Thursday, January 10, 2008

Rain Kisses the Yellow-Grass Prairie

Rain kisses the yellow-grass prairie today. A good and blessed thing on the Big Kitty's running land. Yes, the Kougar is grateful, and remembers she should invest in some old-fashioned rain barrels. And at least, snarling-moi does not have to view those hideous chem-trails destroying the beauty of her skies, not to mention the real question...what are these tic tac toe lines, those parallel lines doing in her skies, and what are they destroying?
Lest you remain skeptical on the whole chem-trail matter...well, the middle of the prairie does not have consistent jet air traffic playing a regular game of tic tac toe, or jets racing side-by-side over and over across our vast skies. Leaving contrail lines.
Get over it, America, we are under siege by somebody for some, the Kougar would clawing-bet, foul reason. May the great and wondrous Bast take them to just and savage task.
Yay! Yowling! Yay! The Kougar completed her cover art questionnaire for Red Lioness Tamed, a fierce long process. But rolling tingly fun. She also worked on her blurb, always a brow-concentrating frolic of words. Now, heaven send massive angelic support, she must navigate the beautifully designed forum site at Liquid Silver Publishing with her limited skills. Hunting the new ways-of-tech prey can be exhilarating, it can also be monstrously frustrating and exhausting.

Lovely Big Cats! take a leisurely lope over to Title Magic for Holli's insightful blog on how writer's shine the light on our cosmos. Moi's purr-rumbling comment below:
Holli, so true about interpreting or shining another light on the cosmos. Reading has done that for me whether fiction or non-fiction. I think the very first one was The Black Stallion by Walter Farley. It was a whole wonderful magical realm I wanted to inhabit.

Prairie rain kisses from the Kougar...

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