Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Throw Her, Spearhead Her Through ... Go! Mamalitia!!!

"...Mamalitia’s purpose, Aguilar says, is to arm women with guns, knowledge and survival skills.

The group says despite the attacks they’re still encouraging women to join their growing movement if they align with the following mission statement:

Mamalitia is a community of constitution loving women that recognize our empowerment comes from fully engaging in our children’s education, our wellness, food and financial sovereignty, and overall skills. We are committed to building the world we want to live in, getting back to our roots while empowering women from every walk of life.

“The tyrants have created women who are ready to go like it’s 1776,” the group proclaims on their website Mamalitia.org.

 “Mamalitia” Group of Pro-2A, Anti-Vax Moms Under Assault Following Media Smears
'The tyrants have created women who are ready to go like it's 1776,' group proclaims on their website.

 Monday, May 03, 2021

Triggered leftists are reportedly threatening a group of moms opposed to mandatory vaccines in California who have formed a pro-Second Amendment group empowering women called the “Mamalitia.”


Darling KitKats... Question: Who in the Great Heck is running the Universe, or this version of the universe? The most moronic dolts ever? Yes, this Big Cat is forced to ask that question, given the sheer-incredible stupidity all around her in these over-challenging times. DIVINE INTERVENTION VERY MUCH NEEDED!

NOTE: The Kougar, as she's stated before--it's day by day--could go silent on this blog suddenly, given she is considered to be an enemy of the state. Freedom of Speech is dead, unless you want to be dead.


Emergency Tuesday Broadcast: Bill Gates Foundation Calls For CIA/US Military to Silence Anti-Vaxxers
CBS News reports “Covid Vaccine Boosters” to be delivered by “patches & pills” that contain tracking nanotech.

By The Alex Jones Show Tuesday, May 04, 2021
Watch & share this Tuesday edition of the most banned broadcast in the world:

Read Dr. Joseph Mercola’s bombshell account of his battle against Big Pharma below:

Why I’m Removing All Articles Related to Vitamins D, C, Zinc and COVID-19

Over the past year, I’ve been researching and writing as much as I can to help you take control of your health, as fearmongering media and corrupt politicians have destroyed lives and livelihoods to establish global control of the world’s population, using the COVID-19 pandemic as their justification.

I’ve also kept you informed about billionaire-backed front groups like the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), a partner of Bill Gates’ Alliance for Science, both of whom have led campaigns aimed at destroying my reputation and censoring the information I share.

Other attackers include HealthGuard, which ranks health sites based on a certain set of “credibility criteria.” It has sought to discredit my website by ensuring warnings appear whenever you search for my articles or enter my website in an internet browser.

Well-Organized Attack Partnerships Have Formed

Now that you're intellectually ahead, stay physically ahead by visiting our store.
HealthGuard, a niche service of NewsGuard, is funded by the pharma-funded public relations company Publicis Groupe. Publicis, in turn, is a partner of the World Economic Forum, which is leading the call for a “Great Reset” of the global economy and a complete overhaul of our way of life.

HealthGuard is also partnered with Gates’ Microsoft company, and drug advertising websites like WebMD and Medscape, as well as the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) — the progressive cancel-culture leader with extensive ties to government and global think tanks that recently labeled people questioning the COVID-19 vaccine as a national security threat.

The CCDH has published a hit list naming me as one of the top 12 individuals responsible for 65% of vaccine “disinformation” on social media, and who therefore must be deplatformed and silenced for the public good. In a March 24, 2021, letter1 to the CEO’s of Twitter and Facebook, 12 state attorneys general called for the removal of our accounts from these platforms, based on the CCDH’s report.

Two of those state attorneys general also published an April 8, 2021, op-ed2 in The Washington Post, calling on Facebook and Twitter to ban the “anti-vaxxers” identified by the CCDH. The lack of acceptance of novel gene therapy technology, they claim, is all because a small group of individuals with a social media presence — myself included — are successfully misleading the public with lies about nonexistent vaccine risks.

“The solution is not complicated. It’s time for Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey to turn off this toxic tap and completely remove the small handful of individuals spreading this fraudulent misinformation,” they wrote.

Pharma-funded politicians and pharma-captured health agencies have also relentlessly attacked me and pressured tech monopolies to censor and deplatform me, removing my ability to express my opinions and speak freely over the past year.The CCDH also somehow has been allowed to publish4 in the journal Nature Medicine, calling for the “dismantling” of the “anti-vaccine” industry. In the article, CCDH founder Imran Ahmed repeats the lie that he “attended and recorded a private, three-day meeting of the world’s most prominent anti-vaxxers,” when, in fact, what he’s referring to was a public online conference open to an international audience, all of whom had access to the recordings as part of their attendance fee. The CCDH is also partnered with another obscure group called Anti-Vax Watch. The picture below is from an Anti-Vax Watch demonstration outside the halls of Congress. Ironically, while the CCDH claims to be anti-extremism, you’d be hard-pressed to find a clearer example of actual extremism than this bizarre duo.

Gates-Funded Doctor Demands Terrorist Experts to Attack Me


Most recently, Dr. Peter Hotez, president of the Sabin Vaccine Institute, which has received tens of millions of dollars from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, — with funds from the foundation most recently being used to create a report called “Meeting the Challenge of Vaccine Hesitancy,” — also cited the CCDH in a Nature article in which he calls for cyberwarfare experts to be enlisted in the war against vaccine safety advocates and people who are “vaccine hesitant.” He writes:

“Accurate, targeted counter-messaging from the global health community is important but insufficient, as is public pressure on social-media companies. The United Nations and the highest levels of government must take direct, even confrontational, approaches with Russia, and move to dismantle anti-vaccine groups in the United States.

Efforts must expand into the realm of cyber security, law enforcement, public education and international relations. A high-level inter-agency task force reporting to the UN secretary-general could assess the full impact of anti-vaccine aggression, and propose tough, balanced measures.

The task force should include experts who have tackled complex global threats such as terrorism, cyber attacks and nuclear armament, because anti-science is now approaching similar levels of peril. It is becoming increasingly clear that advancing immunization requires a counteroffensive.”

Why is Hotez calling for the use of warfare tactics on American citizens that have done nothing illegal? In my case, could it be because I’ve written about the theory that SARS-CoV-2 is an engineered virus, created through gain-of-function research, and that its release was anticipated by global elites, as evidenced in Event 201?

It may be. At least those are some of my alleged “sins,” detailed on page 10 of the CCDH report, “Disinformation Dozen: The Sequel.” Coincidentally enough, the Nature journal has helped cover up gain-of-function research conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, publishing a shoddy zoonotic origins study relied upon my mainstream media and others, which was riddled with problems.

So, it’s not misinformation they are afraid of. They’re afraid of the truth getting out. They’re all trying to cover for the Chinese military and the dangerous mad scientists conducting gain-of-function work.

You may have noticed our website was recently unavailable; this was due to direct cyber-attacks launched against us. We have several layers of protective mechanisms to secure the website as we’ve anticipated such attacks from malevolent organizations.

What This Means for You

Through these progressively increasing stringent measures, I have refused to succumb to these governmental and pharmaceutical thugs and their relentless attacks. I have been confident and willing to defend myself in the court of law, as I’ve had everything reviewed by some of the best attorneys in the country.

Unfortunately, threats have now become very personal and have intensified to the point I can no longer preserve much of the information and research I’ve provided to you thus far. These threats are not legal in nature, and I have limited ability to defend myself against them. If you can imagine what billionaires and their front groups are capable of, I can assure you they have been creative in deploying their assets to have this content removed.

Sadly, I must also remove my peer reviewed published study on the “Evidence Regarding Vitamin D and Risk of COVID-19 and Its Severity.” It will, however, remain in the highly-respected journal Nutrients’ website, where you can still access it for free.

The MATH+ hospital treatment protocol for COVID-19 and the iMASK+ prevention and early outpatient COVID-19 protocol — both of which are based on the use of vitamins C, D, quercetin, zinc and melatonin — are available on the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance’s website. I suggest you bookmark these resources for future reference.

It is with a heavy heart that I purge my website of valuable information. As noted by Dr. Peter McCullough during a recent Texas state Senate Health and Human Services Committee hearing, data shows early treatment could have prevented up to 85% (425,000) of COVID-19 deaths. Yet early treatments were all heavily censored and suppressed.

McCullough, in addition to being a cardiologist and professor of medicine at the Texas A&M University Health Sciences Center, also has the distinction of having published the most papers of any person in the history of his field, and being an editor of two major medical journals. Despite that, his video, in which he went through a paper he’d published detailing effective early treatments, was summarily banned by YouTube in 2020.

“No wonder we have had 45,000 deaths in Texas. The average person in Texas thinks there’s no treatment!” McCullough told the senate panel. Indeed, people are in dire need of more information detailing how they can protect their health, not less. But there’s only so much I can do to protect myself against current attack strategies.

They’ve moved past censorship. Just what do you call people who advocate counteroffensive attacks by terrorism and cyberwarfare experts? You’d think we could have a debate and be protected under free speech but, no, we’re not allowed. These lunatics are dangerously unhinged.

The U.S. federal government is going along with the global Great Reset plan (promoted as “building back better”), but this plan won’t build anything but a technological prison. What we need is a massive campaign to preserve civil rights, and vote out the pawns who are destroying our freedom while concentrating wealth and power.

Follow Alex Jones on Telegram:

The American Journal: Former Oregon House Speaker Arrested In Sex Trafficking Sting

According to the Portland Tribune:

Former Oregon House Speaker and current Clackamas Community College board member Dave Hunt was cited by Portland police in an undercover sex traffic sting operation in April.

Contacted by the Portland Tribune on Monday, May 3, Hunt said, “I don’t think I should talk about that.”

Hunt’s attorney, Micheal De Munis, said, “Mr. Hunt denies the allegations, but respects the criminal justice process and will refrain from saying more until he has his opportunity in court.”


Reporters at the Portland Tribune then requested and received a portion of the police report. The suspect has the same full name, date of birth and home address as the former speaker and current CCC board member. It said he was arrested and cited on April 28 by two Portland police officers at a Ramada Inn in Southeast Portland. 


 Throw Her, Spearhead Her Through the Dino Portal

Kamala Harris to Spearhead National Space Council


 FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEIZE IT, OR LOSE IT...

FREEDOM: DeSantis Suspends ALL Florida COVID Restrictions (VIDEO)



“They’re Trying to Get Trump with Something” – Mellissa Carone, 2020 Election Worker Turned Whistleblower and Candidate for 2022 Michigan Representative





(Natural News) The vaccine is the bioweapon. Specifically, the spike protein is the bioactive weapon, and it is designed to spread from person to person, being transmissible from the vaccinated in order to infect the unvaccinated. Never forget that Bill Gates has long wanted to use mosquitoes to carry vaccines so that people could be … [Read More...]


(Natural News) One of the most important areas of scientific research for combating SARS-CoV-2 involves understanding cytokines and mitigating cytokine storm. Cytokines are cell signaling molecules that facilitate immune responses. These molecules communicate between cells to stimulate the movement of immune responsive cells toward sites … [Read More...]




(Natural News) Up to 50 percent of patients with COVID-19 report experiencing gastrointestinal problems, such as abdominal pain and diarrhea. Research also shows that patients tend to have lower levels of gut bacteria that make short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) by fermenting fiber from foods. SCFAs play a key role in maintaining the … [Read More...]


(Natural News) Eighteen-year-old Emma Burkey of Las Vegas, Nevada received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine on April 1. What happened to her a week after the vaccination was no laughing matter, as she experienced seizures that called for her hospitalization. The teen subsequently went under the knife three times to remove blood clots that … [Read More...]





BLM-Antifa Rioters Target Upscale Restaurant in Louisville, Kentucky, At Least One Protester Is Armed! – Restaurant Patron Pulls a Pistol! (VIDEO)


California to Release 63,000 Violent and Repeat Felons Back Onto Streets to Create “Safer Prisons”


BLM Activist Sat on the Chauvin Jury After Claiming He Could Be ‘Impartial’, Tells People to Get on Juries to ‘Spark Change’


(Natural News) Leftists love to pretend that they care about human rights until one of their own pet projects – take Chinese-made solar panels, for instance – is threatened by a lack of slave labor in order to produce it. Nearly half of all solar panels currently in the United Kingdom, as one example, are made in Chinese slave labor … [Read More...]





CIA Director Writes Memo Praising Derek Chauvin Verdict as “One Step Forward” in Addressing “Trauma of Racism and Persistent Inequality in Our Nation”


Creepy Bill Gates and His Wife are Getting a Divorce After 27 Years of Marriage



BREAKING: Former Oregon Democrat House Majority Speaker Arrested For Human Sex Trafficking

More Democrat Insanity: Green New Deal Mastermind Claims Saving the Planet Requires Eliminating Police and Changing Power Relationships



DEVELOPING: Ambulance Arrives on Scene at CIA Headquarters After Reporters Hear 13 “Loud Bangs” Following Security Incident (VIDEO)

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