Relatives of THOUSANDS reported missing in Hurricane Michael start desperate search for their loved ones as rescuers pick through the ruins to pull out bodies - with the death toll now at 18 and expected to rise
- Hurricane Michael, a Category 4 storm, barreled into Florida with winds of up to 155mph on Wednesday
- Michael was downgraded to a Category 1 as it swept north through the Carolinas and Virginia
- Michael shattered buildings, brought down power lines and ripped trees as it crashed ashore and caused deep seawater flooding
- At least 17 people have been killed in separate incidents, including an 11-year-old
- Search teams have also found bodies among the rubble of the buildings as thousands are still missing
- More than 500,000 homes and businesses in Florida, Georgia and Alabama have been left without power
Weather Terrorism Obliterates MAGA Panhandle
2011 Joplin tornado
Catastrophic Ef5-Rated Multiple-Vortex Tornado
The 2011 Joplin tornado was a catastrophic EF5-rated multiple-vortex tornado that struck Joplin, Missouri, late in the afternoon of Sunday, May 22, 2011. It was part of a larger late-May tornado outbreak and reached a maximum width of nearly 1 mile during its path through the southern part of the city. This particular tornado was unusual in that it intensified in strength and grew larger in size at a very fast rate. The tornado tracked eastward across the city, and then continued eastward across Interstate 44 into rural portions of Jasper County and Newton County. It was the third tornado to strike Joplin since May 1971.
October 12, 2018
World Trembles After Russian Nuclear “Fire Frenzy” Display Meets NATO Forces Massing On Northern
Border—With Now Silent Trump Holding Keys To Abyss By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A dark and foreboding new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today asserts that President Putin was left with no other choice but to order the “Operation Fire Frenzy” display of Russia’s nuclear might—that saw atomic weapons being simultaneously fired from their land, sea and air launch sites—after a silent Trump Administration outright ignored the Federation’s last offer of peace before the outbreak of total war soon nearing as NATO military forces mass on the northern border in their largest display of aggression since the Cold War—thus causing Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov to warn that the Cold War-Era arms race with the US is back on because of the complete malfunction of the American system, whose key treaties are collapsing and leaving nuclear powers “without constraint in the event of a conflict”—and causing Putin himself to declare that Russia will in no way tolerate the use of “diktat by force” from a United States fast morphing into U.S.S.A. – The United States Of Soviet America. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
According to this report, if the American people are able to survive these perilous times, their future historians will reveal to them that after the 25 December 1991 collapse of the Russian communist regime known as the Soviet Union, the Russian Federation was established in its place and became a democratic-theocracy based on Christian values and morality.
Left abandoned by Russia’s destruction of communism, however, this report explains, were tens-of-thousands of American communists embedded into the entire strata of the US government operating under the banner of the Democrat Party—and whose over 57,000 communist members today are pushing to take over this political organization entirely.
The placing of these communists within both the US government and Democrat Party, this report details, was accomplished for many decades by the Soviet Union, but was vastly accelerated during the reign of President Bill Clinton in the late 1990’s—whose election was actually financed by the Chinese Communist Party and should have led to his being thrown from power.
To the ultimate goal of these communists embedded within the US government and Democrat Party, this report continues, was fully revealed a few years ago by one of these leftist communists’ most prominent political philosophers named Daniel A. Bell—whose treatise, titled “The China Model: Political Meritocracy and the Limits of Democracy”, describes how the United States would be better ruled by a “vertical democratic meritocracy” that only allows minor officials at the local level to be democratically elected, while the US federal government itself would be ruled over by unelected elites answerable only to themselves—and that Chinese Communist Party leader President-For-Life Xi Jinping says is an authoritarian system that can be a model for the world—but one of whose most terrifying aspects of are the political re-education camps China is now holding millions of their citizens in—and upon the Democrats taking power in America, would see tens-of-millions of what are called “basket of deplorables” being placed into also.
As part of their “vertical democratic meritocracy” plot to destroy the United States and install themselves into permanent power, this report further notes, the Obama Regime led Democrat Party allowed hundreds-of-thousands of Chinese communist agents to infiltrate nearly every single university in America—and whose communist indoctrination tactics have succeeded to the point that Democrats are now more positive about socialist-communism than democratic-capitalism—whose daily communist indoctrination is reinforced by media and entertainment companies in America that are now wholly owned by the Chinese Communist Party—and whose Chinese communist takeover of US tech giants in Silicon Valley is nearly complete, too.
In 2016, however, this report continues, this Democrat Party plot to takeover America and install a communist Chinese style government ran aground with the election of President Donald Trump—who immediately began negotiating a new trade deal with Mexico and Canada he knew was needed before he could turn his big guns on China—and whose firing on China is now leading to that communist nation’s economic collapse.
Equally striking back against these Chinese communists, this report notes, Trump this past week obliterated their ability to buy any more US tech companies, with his further revealing to the American people how China has been implanting spying devices throughout the entire critical US telecommunication infrastructure that could crash the entire Global Internet as new cryptographic keys are being rapidly placed to protect against—and that, also, has seen Trump becoming the first American leader to have ever captured and extradited a top Chinese intelligence operative, while at the same time recalling all of his FBI agents from Asia who were consorting with Chinese prostitutes instead of protecting their nation.
Striking back hard against President Trump, this report says, the Chinese communists have unleashed their entire panoply (a complete or impressive collection of things) of American bought and paid for assets against him—to include all Democrat Party leaders, US tech giants, Hollywood elitists and the entire mainstream propaganda news media, and whose goal is to defeat loyal Trump forces in the upcoming 2018 Midterm Election by what they are calling a “Blue Wave”.
To the Democrat Party “Blue Wave” candidates being thrown against Trump loyalists, however, this report notes, if it wasn’t for these bought and paid for Chinese communist forces in Hollywood, Silicon Valley and the leftist mainstream propaganda media protecting them, the American people would rise up in righteous indignation for their even having to consider them—and who include:
Democrat Party candidate for US Senate in Tennessee Phil Bredesen—who last week proclaimed that he supported the nomination to the US Supreme Court of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, but whose campaign manager was secretly videotaped admitting that Bredesen’s support was fake, and saying that the people in Tennessee were too ignorant to know it.
Democrat Party candidate for US Senate in Arizona Kyrsten Sinema—who has been revealed to have been a radical leftist activist that portrayed US soldiers as evil killers, has supported radical Islamic terror leaders, and was videotaped saying that “people would watch what’s happening in Arizona and be like, ‘Damn, those people are crazy. Is it something about the water? No, the water’s fine. We swell from Colorado. There’s nothing wrong with the water. They just- they’re just called Republicans.”
Democrat Party candidate for US Senate in Texas Beto O’Rourke—who is a 4th generation Irish-American the leftist media is calling a Hispanic despite, in 2013, his being denied his attempt to join the Hispanic Caucus, has a family entangled in the illegal drug trade, and one whose influential mentors says America is just like Nazi Germany.
The most accurate predictor of this Chinese communist Democrat Party “Blue Wave” that these leftists vow will destroy President Trump, this report continues, appears to be one of Trump’s top aides named Kellyanne Conway, who says “let’s not forget the same geniuses that predicted a huge romp by that woman who lost in 2016 are the same people predicting a huge win by the Democrats this time”—and whose assessment that polls can no longer be relied on for anything matches the historic Republican Party win in a Texas election held in a district Hillary Clinton won in 2016 by 53%--but that the leftists never saw coming because a New York Times-Sienna College polling survey of this congressional district, astonishingly saw of the 35,873 calls being made, only 495 people agreed to be surveyed.
With it further being noted that this “Blue Wave” may be nothing more than a leftist fantasy, as no American political prognosticator is willing to say the Democrats are certain to control the US House of Representatives on Election Day, even though they only need to win 23 seats, this report concludes, paradoxically (in a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory way) the greatest threat to the Russian Federation, if President Trump can’t quickly bring his nation back under control, isn’t in these leftist communists winning, but in their losing—which the consequences of are now being warned will be dramatic, maybe leading to civil war as leftist mobs unleash their full fury, and include:
Bye, Bye, Leadership. First, the Democratic Party’s leadership will face a dramatic reckoning. Ever since Bernie Sanders fell short in 2016, with his supporters claiming the nominating process had been “rigged,” millions of members of our party have viewed Washington’s leaders with growing unease.
A victory will provide a needed salve; a loss would tear open the wound beyond repair. Fairly or unfairly, every person in a leadership position in the Democratic House and Senate would feel the brunt. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, in particular, would feel the full rebellion.
The shocking primary victory of a candidate like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who toppled Rep. Joe Crowley -- long rumored to be a future House speaker -- would be the trend, not the aberration.
Not Your Father’s Democratic Party. Second, the Democratic Party would become unrecognizable.
The left wing of the party will no longer be content with an uneasy alliance with experienced party regulars.
The vast majority of candidates will now be talking about once fringe positions such as banning guns, abolishing ICE and huge redistributions of wealth.
October 12, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
AI to track human voices inside home for signs of “illness” and then pitch drug ads
Amazon’s Alexa could soon suggest products to users based on whether they sound sick or emotionally distressed.
A patent for the technology, entitled “Voice-based determination of physical and emotional characteristics of users,” was issued to the company Tuesday after be filed in March of last year.
The skill would enable Alexa to analyze a user’s voice in an attempt to detect any irregularities.
October 13, 2018
“Ghost Of John McCain” Rises From Grave To Ignite “Holy War” As Russian and Hungarian Forces Gather On Ukraine Border
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A grimly worded new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today describing President Putin as erupting in anger at last evening’s meeting and declaring “What the hell is going on?” [Какого черта Ñ‚Ñ‹ делаешь?] “Has that bastard child McCain risen from the grave?” [внебрачный ребенок], states that a “Holy War” declaration is nearing against Ukraine after US Special Representative for Ukraine Negotiations Kurt Volker (who is, also, the Executive Director of The McCain Institute for International Leadership) catastrophically interferedin the biggest Christian Schism since 1054 that now has Russian military forces massed on the eastern border of Ukraine—and who are now joined by NATO member Hungary whose military forces are massing on the western border of Ukraine to protect their ethnic peoples now under dire “death list” threat. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
Russia nears Holy War declaration against Ukraine that could lead to World War III
According to this report, even though President Donald Trump has re-set the United States foreign policy to the neutral non-interference state of “Principled Realism” that vows America will no longer interfere in the internal government and/or religious affairs of other nations, the over 30 year Clinton-Bush-Obama Regime legacy of neocon warmonger inspired wars and conflicts he was left to manage has littered Europe, the Middle East, African and Asia with numerous failed state World War III minefields ready to ignite at the slightest provocation.
One of the most dangerous failed state World War III minefield nations President Trump was left to manage by his neocon warmonger predecessors, this report says, is Ukraine—that, in 2014, had its internationally recognized democratically elected government overthrown by the Obama-Clinton Regime in what the global intelligence organization Stratfor (aka “Shadow CIA”) called the most blatant coup in history—and that was done by the Americans as retaliation for Russia declaring “Holy War” and entering Syria to protect that nation’s Christian peoples against radical Islamic terrorist barbarians.
With the Obama Regime knowing full well that Russia had lost over 20 million of its peoples fighting against demonic German Nazi forces in World War II, as opposed to the United Stateshaving only lost 400,000 of theirs, this report continues, the Americans, nevertheless, after overthrowing the Ukraine government sadistically installed in its place a Nazi Regime whose ruling forces now include:
Svoboda—stands for neo-Nazi nationalism, anti-communism, far right and is considered fascistic and/or anti-semitic party. Svoboda neo-Nazis spread their terror at the Euromaidan as they attacked government police.
Right Sector—stands for nationalism, ultra nationalism, neo-Nazi fascism and far right. Right Sector terrorists fought against government police forces at the Euromaidan.
Patriot of Ukraine—stands for racism and neo-Nazi political beliefs. Its neo-Nazis attacked the police at the Euromaidan.
Social-National Assembly—their terrorists brought their terror to the Euromaidan, and these neo-Nazis happen to be anti-Russian as well.
Neo-Nazi forces begin reign of anti-Russia terror in Ukraine to demonic glee of Obama-Clinton regime
Aiding the Obama-Clinton Regime in overthrowing the government of Ukraine, and supporting the Nazis’ rise to power there, too, this report notes, was neocon warmonger US Senator John McCain—one of the most loathsome human beings ever recorded in American history whose crimes against humanity include his show-off stunt performed while on the aircraft carrier USS Forrestalas a US Navy pilot during the Vietnam War that caused a giant flame to erupt from his fighter jet engine that nearly destroyed the entire vessel and killed 134 sailors while seriously injuring 161 others whose arms and legs were blown off, and many of them being left blind.
Being the son of one of the US Navy’s highest ranking officers, this report continues, McCain was never executed for his war crimes, and the following year was captured by North Vietnam after his fighter jet was shot down—with a fairy tale thereafter being spread that he voluntarily refused to be released when absolutely no such thing occurred—and that after the war, saw McCain refusing to acknowledge the over 1,000 American prisoners of war North Vietnam was holding until they were paid war reparations—with his even insuring that all of these American prisoners would die when, in 1991, he forced through a law making it illegal for anyone to ever tell the truth about what he and his fellow neocon warmongers had done—thus making it no surprise to anyone in theKremlin when, in 2014, he showed up in Ukraine to celebrate the Nazis rise to power.
Neocon warmonger US Senator John McCain celebrates rise to power of Ukraine Nazi leader Oleh Tyahnybok
With US Senator John McCain, this past August, having joined his other Earthly departed neocon warmongers in the special place in hell reserved for such demons, this report says, many Kremlinexperts believed that with his much deserved, and long overdue death, President Trump would be able bring these Nazi forces in Ukraine under control—but all of whom were blindsided when Kurt Volker, the director of McCain’s leadership institute, pretending to be the US Special Representative for Ukraine Negotiations, shockingly hailed Patriarch Bartholomew’s decision to split theRussian Orthodox Church, and that Foreign Ministery Lavrov declared would never be allowed to stand.
Not being understood by the American people, or even being told to them, this report notes, is that the Russian Orthodox Church is inseparable from the Russian government as both of them are the same entity—and to threaten the existence of either one is threatening both, thus meaning total war is justified in their defence.
Known as Russkiy Mir, this report explains, Russians consider the decision to recognize an independent Ukrainian Church as an attack on their very identity as there is the almost mystical belief, held by many in positions of influence, that the Russian world—sphere of influence and culture that belongs to Russia by God-given right—includes the Crimea where the first Russian sovereign was baptized, with even the idea of a separate Ukrainian Church considered an attack on the very foundations of their identity.
Russkiy Mir is the entirety of Russian existence
Unlike the Roman Catholic Church, which has a single, undisputed leader in the pope, this report details, each of the 14 branches of the Eastern Orthodox branch of Christianity enjoys significant sovereignty—and is why, in 1686, a letter was signed granting supervision over the Ukraine Church to the Moscow patriarchate—but that McCain’s Nazi supporting demon Kurt Volker is now trying to tear away and give to the patriarchate of Constantinople as evidenced by Thursday’s revocation of the legally mandatory status of the 1686 letter, which empowered the Patriarch of Moscow to ordain the Metropolitan of Kiev—that prompted the Kremlin to quickly declare that Russia will protect Orthodox believers in Ukraine if religious disputes go beyond lawful confrontation, and further warn: “Russia protects the interests of ethnic Russians and Russian-speakers everywhere and in a similar manner Russia protects the interests of Orthodox Christians, Putin has spoken about this more than once.”
A solemn President Putin joins with Christian faithful for prayer in Kremlin on 13 October 2018 as Holy War against Ukraine draws near
To the notices that this conflict was nearing, this report further notes, has been stated by many experts, too—most particularly the Soviet-Russian political icon Aleksandr Skobov [English] who just weeks ago warned: “If Moscow isn’t compelled to return Crimea to Ukraine, a major pillar of the international system that has been in place since 1945 will have been destroyed and a drift toward a major war is inevitable...If the international community lacks the will to achieve that, the pre-existing international system will collapse into a chaos that will not be resolved without a major conflict.”
Not being fully known at this time, however, this report grimly states, is if President Trump is prepared to plunge the United States into this Holy War the Russian people have no choice but to wage—and whose early conflict actions are taking place now as Ukrainian military forces have fired over 700 artillery shells against their Russian peoples this week alone, and whose fighter aircraft are preparing to take to the skies with NATO fighter jets as global conflict looms—which believed to be Russian special forces have responded to by detonating and destroying one of Ukraine’slargest ammunition and arms depots.
Preparing to join this war against Ukraine, too, this report continues, is NATO member Hungary—who became alarmed this past Spring when the Nazis in Ukraine began building a military base near their border after their ethic Hungarian peoples began refusing to sing the Ukraine-Nazi national anthem with their preferring to sing Hungary’s instead—but all of whom are now living in daily terror after it was revealed these Nazis had compiled a “death list” in preparation for extermination.
President Putin (left) and Hungarian President Viktor Orban (right) meet in Kremlin to discuss Ukraine crisis
The reason behind these American neocon warmongers attempting to push Russia into declaring Holy War on Ukraine, this report concludes, is due to their terror of what’s soon to occur in the upcoming Presidential elections expected to be held in Ukraine on 31 March 2019 that will see both them and their Nazi forces destroyed—and whose current poll leader of is Yulia Tymoshenkowhom President Putin has supported in the past, and President Trump is supporting now—and upon whose taking power, would see both Russia and the United States working with her to restore her nation that has been left an economic basket case by the Obama-Clinton Regime, thus defusing this failed state World War III minefield before it explodes and takes the rest of the world down with it.
Hoped for future Ukraine President Yulia Tymoshenko (left) and President Putin (right) begin talks to heal Orthodox Church schism before Holy War begins
October 13, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
END THE FED!!!!!!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!
HOW BEZOS OF AMAZON IS INVOLVED: "At the same time Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman was beginning his arrest of traitorous royal Saudi family members working for “The Academy”, this report notes, UAE Crown Prince Mohamed bin Zayed suddenly approved the sale of Souq.com to global tech giant Amazon that’s owned by the world’s richest man Jeff Bezos—which is the largest e-commerce platform in theArab world—and that is now partnered with Amazon’s “secret cloud service” operation for the CIA—not to mention that Bezos owns the Washington Post whose writers have already convictedMBS of ordering the murder of their journalist Jamal Khashoggi."
October 14, 2018
Russian Troops Prepare For Saudi Arabia Deployment After Disputed Camel Race Leads To “Deep State ” Plot To Overthrow Saudi Crown Prince
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A dangerously worded, but fascinating new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today, seemingly echoing a story coming straight out of the “Arabian Nights”, states that the final phase of “Cooperation 2018” military drills among Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) member states has started at the Edelweiss training range in Kyrgyzstan with these specialized forces then being able to be deployed to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to defend the regime of Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman (aka MBS)—who is now under direct threat from United Arab Emirates (UAE) Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed (aka MBZ) who is virulently angry over the results of the world's largest camel sporting event that his nation’s team didn’t win—and one of whose most notable victims of in this disputed camel race is Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi—whom MBZ is now flooding the Western media with accusations thatKhashoggi was brutally murdered and dismembered on the orders of MBS. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
UAE Crown Prince Mohamed bin Zayed (second from left) and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman (third from left) open Crown Prince Camel Race Festival on 22 September 2018
According to this report, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, this past June, traveled to Russia to meet with President Putin—and whose main purpose for this meeting saw MBSdescribing to Putin his growing fears of the massive global spying and intelligence organization being created in the UAE by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed—known as “The Academy” and headed by former “Deep State” aligned CIA deep cover operative Lawrence Sanchez—and whose growing forces are now being filled by hundreds of former CIA and FBI officers fleeing Americaover their fears of President Trump.
In August-2014, this report continues, the worst fears of Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman were realized about “The Academy” when one of his secure convoys was attacked in Paris by their operatives and sensitive government documents were stolen—but that couldn’t have been accomplished without inside information being given to them from someone within the Saudi royal family—thus beginning an investigation that this past November-2017 led to MBS arresting and imprisoning over 30 of his governments most senior members.
At the same time Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman was beginning his arrest of traitorous royal Saudi family members working for “The Academy”, this report notes, UAE Crown Prince Mohamed bin Zayed suddenly approved the sale of Souq.com to global tech giant Amazon that’s owned by the world’s richest man Jeff Bezos—which is the largest e-commerce platform in theArab world—and that is now partnered with Amazon’s “secret cloud service” operation for the CIA—not to mention that Bezos owns the Washington Post whose writers have already convictedMBS of ordering the murder of their journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
In the tense political climate existing in these Gulf State monarchies that has yet to see a resolution between Saudi Arabia and the UAE over their border, and now has the Saudis preparing to dig a canal around Qatar to turn it into an island, this report says, the introduction into this highly volatile region of “Deep State” operatives and anti-Trump politics is a fuse no one of sane mind would ever contemplate lighting because of the global catastrophe that would follow in its explosive wake.
But, with Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman forging ahead to remake Saudi Arabia by adopting Western standards of commerce and modern social life, this report explains, his being backed by both President Trump and Israel to accomplish his modernization goals has proved to be a grave threat to all of the other Gulf State monarchies who see that their time on the world stage is fast coming to an end.
In point of fact, this report notes, during the just completed Crown Prince Camel Race Festival--the world's largest camel sporting event having over 11,000 camels participating in 787 rounds of competition--Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman addressed all of his fellow Gulf State monarchy leaders telling them directly that unless they modernized their regimes and societies, none of them would survive the next 20 years—but that angered UAE Crown Prince Mohamed bin Zayed who was already claiming that MBS had cheated his prized camel racing team from winning the coveted “Golden Sword” award—that in the Arab world is the most highly prized and coveted award any nation can receive, and in the past has caused too many wars to write about in even one book.
Camel racing “Golden Sword” is most prestigious and coveted award in the entire Arab world
With Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman having already expressed his fears to President Putin about the UAE, this report continues, the now openly hostile UAE Crown Prince Mohamed bin Zayed left the Crown Prince Camel Race Festival returning home to meet with “The Academy” leader, and “Deep State” CIA operative, Lawrence Sanchez—and within 48 hours, than saw two private jets owned by “The Academy” traveling to Turkey, with one returning to Dubai, and the other flying to Cairo—that the Washington Post then began to claim carried the dismembered body of their journalist Jamal Khashoggi they claimed, without offering any evidence or proof, was murdered by a “Saudi hit team”.
Under the defense and security agreement signed last year between Russia and Saudi Arabia for the placement of S-400 missile systems in that nation, this report concludes, Russian military forces are bound under treaty to protect these strategic missile assets in Saudi Arabia should Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman and/or his monarchy come under threat—and upon receiving word that the death of Jamal Khashoggi was being used by “Deep State” actors to target MBS, saw President Putin ordering the assembly of “Cooperation 2018” to accomplish—and whose over 1,600Arab speaking special forces from Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan, as well as 300 units of military equipment and 40 military planes and helicopters, now stand ready to be deployed to Saudi Arabia once the order is given.
October 14, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
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