SAVANNA KOUGAR ~ RUN ON THE WILD SIDE OF ROMANCE ~ Roaring-welcome to the blog lair of the Kougar, paranormal erotic romance author. Stroll on in if you dare. And take a frisky run on the wild side of romance. Or find a comfy spot, recline, stretch your toes...and lounge with the Big Cats.
Late afternoon yowls, most darling-est of Kittens ... OUTRAGE caused by the presstitutes meda's ongoing pants-on-fire lies, and Soros' and his vile cohorts efforts to dislodge President Trump ... is sparking the zombified hordes to obey marching orders at major airports... this is not only leading to devastating civil unrest in our beloved country, but *could* lead to a real *out in the open* civil war. Given a whole lot of us feel WE HAVE A BASIC RIGHT TO BE *SAFE* IN OUR OWN COUNTRY, as opposed to those who don't give one damn about letting terrorists, and potential terrorists, inside our borders ... and THOSE WHO apparently don't give one damn about living under Sharia law ... well, if that's what you want, please move to a country where Sharia law is the norm... then you can enjoy the benefits thereof ... like wearing the hijab and the burka ... also, like genital mutilation and no freedoms ... oh, except for the freedom to suffer and be enslaved. Enjoy!!! dodo-brains.
So, how do we get Americans and everyone around the world on the SAME PAGE ... that is: 1776 instead of 1984??? THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE! We, as humanity, need to be collectively SMACKED IN THE FACE with the TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH, AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH about Hitlary Rotten Clintonista. Yes, the Hildebeast MUST BE EXPOSED in all of her satanic pedophile glory. PEDOGATE must be shown unequivocally to ALL despite the fact that none us really wants to know those pedo-evil horrors exist as the norm in the so-called ruling elite.
Only by facing this DARK TRUTH --- like Luke Skywalker facing the DARK TRUTH about who is father was/is... only that level of knowing and facing the Truth will elevate humankind above the evil ruling over us.
Why does the Kougar say this? Because otherwise spiritually aware people ACTUALLY believe the wholesale brainwashing-crap lies, which are cancerously infecting our culture. These otherwise intelligent people DO NOT SEE the evil they are being used and abused by every single moment of their lives.
Sunday yowls, most precious Felines ... whatever you might think/believe about President Trump well ... this major blow against the evils of Big Pharma is sent directly from the DIVINE. These mass-criminal murderers who harm for the sake of profit, are being exposed by the LIGHT SWORD OF TRUTH ... and this Big Cat is eternally grateful!!!
The Kougar HAS NEVER HAD A FLU SHOT!!! Yes, she has had what was called the flu, although rarely, and not in probably a decade now. She uses natural remedies and supplements to prevent the flu, and keep her immune system healthy as possible. Yes, she has some serious health issues right now... but getting the flue IS NOT ONE OF THEM. And if she could afford the natural treatments she needs most likely her health concerns would be alleviated.
The flu shot is the greatest scam in medical history, created by Big Pharma to make money off vulnerable people and make them sick, warns President Donald Trump.
In an interview with Opie and Anthony on Sirius XM, Trump slammed flu shots as “totally ineffective” and declared that he has never had one.
“I’ve never had one. And thus far I’ve never had the flu. I don’t like the idea of injecting bad stuff into your body. And that’s basically what they do. And this one (latest flu vaccine) has not been very effective to start off with.
“I have friends that religiously get the flu shot and then they get the flu. You know, that helps my thinking. I’ve seen a lot of reports that the last flu shot is virtually totally ineffective.“
Trump is right – flu shots are the greatest medical fraud in history. They are full of “bad stuff” including formaldehyde and mercury – two powerful neurotoxins – and the vaccine industry even admits that laboratory tests prove the popular jab does not work.
Why is a toxic, medical hoax, backed by nothing but voodoo faith-based dogma and clever marketing, pushed on the whole population every year?
Vaccines are the one medicine where no scientific evidence of safety or efficacy is required by anyone: not the FDA, not the CDC and not the media. Congress even passed a law protecting the vaccine industry with absolute legal immunity, even when they manufacture and sell defective products that injure and kill people.
And vaccine manufacturers have been lying to us for years about toxic levels of mercury in flu shots.
Everybody knows mercury is toxic to inject into the human body. That’s not debated except by irrational anti-science denialists.
So why won’t manufacturers remove the mercury? And why does Big Pharma continue to push a product that the vaccine industry admits does not even work?
HAPPY YEAR OF THE FIRE ROOSTER ... time to crow and own the sunrise this lunar year, precious Big Cats ... it would be a dream come true for the Kougar if WE THE PEOPLE could throw the UN out of New York City, and throw it to the proverbial winds ... AT THE TOP, this is nothing but a cruel, criminal, exeptionally greedy, nasty, SLIMAZOID organization meant to brutally, evilly rule the world ... this IS NOT FOR THE ULTIMATE BENEFIT AND EQUAL RIGHTS OF HUMANITY!!! No matter the endlessly deceptive propaganda we are force-fed.
President Trump has made no attempt to downplay his less-than-favorable opinion of the United Nations in the past, calling it "just a club for people to get together, talk and have a good time," in a tweet back on December 26, 2016, as well as calling for a pared-down version of it [NATO] in comments made back in April 2016, while calling NATO obsolete, he also referenced the UN as a "political game."
"Where do you ever see the United Nations?" Mr. Trump continued. "Do they ever settle anything? It’s just like a political game. The United Nations — I mean the money we spend on the United Nations."
The U.S. gives approximately $8 billion to the U.N. and its associated organizations annually in mandatory payments and voluntary contributions, to which Fox News explained in July 2015, is far more than any other member state pays.
If that seems like a lot, it is—far more than anyone else pays And it’s also, in some cases, bad value for money.
The U.N. system for calculating member nations’ "fair share" payment toward its regular and peacekeeping budgets has increasingly shifted the burden away from the vast majority of the 193 members and onto a relative handful of high-income nations, especially the U.S. Indeed some nations pay next to nothing.
Over the last six decades, the share of the U.N. expenses borne by poor or small member states has steadily ratcheted downward to near- microscopic levels. From 1974 to 1998, the minimum mandatory payment for the regular budget for example, fell from 0.04 percent to 0.001 percent. For the peacekeeping budget, the minimum is 0.0001 percent.
President Trump's prior statements on the United Nations, was nothing short of a warning that things were going to change, which caused hand-wringing from globalist UN promoters, panicked by those upcoming changes, with a high-ranking globalist with the global government-promoting Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), saying the United Nation was going to be "hammered" by a Trump administration and a GOP controlled Congress.
While many Trump supporters took a "wait and see" attitude when he decided to nominate Nikki Haley as the US Ambassador to the UN, her very first statement at the UN headquarters, should offer some much-needed assurance that she is undoubtedly going to promote the "America First" agenda Trump promised throughout his campaign.
Haley stated "Our goal with the administration is to show value at the UN, and the way to show value is to show our strength, show our full voice. Have the backs of our allies and make sure our allies have our backs as well."
Then, on behalf of the Trump administration, she put the UN and our allies on notice, stating "For those that don't have our back? We're taking names, we will make points to respond to that accordingly...."
I would also like to point to her specific terminology of stating, more than once, the US UN, which in my mind serves as reminder to them that their headquarters is in the United States, something they shouldn't forget because that could change under the new administration.
Haley also told reporters "There is a new US UN," saying that "you are going to see a change in the way we do business."
With approximately $3 billion a year, going directly to the U.N.’s regular and peacekeeping budget, along with the rampant rape and brutality by UN peacekeepers in the world’s poorest nations, as well as corruption scandals associated with the UN, it is no wonder that there has been a "renewed drive" for the U.S. to exit the United Nations totally as reported by the American Policy Center on January 17.
Alabama Congressman Mike Rogers has introduced a new bill (H.R. 193) to end U.S. membership in the United Nations. The bill is the reintroduction of his American Sovereignty Restoration Act (H.R. 1205) from the last Congress. And of course, that was basically the same bill introduced year after year by former Congressman Ron Paul.
In the past, both Paul’s and Roger’s bills have been ignored by Congress, but things are changing. Americans are beginning to understand the UN threat. Obama has actually stood before the UN General Assembly and called for Americans to surrender our national sovereignty to this world body.
Within that bill, H.R 193, in Section 2, titled "REPEAL OF UNITED NATIONS PARTICIPATION ACT OF 1945," it calls for the president to "terminate all membership by the United States in the United Nations, and in any organ, specialized agency, commission, or other formally affiliated body of the United Nations," as well as the "Closure of United States Mission to United Nations."
Section 3 calls for the "REPEAL OF UNITED NATIONS HEADQUARTERS AGREEMENT ACT." In less diplomatic terminology, it calls for the U.S. to boot the UN out of America!
There is no other way to spin Haley's statements as anything other that the Trump administration putting the UN on notice that things are going to change or the UN is going to be tossed out of the US, and they can say goodbye to U.S. funds, which are being used to facilitate rape and brutality against those they are supposed to be helping.
New Moon Yowls, most enchanting of Kitkats ... yeah, here we go, the new world order's last dangerous gasp... we're all supposed to bow down to Red China's dictates on censorship, on how they are going to save world government ... like China is now the big ole savior in Hollowood movies ... like WE THE PEOPLE even need the Media Industrial Entertainment Complex ... this Big Cat certainly DOES NOT NEED HOLLYWOOD IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM ... It's not like WE THE PEOPLE can't entertain ourselves, make our own movies, etc.
Afternoon YOWLS, beautiful KitKats All ... as is exposed in the well-researched article below, the state of California is under attack by THOSE who are fomenting seccession. While this Big Cat believes that if the majority of Californians truly WANT seccession, then they have every right to secede from the union. Yeah, go for it.
On the other hand, this is obviously a very complex issue on many levels ... one complication being the STATE OF JEFFERESON ... many people in northern California desperately want to create their own state, and split from southern California ... from what little the Kougar understands about this, she believes the state of Jefferson should be formed, simply given the differences in culture, and the fact that southern California unjustly feeds off the northern region.
Regardless, THE PEOPLE OF CALIFORNIA need to know THE TRUTH about what is happening, and MAKE THEIR OWN CHOICE, CHOOSE THEIR OWN FUTURE.
I had held out hope that Fox News was going to begin to report the news in a more balanced manner. This belief was based upon the fact that Rupert Murdock, the owner of Fox News parent corporation, NEWSCORP, had actually covered Trump in a more balanced manner. However, this is not to be the case. The old adage applies, once New World Order, always New World Order.
“What’s CALEXIT?”
When I was the one of the first to be told by Paul Preston about CALEXIT, prior to the Presidential election, I immediately recognized this as the very big story that it is. As I printed finding after finding out about the event, I was told that I needed to put on my tin-foil hat and that I was making this scenario up. The stories on CALEXIT were among the least read on The Common Sense Show as the story refused to get much traction. Here is an abbreviated history of the coverage that I tried to bring to this topic.
This is stunning and frightening information that was revealed on November 17, 2016 as a result of 3 weeks of investigation on my part.
2.. CALEXIT was exposed as part of a bigger plot to break up the United States as Trump’s populism would be kicking in. The article was entitled:
This story details the plot to begin killing whites to force an exit from the US.
4. Governor Brown’s CALEXIT proxy forces have taken to intimidation of public officials connected to the State of Jefferson movement.
Paul Preston and Dave Hodges offer up the details where nobody is safe when politicians conspire with criminals and murderers in order to forge a political agenda. Never before in the history of the United States has such a state of affairs existed. The shocking details are contained in the following video.
5. The reasons why CALEXIT cannot be allowed to come to fruition. A California departure would have devastating effects on the US economy and food supplies.
Additionally, we have evidence that links CALEXIT to the importation of terrorists inside of the United States as well as being connected to the amassing of terrorist forces on the Southern border. This is another story for another day. This is Obama’s parting gift to America and it’s been hiding in plain sight America. Are you ready to listen and to act? If not, maybe the mainstream media will convince you about what Paul Preston and I have been saying for months is true and accurate!
Preston and Hodges et al Force CALEXIT Out of the Shadows
I have been reporting on CALEXIT for well over two months. Courtesy of Paul Preston’s embedded sources in the state government of California and what I have been able to learn from my sources, I have reported, multiple times, on multiple dates, that CALEXIT was well underway and a time table of 2019 was established to complete the exit of California.
The illegitimate governor of California, Jerry Brown, who is in his illegal third term, has been using his office to plan and carry out CALEXIT with as much stealth as possible. However, the secret is out and yesterday, Brown’s proxy forces announced through the LA Times that the supporters of a plan for California to secede from the union took their first formal step Monday morning (January 23, 2017), “submitting a proposed ballot measure to the state attorney general’s office in the hopes of a statewide vote as soon as 2018″.
The Governor’s front person, Marcus Ruiz Evans, the co-founder of Yes California, which morphed into CALEXIT, stated that they were trying to wait for a later elecction, but he emphatically stated that the group’s timetable was sped up by the election of Donald Trump. That is total Bravo Sierra, his timetable is not sped up at all because the implementation of the separation of California is still 2019. The reason they had to bring this to the media, despite months of denial was because they got exposed for what they were doing and who they were doing it with. Evans partially admits to this fact when he stated, “We’re doing it now because of all of the overwhelming attention.”
The lying LA Times stated the following misrepresentation:
“The Yes California group has been around for more than two years, Evans said. It is based around California taxpayers paying more money to the federal government than the state receives in spending, that Californians are culturally different from the rest of the country, and that national media and organizations routinely criticize Californians for being out of step with the rest of the U.S.”
Acording to Paul Preston’s embedded sources, the CALEXIT supporters in the governor’s office were destroying documents of the State of Jefferson actions which would create a 51st state in northern California. This movement ran in opposition to CALEXIT. Fearing Federal investigations for the felonious destruction of federal documents, CALEXIT supporters in the Governor’s office were forced out of the shadows and had to announce their plans by submitting a proposed ballot measure to the state attorney general’s office,
Fox News Spinmasters Become the First MSM to Admit to the CALEXIT Movement
As the subtitle indicates,Fox News has become the first MSM to actually admit to the existence and purpose of the CALEXIT movement when they stated the following:
A new poll suggests one in three California residents would support a possible secession from the U.S. because of their opposition to President Donald Trump.
“There’s such hostility towards Trump that many citizens believe it would be smarter to leave than fight,” Democratic political strategist Steve Maviglio told Reuters.
Maviglio ran a campaign in 2016 against an initiative to break California into six separate states.
A Reuters survey revealed Monday that 32 percent support the so-called “Calexit,” an increase of 12 percent since the last poll was conducted in 2014 – during the same time Scotland held its independence referendum and chose to stay in the United Kingdom.
National poll results revealed 22 percent favored secession, down from 24 percent in 2014.
According to Reuters, the poll questioned 500 Californians among more than 14,000 others nationwide from Dec. 9 to Jan. 19. The poll’s margin of error in California was 5 percentage points and 1 percentage point among nationwide adults.
Yes California, a group promoting the idea of a peaceful secession from the union, submitted a measure in November to the state attorney general’s office in hopes a referendum could reach the 2018 election….
“We always thought that if we just connected with the people who thought about this, but didn’t tell their friends and family because they would be seen as kooky and weird, that the quiet population would become vocal,” Marcus Evans, vice president of Yes California, told the Sacramento Bee.
He added that if California would to successfully secede, it would be the sixth largest economy in the world.”
There is a problem for FOX News with this report. The number of people that favor CALEXIT is miniscule. I have heard from many Latino and hispanic people of prominence who are vehemently opposed to this movement. And the vast majority of Calfornians who have heard of this movement is minscule. Therefore, we have another example of fake polls and more fake news from the MSM.
Isn’t it interesting that that Reuters, Fox News and the LA Times all release this story ON THE SAME DAY!
Paul Preston has sought comment from the Governor’s office for months only to receive the “no comment” answer. Now, his office if fully public with this proposal.
The corruption of CALEXIT has forced the movement out of the shadows. How far has it gone? A few weeks ago, I printed a story which quoted the Russian media in which they said that CALEXIT had opened an embassy in Moscow!!! This is yet another story that was scoffed at.
Saturday yowls, new day KitKats ... wow, how long will CNN keep trying to FOOL THE PEOPLE? This Big Cat wishes they'd fall into the proverbial oblivion, where criminal lyers go for judgement.
On a further note: it's so incredibly sad and scary to actually WITNESS the brain-washed lemming masses who don't own one clue about the world they live in ... or about the REAL HISTORY/HERSTORY. Yeah, they've invaded the District of Criminals, where the swamp is beginning to be drained. Most of these folks are good-hearted, well-meaning people ... but really, it's an absolute SEA OF PURE STUPIDITY, of IDIOCRACY. ~sad sighs~
CNN just can't stop lying! The purveyors of #FakeNews have once again been caught, twice, peddling propaganda on Inauguration day.
First, Nancy Sinatra called them out for a bullshit tweet suggesting she wasn't happy with Trump's use of a Frank Sinatra song during the Inauguration:
Second, CNN published a bullshit article suggesting a low turnout compared to Obama, except the picture they used for Trump’s Inauguration appears to be from much earlier in the day:
And the full frame of what CNN claims is Trump's turnout:
Sorry assholes, someone threw this up on Reddit about an hour ago: