The Kougaress is in a pink mood...
Late night yowls, my most darling Big Cat Beauties... the most lovely weather on the tame prairie continues... of course, the Kougaress will miss it once it ends ~sighs~ ... okay, KitKats, likely the world will start coming apart at the seams in a big way... soon... very soon... and per usual, the truth will be covered up by the brain-drain media... however, with the dragon of truth relentlessly soaring the skies, if you look with intention, you will discover the REAL TRUTH...
The Kougaress heard some info on the upcoming Venus retrograde... in part, this will mean reestablishing relationships from the past, and also pleasures from the past. Because of the recent solar eclipse, there will also be major endings and beginnings. Yep, it's here. The really big changes. 2012 goes supernova.
Authoress news and mews ~
...silent appeal to the Sacred Ones...
From the Kougar’s Writing Den ~ her latest WIP ~
Her Midnight Stardust Cowboys
The last six 'unedited' sentences written for Chapter Forty-One ~
Dontoya pressed his lips to the glistening band in a kiss of reverence. Wheeling around, he moved with a quick stride toward the kitchen.
Dontoya made a silent appeal to the Sacred Ones, and to his Pleidian ancestors. He'd waited for this day, this moment, for what felt like an eternity, and he wanted nothing to interfere.
While his desire for a mate had been relentless, ferocious, the depth of his need had eluded him. "Sherilyn," he uttered from his swiftly beating heart.
Look into the face of the dragon and don't despair...
By Savanna Kougar
"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the un-fairest of them all?" Adele scrutinized her face in the enormous oval mirror she'd inherited from her great grandmother.
"I don't see a problem." She swivelled her head from side to side studying her features. "I like how I look. And, I like who I am."
For long moments, Adele stared at her eyes, what her mother described as gold and violet sparks. "I mean, I'd date me if I were a man. I'd ask 'me' out so fast my head would spin a thousand miles an hour."
Big Cat by-the-numbers ~
11:33 pm... 1:11 am... 2:12 am... 2:22 am... 3:33 am... fraud at every level of society goes into hyper-drive... beware, and take care... also, big-time war moves are being reported in the International media, but not in the states...
Wells Fargo Has Blood on Its Hands: Desperate Man Commits Suicide After Shocking Foreclosure Mistreatment
AlterNet - The quick version of this terrible story is that Norman and Oriane Rousseau of Newbury Park, California were scammed into a predatory mortgage.
Not so organic - USDA accused of conspiracy with agribusiness insiders
RT - The Cornucopia Institute from the state of Wisconsin is calling out the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) in their latest report by saying that the governmental panel that determines what is and isn't considered "organic" is stacked with federal insiders with an alternative agenda.
Big Ag, Monsanto take over research universities and turn them into pro-industry propaganda machines
(NaturalNews) Tom Philpott from Mother Jones dissects a recent Food & Water Watch (FWW) report in which it is openly disclosed that corporate agriculture and the pharmaceutical industry have basically bought out agricultural research education as we know it.
Big Cat Sour Note: Oh yeah yowl, the corp-gov loves you. NOT!!!
The most powerful weapon is the human soul on fire.
~ Have a magickal month of May ~
And, May you live the dreams of your heart, not in interesting times...
Pleasures from the past kisses from the Kougar...
Aah...a kiss of reverence just sounds so pretty. I can't wait to see what kind of ring Dontoya graces his beauty with!
Ah... 'graces his beauty' ~ You have such a beautiful way with words, Serena.
I just may have to 'steal' another one of your phrases.
Thanks Savanna! 'Steal' away. :) I use it quite often as's one of those phrases I think feels good and right leaving my lips.
Thanks! I just might have the perfect moment for it. ~smiles~
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