturday again? Moi swears she’s still in last Saturday’s time... it’s like blinking, but not... warp speed hardly describes the passage of time these days... ah, the joys of being an author... and, there are many for this Big Cat... however, reading through BRANDED BY THE TEXANS is darn whoopee fun! Pardon, please, the Kougar’s writerly ego... but then, tail-flashing and slashing, that is one reason she pens... for her own pleasures, and amusement.And, yowls!!! howls of hotness, last time with Her Insatiable Dark Heroes it was Scorched Eyeball Syndrome... this time, with Branded, it’s a *new* erotic romance author syndrome... yes, it’s the dreaded, if very much wanted ~ Blasted Eyeball Syndrome... and, the only cure is to keep on reading.~~~
Can you feel it, lightly dancing Kittens? That feeling... it seems to be sweeping across our beloved country... it’s whipping around the world at large... the spirit of liberty... the desire for freedom... the flames are being fanned by the wings and breath of the angels themselves... the divine flame we each are, our inner flame is being ignited... WE ARE AWAKENING... the Kougaress feels it to her core... Loose the Liberty Spirit, and Soar!~~~
Happy 4 Year Anniversary! To Aspen Mountain Press... AMP is the ebook publisher of the Kougar’s TANGERINE CARNAL DREAMS, and is one of the favorite publishers of fabtastic erotic romance author, Destiny Blaine. Here’s a celebratory drink featured on the AMP chat loop... moi can’t resist... yum and hum and summer leisurely fun...Pomegranate ChampagneBy Ellie KriegerRecipe Link:~*Recipe:*Ingredients- 1 teaspoon fresh pomegranate arils, optional- 4 ounces Champagne- 1/2 teaspoon store bought pomegranate juice- 1 teaspoon cassisDirectionsPlace fresh pomegranate arils, if using, into a Champagne flute. PourChampagne into flute, add pomegranate juice and cassis.Posted by Selena Illyria:
Authoress news and mews ~ Roars of congratulations to Serena Shay!Check it out, shifter erotic romance-loving KitKats!My Bookstores and More ~ Best Sellers in Paranormal:As of: 07-23-2010 12:00 1. The Challenge by Serena Shay 2. Dream Across Time by Bonnie Dee 3. Zombie by Joely Skye 4. Bonds of Darkness by Joyce Ellen Armond 5. Deny the Dark by Mara Lee 6. Desiring the Darkness by Shiela Stewart 7. Fantastica: An Anthology of Erotic Paranormal Romances by Rachel Kenley 8. Once Bitten by Trina M. Lee 9. Seducing the Darkness by Shiela Stewart~~~
Featured at SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS ~Gypsy Wolf...continuedby Serena ShayHappy Friday fellow readers, writers and arithmetic users.... ;)Not much new going on here today so I thought I would post another flash of Gypsy Wolf. This story is proving to be kinda fun to jot down. I have no idea what's going to happen until I sit down to write. It really is quite freeing. ~~~
Featured at HAPPILY EVER AFTER ~Sticking to your Courtney BraezilleHow much should you be willing to change a story to fit a publisher's preferences?~~~
Featured at Lindsay Townsend’s THE PINK BLOG ~ Short stories and novella DaysWriting Short Stories-Novellas EffectivelyI'm Rebecca J. Vickery and I usually write very long (80,000 words or more) romance novels. You might ask, then why are you blogging about writing shorts and novellas? Good question. ~~~
Featured at ROMANCE WRITERS BEHAVING BADLY ~Flirty Friday with Jacqueline PaigeHappy Friday everyone!!Here's a question for everyone:What's flirty? Is it in the eyes, thesmile or the body language?~~~
From Astrology.comJupiter goes retrograde in Aries on July 22-23, reverses into Pisces on September 9, where it turns direct again on November 18. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, success, confidence and good luck. When it goes retrograde, however, all that bountiful energy is turned inwards. During a Jupiter retrograde period, all outer materialistic ambitions become less important and indeed slightly harder to fulfil. You may find difficulties and obstacles where none existed before.With Jupiter in fiery Aries from early June, we may have all felt a jolt of energy and forward progress, however as Jupiter retrogrades what is truly important is to connect with your spiritual center. You will find that you are putting a higher value on emotions and less emphasis on money and material possessions. You'll want to connect at a deeper level with friends and partners and worry less about keeping up appearances.More than anything Jupiter wants you to find a real sense of meaning and purpose in your life. This is the time to go inward - review - and reflect. New goals and aims should come out of this time of Jupiter retrograde period. Having a vision of your ideal is very important to Jupiter. Life isn't all about collecting wood and drawing water -- the treadmill of daily life. There is another dimension into which you can now move into. It may not be the time to act on your dreams, more a time to gestate -- prepare, reflect, plan, and ask your muse for inspiration. Then by November you'll be ready to move ahead.~~~~~~
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~ from the Flash Cat...Happy Courtship on another EarthX-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues... Part 572 ~Sylva gasped, holding her breath as if she was present in her body. “Avoiding now,” one of the crew reported. “Return fire,” Benjamin commanded. Sylva watched a slice of white light stream super-fast toward the BP enemy. It fanned out, then divided as the twin beams streaked beneath them. “Aft strike,” the crewman reported. “Damage?” Benjamin asked. “Spun ‘em off course a bit.” Before she knew it, Sylva zoomed toward the blackhole portal. Frightened, yet aware she needed to know something about it that would help Zeke and the others, she didn’t resist. Instead, she scrutinized the pulsating red flares.Zeke felt transfixed as he watched the blackhole portal on screen. At the exact instant the Wormwood submersible had been struck with their fire, licks of energy twined within the portal’s opening. Angrily the rays lashed at each other. “What the... Great Ceasar’s ghost!” his dad burst out. “Destablization,” Benjamin announced, his concern obvious. “Looks like their craft is connected directly to whatever is keeping that crazy ass portal open and structured.” In that moment, Zeke sensed his Sylva had left the submersible. Panic gripped him like a wrench. Zeke stretched out his mind to her. “Sylva, where are you?”~~~~~~TO BE CONTINUED...~~~~~~Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...Part 16 ~ 571 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ ~ OR! Now available on The Romance Studio Forum, JANUARY 2009 through JUNE 2010 flashes ~ ~ Click on the FORUMS, then Savanna Kougar ~ the Fantasy Lair ~ ~~~~~~
~ HAPPY LAZY HAZY SUMMER DAYS ~Wish Upon on a Blue Moon New Year...
May your most romantic dreams come true...Spirited soaring kisses from the Kougar...