Monday, March 31, 2008

The Winds of Cover Art

Big Cats, another whirlwind, spin-the-brain day so far. With storm winds streaking through the Kougar's prairie this morning. The blue splendid sky has just shown itself on the afternoon horizon...reminding ~ *out of the blue* ~ a phrase moi keeps hearing spoken these chaotic, perfect storm days, and time.
The Winds of Cover Art ~ A glorious surprise in the Kougar's e-mail, the the preliminary cover art for When a Good Angel Falls, her 2012 futuristic coming from Siren-BookStrand. Gorgeous, Big Kitties, just gorgeous! Moi had only two requests for changes.
And, in her e-mail David Burton, the incredible cover artist for Red Lioness Tamed, Liquid Silver Books, has redesigned his website with a link to moi's e-novel. In a later blog, the Kougaress will provide David's bio. But why wait? just a quick paw-click on the link below will take you to his site.
Psssst...all Good Kitties...a secret, this year's winner allowed moi and the other American Title IV finalists a peek at her book's cover art. Impressive, especially the font for the title and the way her name appears...the, yum, entwined couple is sexy delicious.
And, meow-continuing the cover art theme, the Kougar received e-confirmation her cover art form for Tangerine Carnal Dreams made it to Aspen Mountain Press. With toesies and claws crossed moi hopes it will follow in the cover prints of her two current releases. O great and lovely Bast, an ear pricked toward the Kougar's plea, please and thank you.
Sigh...a swish of her tail, the news piles up too swiftly for the Kougaress to accomplish all!!!
Purr-another note, Just Another Paranormal Monday with AuthorPromo, a Yahoo group, had it's spectacular debut today, with the Kougar providing her yowling-introduction. Shout-indeed, a good venue to scan out your fave genres and enjoy excerpts.
With her brain like corn mush yesterday, and not on creative paw-penning, the Kougaress stalked her shape-shifter and were-beasties WIPs, collecting them into one resource file, preparing for her next story project.
Rumbling-of, Lovely Big Kitties, moi has changed the series title for, Tangerine Carnal Dreams, her stallion shifter novel, to Her Stallion Prince.
Memory or memories, the song or intimate memories, Beautiful Big Cats, streamline your body over to Title Magic for Evonne's fascinating blog about memory. Mewings below
Evonne, wonderful post on memory. It is a fascinating topic unto itself. Certainly, it is a tricky animal at times. I generally have a good memory, but then when I screw up, I really!!! screw up.

Sometimes I should jot down ideas, phrases more. I have thought of key phrases while I'm driving and I keep repeating them as much as possible -- really need a recorder, but then I have to remember to use it.
Evonne, I'd luv to see the story you're talking about, how six memories shaped the hero's life. As a counterpoint, six memores that shaped the heroine's life, and how they come together, or arrive at the crossroads together???
End of March kisses from the Kougar...

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