Wednesday, January 11, 2017

TWO THUMBS UP!!! You Tell 'Em, Donald

Nighttime big yowls, sweetest of Big Cats ... What a 'hell yeah' gratifying moment for this Big Cat... YOU GO, Donald ... finally some REAL TRUTH TELLING from a man who DOES NOT BACK DOWN, who does not cower and simper before the Media Industrial Complex presstitutes, or the so-called journalists who are gunning for him and don't give one damn about shooting Trump in the back like the yellow-bellied cowards they are... oh yeah, a real man who didn't BACK DOWN before the Mafia-like CIA ... yeah, even with Schumer's warning to play ball or else... CIA CREEPAZOIDS, you DO ANYTHING TO ***TRUMP*** ... you HARM ONE HAIR ON HIS GOLDEN, OVERCOMBED HEAD ... and WE THE PEOPLE WILL KNOW EXACTLY WHO IS RESPONSIBLE ... YOU! ... just like WE KNOW the CIA and friends assassinated JFK... Just know this: whatever YOU DO against Trump will only BACKFIRE ON YOU. BIGTIME! Instant Karma is a warrior bitch you don't want to mess with... but, go ahead if you want to face the wrathful consequences.


"Your organization is terrible... I'm not going to give you a question. You are fake news"


Media conglomerate Time Warner, which owns CNN, saw its stocks fall Wednesday after President-elect Donald Trump labeled the outlet “fake news,” a CNBC reporter says.
According to CNBC reporter Carl Quintanilla, the shares took a noticeable dip during the president-elect’s first news conference moments after Trump refused to answer questions from CNN Senior White House Correspondent Jim Acosta.
“Your organization is terrible…” Trump said repeatedly. “I’m not going to give you a question. You are fake news.”
Steve Kopack, a social lead for CNBC’s breaking news desk, also stated that shares “fell to session low.”
While the dip was minuscule financially, Kopack asserted the incident showed the “power of Trump’s comments.”
“Should be noted that the $TWX move was an approximately 1.2% or $1.10/share move total, but shows power of Trump comments,” Kopack added.
During the press conference Trump also pointed to numerous other journalists in the crowd and similarly branded them as “fake news.”

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