Conservatives, Christians, Patriots...THOSE OF US WHO LOVE AMERICA, keep a steady eye out. Protect yourselves. WE ARE UNDER POTENTIAL ATTACK by those who hate freedom, who hate humanity... BY THOSE WHO HATE PEOPLE WHO WANT TO COME TOGETHER IN LIBERTY AND LOVE.
Yes, Alex Jones is superbly breaking it all down with real intel, not that stupid, misleading Q intel. INFOWARS.COM
Watch Live: Soros Activates 900 Antifa Terror Cells, Leader of Group Calls For Killing of Police & Republicans – Red Alert!
In response to Trump firing Sessions, the deep state has gone into full civil war mode, dispatching a mob of 21st century brownshirts
November 8, 2018
Billionaire globalist deploys leftist foot soldiers after Trump fires Sessions.
The group started Wednesday night by threatening Tucker Carlson at his Washington DC home and doxing the home addresses of Tucker Carlson’s brother Buckley Carlson, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity and The Daily Caller’s Neil Patel on Twitter.
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