Not your typical version, but deliciously romantic... Late night yowls, my darling and deliciously adorable Kittens... oh, lordy, lordy, what a day... yes, this Big Cat had to trek into town for the necessary stuff, and it was a summer-hot day... lots of haying going on in the fields... with all the flooding in other areas of the country, the Kougaress is betting hay might be in short supply. ~~~
Ice Cream Sandwich, please ... yes, this Big Cat girl is dreaming of an ice cream sandwich... and was dreaming of one while she crashed for a bit of a nap... no, not one of those cardboard, mostly air ones... but one made out of organic ingredients... one with dense chocolately wafers sandwiching rich creamy vanilla ice cream... but, alas, not to be, especially since the milk supply is generally full of radiation these days. Which is why the Kougaress has had occasional cravings for a creamy chocolate malt, and now an ice cream sandwich. And, is she ever glad she indulged while the indulging was good. Once upon a time. ~~~~~~
Big Cat by-the-numbers ~ 3:33 am... 1:11 pm... 3:33 pm... stealing farmland is one endgame currently happening... a carpet-bagger land grab is going on, disguised as aid, with the deliberate flooding of farmland around the Missouri river by the gov thugs... and not to mention the healthy soybean crops are being deliberately ruined by the gov... so what are the farm animals going to eat now? But then, THE GOV does not care about you!!! Regardless of who they hire to make you believe otherwise. Do whatever you need to do to protect yourself and your loved ones from these disgusting authorities, who are nothing but the most vile of crooks. Yep, tyranny, your tax dollars at work. ~~~
OBTW, an experienced fireman who is present at the Los Alamos fires states, to paraphrase, that the fires surrounding the lab and nuclear waste are *not* being contained on purpose, but the fires are being encouraged to spread. Why? Gee, are ‘they’ going to blame any kind of problem on the boogie-man of choice? KABOOM! ~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~ Not much on the authorly front today for the Kougar, so here’s what caught her attention... Amazon cuts off California affiliatesAPBy RACHEL METZ - AP Technology Writer SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Inc. and much smaller Inc. are cutting off their advertising affiliates in California because of a new state rule forcing online retailers to collect sales tax there.In an email Wednesday to California-based affiliates, Seattle-based Amazon said it would cut ties with affiliates who reside in the nation's most populous state if the law became effective. Gov. Jerry Brown signed the law Wednesday as part of a larger state budget package.The new rule requires online retailers to collect California sales taxes if they have in-state affiliates. "Affiliate" is the term the online retailers use for individuals or companies who run websites that refer visitors to them and then get paid a commission on any resulting sales.For Amazon affiliates, these fees vary from 4 percent to 15 percent of a sale.This move doesn't affect the third-party sellers who sell items through Amazon says they already are responsible for determining what taxes must be collected on a sale and often include taxes in the prices they charge customers.In its email, Amazon called California's new rule "unconstitutional" and "counterproductive." Amazon would not disclose how many affiliates it had in California, but in the email it said that for more than a decade it has worked with "thousands" of people in the state. More at ~ CAT SNARLING NOTE: Given the throw-the-rotten-tomatoes leaders who could give one fig about the constitution and the rights of the people, hey, no surprise. And, if you believe the lies that the California is broke... well, what a brilliant PR program. Anyone remember the gigundis scam pulled by Enron, who claimed there wasn’t enough power and then collected record profits for that time in California... well, there ya go. It’s the same scam now. And, guess who suffers horribly... the people of California. Now all of us who want to purchase items from California businesses. In fact, at this time in our history, taxes are simply a license to steal the people blind, deaf and dumb. ~~~
From UNKNOWN COUNTRY ~ Future Cars May Fix ThemselvesTuesday, June 28, 2011The future may be more amazing than we can imagine (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to these shows and we will hold John Hogue's feet to the fire--as usual--any day now!) First, tires that fix their own flats: these could be inspired by a tree called the Weeping Benjamin. When attacked by insects or suffering other mechanical damage, the trees emit a thick mess of latex particles that contain capsules of the protein hevein. When the latex reaches the wound, the hevein capsules break and are released, closing the wound.In Daily Tech, Jason Mick quotes researcher Anke Nellesen as saying, "We loaded microcapsules with a one-component adhesive and put it in elastomers made of synthetic caoutchouc to stimulate a self-healing process in plastics. If pressure is put on the capsules, they break open and separate this viscous material. Then this mixes with the polymer chains of the elastomers and closes the cracks." He hasn't yet succeeded in making tires that fix their own flats, but he's working on it.This is something that may be necessary soon, since car manufacturers are saving money by eliminating the spare tire. On USA Today, Chris Woodyard quotes GM CEO Terry Connolly as saying, "Getting rid of something as important as the spare tire wasn't a decision we made lightly. The universal implementation of tire pressure monitoring systems over the past five years has significantly reduced the likelihood that a flat tire will leave you stranded."~~~
From ~ Your July Forecast is Here! As was the case in June, the Universe has decided to kick July off with a solar eclipse. Having two consecutive months begin with a solar eclipse is uncommon enough, but with the rest of the planets adding their own colorful energies to the mix, you're in for an entire month of fireworks!July literally starts off with a bang, as a solar eclipse occurs in Cancer on July 1. Cancer is generally associated more with home, family and emotional bonds than it is with excitement; in this case, however, the solar eclipse will form a rather stressful alignment with Saturn, Aries and Pluto. You'll feel pulled in four different directions, and it simply won't be possible to resolve every problem that arises. Your best strategy will be to take a few deep breaths, fix as much as you can and put everything else behind you. Just be prepared to make peace with the fact that you won't be able to remedy everything.And that's just the first day of the month! On July 2, Mercury moves into Leo, adding more wit to your conversations. On the following day, July 3, the Sun bumps into Saturn, and while this transit might feel downbeat, it's really quite practical and helpful.Venus then joins the Sun in Cancer on July 4, upping the emotional factor. July 6 sees Saturn reappear with Mars, and while whatever you do at this time may require great perseverance, don't give up! Finally, July 7 shines as a bright spot on the month's calendar as Jupiter and Pluto offer the necessary motivation to make things happen.The ensuing week may continue to feel a bit bumpy, but things should start to calm down on July 15 when the full Moon in Capricorn brings a sense of practicality to an overly emotional month. Life will take on a completely different tone on July 23, when the Sun moves out of Cancer and into Leo, a transit that's sure to bring on a much livelier and flamboyant mood. Throw friendly Venus into the Leo mix on July 28, and you've got nothing but good times ahead! ~~~~~~
The most powerful weapon is the human soul on fire. ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE! ~ Happy Summer-Cruisin' June ~ ~ MAY YOU ALWAYS HAVE ENOUGH ~ And, May you live the dreams of your heart, not in interesting times... Ice Cream Sandwich kisses from the Kougar...
Since my hellhound heroes, Zol and Zin, wear tuxes... well, here is a beautiful one. Late night noisy yowls, my intrepid and inspirational Pussycats... definitely a summery hot day on the tame prairie... this Big Cat was a busy bee today... but then, where are the honeybees these days? Or any bees... usually the Kougaress sees them or hears them buzzing about... not that much this year... so, her pumpkins may not get fertilized... dang! And, not to mention this Big Cat likes bees, even if she is severely allergic to their stings. Strange note: okay, this Big Cat just mentioned being allergic to stings... so what happens? Likely a wasp stung her through her sock about fifteen minutes ago as she was posting. So, emergency, the Kougaress took her Aller-Max and extra Vitamin C, and almost went into Anaphylactic shock, but didn't quite. Yep, she's taking more Aller-Max later. ~~~
Beauty is Life, Life is Beauty... during these times all things beautiful become even more vital to our very souls and beings... yes, this Big Cat has yowled this before... still, a new depth of realization struck her soul as she listened to the latest round of corrupt depravity by those who claim to be our leaders, and our ‘betters’. No, it’s really not about wearing rose-colored glasses, and ignoring the truth of these times. It is about looking for and discovering the beauty around you, and in you. It becomes about sharing that beauty with others. And, as we all know, beauty comes in many shapes and forms. A smile is beautiful Art can be exceptionally beautiful. Nature is extraordinarily beautiful in all her seasons and landscapes. People are beautiful in mind, body, soul and spirit. Beauty and truth are two of your best allies right now. As romance authors we bring beauty to the pages of our books in so many ways. Love, romance, passion and the art of eroticism is beautiful. The story, how it’s written, is beautiful... the descriptive phrases, our heroines and heroes by who they are, who they become, and how they relate to each other, yes, beautiful. As well, our secondary characters offer their own particular beauty and truth. ~~~~~~
Big Cat by-the-numbers ~ 3:33 am... 2:22 pm... 4:44 pm... Thank goodness for the truckers of America. Not only because of their obvious contribution to our daily welfare. But, because the Kougaress is not alone in her observations that the sun’s path across the sky is far different than it was last summer. ~~~
BIG CAT ENVIRO NEWS ~ yowsa! The radiation poisoning is spewing everywhere! Tropical Storm Arlene moving toward Mexico in GulfAP-1 hour, 58 minutes agoAP - The first tropical storm of the Atlantic hurricane season gained force as it headed for Mexico's central Gulf coast Wednesday, bringing a threat of floods and mudslides. ~~~ Crews begin preventative burns near US nuclear lab AFP - 2 hours, 36 minutes agoAFP - Fire crews in Los Alamos, New Mexico, began targeted burns Wednesday along the western edge of a major US nuclear laboratory to remove fuels as a massive wildfire raged nearby. ~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~ UPDATE: The release date for KANDY APPLE AND HER HELLHOUNDS has just arrived. And is JULY 12, 2011. Magickal wahoooooooo! Now, all the Kougar has to do is complete the final edits, and choose excerpts by the 6th. So, she’ll spending time in her cave. What a busy, busy day of organizing the info on all of this Big Cat’s books, the ISBN numbers, and including finding out what the Kindle numbers are, the release dates, etc. It was biz-interesting gathering up the info on Amazon in that the Kougar saw who bought what, and who purchased what in percentages. Yeah, this author cat rarely looks at that stuff. Heck, she even tagged some of her books that hadn’t been tagged. Yes, she is neglectful, in part, because she is not of this digital generation, and it takes her awhile to understand and get onboard. Plus, she doesn’t trust some of this newfangled cyber stuff, and likes to get perspective first. And, THANK YOU! To everyone who has purchased the Kougar’s books. She loves ya, and is sending you good, good sparkly vibrations. ~~~
Featured at SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS ~ Better late than never by Rebecca Gillan Howdy folks. If you are reading this, that means Blogger didn't eat my post again. Today's post was supposed to have been part of last week's blog hop... but Blogger ate it. Considering how big it is, it's probably better that I'm posting it by itself anyway.There are two Onion "news" articles mentioned in today's post. I did not make them up, either. You can find them here and here. Without further ado, I present a peek into the daily grind of the Guts and Butts news room! ~~~
SCI FI SUSPENSE AUTHORS/ASPIRING AUTHORS... yeah, here’s the real-deal scoop ~ ~ ~ Chemical in plastic containers makes male mice act like femalesAFPJune 28, 2011WASHINGTON — Male mice who were exposed as babies to BPA, a chemical common in canned foods and plastic containers, act more like females and are seen as less desirable mates, a US study showed Monday.The findings could have implications for how BPA, or Bisphenol A, may affect human development and behavior, said the study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.“The BPA-exposed deer mice in our study look normal; there is nothing obviously wrong with them. Yet, they are clearly different,” said lead author Cheryl Rosenfeld at the University of Missouri.“Females do not want to mate with BPA-exposed male deer mice, and BPA-exposed males perform worse on spatial navigation tasks that assess their ability to find female partners in the wild.” ~~~~~~
BIG CAT SNARL AND SNARK ~ TSA ~ Total Sexual Assault. Yep. OBTW... Reports out of Boston indicate naked body scanners are so dangerous, TSA agents are getting cancer from just being near them. If the TSA continues to use these demonstrably deadly devices, please don’t fly the unfriendly skies again, my darling Kittens. Please. ~~~ It’s no surprise foreclosures are skyrocketing. Those who were deceived into these fraudulent ‘predatory’ loans are now being further victimized by the corrupt court system and the lawyers who [NO SURPRISE] are using new deceptive, down and dirty tactics against them as these homeowners attempt to battle back, and win their cases. ~~~~~~
The most powerful weapon is the human soul on fire. ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE! ~ Happy Summer-Cruisin' June ~ ~ MAY YOU ALWAYS HAVE ENOUGH ~ And, May you live the dreams of your heart, not in interesting times... Beauty is Life kisses from the Kougar...
The Kougar’s comment at Bree Younger’s Tuesday Tattoo blog ~ Oh-my-gawd... I must have him for my collection of angel men. I'll bet Volcano, my carnal cherub hero, knows him. He might even be a celestial relative. ~~~
After midnight meows, my frisky and freewheeling Felines... strange times, my darlings, strange times... a rather mild summer day on the tame prairie... what an explosion of jungly growth, though... plants around the Kougaress’s mailbox, probably alfalfa, grew several inches overnight... oh, hang onto your tails and your whiskers, Beautiful Big Cats, because the ride only gets bumpier from now on. ~~~~~~
Big Cat by-the-numbers ~ 1:11 pm... 2:22 pm... 1:11 am... Note: the following may seem as though it is completely far-fetched, as if you’ve now entered sci-fi-landia. However, the official documentation of high level UFO visitation over Washington DC is irrefutable. From Coast to Coast am ~ Washington UFOs Date: 06-27-11Host: George NooryGuests: Robert M. Stanley, Lauren WeinsteinUFO expert and editor of Unicus Magazine, Robert Stanley discussed how the location of Washington DC has been a hotbed for UFO activity over the years. Hundreds of people witnessed the numerous 1952 sightings over the Capitol, and some took photos and movies, which the government attempted to confiscate, he stated. According to his sources, during this time, two US jets went up to intercept one of the UFOs over Capitol Hill, and "were either disintegrated or beamed up and never returned."The National Mall has had a lot of UFO activity, said Stanley, describing an incident that took place at the Millennial celebration held there on January 1, 2000, in which witnesses reportedly saw cylindrical motherships that released smaller triangular craft. The UFOs were said to suddenly disappear when military helicopters swooped in. Stanley said that he himself has been subject to visitations from unmarked black helicopters hovering over his home, possibly to harass him over his UFO research.UFOs/ETs have focused on Washington because it's the seat of power, and further, there appears to be an alien base underneath the city, he argued. He arrived at this conclusion because of the frequency of the sightings, witnesses that have described craft that hover low to the ground and disappear, and the huge number of tunnels and bases known to exist underground in the area. Alarmingly, Stanley suggested that these alien or interdimensional visitors may actually be controlling key leaders in the government. Video Game RulingFirst hour guest, technology & privacy expert Lauren Weinstein commented on the Supreme Court ruling on violent video games. The Court ruled appropriately, protecting video games in a similar fashion to books, movies, and records, from a free speech/civil liberties perspective, he said. "The implication of the ruling is clear that this is a decision to be made by parents whether or not they wish their children to have access to these materials," he added.News segment guest: Scott PortzlineWebsite(s): vortex.comBook(s): Close Encounters on Capitol Hill Covert Encounters in Washington, D.C.~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~ It’s Promo Days for the Kougar since she wants to give KANDY APPLE AND HER HELLHOUNDS a good sendoff. In that vain she is posting the magickal cover art at ROMANCE WRITERS BEHAVING BADLY on Wednesday, the 29th. So, not much actual writing taking place right now... darn it... ~~~
AUTHORS/ASPIRING AUTHORS ~ Self publishing and selling rights, etcPosted by: "Lindsay Townsend" Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:56 am (PDT)According to this article, some self-published authors are approached by trad publishers and do sell overseas rights. The New Midlist~ ~Best wishes, Lindsay Lindsay Townsend, historical romance. ~ or follow me at Twitter: @lindsayromantic AND... *****P E R M I S S I O N TO R E P O S T G R A N T E D*****JUST ONE BITE SHORT STORY CONTEST!SUBMISSION INFO: HEREAuthors wanted for All Romance's Just One Bite Short Story Contest! We are very excited about this contest. Thirty-two of the short stories submitted will be deemed "Semi-Finalists" and released onto the and websites on October 1, 2011.Readers will vote for their favorite short stories during 5 rounds of voting with the field being narrowed at the end of each round. The first prize winning author will receive $1000 US. The second prize winning author will receive an iPad 2. The third prize winning author will receive a $100 eBook Bucks Gift Certificate redeemable either at or will be accepted between Ju ly 1 and September 1, 2011. Each title must be an original, never before published paranormal romance work between 2,500 and 3,000 words and will be marketed exclusively by All Romance/OmniLit. Authors can access the terms and submissions forms via this page. Authors need to complete all fields to the best of their ability at the time of submission. I'll be the Editor-In-Charge for the Contest and will lead the committee that will make the final decision on September 1 as to which submissions will be chosen as the Semi-Finalists. Stories selected as one of the 32 will be released for voting on October 1.Authors should keep in mind that we will not be editing these manuscripts. They must have them edited PRIOR to submission.We anticipate having more wonderful stories than we have slots for. If a story i s not chosen as a Semi-Finalist, rights will be returned. Questions about the Contest can be directed to me at:Questions can be directed to me at:cat.johnson@ allromanceebooks.comThanks again for your interest!Cat Johnson ~~~~~~
The most powerful weapon is the human soul on fire. ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE! ~ Happy Summer-Cruisin' June ~ ~ MAY YOU ALWAYS HAVE ENOUGH ~And, May you live the dreams of your heart, not in interesting times... Completely Far-Fetched kisses from the Kougar...
Gosh and greetings, my proud and precious KitKats... one of those strange lightning storms last night... a few of the white-hot bright flashes were so close to the ground around the house, it was scary freaky... and then, there are the vortexes that appear and seem to form the bursting sheet of lightning... not to mention those thunder sounds which really remind this Big Cat of machines... there wasn’t that much actual rain, and the storm lasted for about an hour or so... afterwards, around four in the morning, the sky was so bright it looked like there should be two full moons... of course, the moon is past the last quarter and could not even be seen in that part of the sky... so, really, what is going on? ~~~
Wing and a prayer, baby ... the Kougaress saw this phrase on the Just Another Paranormal Monday chat loop ~ ~ and was struck by how ‘absolutely, positively, perfectly’ it describes her life, and most likely the lives of many of us during these times. In her morning hello to all of us, extraordinary author and poet, K.A. M'Lady ~ ~ wrote: "Wing and a prayer, baby - sometimes that's all we've got." Ain’t that the truth? ~~~~~~
Big Cat by-the-numbers ~ 2:12 am... 11:11 am... 3:33 pm... 4:44 pm... 11:11 pm... Weekly Angelic Forecast from Volcano Straight from the Carnal Cherub himself...Angelic Forecast ~ #147 This week will be one that lives in the history books as a marker for the year 2012. Both for GOOD and for BAD. From this point forward a return to the divine feminine and, thus, the divine masculine will become apparent to those who are attuned to the universal energies. This is the time to look at your relationship with gender, and to discover more of who you are. Notice also, that ‘truth’ will continue rising like the phoenix -- all spectacular color and fiery brilliance. Like ash from colossal volcanic eruptions, truth now spreads across the globe and settles on everyone. Behind the scenes, hidden to most of us, and kept hidden by the art and blackness of deception, a civil war rages. This is between those who have mastered the higher technologies and now battle each other for ultimate control. It is X-Files for real. This hidden war will be exposed incrementally, and the plan is to keep it covered up by a world war. However, divine intervention to stop this level of war is being bolstered by the wildfire Awakening of humanity. On the good side, those who would be the dark tyrannical kings of Earth are being thwarted at nearly every turn. In an attempt to win the endgame, these soulless ones are becoming out-in-the-open bold with their corruption and evil acts. On a personal level, this week is perfect to look for and find what truly frees your soul. This week is also about freeing your mind to think beyond what you have been taught, beyond what you currently believe. It’s a new world for those who seize it. For those who want it. For those who will treasure what this ‘new way of life’ offers. Trendwise, all hell breaks loose. More and more, there will be massive resistance to the trends the establishment has coopted, and those trends they attempt to force on us. The Big Boys in this industry are losing ground, and now their power will be ripped from beneath them like a tablecloth from beneath the dinner dishes. This means that individual creativity will shine bright as the noon sun. To win in the days ahead, take your place in the sun. Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona~~~~~~MORE...Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ ~ ~~~
BIG CAT SEVERE WEATHER and LAND CHANGES ROUNDUP ~ Worst Floods in North Dakota HistoryContributorNetwork-2 hours, 24 minutes agoContributorNetwork - As the Souris River in Minot, N.D., reached historically high levels Sunday, some parts of the city have been saved by emergency levees. North Dakota's fourth-largest city has seen 3,000 homes damaged and nearly 12,000 residents evacuated as heavy rains, combined with record snowmelt, have left dams stressed and over-burdened. NOTE: It is *not* good at the nuclear power plant. Another horror scenario is developing. ~~~ Fire threatens top US research center AFP - Mon, 27 Jun 2011 10:27:04 PDTAFP - The US government's top Los Alamos research center was closed Monday due to the threat from approaching wildfires, officials said, stressing that all nuclear and other materials were safe. NOTE: Radiation is being released due to burn off where nuclear bombs were tested. ~~~ Also, there’s a biblical plague of mice in Australia. ~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~ Okay, Kittens, the Kougar has been ‘officially’ approved as an author at The Romance Reviews... so, now she needs to muster up enough time and energy to go create her book page. It was rather odd to be ‘approved’ since in this Big Cat’s mind she’s already an author... just one of those twisty mind moments. Also, the Kougar esent her prize to the Summer Solstice Blog Hop winner designated for SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS. Thank you, Rebecca E. for joining in, and happy snappy reading. ~~~
Featured at SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS ~ Operation Infiltrationby Pat Cunningham Jordy’s teeth chattered the whole way up the long gravel drive to the backwoods bar. “Seriously, Ray,” he said. “This has got to be your worse idea ever.”Ray cackled and slapped his brother on the arm. “Don’t be such a wuss. These are she-wolves, bro! Hot as hell and ready to rumble!”“How would you know? Have you ever, uh – ”“Okay, not personally, but you heard about Willis, right?”“I heard he’s still in the hospital.” ~~~
BIG CAT SNARL AND SNARK ~ Today this Big Cat heard this term *worthless human debris* used to describe the TSA... yep, except she’d leave out the word ‘human’. So sorry, but these creepazoids just can’t be human, not by her definition. No human being would patdown a leukemia-ailing, 95 year old woman in a wheelchair, who is going home to die... and is wearing a Depends diaper. No human being would expect this woman not to soil herself in the circumstances. What kind of ‘inhuman’ monsters are these ‘things’ that call themselves employees of the TSA? Why are they taking these kind of unlawful orders? Haven’t they ever heard of the Nuremberg trials? But hey, Hitler would be so proud of them. ~~~~~~
The most powerful weapon is the human soul on fire. ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE! ~ Happy Summer-Cruisin' June ~ ~ MAY YOU ALWAYS HAVE ENOUGH ~ And, May you live the dreams of your heart, not in interesting times... Wing and a prayer kisses from the Kougar...
Billy the Kid is looking Old West dapper. Sunday into Monday meows, my darling Big Cats... the tame prairie, home of the Tomatoes Gone Wild... sorta... the Kougaress discovered about ten rebel tomato plants in various stages of growth... from tiny to a couple of feet with beginning blooms... yowlsa, it’s late in the season, that is, if you’re a regular gardener type... with the cool spring, and no sign of any gone-wild tomatoes, this Big Cat had given up on her last year’s rebels seeding any new plants... well, she was wrong... and, hopefully! There will be tomatoes. ~~~
Breathtakingly Magical and Mystical ... in the deep darkness after midnight, when there was nary a light source, and the sky was overcast, the few fireflies out and about looked like glowing ephemeral beings... their slow beckoning flashes of fairy-brilliant light held this Big Cat in utter was another world, one that was breathtakingly magical and mystical. ~~~~~~
Big Cat by-the-numbers ~ 1:11 am... 2:12 am... 4:44 pm... 11:11 pm... Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ ~ ~~~
LAND CHANGES ~ Flooding submerges parts of North Dakota city Reuters - Sat, 25 Jun 2011 16:00:04 PDTReuters - The swollen Souris River whose waters deluged North Dakota's fourth-largest city of Minot, was expected to crest early on Sunday, with storms threatening to complicate efforts to contain the biggest flood in area history. ~~~~~~
JUST COOL NEWS at Yahoo News ~ Billy the Kid image sells for more than $2MBy COLLEEN SLEVIN, Associated Press – Sun Jun 26, 12:57 am ETDENVER – What is believed to be the only surviving, authenticated portrait of Billy the Kid went up for auction in Denver and sold for more than $2.3 million.The tintype on Saturday evening went to private collector William Koch at Brian Lebel's 22nd Annual Old West Show & Auction, where auction spokeswoman Melissa McCracken said the image of the 1800s outlaw was the most expensive piece ever sold at the eventA 15 percent fee was tacked on to the bidding price, making selling price more than $2.6 million.Organizers had expected it could fetch between $300,000 and $400,000.The tintype is believed to have been taken in 1879 or 1880 in Fort Sumner, N.M. It shows Kid standing with his hand resting on a Winchester carbine on his right side and a Colt revolver holstered on his left side. ~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~ THANKS! To everyone who stopped by Six Sentence Sunday at SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS. Lots of good reading on the participating bloggies, and this Big Cat couldn’t get to them all. The Kougar discovered while checking out AllRomanceEbooks today ~ ~ that her superhero menage, HER INSATIABLE DARK HEROES, has what they call a *Bestseller Star* ... who knew? However, this good news is MUCH appreciated. Much! ~~~
Kittens, this is a fab and insightful blog. Scamper on over if you remember the Bionic Woman, the original TV series. Remember the Bionic Woman?Posted by: "Steph Burkhart" Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:14 am (PDT)I've got a great blog up that takes a look at The Bionic Woman 1976 & 2007. Pop on over and share your remembrances. Here's a link: sgcardin.blogspot.comSmilesSteph ~~~~~~
NOTE: This Big Cat was somewhat surprised, and a bit heartened, that this contributed article made it in Yahoo News.The American Police State is the 'New Normal'~ ~ ~~~~~~
The most powerful weapon is the human soul on fire. ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE! ~ Happy Summer-Cruisin' June ~ ~ MAY YOU ALWAYS HAVE ENOUGH ~ And, May you live the dreams of your heart, not in interesting times... Breathtakingly Magical and Mystical kisses from the Kougar...
Saturday Night Fever purrs, my dancing disco Pussycats... oh yeah, wouldn’t this Big Cat enjoy a ‘disco fever’ night out... but not to be due to circumstances beyond her control... so she’s enjoying the mild weather on her tame prairie, and the boom-boom of the neighbor’s fireworks... yeah, overeager beavers, don’t call think about calling the *supposed to be servants not authorities* since ‘it is’ lawful here to shoot fireworks... and no problem especially because it rained. ~~~
First SIX sentences of the Kougar’s unpubbed short story that she is attempting to decide what to do with...? Weightless Inside His Wings Striker snapped back from the dreamless void she’d been inhabiting. With her mind an utter blank, her instincts took over. Frag the spacehole, she floated, weightless. Captured inside a micro-gravity holding tank, that was her first thought. But where, when? How had she been caught? ~~~~~~
Big Cat by-the-numbers ~ 12:12 am... 2:12 am... 12:12 pm... 1:11 am... 4:44 pm... Tyranny: Your tax dollars at work. ~~~
This Big Cat realized that Volcano’s Angelic Forecast is on target, sadly. To paraphrase: there will be mass movements of population due to continuing catastrophic events. This is just one recent example. 90,000 flee storm in Philippines AFP - Fri, 24 Jun 2011 23:07:30 PDTAFP - Nearly 90,000 people have been forced to flee their homes in the Philippines due to floods caused by Tropical Storm Meari, ~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~ Yep, the promo is gearing up for KANDY APPLE AND HER HELLHOUNDS... that is, what the Kougar can manage to do. Today she posted at THE ROMANCE STUDIO BLUE, and her post is ready for SIX SENTENCE SUNDAY at SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS. Okay, then, the Kougar made some changes to her sidebar, and added a blog roll. So, she is considering discontinuing the snippets of blogs she is associated with, and simply likes. Plus, no doubt, she’s left some out. Of course, they will be added later. ~~~
Featured at ROMANCE WRITERS BEHAVING BADLY ~ True Blood, the lollipop game by Vivien Jackson It's good to have a hobby. Mine stands 'round 6'4'', looks like a Viking, and is one nasty beast. Yes, I'm gearing up for the new season of True Blood next week. And because it's never a good idea to mix booze and superhuman bloodsucking carnivores, I present:True Blood: The Lollipop Game. ~~~
The Kougar likes Eliza March’s description of a hero. Check out her blog at ~ THE ROMANCE STUDIO BLUE~ ~ To quote: "I want them to behave in a certain way. I want my man strong. My heroines are, so it takes a man with grit to handle them. My heroes also have to be capable of being gentle, understanding, and kind." ~~~
Gee, and here’s a surprise... so, snark-not... More FB Wackiness - HTTPSPosted by: "D. Renee Bagby" Sat Jun 25, 2011 6:01 am (PDT)Got this news and I'm passing it along.************ quoting **********************FB has changed & failed to let us know about it! Take a look at your URL address (the top box on your screen.) If you see "http" instead of "https" you DO NOT have a secure session & can be HACKED.' 'Go to Account - Account Settings - Account Security - click Change. Check box (secure browsing), click Save. FB has automatically set it on the non-secure setting! Do your friends a huge favour, copy & re-post.********* end quoting ********************Pass it on.Note - You may have to log out of FB and restart your browser before you seethe HTTPS in your URL addressRenee -- D. Reneé BagbyBuilding New Realms of Passion...~ dreneebagby.comZenobia RenquistDiscover Different and Unique Romance~
The most powerful weapon is the human soul on fire. ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE! ~ Happy Summer-Cruisin' June ~ ~ MAY YOU ALWAYS HAVE ENOUGH ~ And, May you live the dreams of your heart, not in interesting times... Saturday Night Fever kisses from the Kougar...
Yes, the Kougar received her cool promo banner from Siren-BookStrand today. Late night yowls, my Saturday-enjoying Hep Cats... another wonderfully mild day on the tame prairie... although, it feels a bit too still now... omygoodness, the Kougaress may have some renegade tomato plants like she did last year... they’ve just now sprang up, in part, because it was such a cold spring overall... yes, there were days in the high 90s... but not that many in comparison... if they keep growing, claws crossed... well, last years tomatoes were absolutely divine! ~~~
Big Cat by-the-numbers ~ 1:11 am... 12:12 pm... 2:12 pm... 11:11 pm... definitely a quote for our times... "...the Federal Judiciary; an irresponsible body (for impeachment is scarcely a scarecrow), working like gravity by night and by day, gaining a little today and a little tomorrow, and advancing its noiseless step like a thief, over the field of jurisdiction, until all shall be usurped from the States, and the government of all be consolidated into one. When all government... in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated. "-Thomas Jefferson~~~
BIG CAT SEVERE WEATHER and LAND CHANGES ROUNDUP ~ DUTCH HARBOR, Alaska (AFP) – A powerful 7.3-magnitude earthquake shook Alaska's Aleutian Islands late Thursday, triggering a tsunami warning that sent people heading for high ground before the alert was canceled.Hundreds of people walked, drove and rode in the back of pickup trucks as they fled the the coast after the earthquake struck 80 miles (130 kilometers) northeast of the seafood port of Dutch Harbor, home to some 4,400 people. ~~~ Flash floods and whirlwinds hit Vietnam and days of torrential rains caused by Tropical Storm Meari in the Philippines. ~~~ NOTE: There are plants, usually labeled weeds, who do remove nuke radiation from the soil, and have been used near nuclear facilities. But, this was new info to this Big Cat. Sunflowers to clean radioactive soil in JapanTOKYO (AFP) – Campaigners in Japan are asking people to grow sunflowers, said to help decontaminate radioactive soil, in response to the Fukushima nuclear disaster that followed March's massive quake and tsunami.Volunteers are being asked to grow sunflowers this year, then send the seeds to the stricken area where they will be planted next year to help get rid of radioactive contaminants in the plant's fallout zone.The campaign, launched by young entrepreneurs and civil servants in Fukushima prefecture last month, aims to cover large areas in yellow blossoms as a symbol of hope and reconstruction and to lure back tourists."We will give the seeds sent back by people for free to farmers, the public sector and other groups next year," said project leader Shinji Handa. The goal is a landscape so yellow that "it will surprise NASA", he said.More at ~ ~ ~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~ THANK YOU to everyone who has commented and stopped by SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS for the Summer Solstice blog hop... one more day to go. Also, the cover art for KANDY APPLE AND HER HELLHOUNDS is posted at the Title Magic blog where it will be front and center for awhile. Wow, is this Big Cat bubbly-excited about her upcoming release. ~~~
Dark Friday: Repelling a Vampire by Bree Younger ~ ~ Nowadays, authors sort of make up their own rules about vampires. My vampires, for example, are not bothered by crosses or holy water, they aren't repelled by garlic. But traditional vampires in folklore had more rigid rules. If you wanted to keep a vampire away from you, you had several options.~~~
AUTHORS/ASPIRING AUTHORS ~ New romance publisherPosted by: "Lindsay Townsend" Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:00 am (PDT)Entangled Publishing has launched their website. Entangled plans to offer an ambitious list of books in both print and ebook format, with 40 percent royalties to authors. The editors are open to submissions of young adult, paranormal and contempoerary romance, romantic women's fiction, romantic thrillers and science fiction. All stories should have strong romantic elements and be from 70,000 to 120,000 words. Every book in the Entangled catalog is assigned a publicist. Find all the submission guidelineshere ~ ~ They say at the moment they only accept historical romance subs from agents.Best wishes, Lindsay~~~
From ~ Jupiter Raises the Feel-good Factor! On June 24, the sweetly sensitive Cancer Sun shines a friendly light upon fortunate, optimistic Jupiter. You're sure to enjoy this easygoing transit, since Jupiter's good-luck energies will bring more fun while helping you tighten bonds with loved ones!Jovial Jupiter always raises the feel-good factor, and it has a way of making even the most challenging tasks easier and more enjoyable. It's also frequently the bearer of good news, and when it joins forces with the Sun, positive outcomes and rewards are invariably plentiful!In the case of this transit, with the Sun in Cancer and Jupiter in Taurus, you'll certainly feel more indulgent and family-oriented. You may also feel a bit lazier under Jupiter's powers, so if you really want to relax the day away, go for it and enjoy! However, the Cancer Sun will be there to offer a boost of ambition, so if you want to accomplish something fun as well, you'll be able to get it done without a problem.All in all, this is one of the most pleasant planetary alignments you could ever ask for. Have fun! ~~~~~~
BIG CAT SNARL AND SNARK ~ Oh, yeah drag out some over-the-hill mobster as some big-fish catch by the FBI... whoopee, wow... yeah, right, what a CIRCUS CIRCUS diversion... especially since said mobster worked with and for the FBI doing ‘their’ dirty deeds for year upon year. What a made-for-media crock. What? Is oldie moldie mobster just too old now to protect himself with blackmail? Everyone who could have given him protection is likely pushing up daisies, wearing cement booties... whatever. Sell it to Hollywood, ‘cause it ain’t working for this Big Cat. Meanwhile, the Wall Street mobsters continue business as usual... no, not usual, their territory is expanding exponentially. ~~~
The most powerful weapon is the human soul on fire. ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE! ~ Happy Summer-Cruisin' June ~ ~ MAY YOU ALWAYS HAVE ENOUGH ~ And, May you live the dreams of your heart, not in interesting times... Magickal Banner kisses from the Kougar...
Late night purrs, my beautiful and bold Kittens... a lovely day on the tame prairie... more springlike than summery... but omygoodness this Big Cat is getting whomped by allergies or something nasty... and she needs to find solutions... hopefully, the natural supplements she has on order will do the trick. ~~~
However, on the very wonderful side of life! is the Kougar ever exceptionally thrilled with her cover art, designed by the incomparable Amanda Kelsey of ~ ~ Blurb ~ Kandace doesn’t know why she’s a real witch. Despite her powers, she can’t find her bio parents. When the Tuxedo Twins tempt her with knowledge about her heritage at a charity event, Kandace agrees to dance with the mysterious Supernaturals. Unexpectedly, they are threatened by the omnipresent evil she’s been warned about in her dreams. To keep from being enslaved, Kandace brings forth her greater magick. But, to save her homeworld, she needs her hellhounds. Zolivar and Zindale, two of Hades’ most mission-accomplished Hellhounds, see a witch sliding down the bannister after her heist of a painting. Spellbound, they know they’ve found just the right Kandy Apple to lick for Halloween. With every passion, Zin and Zol woo their chosen witch. Yet, will their Triad mate stay once she learns they can’t fall in love like humans? Or, will she return to her homeworld? Their very lives are at stake. ~~~~~~
Big Cat by-the-numbers ~ 2:12 am... 2:22 am... 4:44 am... 2:12 pm.... 2:22 pm... 5:55 pm... 10:10 pm... the PEARL is the ancient symbol for the divine feminine... as never before in written history, the divine feminine emerges and will be the dominant force in the Awakening. To be noted, this will also mean a return to the divine masculine. ~~~
BIG CAT SEVERE WEATHER and LAND CHANGES ROUNDUP ~ Apparent tornado causes damage at Churchill Downs Reuters - Wed, 22 Jun 2011 20:04:45 PDTReuters - An apparent tornado struck Wednesday night at Churchill Downs, the thoroughbred racetrack famed as home of the Kentucky Derby, damaging some barns, but no injuries were reported, an emergency dispatcher said. ~~~ Strong quake hits Japan; tsunami warning canceled AP - Wed, 22 Jun 2011 17:41:28 PDTAP - A magnitude-6.7 earthquake rattled northeast Japan early Thursday in the same area where a massive quake triggered a deadly tsunami in March, but there were no immediate reports of injuries or damage. ~~~ By DAVE KOLPACK, Associated Press – 49 mins agoMINOT, N.D. – The flood outlook for North Dakota's fourth-largest city worsened Thursday, as accelerated releases from an upstream dam into the Souris River led officials to order more evacuations and close a major bridge.As many as 10,000 residents were evacuated a day earlier from neighborhoods nearest the Souris, which cuts through the heart of Minot. It wasn't immediately clear how many more people were affected by Thursday's order. ~~~ Soggy Midwest faces new summer threat: more rain AP - Thu, 23 Jun 2011 12:00:32 PDTAP - The reservoirs are full. The dams are open wide. The rivers have already climbed well beyond their banks. Throughout the Missouri River Valley and other parts of the upper Midwest, there's simply no place left for any more water. ~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~ Featured at ROMANCE WRITERS BEHAVING BADLY ~ Thursday 13 - Favorite Quotes from Handcuffs & Silkby Mary Quast BLURB: Stephanie "Stiff" Johnson, is a tough Las Vegas cop who many men find too intimidating to date. Steph begins to wonder if something is wrong with her so she turns to Madame Eve to find a man who could be the yin to her yang, even if it's just for one night.Hunter Morgan left behind years of living as a sub to a female Domme in New York. Upon return to his hometown, he questions whether he wants to continue with the "lifestyle" or find something different. Turning to 1 Night Stand, he hopes to sample his options.A simple one-night stand opens a whole new sensuous world to both.~~~
SCI FI WRITERS ~ cool info From UNKNOWN COUNTRY ~ We've Discovered a New Kind of Shooting StarTuesday, June 21, 2011One that is shooting water! A geyser of water is spurting up from the poles of a star that is 750 light-years from the earth at a rate of 124,000 mpg, creating "water bullets" that it shoots deep into space. If it has other planets around it, the inhabitants (if any) will have plenty to drink.If this kind of star is common, there's a possibility that stars like these distributing water throughout the universe. And since water is one of the things necessary for life as we know it, it implies that life is more common than we've thought.~~~~~~
The most powerful weapon is the human soul on fire. ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE! ~ Happy Summer-Cruisin' June ~ ~ MAY YOU ALWAYS HAVE ENOUGH ~And, May you live the dreams of your heart, not in interesting times... Happy cover art kisses from the Kougar...
Way after midnight meows, my summery funnery Felines... a mild sunny day on the tame prairie, but blustery windy until late afternoon... so much extreme weather, though, in our beloved country and around the world... it’s just soul-spinning... and, of course, flood insurance isn’t going to help those who counted on it... because, well, you know the ‘big’ insurance companies can manufacture any excuse ‘not’ to pay out... gosh, this Big Cat wishes she was a techie-genius robin hood as she’s yowled before.... but, alas, no. ~~~
Here’s the first ‘crude’ six sentences of an Old West WIP the Kougar started ~Kailie dismounted like a tornado chased after her. Flipping the reins over the hitching post, she glanced at her mare only long enough to determine she was fine, despite the fast gallop into Dry Gulch beneath the morning sun. With her blood on fire like the time she’d taken a large sip of whiskey, Kailie whipped her pistol from her side holster. She marched toward the saloon’s swinging doors, her fast pace stirring up clouds of dust. Leaping onto the wooden walkway, she ignored the holler telling her she shouldn’t be entering the saloon. Kailie burst through the doors, heedless of who or what was in her way.~~~~~~
Big Cat by-the-numbers ~ 12:12 am... 2:22 am... 3:33 am... 4:44 am... 1:11 pm... 4:44 pm... 5:55 pm... 12:12 am... 1:11 am... the AWAKENING is slamming into the bad guy globalists... ~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~ Come on by the Summer Solstice Blog Hop at SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS for some reading fun, and lots of prizes. You can start at ~ ~ And, if you haven’t checked out Tattoo Tuesday yet, scamper on over to ~ ~ ~~~
Featured at ROMANCE WRITERS BEHAVING BADLY ~ Common Sense, New Rules, and Grammar Divas by Kayelle Allen
An author friend complained recently about an editor who suggested changes which went against what the author considered common sense and good grammar. I suggested taking a look at the publisher's house style and which reference resources they used before he dug in his heels.~~~~~~
BIG CAT WARNING! Oh, my darling Kittens, so *not good news* about commercially made sunscreens. Not only are they extremely hazardous to your health because they prevent Vitamin D absorption, and the chemicals are cancer-causing. But, when used on children, the chemicals can sterilize them as in not being able to have children of their own. ALSO! It’s now known these chemicals are, in large part, responsible for killing off the coral reefs. What a diabolical product!!! As this Big Cat mentioned before there are natural substances such as aloe vera gel that will prevent sunburn. Add in some good quality Vit C, add some food grade olive oil and/or coconut oil, and you’ll be far more protected from any harmful rays than using sunscreens. Last night, the Kougaress heard another way to prevent sunburn that jogged her memory. Her dad talked about this when she was little. That is, mixing olive oil and iodine, then applying to the skin. A man who had been in the military said they used this, and it never failed to protect them from sunburn. Plus, with the iodine that should help you with all the radiation now pouring down on us, invisibly. From COAST TO COAST AM ~ Last night’s radio show Sunscreen DangersFirst hour guest, clinical laboratory scientist Dr. Elizabeth Plourde ~ ~ discussed her research on sunscreen lotion which she contends is creating numerous health and environmental concerns, such as killing the coral reefs, and ironically contributing to an increase in cases of skin cancer. As an alternative to using chemical sunscreens, which she has labeled a "biohazard," Plourde suggested that the antioxidants derived from eating a good diet will rise up in the skin and act as natural protection from the sun. ~~~~~~
The most powerful weapon is the human soul on fire. ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE! ~ Happy Summer-Cruisin' June ~ ~ MAY YOU ALWAYS HAVE ENOUGH ~ And, May you live the dreams of your heart, not in interesting times... Summery funnery kisses from the Kougar...
Luvs the Bad Biker Bunny, a resident of Talbot's Peak. Summer Solstice yowls, my sexy spirited Pussycats... more rain and a sorta storm last night... a good thing this Big Cat got her post up for the SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS Blog Hop, currently in progress... wowser, the Kougaress didn’t realize so many tornadoes hit in Kansas and Nebraska with apparently not too much damage... some good news there, at least. And, interesting probably only to the Kougaress... it’s nearing eleven thirty at night, and she had a visit from a half grown toad, most likely a boy. She hasn’t seen the huge toad who visited her regularly last year, and the year before. However, she just thought about Toadins strongly. And, tonight, Mr. Little Toad somehow got inside the house and was sitting in front of this Big Cat’s writing office. After she gently captured Toadie in an empty ice cream carton, he was placed outside by some sheltering plants. ~~~
Rabbit Trail Confusion ... the Kougaress heard this phrase today, and it struck her as utterly perfect for these times, given it is the Chinese Year of the Rabbit, and because of the catastrophes and wars that are about to occur on our beloved Earth... there are hundreds of rabbit trails created by the evil powers that be... mass confusion is obviously the master game here... keep the people confused at every turn... meanwhile their horrific agenda for world rule continues... certainly what passes for news in lamestream media illustrates this point. Most of the truly important news is ignored or outright covered up. ~~~~~~
Big Cat by-the-numbers ~ 1:11 am... 2:22 pm... 11:11 pm... ahead is a summer of rabbit trail confusion... ~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~ Off to a slow start at SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS for the Summer Solstice Blog Hop, but we’re up and running. And, hopefully, we can get Rebecca’s post up. Good news on the cover art front for KANDY APPLE AND HER HELLHOUNDS. The Kougar should be able to unveil it soon... wahoooooo! ~~~
Featured at Lindsay Townsend’s THE PINK BLOG ~ Hostage of the Heart - Audio! By Linda Acaster Reading time curtailed? Download an audiobook and listen while driving or catching up on the chores.This simple piece of advice seemed to have by-passed me until last Christmas when I received three audiobooks as gifts. They became sanity-savers when faced with a 50 mile car journey each day – and I became hooked on the medium. Mind you, with one I had to be careful regarding who was in the car with me. Certainly not my mother!Today the audio download of Hostage of the Heart is launched from, and my mother approves. So will your children if you’re on the school run. It’s a ‘sweet’ romantic suspense set on the English / Welsh borders on the cusp of dramatic events in 1066. ~~~
Featured at ROMANCE WRITERS BEHAVING BADLY ~ Two sides of the same male coin by Cara Bristol Men are a curious gender. The more I know them, the more I think they’re different breed from us women. But ya gotta love ‘em. I don’t understand them, but I find much to admire—and much that makes me want to yell with frustration. ~~~
ANIMAL NEWS for Shapeshifter lovers ~ 21 June 2011Emperor penguin from Antarctic visits New Zealand beach ~ ~ Colin Miskelly, from New Zealand's national museum, said it was exceptional to find an emperor penguin so far away from its usual habitat.A young emperor penguin, normally found in the Antarctic, has turned up on a New Zealand beach.It is a rare event, the first confirmed sighting of an Emperor penguin in New Zealand in 44 years."I saw this glistening white thing standing up and I thought I was seeing things," said Christine Wilton, who found it while walking her dog.The department of conservation is baffled by how it arrived, saying it may have taken a wrong turn."It's amazing to see one of these penguins on the Kapiti coast," says the department's Peter Simpson.The visitor has attracted crowds of onlookers, who are being advised not to disturb the penguin and keep their dogs on leads.Conservation experts say the bird is a juvenile, about 10 months old and 32in (80cm) tall.Emperor penguins are the tallest and largest of all penguin species, growing up to 4ft (122cm) high and weighing more than 75lb (34kg).Colin Miskelly, a penguin expert at Te Papa, New Zealand's national museum, said the bird was likely born during the last Antarctic winter.It may have been searching for squid and krill when it took a wrong turn and arrived on New Zealand's North Island."Usually they stay among the pack ice," said Mr Miskelly."This one just kept going north and it's a very long way from its usual range." ~~~~~~
BIG CAT NOTE: The nuclear power plants are in trouble on the flooding Missouri river. And, you're not getting the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. ~~~~~~ The most powerful weapon is the human soul on fire. ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE! ~ Happy Summer-Cruisin' June ~ ~ MAY YOU ALWAYS HAVE ENOUGH ~ And, May you live the dreams of your heart, not in interesting times... Official summertime kisses from the Kougar...
After midnight meows! My spectacular and snazzy Pussycats... oh, lordy, this Big Cat’s eyes are a-whirling... all due to getting the SUMMER SOLSTICE BLOG HOP ready to go at SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS... there were some code difficulties... but, all should be relatively well... meowsa! ~~~~~~
Big Cat by-the-numbers ~ 1:11 am... 2:22 am... 2:22 pm... 3:33 pm... 10:10 pm... 12:12 am... Quake hits Chile's mining north, no damage reported Reuters - 2 hours, 1 minute agoReuters - A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck copper-rich northern Chile on Monday, but there were no reports of damage at major mines and authorities reported no injuries or risk of tsunami. ~~~
Weekly Angelic Forecast from Volcano Straight from the Carnal Cherub himself...Angelic Forecast ~ #146 For the following week a three-ring circus of events will take place around the world. Few of them good. The Summer Solstice energies will bring about a sharp rise in all the dynamics playing out on Earth. Good will become larger, but so will evil. This will force an even greater division among people, in how they view the world, and what they perceive as truth. Hang onto your soul. Hang onto your moral compass. And, trust in your Inner Wisdom. As the world spins ever faster, and life becomes more complex, and more dangerous this will become your saving grace. Betrayal will be one strong theme for this week, and beyond. The spotlight of justice will shine strongly on the Betrayers. Even so, many will not see. Many will refuse to see. For those who do, they will take actions that will shake, then rock the entire globe. As the old age gives way to the Aquarian age, and the AWAKENING flashes to even greater heights, THOSE who would control humanity will use the failing economy as a battering ram to bring about their rule. It is wise, at this point, to consider every option that will bring about any measure of self-sufficiency. On a personal level, this is an excellent week to sit back and observe how your life is progressing. Decisions you make after this will be more effective, and long lasting. Also, look for viable ways to store food and all those items you need in an emergency. There will be no lessening in the fierce weather outbreaks, and other emergency situations. Along with the Summer Solstice, this week is the beginning of a new cycle. It could be called the Cycle of Becoming. That is, you and every living thing on Earth is entering a period of acceleration, of expanding toward your true potential at an unprecedented rate. Trendwise, every known and newly discovered aspect of angels and demons will become the focus of many. This will be due, in part, because so many of us will be able to see angels, whether as light, as light beings, and also in their human forms. Because the angels are walking among us now. Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona~~~~~~MORE...Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ ~ ~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~ Hot Summer Releases! Featured at SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS ~ Our Release Days are Here!!by Serena ShayHey all of our wonderful readers, Solara and I would like to share our happy news...this is our week for new releases!! A Magical Return, available today, Is the story of Conleth “Cole” Douglas and Emterra “Irene” Azzurra, vessels to a magical race called the Others, are compelled to save their town from a dark evil. The question is—will they save their love as well? AND! Hey Everyone! I'm excited to share release days close together with Serena. Her story sounds HAWT and full of magic and intrigue! Got to love a hunk with an interesting tattoo.Looking for another hawt summer read? Look no further. Jet Lag Blues is available June 22nd, Wednesday, from Siren-Bookstrand.Who better to get snowed in with than your friends? That's what Val Swarter thinks until she finds herself sharing a king-size bed with her boyfriend, Darryl Swanson, and his best friend, Mason Cox. Val has desired both Mason and Darryl for some time, and she knows the two men have shared threesomes before.None of them wants to jeopardize their friendship, but when desire turns into a frank discussion of their true feelings, can these three figure out how to make the leap from a burning hot threesome to a lifelong triad of love? ~~~
Featured at ROMANCE WRITERS BEHAVING BADLY ~ New Release - Silken Inferno Silken InfernoBy: Taige CrenshawSummerhouse PublishingAvailable NowISBN #: 978-1-936950-27-0Series: Phoenix Intelligence Agency ~ Book 2Genre: ParanormalLength: NovellaFormat: E-BookWhen the past comes calling it brings unexpected revelations that must be faced. ~~~
From ~ Mars and the Sun: Opposing Energies!A major energy shift is upon us as both Mars and the Sun change signs on the same day. The energies of these two forces will counter one another, riling you up and calming you down at the same time!On June 21, Mars leaves Taurus to trot over to Gemini, a transit that will increase tensions but also offer solutions. Mars in Gemini certainly dials up the volume of your conversations -- and things could definitely become heated. Most likely, this impatient transit will fire up issues you've left steaming on the back burner; fortunately, you'll discover that solutions will pop up just as quickly. As trying as this transit may be, you'll appreciate its ultimate results.Later on June 21, the Sun moves into the caring sign of Cancer. You're sure to feel the emotional influence of this shift as your own energies focus more on home and family.Keep in mind that these transits won't get along very well, and sparks are likely to fly! However, you'll have a brief respite before the fireworks really begin, as both Mars and the Sun join peaceable Neptune on June 22. Taking decisive action at this point will be a waste of energy; instead, use this time to rest and enjoy some lazy, dreamy activities. ~~~~~~
The most powerful weapon is the human soul on fire. ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE! ~ Happy Summer-Cruisin' June ~ ~ MAY YOU ALWAYS HAVE ENOUGH ~And, May you live the dreams of your heart, not in interesting times... Hot Summer kisses from the Kougar...