Talk about making contact, wouldn't it be dynamite-fun to make 'contact' with Zorro or with the Lone Ranger and Tonto? After midnight yowls and howls, darling Kittens... moi just saw Mother Moon rising, so white and pure in her appearance it’s inspiring to the soul... another beautiful day on the tame prairie and the Kougaress made it out to say howdy to her still-plucky Plucky tomato plants... wow, are they doing well even with the much cooler temps. ~~~
Contact, it’s arriving... contact with ETs, that is... space aliens, extraterrestrials, inner-terestrials... whoever ALL is out there, in here, has been here, will be here, was once here... it’s all converging... how everything will play out, that’s a whole other BIG STORY matter... but how does this Big Cat know? It’s in the proverbial air so to speak. It’s being written about on blogs NOT devoted to *out there* as you’ll see under Authoress news and mews. Yeah, yeah, it’s on TV [again], otherwise known as The Event... but that’s a big yawn *so-what* compared to what’s really happening and has been for as long as human beings have lived on planet Earth. Some say The Event is one more precursor to DISCLOSURE. But the Kougaress ain’t buying that one. More like, it’s some kind of trial-balloon manipulation of the so-called masses. More likely, it’s some kind of sophisticated propaganda designed to keep control over us all. Sure, if our extraterrestrial sisters and brothers wanted to make themselves known planet-wide, they could take the ole bull by the horns and MAKE IT SO. As this Big Cat has roared, any OTHER RACE from wherever who chooses to CONTACT the so-called leaders instead of the people... well, she wouldn’t trust THEM or the situations as far as she could THROW IT!!! ~~~
*** Oooooh... WHIZBANG! Richard Hoagland just spoke that word on Coast to Coast am nighttime radio and said it was a ‘key’ word in the whole ARRIVAL scenario... mews-hmmm... *** ~~~
Arghhhhhhhhhhhh.... 2:12 pm struck again... what does IT WANT? Note: HA! it didn't get moi again... it is now 2:13 am...~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~ WOW! Yesterday, Siren-BookStrand released their 700th Book Title. They are offering one of Sandy James’ books as a free download in celebration. Sandy has won all sorts of awards for her writing. ~~~
Featured at SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS ~ Who's up for a reading challenge?By Rebecca Gillan Hi and welcome to your Wednesday fix of Shapeshifter Seductions! Rebecca here with nothing about shape shifters, only a rant. As you may or may not know, this is National Banned Books Week. This yearly event is near and dear to me because just about every freaking book I enjoyed as a child is on the list. I absolutely loved Alvin Schwartz’s Scary Stories series! (Yeah, I was into odd stuff as a kid, too. Sue me.) ~~~
Featured at ROMANCE WRITERS BEHAVING BADLY ~ Excerpt: Surrender Love ®by Kayelle Allen This is an excerpt from my 2010 EPIC Award Winner in Erotic SciFi Romance, Surrender Love. It features the beginning love story between the immortal Sempervian Luc Saint-Cyr and the Kin male, Izzorah Ceeow. ~~~
Halloween-loving Big Kittens, here’s the posting lineup at Sapphire Phelan’s blog ~ ~ for those of us who have short stories in JUST ANOTHER PARANORMAL HALLOWEEN Anthology. Oct. 1st: K. A. M'LadyOct. 3rd: Bridget AineOct. 4th: Savanna KougarOct. 5th: KiKi Howell Oct. 6th: Ashley Blade ~~~
Featured at JULIA BARRETT’S WORLD ~ Check out these UFO encounters by authors, KitKats. Julia’s experience is beyond amazing. Unidentified flying objects, anyone? I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours!~ juliarachelbarrett.netI love UFO stories! julia~~~~~~
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~ from the Flash Cat...Happy Courtship on another EarthX-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues... Part 640 ~ Sylva’s fears about the future assaulted her, as she’d become accustomed to during her life on her Earth. Mentally, she sighed and tried to ignore them. When her usual worries flooded her mind, then tensed her body, she focused on her breaths, on Zeke’s virile scent. As they floated toward humongous opening panels, a blaze of pink-orange light shone through. “Sunrise or sunset?” she asked. “I’ve lost track of time.” Her cowboy squeezed her hand with his. “Sunrise, darlin’ mine.” He pointed to a compass-like instrument beside them, high on the side of the transport. “My gut knows. Different feeling.” Zeke wrapped his arm around his bride as she nestled closer. Dang, if she wasn’t the best feeling woman ever, the way she molded her sweet body against him. “You would think with my abilities I could sense what time it is. Your gut sure does know a lot,” she bantered. “Yep. Dad trained us to listen. More like, he encouraged our instincts and knowin’.” Immersed in the breathtaking flames of sunrise, Zeke felt them both honor the beauty of Mother Nature with their full attention. “The sun is getting brighter all the time,” she murmured, once the transport levitated. ~~~~~~TO BE CONTINUED...~~~~~~Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...Part 16 ~ 639 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ ~ OR! Now available on The Romance Studio Forum, JANUARY 2009 through JUNE 2010 flashes ~ ~ Click on the FORUMS, then Savanna Kougar ~ the Fantasy Lair ~~~~~~~
Culture jamming slamming time... The search terms is: FEDS RADIATING AMERICANS ~ ~ Paul Joseph WatsonPrison Planet.comWednesday, September 29, 2010Federal authorities do not concern themselves about the flood of illegal immigrants and drugs crossing the border every day, they’re more worried about radiating American truck drivers at internal checkpoints with mobile scanners that shoot dangerous x-rays through both vehicles and passengers.As we reported last month, the federal government has acquired hundreds of backscatter x-ray scanners mounted in vans that they are now using to randomly scan vehicles, passengers and homes in complete violation of the 4th amendment and with wanton disregard for any health consequences.An example of their expanding use was reported by WSBTV yesterday, after federal agents from several agencies, including Homeland Security, the Department of Transportation, and the TSA, set up an internal checkpoint on Interstate 20 just west of Atlanta and detained truck drivers for half an hour or more at a “state-owned inspection station” while they were scanned with a bomb detection device.Officials admitted there was no specific threat that justified the checkpoint, and although it was labeled a “counter-terror operation,” the scans were also being conducted in the name of “safety”. Backscatter x-ray vision devices mounted on trucks are already being deployed inside the United States to scan passing individuals and vehicles in complete violation of the Fourth Amendment. Similar to naked airport body scanners, the devices fire x-rays outwards which are then absorbed by dense objects or the human body. Frequent exposure to low doses of radiation can cause cancer and birth defects, according to a report by the Inter-Agency Committee on Radiation Safety.American Science & Engineering, a company based in Billerica, Massachusetts, has sold many of the devices to U.S. law enforcement agencies, who are already using them on the streets for “security” purposes.“Without a warrant, the government doesn’t have a right to peer beneath your clothes without probable cause,” points out Marc Rotenberg, executive director of EPIC. “Even airport scans are typically used only as a secondary security measure. If the scans can only be used in exceptional cases in airports, the idea that they can be used routinely on city streets is a very hard argument to make.”~~~~~~
~ HAPPY SNAPPY AUTUMN DAYS ~Wish Upon on a Blue Moon New Year...
May your most romantic dreams come true... CONTACT smooches from the Kougar...
Oooh, Kittens, late night purrs... another coolish, but delish day on the tame prairie... oh, and the tangerine sunset... my, my! Lick, lick... ~~~
Project Bluebeam, is it here... ? Could be. With the recent news hype about the church baptizing space aliens, and now, with the UN *co-opting* contact with space alien races... like WHO gave them permission? Certainly not anyone this Big Cat knows. And, certainly not moi... gee, did anyone notice a worldwide vote on the matter? But, hey, either those *out there* are about to ‘publicly’ land, or it’s time for the GREAT DECEPTION by the bad guy globalists... where they attempt to make us believe THEY ARE HERE. Currently the propaganda is that THEY ARE HERE according to CNN, and THEY want peace. Well, any good-hearted being, no matter where they’re from, wants a just and righteous peace. Sheesh, why not just say the sky is blue? And, yeah, like this Big Cat would ever believe any alien race dumb enough or corrupt enough to deal with the UN would actually want peace instead of conquest. Regardless, one of the goals of the psychopath globalists is to achieve a one world government and PROJECT BLUEBEAM could be their ticket, so they think... that is, if they get the reaction they want from the public at large. And, only the Divine knows how many false flag scenarios these power-corrupt idiots have waiting in the wings. This Big Cat roars SCREW YOU!!! And if there are good-hearted beings who want to make contact with us earthlings, come on down and talk with those of us who are open to making contact. ~~~~~~
Yep, there it is, staring at moi... 12:12 am... this Big Cat thought she’d escaped today. Nope. ~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~Yes, the Kougar e-winged her short story, Weightless Inside His Wings, on it’s submission way and received an email confirmation. She also attempted to pen a short story for the All Romance ebooks contest. However, time won, and moi lost out on that one. She was thinking the deadline was October 1st, but it’s today. So, GOOD LUCK, to all the contestants. ~~~
This is the Kougar’s official ROARS OF THANK YOU!!! moment to everyone who has purchased BRANDED BY THE TEXANS, or any of her books. She is grateful! ~wahoo good good vibes are coming your way~ this Big Cat luvs ya... yeeeehawww! ~~~
Featured at Lindsay Townsend’s THE PINK BLOG ~ Paula Martin: Coming back to writing I came back to romance writing, after a 25 year gap, because of the TV series ‘The West Wing’.Between 1969 and 1980, I had four novels published, by Mills and Boon/Harlequin and Robert Hale. ~~~
Featured at ROMANCE WRITERS BEHAVING BADLY ~ A Vampire Exclusive Good just-before-sunset (we don't call it Twilight anymore, do we?), folks. Vivien Jackson here. Christa Paige was going to post, but she got side-tracked. (Probably by a vampire. Or a uniformed officer of the law.)Like many of you, I've been reading a lot of this "paranormal romance" stuff lately. It's fascinating, enlightening, and more often than not it sets mah e-book reader on fire. In a good way. However, like many readers and writers in the genre, I've had my questions about parts of it. So I phoned up an expert -- because I know so dang many -- and got the skinny on the nibbly. Hold on to yer broomsticks, witches! ~~~~~~
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~ from the Flash Cat...Happy Courtship on another EarthX-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues... Part 639 ~ Sylva answered Marina’s wave with her own and shortly afterward, the screen blanked. There’d been a short conversation about when they would arrive and a bit of ranch business. “Come on, my wife. Time to board.” Zeke’s upbeat tone raised her spirits. Locked together, they moved toward the fleet of transports. The rushing whir of sound felt welcoming. Her cowboy swung her aboard. Jumping up behind her, he ushered her toward the seats she recognized. His father entered behind them, but headed toward the pilot’s area. Not having any idea whether it was night or day, Sylva settled herself, waiting. Zeke felt the call of home so deep it knifed through him. He figured it was partly because of his Sylva. He had a wife and he wanted her in his home. He wanted to start their life together at the ranch. The ranch lived in his heart. His woman was his heart. Concern also drove him. Keeping the ranch protected, keeping his family safe, as well as all the hands, and his horses, that had become a responsibility he welcomed. Even if it did cut down on his good times. Dang, how good was it sitting beside his Sylva? ~~~~~~TO BE CONTINUED...~~~~~~Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...Part 16 ~ 638 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ ~ OR! Now available on The Romance Studio Forum, JANUARY 2009 through JUNE 2010 flashes ~ ~ Click on the FORUMS, then Savanna Kougar ~ the Fantasy Lair ~~~~~~~
~ HAPPY SNAPPY AUTUMN DAYS ~Wish Upon on a Blue Moon New Year...
May your most romantic dreams come true... Tangerine sunset smooches from the Kougar...
Rory Calhoun, looking all too spiffy and handsome.Nighttime meows, my shimmer-licious KitKats... the sunset was amazingly shimmer-licious, too... the pinks, oranges, then the purples... WOW! What a sacred, soul-opening event. Soul-opening, moi heard that phrase today and it switched on the light in her mind. This world, our world, needs more soul opening. That is, reach deep down to your soul more often and allow your soul to be touched more often by those, and those events, that are truly worthy, truly divine. Mostly, we’re all so busy, our soul gets lost. It’s like a child who isn’t getting enough time and attention. To fully shine forth in the world a child must be loved, must be given the time and attention needed to grow up well and happy. While our souls are not children, obviously, they do need our time and attention to open fully, to shine forth fully, and to keep on shining. Don’t you wish it was a soul happy, shimmer-licious life? ~~~~~~
2:12 pm... YOU GOT ME! What? Why? Argh! Oh-double-no! Moi just went to write her flash for the bloggie and there it WAS!!! 12:12 am... !!!~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~Okay, the Kougar made progress on readying ‘Weightless Inside His Wings’ for submission. For the latest on that, including a blurb-summary, and some authorly doings, plus an unedited excerpt from Kandy Apple and Her Hellhounds ~ claw-click on over to SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS. Oh, there’s sneak peek of the cover art for the JUST ANOTHER PARANORMAL HALLOWEEN anthology, too. AND! Featured yesterday at SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS ~ Signs Your Neighbors Might be ShapeshiftersBy Pat CunninghamYou hear barking, growling and howls, but never see a dog.They hold three to four cookouts a week, even in the dead of winter. ~~~
Featured at HAPPILY EVER AFTER ~ My Titles by Linda Banche I can think up some weird titles.The title of Lady of the Stars, my Regency time travel novella, is not too crazy. But what about Pumpkinnapper, my Regency Halloween comedy? ~~~
Featured at ROMANCE WRITERS BEHAVING BADLY ~ Poor Vivien, She Had No Idea April: Today, I'm introducing a fairly new blogger to Romance Writers Behaving Badly, Vivien Jackson!!! I'm not sure she realized what she was getting into when she agreed to this interview. I'm so EVIL that way. LOL.~~~~~~
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~ from the Flash Cat...Happy Courtship on another EarthX-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues... Part 638 ~ Sylva buzzed inside. Not a good sign. And here she was hoping for some down time with Zeke. “Aim is just fine,” Grant answered, “though I’m dang afraid since there’s been several incursions, it will continue. No serious consequences yet. We’re keeping an eagle eye. But that means more time on the lookout for enemies, and less time for ranch business.” Grant’s mouth widened into a generous grin. “Now that you’re on the way back, we can plan a proper homecoming. Right, wife?” Marina gave him a loving, but spunky smile. Gently pulling on his bolo, she gazed at them. Zeke watched his sister’s expression intently. That way, he always knew what was truly going on at the ranch. Something major was worrying her. “Yep,” she sassily sang, “we have to welcome Sylva properly. Hope you don’t mind, brother mine, but I’ve been indulging in some purchases for your bride.” Marina smiled at Sylva. “I figured there were some things you needed Zeke just wouldn’t have thought of.” The radiance of his sister’s face let Zeke know how much she favored his Sylva. “Thank you, Marina. I already feel so welcome.” Zeke heard his dad’s tread. “We’re ready for take off.” ~~~~~~TO BE CONTINUED...~~~~~~Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...Part 16 ~ 637 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ ~ OR! Now available on The Romance Studio Forum, JANUARY 2009 through JUNE 2010 flashes ~ ~ Click on the FORUMS, then Savanna Kougar ~ the Fantasy Lair ~~~~~~~
Weekly Angelic Forecast from VolcanoStraight from the Carnal Cherub himself...Angelic Forecast ~ #108ANGELIC FORECAST ~ This week hang onto a roller coaster, it will be slower than the pace of most people’s lives. Time is rocking to a new beat. Aim the rocket ship of your life toward those goals you deem most worthy. You may hear a metaphysical thunk within your spirit as one reality bites the dust and a new reality rises from the ashes. It is likely volcanic activity and earthquakes will increase, accompanying this *grand* switch over. This begins now and continues through the year, 2012. Remember, it is love, it is courage, it is honor, that will bring us through these demanding and perilous times. Remember, also, the Dark Force is making it’s final bid to own Earth. Deception is the name of their endgame and they are masters at it. Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona~~~~~~MORE...Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ HAPPY SNAPPY AUTUMN DAYS ~Wish Upon on a Blue Moon New Year...
May your most romantic dreams come true...Shimmer-licious kisses from the Kougar...
Adam Cartwright ~ young and sexy!Evening maows, my autumn-skipping and tripping KitKats... a chilly, but beautiful day on the tame prairie... the Kougaress was not in the best of moods when she awoke, despite having a dream about Adrian Paul... ooooh, yeah, ‘no’ fun frolicking involved, however moi was helping him get a movie project off the ground, one he particularly wanted, but wasn’t having any luck with... we began to prevail, and he was mostly naked... always a good yum thing. Later this afternoon, the Kougaress was gazing out her favorite windows. In the distance she saw winging, but couldn’t tell if it was small birds or large butterflies... then she caught a glimpse... and really stared... monarch butterflies magically swirled... a whole group of them... around two of her trees... hopefully they will find food and a good place to rest before going on with their journey. ~~~
Paranormal Hawt Coolness ~ Cover Art... oh, Kittens, the cover art for the JUST ANOTHER PARANORMAL HALLOWEEN anthology was in the email box and is a definite winner! The hero even has a similar look to Zyrru, the Kougar’s hero in THE TIGER’S MASQUERADE, that is, when he’s in his human form. The cover goddess has been very, very good this Big Cat again. She is sooooooo GRATEFUL! ~~~
2:12 pm got moi again... this Big Cat DOES NOT believe it... and guess what... Fool’s rush in where angels fear to tread... that goldie oldie song is now playing on the radio... yep, Where angels fear to tread, 2012 Earth ~ that’s one tagline for WHEN A GOOD ANGEL FALLS. Oh, no! The Duke of Earl is playing on the radio... damn! This Big Cat so needs to finish Duke and Sondra’s love story... but Kandy Apple and Her Hellhounds is first...~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~The Kougar finished her shapeshifter sci fi short story, Weightless Inside His Wings, and now needs to give it a polishing. She also needs to find out how to format it for submission since those details weren’t given, and each of her other publishers has different requirements. Yep, moi is pleased as rocket-fired punch over Striker and Dhray Zorr’s [m/f] erotic mating story. It was tough at points to write, but, in the end, their story flowed together. Though, in reality, this Big Cat author has no hope it will be accepted for the Berkley antho that Jane of Dear Author is editing, that is, if she does get it e-winging and submitted... still, it’s been a good exercise in penning... and Weightless will find a good home. ~~~
This is the Kougar’s official ROARS OF THANK YOU!!! moment to everyone who has purchased BRANDED BY THE TEXANS, or any of her books. She is grateful! ~wahoo good good vibes are coming your way~ this Big Cat luvs ya... yeeeehawww! ~~~
Featured at ROMANCE WRITERS BEHAVING BADLY ~ Choosing A Title For Your Wonderful Novel . . . by Keta Diablo Do you choose a title for a book before you write it, during the process or after you write “The End”? I never know the title of my WIP until I’m almost finished. Once or twice the title came to me while poring over my research documents. That’s how I chose the title Where The Rain Is Made, and believe me, many have asked what the title means. I’m about to tell you . . . ~~~~~~
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~ from the Flash Cat...Happy Courtship on another EarthX-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues... Part 637 ~ Sylva leaned forward feeling the flirtatious roll of her shoulders. “Only if you promise satisfaction.” Her cowboy grinned in that way that tripped her heart and fired up her pussy. “Satisfaction guaranteed.” He began to kiss her, but there was a series of soft beeps. “Zeke,” Marina’s voice interrupted. “Sis, everything okay at the ranch?” Her husband pivoted sliding his hand over the back of her shoulders. “Other than mom is missing dad real durn bad. And your horses are missing you. Everything is jim dandy.” Zeke stilled ominously. “Jim dandy?” Marina flipped her hair, then gave Sylva a smile. Zeke wanted details. That was their code word for trouble. “Yup, dandy as spankin’ new boots. Had a little run-in or two. Nothing me and the hubby couldn’t handle. You know how I like to shoot at anything that moves. Especially sidewinders.” Zeke grinned. “Not pecans?” he teased. “Zeke,” Grant moved into view. “So far, my pecans are swingin’ and darn happy. You all on the way back?” Zeke nodded, watching Grant embrace his sister close to his side. “Soon as dad can get us in the air. Speaking of shootin’, how’s your aim these days?” Grant’s expression turned grim. ~~~~~~TO BE CONTINUED...~~~~~~Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...Part 16 ~ 636 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ ~ OR! Now available on The Romance Studio Forum, JANUARY 2009 through JUNE 2010 flashes ~ ~ Click on the FORUMS, then Savanna Kougar ~ the Fantasy Lair ~~~~~~~
~ HAPPY SNAPPY AUTUMN DAYS ~Wish Upon on a Blue Moon New Year...
May your most romantic dreams come true... Paranormal Hawt Coolness smooches from the Kougar...
Tail-twitches from the tame prairie, my Sunday-autumn Kittens... it’s raining once again... fortunately a nice gentle rainshower right now... last evening, the Kougaress did get to see the moon in all her white-blazing glory... even though, Luna Belle was a late arrival to the planet, there is still something so fetchingly primal about her, the Mother Moon.Whizbang, so the world goes... on so many levels... last night on Coast to Coast am, Art Bell hosted in place of George Noory. At one point, he said the word *whizbang* ... this Big Cat hasn’t heard that word in forever... however, what an apt description for our times... the supersonic speed of time .... the big bang of events going on minute by minute... but you get the ‘it’s a mad, mad world’ picture. ~~~ More CAT-THARTIC commentary ~ This is stuck in moi’s craw, but good, and has been since this morning... why? ~cat-languid shrug~ she doesn’t know. Maows to say, the Kougaress has always DESPISED, with a capital D, *injustice*!!! As a kid, she religiously watched “Perry Mason” re-runs, for example. During her lifetime, she has fought the good fight for justice. Sometimes successfully. Sometimes she got her kitty butt handed to her. The so-called, and proudly advertised, HONEST REVIEWS on romance book review sites... okaaay... all well and good as presented. In practice, not so much in SOME cases. Have you ever known anyone who was all too happy to tell you their honest opinions, but if you responded in kind, well get out the garlic, make a cross... and what are you? Some kind of social outcast? Meaning those who often dispense their ‘honest opinions’ can’t take what they DISH OUT. When did it happen? When did honesty equal being unprofessional? Or, when did we, as authors, give away our power to voice our honest opinions? And stand up for ourselves? In the world of book reviews, if you dare stand up for you and your book with your *honest opinion* of a review... well, you are labeled UNPROFESSIONAL. Okayyyy... the common advice is grow a thick skin. Why? Isn’t it *unprofessional* of book reviewers to believe their reviews will never be critiqued and refuted? And, why aren’t they growing rhino skin? We authors are expected to suck it up and take it. Why shouldn’t THEY ‘suck it up and take it’? Who gave THEM a free license, a 007 designation to kill by review? Yes, of course, at times, it’s simply best to IGNORE and go on. It’s not worth the time and energy... plus, hey, this Big Cat usually ends up feeling sorry for that particular reviewer. ... in the end. However, as a matter of practice, reviewers should not, in this Big Cat’s opinion, expect this reaction/response every time. Furthermore, THEY should ‘not’ consider it a matter of professional behavior by authors. Really, is it professional behavior, or even wise, to ignore every attack disguised as a review? The question: Has reviewing books become *in some cases, NOT ALL BY A LONG SHOT* merely a safe haven for wimps who want that little power high? THOSE who have an ego-god complex for whatever reason. And they get their fix at the expense of an author and her book. Because, hey, she won’t fight back. And, if she does... well, it will only look like sour grapes. This is a minority report-commentary and is aimed against THOSE few who ‘sometimes’ make it hell for the rest of us. This is about INJUSTICE!!! and getting JUSTICE. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! To all the truly GOOD and PROFESSIONALLY spirited reviewers, whoever you are. Whether you like this Big Cat’s books, or not. AND! An even BIGGER THANK YOU! To those reviewers who have given the Kougar’s books a good review. She really, really appreciates it!!! ~~~~~~
12:12 pm... doo...dooo...doo... [and, then once again, today]... OH GREAT! 2:12 am just smacked moi unaware as she read an email about gallery edits on THE TIGER’S MASQUERADE. Late note: as moi finished up this post... yep! 12:12 am, got her again. Soooooo... here’s some new info about 2012 that just crossed this Big Cat’s desk and monitor ~ it ain’t looking good.... Sep 21, 2010 ... The eminent astronomer, Prof. K. Sundara Raman, may dismiss the prophecy as a myth, ... NASA FINALLY WARNS PUBLIC ABOUT 2012 SOLAR STORM ... ~ ~ ~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~Featured at SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS ~ Fall is here.....and it's 98 degrees outside!!by Solara Ever have one of those epiphany moments where you wonder if you've left your brain somewhere along the path and you don't remember where?~~~
Featured at ROMANCE WRITERS BEHAVING BADLY ~ SINFUL SATURDAY: Weird Aphrodisiacs from Around the World by Becca Simone No matter where you go in the world, people are looking for ways to spice up their sex life. Many aphrodisiacs have no scientific basis behind them, but here are some interesting (ie: WEIRD) ones from around the globe. ~~~
KitKats, if you’re wild about horses like this Big Cat is... in a good friend *love to ride* sort of way... and you’d like to know what it was like during the good ole days of growing up... check out romance author, Jami Davenport’s post at Equestrian Ink on growing up "Out West." ~ ~ Jami Davenport ~ ~ Moi’s comment mew-sings ~ Jami, you were so incredibly lucky!!! That would have been a paradise to me. Thanks so much for sharing your pictures. I tell ya kids just don't know what they're missing now. I did get to run wild, or ride wild from about twelve to eighteen. We had a pony first, then a half Arab filly, who, to me, was the best horse in the world. I still miss her. We had incredible times together even in my little limited area. But, at least, we had a couple of acres and there was some open land to ride on, and there were adventures to be had on the less traveled roads. Plus, I got to ride bareback. The best! ~~~~~~
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~ from the Flash Cat...Happy Courtship on another EarthX-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues... Part 636 ~ Sylva felt positively giddy inside. “Rootin’ tootin’. I like the sound of that.” Swooping her upward with one strong arm, he planted a kiss on her forehead. Once he set her on her feet again, he gave her a squeeze “Let’s go talk to the family.” They moved toward a small area that had been walled off. Inside, Sylva saw several computer stations somewhat similar in appearance to the one in Zeke’s family apartment. Sheesh! How long ago had that been? It felt like ages. Whizbang, the old-fashioned word surfaced in her mind with a big splash. “Whizbang,” she murmured. Zeke coded in their family’s private line, one that could only be accessed by a member of the family. “Whizbang, darlin’?” he asked as he waited. Her hand gripped his affectionately, and she smiled. “That word popped into my head. It certainly describes everything I’ve been through... or, the speed of what’s happened.” Zeke grinned like a mule who’d found a garden of ripe carrots. “Whizbang?” he teased. She flushed a deep strawberry red as he kissed her knuckles. “No, not you,” she offered quickly, then frowned. “You’re a bad, bad stud,” she sang. “Want a whizbang ride, darlin’ mine?” ~~~~~~TO BE CONTINUED...~~~~~~Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...Part 16 ~ 635 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ ~ OR! Now available on The Romance Studio Forum, JANUARY 2009 through JUNE 2010 flashes ~ ~ Click on the FORUMS, then Savanna Kougar ~ the Fantasy Lair ~~~~~~~
~ HAPPY SNAPPY AUTUMN DAYS ~Wish Upon on a Blue Moon New Year...
May your most romantic dreams come true... Whizbang kisses from the Kougar...
Evening purrs, my Saturday-frisky Felines... oh, the sunset on the tame prairie was a glorious melony pink and orange... the air today was unbelievably refreshing... the kind of autumn breezy lovely air this Big Cat dreams about... maybe, all the recent rains finally washed a lot of the nasty stuff out of the atmosphere... maows, this Big Cat hopes so... oh, Kittens, if the birds are flying south this early, which it appears some are doing... what kind of winter will it be? Yesterday was a real ‘trip’ in a lot of ways... however, moi FINALLY got some good penning done on her short story WIP, Weightless. Oh, if only she can get it finished, within the word limit, and polished in time. Claws crossed. Geez Louise, being an author for so many of us with a non-celeb career [and even the celebs], is like being a gambler in so many ways. Of course, most of us don’t get the glitz and ritz of being a professional gambler in Las Vegas... which brings to mind... how many are there? Some folks just have that ‘knowing’ of when to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em. Or, they have other ways of being successful at the tables, at the betting windows. Yowls! As writers we take a chances all the time. Will the story being written now, the one we’ve devoted our precious limited time to, be accepted for publication. It can be the bestest book in the world, but will it sell? Meaning readers want what they want. As they should. Yep, moi needs more pep, she’s chosen *The Gambling Rambling Life* of an author, or, to be more truthful, the rambling muses chose her. ~~~
12:12 am... oh, yeah, once again... SMACK!!! There it was. ~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~This is the Kougar’s official ROARS OF THANK YOU!!! moment to everyone who has purchased BRANDED BY THE TEXANS, or any of her books. She is grateful! ~wahoo good good vibes are coming your way~ this Big Cat luvs ya... yeeeehawww! ~~~
Featured at SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS ~ Crazy Story Snippet by Serena Shay See, here’s my problem, I have this story with dragons, merfolk and humans all wrapped up in a jumble of a world that I’ve been building in my head for quite a while. Sounds like a great thing, right? Well, it is, and it isn’t. For some reason this story is highly resistant to plotting. Every time I sit down to plot it out, I draw a total blank. The dragons fly away and the merfolks swim deep into the lake. The humans, of course, mill around, as they are want to do.~~~
Featured at Lindsay Townsend’s THE PINK BLOG ~ Two New Julia Rachel BarrettThis is a book nobody expected would sell. Warning: If you're squeamish, stop right here! ~~~
Featured at ROMANCE WRITERS BEHAVING BADLY ~ Flirty Friday- What's he trying to tell you ?by Dawne Prochilo Have you ever met a person and tried to figure out their body language? I must admit it happens daily to me. I'm a people watcher and love to make up creative reasons as to what their life is about. And watching their faces, hand gestures and body language tells a story of its own. ~~~
KitKats, this is a wonderful TRAVELOGUE... bound on over! A cold and scenic travelogueThe other day, my husband and I met up with a friend from western NY andtook off for a full day of riding on our Harleys. I've captured thehighlights of the trip on my blog over two posts. Pop by if you'reinterested in the local scenery of western NY and PA.part 1: ~ ~part 2: ~ ~ LoraineLK Hunsaker ~Literary Romance with an Artsy Twist~ ~~~~~~
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~ from the Flash Cat...Happy Courtship on another EarthX-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues... Part 635 ~ Sylva felt hope rise like a fast ride on an elevator. And before she knew it, Zeke propelled her toward huge panel doors that slid open for them. “You keep a watch on that little wife of yours, son, and contact the ranch. I’ll round up the crew and get the transports fired up for flyin’.” Her cowboy eased his arm around her comfortably. “Count on it, dad.” Soon they descended inside a large pod. After several long winding turns, the door hummed open and Sylva saw an immense area filled with all sorts of the flight crafts and vehicles. Zeke gazed around, cautious as a stallion in unknown territory. He wasn’t at all certain danger didn’t lurk like a hungry puma. Still, his gut was saying ‘go home’. And, he knew his Sylva needed time to recuperate and adjust to their marriage. Hell on high, so did he. Glancing down at her face before moving them forward, he gave her a confidant grin. “Stick with me, darlin’ mine. We got lots of honeymoon time due us. And, I bet the family’s been plannin’ a real rootin’ tootin’ BBQ.” She smiled, her eyes lighting up like the bright blue sky. ~~~~~~TO BE CONTINUED...~~~~~~Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...Part 16 ~ 634 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ ~ OR! Now available on The Romance Studio Forum, JANUARY 2009 through JUNE 2010 flashes ~ ~ Click on the FORUMS, then Savanna Kougar ~ the Fantasy Lair ~~~~~~~
~ HAPPY SNAPPY AUTUMN DAYS ~Wish Upon on a Blue Moon New Year...
May your most romantic dreams come true... Gambling Rambling smooches from the Kougar...
Late evening purrs, my glorious and gorgeous Big Cats... it’s raining on the tame prairie after a day that felt like a tornado could come by at anytime... omy, late this afternoon moi made it out to her volunteer garden and managed to snag some goodies, including some beautiful baby pumpkins... all for decorative purposes only. When the Kougaress came back inside, she tended to a couple of wounds, nothing serious, she got when she fell outside... anyhoo, to take a break and get back into the writerly swing of things she read some erotic romance excerpts on a chat loop that shall remain nameless... well, hell, uh-oh... her blood began to do a slow, but unrelenting boil... not because the excerpts were bad in any way, they were good for the stories’ subgenre ... but... the big butt... The Kougar is blaming what follows on the Full Moon in Aries, and on being an Aries.Big Cat Jumping into the Fire from the Frying Pan AS USUAL Note: this is only part of the rant since it’s clawing-way beyond controversial. This Big Cat author has always read, and now pens, romance because, not only did she want a happily ever after, but she wanted a haven, a place where it was safe and wonderful to be a woman. A sensual sexual woman. She did not grow up in a world where women were valued. So, she wanted her own precious world where women were truly loved and cherished – so unlike our current world/society, *in general*. She wanted to escape from a world that constantly degraded and despised women, to a romantic paradise where women were free to be themselves and they were absolutely, positively loved for it. She wanted to ‘lose herself in wild romance’ as the song says – where a woman’s pleasures actually mattered. Where men were real men and knew how to pleasure their women passionately and erotically. Where men knew the art of encouraging a woman’s natural desire to pleasure them -- the hero they desired and loved -- in the ways the man wanted. So, this Big Cat is forced to ask: what the HELL happened? Why all this Male-centric Romance??? What? Did Cosmo magazine, the sex-saturated media, and porno turn this generation of women, or women in general [OBVIOUSLY NOT ALL WOMEN], into his-penis-is-a-god worshipers? From an ongoing onslaught of *some* excerpts, and after reading some ER excerpts on a chat loop today as stated above, this Big Cat WOMAN has to wonder... hey, did Women’s Liberation even really ever occur? Or, was it all over before it started... yeah, it can be compared to wham-bam, six minute snoring man.Why is there *too much* his pleasure? And, *not enough* HER pleasure? It’s like the supposed hero never grew up and is still playing with his pee-pee.... and waiting for that special woman to ‘growed’ him all up. Oh, yeah, really into the mother-thing here. SO NOT!!! So good luck, sister, with ‘Peter’ Pan Forever. Given that male sexual pleasure still dominates in *some* erotic romance novels, to the extent observed by this Big Cat, and a woman’s pleasure is given ‘short’ shrift comparatively... well, have women ever achieved any kind of sexual equality? Really? The answer is a big fat, his-peepee-is-king, NO!!! When this many ER romance novels are devoted to his pleasure INSTEAD OF HER PLEASURE being the story’s focus -- or the ‘his pleasure is her pleasure’ CRAP, as the way to a supposed HEA, then NO, again NO... double NO... triple NO... a zillion, trillion, gazillion times NO. This Big Cat has nothing against ‘cock-centered’ pleasures as part of the overall erotic love story. She writes/includes those scenes. However, there’s a BIG HARD difference between Male-centric scenes/novels and the art and pleasure of real eroticism as expressed during passionate lust-making or lovemaking. JUST THIS BIG CAT’S OPINION, HOWEVER. Ignore at will. ~~~~~~
Okay, breathing and claw-retracted lounging again... how about this for pleasure? *Recipe Link:*~ ~ *Recipe:*8 oz hot chocolate 1 shot Aftershock® Hot & Cool cinnamon schnappsPour aftershock into a heatproof cup with hot chocolate, and serve. Courtesy of Selena Illyria:~ ~Out Now at Changeling Press: Unbound Passions: Sealed DesiresOut Now at Liquid Silver Books: Strange Hollow: Seducing a WallflowerOut Now at All Romance eBooks : Orion's StarOut Now at Loose-Id: Blood Claim: Tainted~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~ Featured at HAPPILY EVER AFTER ~ Editorial Blunders or the New Acceptable by Bekki LynnWay back when, I learned what was acceptable in non-fiction wasn't always acceptable in fiction as far as how you write and format many things. Makes sense. It would be strange to see bullets and tables in fiction wouldn't it?~~~
Featured at Lindsay Townsend’s THE PINK BLOG ~ Evie Balos: The Unnecessary Bodyguard Lindsay, thank you for this wonderful opportunity to visit you here! Although I write mainly contemporary and paranormal fiction, I am an avid reader of just about any kind of sensual romance—including tales of hunky knights! ~~~
Featured at Victoria Janssen’s blog ~ a thought-provoking question... ~ ~ Moi’s mew-sings ~ Wow, that's a tough question. I write erotic romance because I want a holistic approach to the relationship that CANNOT occur if the love/sex scenes fade to black. On the other hand, I have no problem with a romance being written in that manner because obviously the author wanted to focus on other critical emotional issues... What I do think, as romance novels continue to vary widely in heat levels, some manner of making it clear to the reader what level it is, should and will come about, more than it is now. ~~~~~~
The Kougar found this article fascinatingly strange on several levels. While she has no problem with methane fart production and *does not buy* into the overwhelming propaganda that greenhouses gasses are destroying beloved Mother Earth [think massive herds of roaming buffalo that were good for the eco system once upon a time] ~ however, feeding cows oregano is a GOOD HEALTHY THING! From Unknown Country ~ Gas Free Cows22-Sep-2010Cow belches and farts are a major source of greenhouse gases that affect climate change even more than vehicle emissions. A new type of cattle feed that is supplemented with oregano, developed by a dairy scientist, could help reduce cow gas emissions by 40%. It also improves milk production. quotes its inventor, Alexander Hristov, as saying, "Cattle are actually a major producer of methane gas and methane is a significant greenhouse gas. In fact, worldwide, livestock emits 37% of anthropogenic methane." (Anthropegenic methane is methane produced by human activities, such as agriculture). And methane has 23 times the global warming potential of carbon dioxide. [Thus] "any cut in the methane emissions would be beneficial." Methane is a natural part of the digestive process of cows and other ruminants, such as bison, sheep and goats. When the cow digests food, bacteria in the rumen, the largest of the four-chambered stomach, break the material down intro nutrients in a fermentation process. Two of the byproducts of this fermentation are carbon dioxide and methane. The herd that was fed on this new type of feed produced more milk. PhysOrg. Quotes Hristov as saying, "Since methane production is an energy loss for the animal, this isn't really a surprise. If you decrease energy loss, the cows can use that energy for other processes, such as making milk." We have to be careful about what we feed our cows. And if we want to find out if they have Mad Cow Disease, we should look into their eyes. When researcher Jacob Petrich examined the retinas of sheep infected with scrapie, which a disease similar to Mad Cow, he found that they had a distinctive glow. But the problem with inspecting sheep and cattle for dangerous prions in this way before they are slaughtered is to get them to stop moving. would be to get the animal to stop moving (at least for a short period of time). In BBC News, Katia Moskvitch quotes Petrich as saying, "My wife, for example, can't stand still to have her eyes checked by an eye doctor for a glaucoma test, and if a human can't sit still for a test for five seconds, I think it's going to be much harder to do this for an animal." But if performing the test on living cattle turned out to be too hard, "you would have to do it immediately post-mortem." ~~~~~~
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~ from the Flash Cat...Happy Courtship on another EarthX-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues... Part 634 ~Sylva’s eyelids slipped shut briefly. Tired, she was just damn tired. She desperately wanted to ask Zeke... “Conundrum?” she asked when Ben stared at her. “Coon and Snake somehow – don’t know how those old rascals did it – transferred some data files. They said to thank you personally, wife of Zeke Vintorr.” Ben paused, scrutinizing her hard, his eyes like over-bright sunlight. “They also suggested only you could decipher some of them. Later, though. Zeke, your little wife, looks all tuckered out.” Wheeling around, Zeke tipped her face up to his gaze. “We’re goin’ home,” Nevada stated. His tone brooked no argument. Zeke would have given his dad a big ole hug. That is, if his Sylva didn’t have a bigger hold on him. “Your willing captive, darlin’,” he whispered, only for her hearing. She gazed at him quizzically, then smiled and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Now,” his dad added. “Yes,” Zeke murmured, “we’re goin’ home.” From the corner of his eye, Zeke saw his dad wave off Ben’s objection. “You need somethin’, Ben.” His dad’s stone-hard voice rang in his ear. “I got a secure port. Remember? And I’ll answer. After I get some lovin’ time with my wife.” ~~~~~~TO BE CONTINUED...~~~~~~Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...Part 16 ~ 633 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ ~ OR! Now available on The Romance Studio Forum, JANUARY 2009 through JUNE 2010 flashes ~ ~ Click on the FORUMS, then Savanna Kougar ~ the Fantasy Lair ~~~~~~~
~ HAPPY SNAPPY AUTUMN DAYS ~Wish Upon on a Blue Moon New Year...
May your most romantic dreams come true... Full Moon in Aries kisses from the Kougar...
The Kougar is feeling Westerny nostalgic. After midnight meows, my darling and verra daring Felines... a warmish day on the tame prairie after a couple of rounds of rain early, early in the morning. Any birds in your area, Big Cats? Sounds like a strange, head-shaking question... yowls-however, there are areas that used to be filled with birds that are now experiencing NO BIRDS, or very few birds. One person said it could be because there’s an unusual amount food in nature, in the forests this year.Mystical and Mysterious ~ These Times... On the one paw, there’s this Dude, the epic black car Dude, who is supposedly going to man up and actually read a romance novel... mews yes! oh, the sheer horror... poor guy... however, he’s make a show out of it and taking suggestions... the number and fun-enjoyable type of comments he’s getting are a sign of our times... check below for the linkie.... But, yeah, right... this Big Cat feels soooooo, so bad that he’s making such a grand and great sacrifice... hey, her comment charged straight for his jugular, and expects no good results from it... but, why not? Mr. Black Car Dude threw down the gauntlet. On the other paw, to be honest, because of the sad news below, and many other similar happenings in our times, the Kougaress is feeling split wide open emotionally. She feels terribly vulnerable, her emotions raw and bare. What is happening? Why are so many GOOD FOLKS being attacked in this way? Where is the sacred protection for THOSE who are doing good, and constantly do good works. Because that is their heart and their true desire. Not because they simply want to look good. This is a mystical and mysterious dilemma for this Big Cat girl. What also bothers the sheer heck out her, why aren’t the GOOD FOLKS provided with a way to protect themselves, those they love and their own property? And, why aren’t those of us who truly care provided with a way to really protect and help them out when the time comes? Despite many, many prayers around this, and doing whatever she can, this Big Cat still has no real answers... at least, NONE that really make sense to her... and, she still has no *concrete* way to really help those in these situations. ~~~
Sad Depressing News ~ A moment of silence and prayer for Trish and Jim... the kind of folks you want living next door... good folks down to their souls... Trish and Jim have done nothing but truly help others and serve the Divine. Evil has struck at their doorstep. Pure evil. After having a *victory* at federal court that involved their right to continue selling natural health supplements and products through their company, Daniel Chapter One, they were raided by the black-booted, so-called authorities. None of their customers have ever been harmed by their products. Their customers have been nothing but loyal to Jim and Trish, and stood with them in their court battle, testifying FOR them. It’s a brutally sad day for this Big Cat. Not only because of this Nazi-like attack on Trish and Jim ~ which THEY DID NOT DESERVE ~ but because they aren’t the only ones being subjected to this mafia-thug evil. It’s spreading like a cancer. More and more truly good folks are being raided and taken down every minute of every day across our beloved country. Yeah, the OPPRESSORS have won another round. ~~~
FREAKY DEAKY ... 2:12 am has struck again, as moi concentrated on penning Sylva and Zeke’s flash for today’s post... more than utterly bizarre... ~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~ This is the Kougar’s official ROARS OF THANK YOU!!! moment to everyone who has purchased BRANDED BY THE TEXANS, or any of her books. She is grateful! ~wahoo good good vibes are coming your way~ this Big Cat luvs ya... yeeeehawww! ~~~
Featured at SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS ~ Holy Were-Seagulls! It's Fall already! By Rebecca Gillan Hi and welcome to your Wednesday fix of Shapeshifter Seductions! Happy Fall Equinox to all of you Wiccans, and a happy first day of fall to those who are not. Rebecca here with an eclectic blend of really odd stuff. This week I have for you a manly-man who says he’ll read a romance picked on a dare, a possible Other mob hit, and a peek into the lives of werewolf frat boys. I am also happy to announce that “Equal Partners,” book two of my “Wild Lords” series is now scheduled for a January release! I’ll keep you posted on what the actual release date will be once I know it.~~~
Featured at ROMANCE WRITERS BEHAVING BADLY ~ The Language of Loveby Gem Sivad I have a question. Am I the only erotic author who frequently finds herself/himself at a loss for words when writing intimate scenes. How can this be? I know, I know, go buy a book. :) There are countless manuals and guides provided to find the exact sensual words, and yet... choose the wrong combination and a scene can fizzle like--well--like a limp dick.~~~
KitKat Romance Readers and Authors, here ya go... your chance to recommend an epic romance for Mr. Can’t Stomach Romance Guy... yowsa-moawsa, slink on over to ~ ~ Here’s the Kougar’s challenge ~ Hey, bring it on. You read mine. I'll read yours. I double dog dare you. Although, I don't know how to clean a gun, I'm damn good at shooting them. And while I rarely drink, I like a good shot of bourbon. I'm not going to bother with recommending the greatest epic romance novel. My erotic romance novels kick their ass, imho. That's why I write them. Given I read James Bond novels in seventh grade, then read Matt Helm and The Spy Who Came in From the Cold ... well, I'm woman enough to take on this silly challenge. ~~~~~~
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~ from the Flash Cat...Happy Courtship on another EarthX-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues... Part 633 ~ Sylva’s blood ran cold at Nevada’s suggestion that they could be in another timeline. “Convergence.” She spoke the instant the word burst into her awareness. “A convergence of timelines,” she added when Zeke halted, and both men looked at her. Their intelligent gazes questioned. “I read somewhere... I think her name was Starfire Tor... that separate timelines can come together.” She’d hardly finished speaking when Ben gave a mighty shout, hailing their return. “We were looking for you. That gawd dang massive portal the Secret Circle punched us with closed down as if God himself cast it straight into hell.” Zeke kept his arm wrapped around his woman’s shoulders while they slowly approached Ben and the group. “Everything righteous here?” his dad asked. “We’re still trying to get a handle on that cup of mojo,” Ben answered. “Right now, we got the Center clean of bad guys and we’re running oil-smooth.” Zeke gave a nod. “What about the black army?” Everyone turned as a group toward him. “We got ‘em packed on ice,” Ben began, “but they’re detoriatin’ real damn fast,” he hesitated, gave them a piercing glance, then added, “haven’t figured out that conundrum yet. You got a clue?” ~~~~~~TO BE CONTINUED...~~~~~~Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...Part 16 ~ 632 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ ~ OR! Now available on The Romance Studio Forum, JANUARY 2009 through JUNE 2010 flashes ~ ~ Click on the FORUMS, then Savanna Kougar ~ the Fantasy Lair ~~~~~~~
Culture jamming slamming time... The search terms is: SAVE HIS PRESIDENCY Will Obama Force America To “Absorb A Terror Attack” To Save His Presidency?Ominous words suggest desperate administration could turn to false flag in bid to crush resistance against big government~ ~Paul Joseph Watson & Alex JonesPrison Planet.comWednesday, September 22, 2010President Obama’s ominous claim that America can “absorb” a terror attack will have many fearing that staging some kind of false flag event will be the only way the government can overturn the massive resistance to big government that has grown exponentially since Obama took office.During an interview with journalist Bob Woodward, the president said, “We can absorb a terrorist attack. We’ll do everything we can to prevent it, but even a 9/11, even the biggest attack ever . . . we absorbed it and we are stronger.”However, the only thing that was made stronger by 9/11 was the federal government’s power to harass, shake down and spy on the American people, as was exemplified yet again recently when Pennsylvania’s Office of Homeland Security was caught conducting surveillance on peaceful protest groups with the aid of an Israeli security company who listed Second Amendment groups amongst others as terrorists.Given how both Bush and Clinton before him exploited terror attacks on U.S. soil to boost their flagging political agendas, we should be wary of Obama and his masters making good use of their own “October surprise” to counter record low approval figures for Congress on the eve of the midterm elections. ~~~~~~
~ HAPPY SNAPPY AUTUMN DAYS ~Wish Upon on a Blue Moon New Year...
May your most romantic dreams come true...Mystical and Mysterious kisses from the Kougar...
Greetings to the first day of Fall, and maowsa greetings, my sexy slinky Kittens... oooh, moi was up as the sun rose above the eastern horizon... wow, what a show Sol put on, his light sparkling in a kaleidoscopic like fashion that had this Big Cat mesmerized for long minutes. Truly, the Kougaress has never witnessed this wondrous, diamond-intense phenomena before... it was trippy, that experience... although, moi never did do acid... however, it wasn’t a matter of actually dropping acid... it was the overall psychedelic atmosphere of the times... an altered state of mind that could be achieved without the use of drugs... are you ‘experienced’ as Jimi Hendrix sang... If you’re thinking it was just a strange mind trick that got moi... no, her mother witnessed the trippy phenomena also, and was equally as mesmerized. Just for the record, neither one of us uses drugs of any kind... no prescription, no over the counter and no illegal... we rarely drink alcohol, though we’re not opposed to it in any way. No smoking, either. We don’t drink coffee, either. Though, we’re not against coffee or caffeine, and this Big Cat uses it medicinally at times, for allergy headaches, and hormone stuff. And, yep, we both indulge in a lot of chocolate. Apologies for the long diatribe, however, the Kougaress did not want to lessen what she experienced when looking at the early morning sun. KALEIDOSCOPE TRIPPY!!! ~~~
Ahhhhh... 12:12 am... it just got the Kougar again! Yeeeeooooow.... ~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~ Featured at ROMANCE WRITERS BEHAVING BADLY ~ Visual Wordsby Taige Crenshaw In any story the author wants to get the reader invested in what they are reading. When words are complied together they should resonate. What is used is in my opinion visual words. ~~~~
Oprah Winfrey chose Jonathan Franzen's best-selling novel "Freedom" for her book club Friday.This is moi’s 1 star review on Amazon for this book ~ This is a crap premise in my opinion. Freedom is a gift from the Divine and the bedrock of our beloved country. Everything that is truly good about humanity can only be expressed through freedom. True freedom, that is. Not what is called 'freedom' currently. A truly free society is strong and creative and compassionate. If humanity as a whole decided on and demanded true freedom, poverty would be a thing of the past. In every society where freedom has ruled, business, especially small businesses have thrived. And the people in all their glory, as an expression of their human beauty, have created a paradise on blessed Mother Earth. If freedom reigned, we would not be at the mercy of Monsanto. Cruel factory farms would not exist. The mafia-criminal oil cartel would have been killed off like the dinosaurs, the Gulf of Mexico would still be a majesty of nature, and all the good energy inventions would now be available. What's not to love about that? I say, LET FREEDOM RING!!! ~~~~~~
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~ from the Flash Cat...Happy Courtship on another EarthX-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues... Part 632 ~ Sylva gradually gained a full sense of her body. In the meantime, she glanced around, noting the high tech array and the Control room’s simple functional design. “Where is everyone? I mean...” Zeke hugged her close stopping her words. “Don’t know, darlin’. Nothin’ looks amiss.” As Zeke’s father moved in the direction of a gigantic monitor, Zeke squeezed her shoulders in a reassuring manner, then moved them after him. “We’re out of time,” Sylva blurted out. The knowing had simply flashed inside her mind. “Out of time?” her cowboy asked. “We’re caught between timelines,” his father called over his shoulder. Zeke’s first hint his dad was correct came as a loud static-like buzzing. A transparent wavering began. He heard voices as if he’d turned on an entertainment show. Then they snapped into view. Men he knew. Most of them, anyway. They stood as a group before another smaller screen. Even though they excitedly discussed some phenomena he didn’t quite catch, they didn’t move and appeared to be transfixed. “We’re back,” his woman murmured. Having halted in his steps, his dad twisted at the waist toward them. “I surely hope we’re in the right timeline. My particles are gettin’ mighty rearranged.” ~~~~~~TO BE CONTINUED...~~~~~~Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...Part 16 ~ 631 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ ~ OR! Now available on The Romance Studio Forum, JANUARY 2009 through JUNE 2010 flashes ~ ~ Click on the FORUMS, then Savanna Kougar ~ the Fantasy Lair ~~~~~~~
Bartering, it’s time to learn... yeppers, start planting all those delicious peppers... as the world turns darker in some respects... the more you can grow your own food... and the more you can barter with others... the more you can establish a good community with your own economy... the better off you will be, and we will all be. Yes, moi needs to learn how to effectively barter [she really has no clue]. Because she will not bow down to the government’s dictates about farming and growing your own food. And, remember, admit NOTHING!!! Do not call yourself a farmer or a rancher. Do not admit to growing anything at all, or raising anything at all. Do not admit to selling any produce to your neighbor. Do not admit to picking your own apples and cutting them up for pies. Do not admit to preparing food in any way. Why? BIG GOV is set to pass a bill that will make your kitchen a food preparation business, and if you don’t follow ALL their rules, you will be a criminal. The consequences are nasty. Of course, enforcement will be selective and designed to scare you into compliance. ~~~~~~
~ HAPPY AUTUMN DAYS ~Wish Upon on a Blue Moon New Year...
May your most romantic dreams come true...Let freedom ring kisses from the Kougar...