Once upon a time, long ago, when the Renaissance Festival was just beginning, and the Kougaress lived in another place, she had the opportunity to play in that world... and loved every minute of it. She felt more at home in that setting and with the 'creative' people participating in the Renn Faire scene, than in the 'regular' world. Oh, for a world with such lusty beauty, with such art and craft creativity. ~~~~~~
Blue Moon Friday yowls and howls, my weekend sparkly Pussycats... rain, rain, rain... a long soaking-in rain day on the tame prairie, and is the Kougaress ever grateful!... of course, now she worries about all the chemicals used on the Gulf of Mexico, that could be in the rains... also, she sends blessings to everyone affected by Hurricane Isaac's flooding rains. ~~~~~~
Here's a tongue-in-cheek, sarcastic thought the Kougaress had today...
Wanted: More Lunatics to Run the World
Are you a lunatic? Are you a certified psychopath? Do you want your own country or region to rule and terrorize? Advancement up the ranks is swift if your ability to rape, pillage and plunder using modern covert methods has already been proven. Specialized training and the riches of kings will be offered only to those few who qualify. If your darkest dream is to become the most ruthless and bloodthirsty tyrant ever known on Earth, your particularly heinous acts will be the key to piquing our interest. Our consideration, and your possible placement will, of course, depend upon your talent, skills and unique abilities.
Apply directly to the New World Order. No need for a formal application, or a way to contact us. Simply create your résumé. Title it: Lunatic Interested in World Domination. Place it on the world wide web in any manner that serves you. We will decide in due haste, if you have passed our strict qualification standards. ~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~ Frustration is the Kougar's middle name right now. Life keeps conspiring against her, as far as writing the last chapters of her WIP ~ Her Midnight Stardust Cowboys ~ ~~~
Friday Five Challenge
by Serena Shay
Well, here it is Friday and me without a blog. Not really a surprise if you consider the craziness my life has become of late. Moving out of our old place, a temporary stay with family until our new place is ready and now back to school nutsiness.~~~
From Astrology.com ~
Your September Forecast
September gets off to a pleasantly smooth start, and you'll want to enjoy it while it lasts! Why? Because with Pluto and Uranus swinging back into action later in the month, well, let's just say things won't be going quite as smoothly by then.
On September 1, Mercury happily joins the Sun in Virgo, merging work and conversation. Then, on September 3, a slight blip in pleasantries occurs when Venus squares off against Saturn, all while Mars and Pluto fall into a difficult alignment. On the positive side, Venus and Saturn will remind you to be more sensible and not quite so romantic and frivolous, while Mars and Pluto will supply you with the drive and focus to wrap up at least one major project.
On September 6, Venus is back in high gear, soaring into Leo as it rains down romance, parties, and all kinds of entertaining options. This excitement is immediately followed by the Virgo Sun squaring Jupiter on September 7, and Mercury (also in Virgo) squaring Jupiter on September 8. Squares are typically challenging transits, but when Jupiter is involved (as it is here), things take a turn for the mutually beneficial: Jupiter helps throw Virgo's innate caution to the wind, while Virgo keeps Jupiter's exuberance in check. You'll feel extra friendly and chatty, while still remaining productive -- all with a bit of good fortune thrown in!
Venus and Uranus keep the good times flowing on September 13 with flirtatiousness and romantic fun! Then, the new Moon in Virgo rises on September 15, bringing practical matters to the forefront and encouraging you to get your priorities in order.
Pluto turns direct on September 18, a development indicating that this outer planet will at least be in a more positive mood than in recent months. But Pluto's brighter outlook will be immediately tested on September 19 as the Uranus-Pluto square becomes exact for the second time this year. This aspect represents a time of major change and disruption, and you'll find that the tighter you cling to something that needs to change, the more difficult your day-to-day life will become.
Fortunately, the Sun moves into fair-minded Libra on September 22, lightening the mood a bit. The Sun also connects with the tempestuous Uranus-Pluto square on September 22, but elegant Libra will help soften the blow. ~~~~~~
Big Cat by-the-numbers ~
1:11 am... 2:22 am... 3:33 am... 3:33 pm... 5:55 pm... 10:10 pm... a bounty of the paranormal and supernatural... here it comes in these times... ~~~~~~
Okay, Kittens, here's an update on the Chupacabra, and it's definitely weird. The crypto creatures are emerging more and more as was stated in Volcano's Weekly Angelic Forecast. Plus, here's more fascinating info on the 'dark pyramid', the mysterious structure buried in Alaska.
The Kougaress hates to hear reports about the never-have-been-solved mutilation of cattle and other animal. However, it is a reality in our world. Much more inspiring was the report about one of the latest crop circles in England, which has been proven NOT TO BE MADE by talented art students or bozos with boards. Blurb from COAST TO COAST AM ~
Earth & Animal Mysteries
Date: 08-30-12
Host: George Noory
Guests: Linda Moulton Howe, Paul McGuire
Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed the killing of a strange animal said to resemble a chupacabras, more details about the large underground pyramid in Alaska, animal mutilations in various locations, and crop circles in England. In her first report, she interviewed Jami Ham, a Poplar Bluff, Missouri resident who witnessed a creature, which has been referred to as a "chupacabras" in Texas and other regions of the United States over the past decade. She saw the creature walking into the road in front of her car and "slowly standing up like a human on its back legs." On July 27, 2012, her brother-in-law Steve Scott shot a creature he assumed was a coyote with mange. Upon seeing the animal, Jami Ham confirmed it was similar to the one she saw earlier. The corpse emitted a horrible stench as though it been dead for weeks, though it had only been shot hours before, said Ham, who added that bizarrely, the creature had both male and female sex organs.
In response to her July 2012 Coast broadcast about the alleged large underground pyramid in Alaska west of Mount McKinley, another source emerged. She spoke with "John Smith," who said he was the son of a Western Electric and AT&T engineer and that his father shared with him details about working 700 feet underground on a pyramidal structure in Alaska that had "technology completely unknown at the time" when he was employed there from 1959 to 1961. His father said the job site in Alaska was run by the military, and he was transported there in a bus with blacked out windows. Smith told her that his father surmised they were using the pyramid's angles to distribute energy, or to accelerate energy, and that based on this, energy costs should be far lower than what we currently pay.
In Ronan, Montana, not far from Missoula, there has been a recent bloodless, trackless cow mutilation in which the local veterinarian did a complete necropsy and confirmed that the cow's heart and pericardium had been removed "surgically" along with other surgically excised tissue from the cow's body. The ground was wet from rain and there were no tracks near the mutilated cow's body except other cow tracks that had approached the downed cow. In an interview, the veterinarian who did the necropsy, Beth Blevins, said "in 26 years as a veterinarian in Montana, I've never seen anything like this before." Linda also reported on similar, inexplicable animal mutilation cases in Idaho, Colorado, and Argentina.
In her last report, Linda spoke with longtime Wiltshire, UK crop circle investigator Charles Mallett, who was impressed with a recent mysterious formation in Knoll Down, which did not exhibit any of the classic signs of being man-made. His examination showed physical anomalies in the growth nodes of the plants. He also addressed interesting physical effects within laid wheat plants in an Etchilhampton crop circle that occurred on July 12, 2012.
Microchip Implant Threat
First hour guest, author and professor of biblical prophecy, Paul McGuire, talked about microchip implants and the 'Mark of the Beast.' He believes there is a long term plan afoot to microchip the US population, and what he finds especially alarming is that people could be microchipped without their awareness, such as through a nasal mist or vaccination. "With nanotechnology, you now have microscopic particles that are essentially biochip implants, which send out an RFID signal," but they're so tiny, they could be absorbed in a variety of ways, he explained. McGuire is convinced that there's a secretive elite who perceives the populace as their property, and seeks to implant the chips for "branding us, controlling us, and owning us."
News segment guests: Mitch Battros, Christian Wilde
Mysterious Lights and Crop Circles
Glimpses of Other Realities, Volume 1
Glimpses of Other Realities, Volume 2
Are You Ready for the Microchip?~~~~~~
Major quake off Philippines causes panic but minor damage Reuters - 3 hrs ago
MANILA (Reuters) - An earthquake of 7.6 magnitude struck off the Philippines on Friday killing one person, damaging roads and bridges and sending people fleeing to higher …
From ~ earthchangesmedia.com ~
Earthquake Clusters Detected At Remote Volcano
ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Seismologists say a cluster of earthquakes has been detected at a remote volcano in Alaska's western Aleutian Islands.
Aug 30, 2012 - 9:52:13 AM
Huge 7.9 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Philippines - Tsunami Watch Issued
A 7.9 magnitude quake hit early this morning. A tsunami watch has been issued for surrounding islands and for the State of Hawaii. No reports of fatalities or damage at this time.
Aug 31, 2012 - 8:26:19 AM ~~~~~~
BIG CAT WARNING NEWS ~ In her opinion the bio-war by the dark-side elite against 'the people' continues. This isn't a case of 'oops, a mistake was made, so sorry, we'll never do it again'. Isn't that excuse so worn out it's far surpassed any believability?
TB continued: Drug-resistant strain of deadly disease alarms doctors worldwide
RT.com | ‘In 2010, 8.8 million people were infected with TB, with 1.4 million dying from the disease.’
Drug companies run out of weapons against the very same superbugs they helped create
Mike Adams | The age of antibiotics is over. It’s history. ~naturalnews.com~
Heartland Virus: Tick-Borne Illness Discovered In Missouri
1 day ago ... A never-before-seen tick-borne illness was responsible for sickening two farmers in Missouri in 2009, according to a new report from ...
~ huffingtonpost.com/ 2012/ 08/ 30/ heartland-virus-ticks-missouri-farmers_n_1843521.html ~ ~~~~~~
The most powerful weapon is the human soul on fire. ~ Have a magickal month of August ~
~ MAY YOU ALWAYS HAVE ENOUGH ~ And, May you live the dreams of your heart, not in interesting times... Blue Moon Friday kisses from the Kougar...
The Kougaress got lost in a blue moon fantasy, and sidetracked by all the fantasy pics...Late night yowls, my intriguing, Isadora Duncan-dancing Pussycats... last night the nearly full moon was orange-gold gorgeous in the night sky, and now the Blue Moon is upon us, signaling a new awareness and a fast, intense awakening... to 'thumbnail' what one astrologer explained in a much deeper and in more beautiful detail at ~ darkastrology.com ~ ~~~~~~
In Need of a Good Rain Lashing... the tame prairie has been very, very bad... to repeat, VERY BAD... the tame prairie is need of a good old-fashioned lashing... yes, the Kougaress's tame prairie is in need of a good rain lashing.
Yes, kittens, absolutely, the Kougaress has gone rather bonkers because of the drought killing her tame prairie... so, she is resorting to this untried method. ~claws crossed for a good rain lashing~ ~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~ From the Kougar’s Writing Den ~ her latest WIP ~
Her Midnight Stardust Cowboys
Last 'unedited' X-sentence written for Chapter Sixty-two ~ Since he didn't let go of her tongue, or flinch -- since her nails couldn't make a dent in his hard-as-steel muscle, Sherilyn abandoned herself, shoving her breasts deeper into Dontoya's palms. ~~~
Mixed Bag of Flash
by Rebecca Gillan
Lots of little flashes today. This is a week's worth of ultra shorts inspired by random pictures found on the inter-webs. Enjoy!
~ Rebecca**********
“Good morning class!”
Jenny looked up at her new engineering professor and groaned. Great, an old guy with lots of pep! at 7:30 in the morning was so not what she wanted to face. To be honest, she wasn’t sure if a young hot teacher with that much enthusiasm at this ungodly hour would have been any better. ~~~
Featured at TITLE MAGIC ~ titlemagic.blogspot.com/2012/08/freak-love.html
Freak Love
by Pat Cunningham
Romance novels fall under the category of fantasy. Impossibly handsome, successful, alpha men sweep us off our feet and bring us to unbelievable orgasms using techniques we’d slap any real guy silly for even suggesting. Naturally, if you’re writing these books, you want to create a hero who fulfills the readers’ every fantasy. ~~~~~~
Big Cat by-the-numbers ~
11:44 pm... 2:12 am... 12:12 am... RNC, the non-event, and a foreshadowing of on-the-streets martial law... also, a training camp on how to shut down journalists... ~~~~~~
The most powerful weapon is the human soul on fire. ~ Have a magickal month of August ~ ~ MAY YOU ALWAYS HAVE ENOUGH ~ And, May you live the dreams of your heart, not in interesting times... Dancing Pussycat kisses from the Kougar...
A home picture of the cast from the TV Western, "Bonanza"... what lovely nostalgia for this Big Cat. Late night yowls, my moon-walking Kittens... a mid-nineties day on the tame prairie, and what a nasty-looking sky... it was this dirty-hazy pale gray color.
Blessings to all those in the way of Isaac and all the superstorms raging over the planet. And blessings to all of us who truly want a good world that works for all of us.~~~~~~
Another "What the hell was that?" about 10:15 this morning, the Kougaress was fully awakened as if a loud alarm went off... she'd been in a semi-awakened dreaming state... remember, the Kougaress keeps 'night owl' hours... anyhoo, this horrific sound blasted across the sky... blasted is really an understatement, it was more like a rumbling loud and constant explosion of sound that just kept going on, lasting longer than the Kougaress would have expected -- even though, the speed seemed ultra fast.
The sound was similar, but not quite like any of the other 'exotic' aircraft sounds this Big Car has heard for the last seven years... 'whatever kind of aircraft it was' thunderously screamed in that way that sounded like a nuke-powered engine... however, not exactly. Something was different.
Also, it didn't sound like the Stealth that flew about 500 feet off ground, and directly over another house the Kougaress lived in on July 4 in the late 90s -- she watched it fly just above the trees, being outside at the time. She has a picture of that Stealth, somewhere, that was ONLY placed in a small local paper, but the incident was never reported on the local news.
Today's mystery aircraft flew from east to west, and sounded as if it flew low to the ground... *just guessing* at about 1000 to 1500 feet, or maybe even lower -- it sounded like it was not much higher than the house as it streaked across the sky. However, sound can be deceptive.
While this Big Cat moved to her north-facing window as quick as possible, during the molecule-shattering sound, she didn't catch a glimpse of what kind of aircraft it was... but then, THEY have a type of paint which effectively makes an aircraft invisible from the ground. And only God knows what else.
On a personal note, the Kougaress DOES NOT find this kind of super-covert tech in any way reassuring. Given the corrupt and evil groups in control of our country and our world, this does not bode well for us 'the people'.
The only 'hope' this Big Cat has, is that the group called the White Hats, and true patriots, are in control of some this advanced secret tech. Because, really, the dark-side minions have the power to send a hellfire missile right through your door, and explode you and everything to smithereens, given all they need is the GPS coordinates, which they have. Oh yeah, THANKS to the census takers.
Of course, they can laser you into extinction from one of their satellite platforms, too. Hell, they can sick a SWAT team on you like a pack of rabid pitbulls for any reason they deem, decree, whatever they can get away with. Oh, and they have a heart-stopping laser-type thingie that is pen-sized... gosh, Goddess only knows how many ways THEY can terminate you at a moment's notice. Not to mention all the cell towers... hey, all THEY have to do is change a frequency and THEY can drop you to the ground, dead or alive.
Think this Kougaress has gone fruit loops? Hey, do they research!!! It may not be featured on the nightly brain-drain news, but all this stuff is documented.~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~The Kougar has made some progress on her WIP ~ Her Midnight Stardust Cowboys ~ and she sure hopes to make significant progress later tonight.And, she did a bit of promo-ing at Destiny Blaine's loop ~ groups.yahoo.com/group/destinyblaine_romance ~~~~
Behind the publishing scenes ~ DOWN AND DIRTY ~ THE NY PUBLISHERS ~
The following was posted on the Indie Publishers loop...
Publishers decide (for the most part) which of their authors/books gets on the NYT list -- they produce print runs that are needed to make that list, they arrange special sales/deals with major accounts to get books on those lists, they do whatever they need to if they want a book there.
It's always been that way -- but the curtain has been drawn back a bit and we are seeing behind it now as digital sales affect a list that had always been print.
I remember several years ago, a prominent author speaking about their choice when their books went to auction among all the big 6 -- it came down to money or the ability to put their books on the NYT and this author went with the one who guaranteed NYT placement for them. This author even mentioned (though I don't think they realized what they was revealing at the time!) how it would be accomplished! Basically ? they offer major accounts a buy-this-get-that-free deal -- order 20,000 of a major author's new book and get 20,000 of this other author's free. The orders affect the NYT placement and voila! the second author is now on the NYT. As I said, it takes the full support of the publisher to do these kinds of things. Oh, orders count for the NYT, BUT returns do not....so actual sales, for the print list, aren't what mattered.
All of this author's books have been on the NYT....but the exposure began with that first one.....
So, it's always been orchestrated.....for those who have their publishers' support.
Big Cat Note: While the Kougar knew the list was being manipulated to favor certain authors, she's never known this much detail. And, yes, *some* books make it onto the list honestly. However, this is ONE MORE REASON why the Kougar could care less about having a book with these reprehensible BIG BOY thug companies. Why support this evil behavior?
So, when anyone naively or arrogantly believes only the cream-of-the-crop authors get published... oh, yeah, right... of course, a few authors do. BUT, A WHOLE LOT DON'T.
That's why whenever the Kougar witnesses this ridiculous desperation by writers to become a star and get a NY contract, she just laughs inside and shakes her head. Because she knows IT'S ALL A LIE.
And if you, as a writer or small-time author, dare attempt to point out this truth, then it's just sour grapes on your part... you just can't make the grade... you're not good enough... on and on, ad nauseam. ~~~~~~
From Astrology.com ~
Empower Yourself with Plutonian Energy
The Virgo Sun may help you move conscientiously through your days, getting every detail squared away in the process ... but, oh, those big projects. When you focus so much on details, tackling something major can seem especially daunting -- unless, of course, you have Pluto there to back you up! And on August 30, Pluto will make a much-needed appearance, giving the dutiful Virgo Sun the boost it needs to send powerful energy your way. Just remember that Pluto is a no-pain-no-gain kind of planet, so prepare yourself for some hard work to get those fabulous results you're after!
Also on August 30, Mercury and Saturn get together, lending your discussions a practical tone and producing even more tangible results for your strong efforts.
Then, for the final planetary play of the month on August 31, the full Moon rises in imaginative Pisces opposite that same practical Virgo Sun. If there's ever been a time to strike a balance between faith and common sense, this is it! There will be plenty of opportunities to turn your dreams into reality, but only if you can accept the notion that perfection is impossible. However, if you can recognize the true reality of your dreams, they'll materialize before your very eyes!
Only when your soul is healthy can your mind become truly productive. So, naturally, if you take steps to improve your inner health, you'll have that much more energy to focus on big projects and capitalize on great opportunities headed your way!~~~~~~
Big Cat by-the-numbers ~
11:44 am... shock and awe coming to America... time to shine the bright light of truth and stop this 'false flag' from happening...~~~~~~
Top Economists: Iceland Did It Right ... And Everyone Else Is Doing It Wrong
washingtonsblog.com - Nobel prize winning economist Paul Krugman writes: What [Iceland's recovery] demonstrated was the ... case for letting creditors of private banks gone wild eat the losses.... Where everyone else bailed out the bankers and made the public pay the price, Iceland let the banks go bust and actually expanded its social safety net. Where everyone else was fixated on trying to placate international investors, Iceland imposed temporary controls on the movement of capital to give itself room to maneuver.
VIDEO: Source Of Loud Booms In Foothills A Mystery
CBS News - People from all over El Dorado County say they're hearing loud booms several times a week, but there are many theories on what is causing them.... "You can feel it in the ground, no question about it. But no one's been able to figure out why," said Pleasant Valley resident Peter O'Grady. "I tend to hear somewhere between four to six of these things during the weekdays usually between 11 p.m. and 2 p.m.
More Infants Born Addicted to Prescription Drugs
Troubling study reveals a "silent epidemic" in America's nurseries.
— LiveScience
Note: Statistically more people are addicted to prescription drugs than to street drugs in the US. This Big Cat is so grateful she's allergic to ALL drugs. And has never had an addiction problem. Thank you, Divine. And she wishes everyone would be healed of this easily cured health problem. Yes, easily cured by super good nutrition. A lot of addictions are based on what the body needs nutritionally but is not getting. But, hey, BIG PHARMA wants to sell you their drugs, and sell your health down the river. That's how they make their money. Real health actually isn't that expensive, and wouldn't rake in the massive amounts of profit that intentionally keeping people sick does.~~~~~~
The most powerful weapon is the human soul on fire.~ Have a magickal month of August ~
And, May you live the dreams of your heart, not in interesting times...Moon-walking Kitten kisses from the Kougar...
Real pyramid power ~smiles~ Pic from COAST TO COAST AM ~ 'one of the images'
Carmen Boulter shares two images in tandem with her 8/27/11 appearance. On the left, an illustration connected to her Great Pyramid study involving human chakras. The pyramid on the right, is in relation to her New Atlantis Project. Is it possible to build a functioning "live" pyramid?, she asks. For more images, view her gallery pages. ~ pyramidcode.com/Photos.html ~~~~~~~
Late night greetings and yowls, my cute Cool Big Cats... yes, summer temps on the tame prairie today after that stretch of fall-like weather... so, as usual, the Kougaress is pushing herself too hard... a hard habit to break, even with all the work this Big Cat has done to make changes... and, especially, given these times, there's just so much to do, to get done just in case... plus, the Kougaress has had to alter her life in certain ways, which means a learning curve... and on it goes.Kittens, with world tensions exploding like a super volcano around us, and the massive problems/challenges humanity is facing... the ride on Mother Earth will just get wilder, super wild -- all while a general insanity consumes many because what is ahead is too tough to face. Changes will be rocketing fast and furious now. So staying grounded, keeping your head, being able to turn on a dime... this becomes vital to you, and your loved ones. Yeah... the Kougaress is talking to herself here, as well.On a positive note: Go, Iceland, go! All kudos to the people of Iceland who know how to get rid of the bankster gangsters. How to believe in themselves, and create their society and economy anew.Remember, darlings, we're on this ride together and this Big Cat loves ya!~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~The Kougar is hoping like all get out, to get some good penning done later. She did have fun writing her flash scene for SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS.~~~
My beautiful Immortal Hunter
by Savanna Kougar
Steziah leisurely quaffed her Triple Moon ale. Resting on one elbow, she cast her glance around the crossroads tavern, a relatively high class establishment catering to travelers of every ilk, even the superior warriors of Arrysim called the Ruffians.
Given she was a half breed Ruffian, the leader of the clan raised his stein in a covert salute. After momentarily piercing her with his gaze, he turned toward his warrior pack.
There would be no challenge. Steziah had long ago 'proven her blade', the term for proving her worth as a fearless and to-be-feared fighter.~~~~~~
Nothing makes sense... not the sun or the moon... really, in these times, nothing makes sense to this Big Cat anymore. Nothing! Plus, the Kougaress noticed as she walked down to her mailbox during sunset that the sun was not where it should be at this time of year... and the moon is not where it should be, either... at least, according to how the moon was positioned in the heavens not two years ago... it is really disconcerting. And since NASA or 'never a straight answer', simply lies and deceives, and does whatever the hell it wants because it's a DARPA front, while presenting itself as an agency of the public and for the public... however, the bottom line, THOSE who know what's happening in the skies, in space, ain't telling us.~~~~~~
Big Cat by-the-numbers ~
4:44 am... 5:55 am... 4:44 pm... 10:10 pm... 11:11 pm... 11:22 pm... 11:44 pm... 12:12 am... all power to the people... and all good power to the standup veterans who are being demonized and secretly targeted by the corp-gov... we, the American people, need you... stay safe, stay strong, we are with you...~~~~~~
Yosemite officials say 1,700 visitors risk disease AP - 3 hrs ago
Yosemite officials told 1,700 past visitors on Tuesday they may have been exposed to a rodent-borne disease already blamed for the deaths of two people who stayed at …
Note: Likely another bio-warfare attack on we 'the people' by the dark-side corp-gov, given this disease was created in a lab as has been explained by Dr. Len Horowitz, and others, a long while ago.
Blurb for tonight's COAST TO COAST AM radio show ~
In the latter half, Ufologist and physicist Stanton Friedman will discuss how the recent rise in reported UFO sightings may indicate a greater public belief in the phenomena and what such a change in perception may mean for potential future government disclosures on the subject.
Note: Last night Peter Davenport of the National UFO Reporting Center, was on briefly talking about how reports of UFOs are still skyrocketing as was predicted by Volcano in his Angelic Forecast.~~~~~~
The most powerful weapon is the human soul on fire.~ Have a magickal month of August ~ ~ MAY YOU ALWAYS HAVE ENOUGH ~
And, May you live the dreams of your heart, not in interesting times...Nothing makes sense kisses from the Kougar...
August 26, 2012
Illustration: 'Doberman Lynx'
Linda Godfrey ~lindagodfrey.com~ shares her drawing of a creature reported in California and Alabama that appears to blend canid and felid characteristics, which she has dubbed the Doberman Lynx. ~~~~~~
Late night yowls... my happy-grinning KitKats... summer-warm on the tame prairie today, and the trees are shedding more of their leaves fast due to the drought... earlier tonight, the Kougaress noticed how full the moon is, and remembered it's a Blue Moon... since it's the second full moon in August, and occurs this Friday... there's always something mystical about a Blue Moon ~~~
National Dog Day??? the Kougaress found out was on August 26... so, while doggy canines are a fave of hers... really, a national day? Sorry, but in these times, that no longer resonates with this Big Cat. How about an official Let's Help People Who Need It day? This, especially since those good people who are trying to help others with food and water are being fined, maligned, and even arrested. Yeah, for supposedly breaking some law, code, rule, or policy... even when there is none in existence. Yes, we're living in an insane, beyond Cuckoo's Nest world that is so corrupt who can even comprehend it? ~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~ Since it's menage month at Just Another Paranormal Monday ~ groups.yahoo.com/group/ParanormalMonday ~ the Kougar managed to do some actual promo-ing today. However, the Kougar has been so running-around busy for the rest of the day, she hasn't been able to pen her Tuesday post for SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS... and is she ever just feeling tired and worn out. ~~~
Anuli and Scott (Almost) Make a Porno
by Pat Cunningham
Mr. Ed fussed over the tiny studio’s even tinier bedroom set until he had everything just so. Except the lighting. “Charlie! We need more light over here.”
Charlie Boma wrestled an arc light into position. “Now we’ll have to set the microphone by the headboard.”
“As long as we can hear the dialogue. We can add the grunts and groans in post.”
“What grunts and groans?” Charlie’s niece, Anuli, froze in the doorway, her pretty face taking on a look of alarm. “You told me no sex,” she accused her uncle.
“Not for this shoot, no,” Ed assured her. “This is just the screen test. Like a first date. The camera needs to get to know you.” ~~~~~~
Big Cat by-the-numbers ~
11:44 pm... 11:55 pm... 1:11 am... 3:33 am... 2:22 pm... 8:44 pm... 11:55 pm... the highway to hell is here... but, why drive down it?... ~~~~~~
Courage, or the Great Heart of humanity... Weekly Angelic Forecast from Volcano Straight from the Carnal Cherub himself...Angelic Forecast ~ #208 Courage, or the Great Heart of humanity, is the theme for the following week. The Dragon of Courage soars for the clouds while the cowardly dragon nips at his tail in a final struggle to win and destroy all that is GOOD on Earth.
During the upcoming week, there are likely to be major and explosive events on the planet -- both good and bad. For, another evolutionary leap of humanity is here, and all that occurs at this time, will reflect this physical and spiritual transformation.
As always, prepare for adversity. Prepare for the superstorms of life.
Also, emotional superstorms and a contentious attitude will permeate this week. As always, there are two sides.
For many, their contentious words will signal a strengthening of their spine. This is because humanity's courage is being reactivated. Also, many people are simply fed up with the bully corp-gov, and they are standing their ground -- they are saying 'no more'.
On the other hand, someone else's contentious attitude will indicate they are clinging tightly to their blinders. For, reality, as it is now, has become their enemy.
On the personal front, once again, this is a crucial week for many. A key, or key decisions will confront a whole lot of us. The best approach: unless, it's an emergency situation, take a step back and evaluate the pros and cons. Once you've made your decision, take action, and go forward with confidence.
Also, now is the time to watch your backside as never before. The system is paranoid, and fighting like a cornered dragon about to be slain.
Realize that anyone who gets in the way -- anyone who is targeted by the system -- 'do not' expect any mercy.
Remember, at this point in history, it is time for 'the people' to band together in groups, and protect each other. Carry cameras at all times, and for those who are tech-savvy, have a way to upload immediately to a site far away.
On the economic front, the mega-monster banks writhe like agitated leviathans as 'the people' wake up to their heinous and endless crimes. Now, the 'banking spanking' begins as their time comes to a close.
However, likely the process will drag on for the next six months, at least.
In reaction, there will be veiled threats by the self-appointed economic kingpins. THEY will use their political and military might to force us deeper into the Orwellian world. At the same time, these bankster gangsters will offer 'incentives' for anyone who goes along with their tyrannical system.
Also, look for the stock market to take some wild dives this week, and/or next week. In part... only in part... this Wall Street manipulation is about making 'the people' fearful so they will acquiesce and conform to 'authority'.
On the truth front, during the next couple of weeks, there will be several whistleblowers who break the political system wide open, exposing major crimes. However, it remains to be seen if what they reveal will reach the front page of the brain-drain media.
On the war front, factions of the dark-side global elite continue to battle for supremacy in the Mideast and throughout the world. This means violent conflicts escalate worldwide. And there 'may' be a serious confrontation with a warship.
At this time, nations who have stayed in the background since WWII, may arise, and take a side in this international chess match of war. This strategic move will be made to remove the focus from the collapsing economy.
As the human race AWAKENS, fewer and fewer of 'the people' will show up for any war put on by the establishment. Yes, the so-called world leaders can throw a war like you throw a party. But, there's no guarantee anyone will show up.
On the AWAKENING front, from this point forward, the awareness of energies, what are sometimes called 'subtle' energies, will dramatically increase for many of us. It will be easier to know how someone else is truly feeling, for one example. Also, tuning into the so-named 'psychic' frequency will become much easier.
On the paranormal front, there will be more sightings of unusuaspecially under the oceans. As well, with the arrival of several planet-like bodies in the solar system, the topical features of Earth are undergoing a rapid change in certain areas of the world.
On the energy front, an under-market for off-the-grid energy devices is developing as people wisely look for any way to become energy-independent. With the closure of coal plant after coal plant, with the stranglehold of the oil cartels, and the ongoing failure of nuclear plants, there is likely to be a shortage of power. This also means the price could be out of sight for many.
Consider setting up a backup energy system -- any kind you can manage.
On the really bad news front, to create a state of FEAR among the population, and to keep control, the dark-side elite is using bio-warfare agents against 'the people'. THEY want a limited pandemic scenario for now.
Also, THEY are poisoning certain places/cities here, and worldwide, in the same manner as the Gulf of Mexico.
Obviously, it is wise to keep your immune system strong. By staying as healthy as possible, and by learning about natural healing alternatives, you and your loved ones can withstand this onslaught.
On the good news front, new and incredible opportunities arise for those of us who are able to think outside the 'establishment' box.
At this momentous time, freedom lovers become a force, one to be reckoned with. Now, many more champions for 'the people' come forth.
Trendwise, preparation and resistance is the theme for the rest of 2012. Take heed because the times they are a-changing.
~~~The Year of Dragon Darkness and Light... with whipping writhing strength, the ultimate in revelation arrives, creating chaos while spiraling through chaos... during this make-or-break year use the fierce frightening power of the dragon, or it will use you ~~~
This week take some time to daydream. Remember your days as a bright-eyed child. What did you daydream about the most? Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona
~~~~~~MORE...Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ sirenbookstrand.blogspot.com ~ ~~~~~~
August 26, 2012 ~ 11:33 CST
Series of earthquakes rattle Southern California
Associated Press
~ news.yahoo.com/series-earthquakes-rattle-southern-california-215023392.html
SAN DIEGO (AP) — Dozens of small to moderate earthquakes struck southeastern California on Sunday, knocking trailer homes off their foundations, shattering windows and rattling nerves in a small farming town east of San Diego.
The largest quake, at 1:57 p.m., registered at a magnitude 5.5 and was centered about three miles northwest of the town of Brawley, said Robert Graves, a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey. Another quake about an hour and a half earlier registered at magnitude 5.3.
No injuries were reported.
More than 30 additional earthquakes with magnitudes of at least 3.5 jiggled the same area near the southern end of the Salton Sea, Graves said.
Note: the Kougaress heard it is now thousands of these mini quakes.
3 earthquakes reported near Rocky Point @ Arizona Daily Star (Tucson) - 9 hrs ago
Three earthquakes struck Sunday night in the northern Gulf of California, south of Puerto Peñasco.
Quake of 7.4 magnitude hits off El Salvador coast: USGS Reuters - 1 hr 46 mins ago
A major earthquake of 7.4 magnitude hit in the Pacific Ocean about 78 miles off the coast of El Salvador late Sunday night, the U.S. Geological Survey said.~~~
From ~ earthchangesmedia.com ~
Mandatory Evacuations Outside New Orleans As Isaac Nears Hurricane Strength
Residents in unprotected, low-lying areas outside New Orleans were evacuating Monday as Tropical Storm Isaac grew closer to becoming a hurricane that could make landfall in or near Louisiana almost seven years to the day that Hurricane Katrina struck.
Aug 27, 2012 - 9:07:11 PM
Note: yeah... what are the odds? ~~~~~~~
The most powerful weapon is the human soul on fire. ~ Have a magickal month of August ~ ~ MAY YOU ALWAYS HAVE ENOUGH ~ And, May you live the dreams of your heart, not in interesting times... Great Heart kisses from the Kougar...
From the ~ dailymail.co.uk ~ Michael Zahra at Wikipedia ~ One cool cat lynx with a luxurious winter coat... looks like one of the Kougaress's friends from another life experience... and wouldn't he be a fabcat addition to Talbot's Peak at SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS... Sunday into Monday yowls and meows, my lounging Cool Cats... wow, actual beneficial rains on the tame prairie last night... It was a gentle rain... however, there were several hours, and the ground is still wet-looking... this Big Cat is really grateful! Of course, so much more of the wet stuff is needed. Send it on down, rain goddesses and gods of the Divine One.~~~
So, the Kougaress had one of her Adrian Paul dreams... so sad she really can't remember the specifics, especially since it was an epic type of dream... the only thing she remembers is developing some kind of partnership with Adrian Paul, and then making plans to make a better world for herself, and others. ~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~The Kougar is penning Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ sirenbookstrand.blogspot.com & ~ titlemagic.blogspot.com ~~~~
Last night the Kougar discovered her word count is at about 85,000 words for her WIP ~ Her Midnight Stardust Cowboys ~ this was kind of a shock. Okay, right now, there are appr. four more chapters planned.
Yes, the darling MUSE has done it again, tricking the Kougar into writing a much larger and more complicated *Talbot's Peak ~ ShapeShifter Seductions ER* story than she planned. And, yes, there are lots more 'erotic memage romance' scenes.
Thus, all of her other writing projects had been significantly delayed. ~sighs!~
However, one good thing... at this point, the Kougar can't complain about the overall quality of her WIP, and she hopes bigtime, she can sustain it for the last chapters. ~claws crossed~~~~
Note: the Kougaress forgot to say that the problem she was experiencing, also experienced by others, was on Yahoo's end, and appears to be fixed.~~~~~~
Big Cat by-the-numbers ~
12:12 am... 1:11 am... 2:12 am... 3:33 am... 4:44 pm... 5:55 pm... 8:44 pm... truth keeps bubbling up to the surface... a million beach balls that can no longer be suppressed...~~~~~~
Kittens, no, Facebook is 'not' as advertised. Zuckerberg has continually 'zuckered' the internet public, cause he's part of the black ops' establishment. Want some proof? Check out this article.
Facebook, the CIA, DARPA, and the tanking IPO
Tuesday, August 21, 2012 by: Jon Rappoport
~ naturalnews.com/036889_Facebook_DARPA_CIA.html
(NaturalNews) The big infusion of cash that sent Mark Zuckerberg and his fledgling college enterprise on their way came from Accel Partners, in 2004.
Jim Breyer, head of Accel, attached a $13 million rocket to Facebook, and nothing has ever been the same.
Earlier that same year, a man named Gilman Louie joined the board of the National Venture Capital Association of America (NVCA). The chairman of NVCA? Jim Breyer. Gilman Louie happened to be the first CEO of the important CIA start-up, In-Q-Tel.
In-Q-Tel was founded in 1999, with the express purpose of funding companies that could develop technology the CIA would use to "gather data."
So, when are enough of us going to wise up and get rid this evil?
Monsanto shells out $4.2 million to sabotage California GMO labeling initiative
Natural News | Companies like Monsanto, Dupont, Pepsico and others are working hard to keep Americans in the dark about the foods they eat.
If it weren't so completely tragic, it would be keystone-cop funny.
Empire State Shooting: Shooter Never Shot At Police, Nine Bystanders All Shot By Police
informationliberation.com | Will these police be “held accountable” for where their rounds went? Don’t hold your breath.
Really, who the hell cares how Prince Harry uses his penis?
As long as it's 'truly' consensual, and there are no children involved. However, the 'very' sad part of all this is that whoever is responsible for leaking the pictures, which this Big Cat has not seen, and has NO interest in seeing... yuck, double yuck, triple yuck!... well, yeah, *you* are now targeted and if you don't know how to protect yourself, say goodbye to life on Earth. Because the so-called royal family... who makes every attempt to look NICE and friendly... will TERMINATE you like a hungry shark... it may be put down as an accident, like the nurse who helped out at the Colorado shooting, then all too mysteriously drowned in her pool... or, the termination event may be a clear warning to others. Whatever, this Big Cat sends you vibes of protection. Because, whatever your misdeed, death is not a fair punishment.~~~~~~
The most powerful weapon is the human soul on fire.~ Have a magickal month of August ~ ~ MAY YOU ALWAYS HAVE ENOUGH ~And, May you live the dreams of your heart, not in interesting times...
Lounging Cool Cat kisses from the Kougar...

The Kougaress in another lifetime... rawrrrrrr... gotcha! Saturday into Sunday yowls, my exalted and soul-enormous Kitkats... a bit of rain for the tame prairie today... so much more is needed, desperately needed... it's unbelievably sad to see the trees, the plants and the land suffer... and, of course, the wild critters also... the Kougaress is requesting immediate karma for 'those' manipulating the weather in ways that are harmful to Humanity, Mother Earth, and her animals and plants... whatever 'their' gains are will become a poison to them.
Gosh, has this Big Cat worn herself out this past week... she can't even believe how fast the weeks are flying by... and it's going ever faster... what? Is time going to coalesce on December 21, 2012, then spin at a less rapid, more liveable rate? Just a thought, my darlings.
Watch your precious tails. The system is paranoid, and fighting like a cornered dragon about to be slain.~~~
Authoress news and mews ~Yes, more penning accomplished on the Kougar's WIP ~ Her Midnight Stardust Cowboys ~ she hopes to get beyond this bout of tiredness and get more done later.~~~
Welcome to Agua Caliente
by Solara
Jackson looked both ways before following Remo into the dark interior of the bar. A bold lettered yellow-stenciled sign took up two-thirds of the window of the interior door, Remo held open. It read Agua Caliente. Jackson understood enough Spanish thanks to his great grandpappy twice removed. That family story crept up at family dinners when Cousin Felix drank too much tequila. Jackson shook his head and continued on inside.
Remo rounded the bar, nodding at the blond wiping down the table closest to them. “Sandy, get a couple of burgers from the kitchen. Mine well done and yours?”~~~
PARANORMAL AUTHORS/ASPIRING AUTHORS ~ Here's an ultra cool crypto site...
The Top Ten Paranormal Beasts in Britain
A vampiric caterpillar, floating white dog, and horned 'demon cat,' are amongst the creatures profiled.
— ShukerNature ~ karlshuker.blogspot.co.uk~~~
Entangled Publishing
Fri Aug 24, 2012 12:33 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Terry Spear"
Hey, all, I've just been hired as a Senior (Acquisitions) Editor at Entangled Publishing, which offers the higher royalties of self-publishing along with New York-style editing, design and marketing support. All our books are doing phenomenally well. I'm acquiring across all lines, including the teen line, but I'm actually really in need of romance authors right now, if anyone wants to spread the word on the indie romance loop! Query me with the standard three paragraphs and
paste in the first five pages of your manuscript. Send to bev@ entangledpublishing.com!
Bev Katz Rosenbaum
Senior Editor
Entangled Publishing
~ entangledpublishing.com
Posted by ~ Terry Spear
Heart of the Wolf--Publishers Weekly "Best Books of the Year!"
A SEAL in Wolf's Clothing--USA Today Bestseller
"Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy IS reality." terryspear.com~~~~~~
Big Cat by-the-numbers ~
12:12 am... the awareness of energies, what are sometimes called the subtle energies, will increase dramatically from this point forward... ~~~~~~
More insight into the breakaway civilization... Joseph Farrell is always a jewel, in this Big Cat's opinion... his ability to research and put the pieces together is priceless... his deep intellect shines with a sharp brilliance, yet does not overshadow his heart or his humanity.
From ~ unknowncountry.com/dreamland/latest
Friday August 24, 2012
Saucers, Swastikas and Psyops
Joseph Farrell tells the chilling story of his research into a vast underground of advanced aerospace technologies and hidden psychological operations. Nazi scientists, rogue elements within the intelligence community and drug cartels all figure in a nightmarish web that is pursuing an unholy agenda of world domination and the destruction of human freedom. What is weltanshauungskrieg and how does it affect your life right now?~~~~~~
So, the CIRCUS CIRCUS brain-drain 'news media' hypes the Colorado and Sikh shootings... and while tragic, hey, about the daily appr. 30 killings a day in Chicago? Yeah, why isn't the so-called mainstream media 'hyping' Chicago as the current reigning murder capital of the world? Huh?
Or, how about the fact that doctors have now killed more people than cancer and heart disease? What? Does the human race have this genetic defect that allows for -- that justifies this kind mass murder? You have to wonder.~~~~~~
The most powerful weapon is the human soul on fire.~ Have a magickal month of August ~ ~ MAY YOU ALWAYS HAVE ENOUGH ~And, May you live the dreams of your heart, not in interesting times...
Exalted and soul-enormous Kitkat kisses from the Kougar...
Adrian Paul as the Highlander... hmmm... maybe a Highlander type should show up in Talbot's Peak, our shapeshifter and supernatural town at SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS. Friday into Saturday yowls, my gorgeously sleek Felines... overcast for most of the day on the tame prairie... and ~wait for it~ NO RAIN... maybe drops of rain, but that's all... oh yes, the helter skelter days of 2012 continue for the Kougaress, and she certainly understands the *contentiousness* that is showing up more and more between the people she listens to on internet radio... the effects of stress is showing up... and why wouldn't this occur?
Society, in general, is falling, ripping apart at the seams... jobs and livelihoods are becoming scarcer... prices are raising on the basics most everyone of us needs... and the FAT CATS at the top could give a good g-damn about 'the people'. As well, cosmic transformative energies are pummeling us daily. Not to mention the tons of other 'stressors' going on, at this time.
Yep, time to band together, my darlings, and form ourselves anew. The Icelanders are accomplishing this very well. They got rid of the corrupt bankers and politicians. Their economy is on the serious upswing. Meow-big kudos, to the Icelanders. This Big Cat wishes with all her heart and soul, we would take the reins as Americans, and do the same. Or, simply take our lives back, and say 'screw the system'. After all, the corp-gov is screwing us everyday in every way.~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~Currently, the Kougar is penning on her WIP ~ Her Midnight Stardust Cowboys ~ she so hopes to continue.~~~
A Bit of Advice...
by Serena Shay
“Pina Colada, please.” Karma ordered the umbrella drink, sat back in her chair and waited for Dante to come out to see her. Ever since she’d started helping Erol step into this century the urge to teach others had grabbed her by the throat and not let go.
“Your drink, sexy lady.”
“Thank you, fine sir…” She really did like the beauty found in this town.~~~~~~
Big Cat by-the-numbers ~
11:11 pm... 11:55 pm... 12:12 am... 2:12 am... 2:22 pm... 10:10 pm... battle brewing in Florida of hurricane proportions... watch out, it's likely to get bad... real bad... can anyone say? A 'possible' FALSE FLAG... hey, live in Tampa? ... how about a little trip out of town... just in case...~~~~~~
And, cool cat folks, this is why -- just ONE example among a mountain of examples -- a machine-computer-run society WILL NOT and CANNOT EVER work regardless of any pie-in-the-sky promise made... hey, remember? Garbage in garbage out. Plus, they said the same thing, made the same promises, about Fukishima, and all the nuke plants that are now in various states of dilapidation, are running past their due date, and are releasing dangerous levels of radiation... oh, btw, Three Mile Island is acting up according to a news report today... but yeah, all the real facts just ain't on the brain-drain, presstitute media. BECAUSE THEY LIE, OMIT, SPIN and DECEIVE!!!
The Kougaress needs help from a REAL LIVE INDIVIDUAL, not ten tons of data that when followed DOES NOT work! At this point, from what this Big Cat found online, it's likely her IP addy was blocked. Why? Not a dadgum clue. After all, how much can you do with dial-up as far being on yahoo sites?What follows is the message this Big Cat sent, unseen by human eyes.MESSAGE TO YAHOO!
re: Unable to process request at this time -- error 999
Okay, here's the deal. Scanned for spyware, etc. Checked with the server. No outages. I can access your all your sites and the loops. HOWEVER, YOU recently changed the format on the loops as far as how the REPLY button is setup. NOW, I get the stupid 999 error message if I try to send a reply or try to publish a 'start topic'. THIS HAPPENS ON BOTH Firefox and IE... it is not firefox or IE. I've never had this happen before. I'm on dial-up, if that's NOW not going to work with your system. Whatever. There's only so much I can do, and I've done it. So, if I don't get a solution... I've already WASTED WAY TOO MUCH TIME trying to find one... or, if you don't CORRECT your system, then I simply WON'T BE on the loops. And you'll lose all that 'collected' info. My time is way too valuable to continue messing with this, despite regularly using Yahoo loops.
Sincerely, Savanna~~~~~
AIDS-like disease found in Asians, trigger unknown
RT - A mysterious new disease causes AIDS-like symptoms in Asians even though they are not infected with HIV, a research has found.
Note: Yes, biowarfare against 'the people' is ongoing, and being ramped up. Genetic groups can be targeted like Asians. An individual can also, be targeted, using their DNA. The west nile outbreak is an engineered attack, an excuse to poison people, animals and plants with a pesticide that is far more deadly than the virus.~~~
AND... thank the Divine and this 'good' judge who did the right thing, along with many activist-supporters who came to Brandon Raub's aid. This is how we stand together against the system.
Brandon Raub FREE: Judge orders Chesterfield Marine's release from psychiatric facility
Oath Keepers - A Chesterfield Marine will be released from a mental health facility after a judge ruled there wasn't sufficient evidence of allegations made against him.... In court Thursday, the judge said that the petition filed by Chesterfield Police was blank and didn't list a single allegation against him. The judge said Raub suffered a "deprivation of his liberty" by being held without a clear claim.
VIDEO: Attorney: Psychiatrist Threatened to Use Forced Meds to "Brainwash" Brandon Raub The Blaze - In a surprising twist, (Raub's lawyer John) Whitehead revealed a startling allegation that his client told him about prior to his release. Raub complained to his attorney that one of the psychiatrists that he was seeing threatened to "brainwash" him and force him to take medication. "That really scared him," he said.~~~~~~
The most powerful weapon is the human soul on fire.~ Have a magickal month of August ~ ~ MAY YOU ALWAYS HAVE ENOUGH ~
And, May you live the dreams of your heart, not in interesting times...Contentious kisses from the Kougar...
Pic from ~ lostsprings.com ~ Horse in the Rain... isn't he/she a cutie? ~~~~~~
Late night yowls, my cool Big Cat Beauties... a strange weather day on the tame prairie... really hot with a hot dry wind that sucked the moisture out of everything... the direct sunlight is blistering hot in these times... this evening, the moon appears to be at quarter and looks classically beautiful in the night sky... So, for some unknown reason the Kougaress can't use the reply button on the Yahoo loops, and she's spent a bunch o' time dealing with computer stuff, and scanning for viruses, etc. Whatever, it's such a frustrating time sink. And, who knows, maybe she'll never get to reply or do a start topic on Yahoo again. An email to their support center proved to be NOT HELPFUL... but then, the Kougaress can't follow the directions. So... ~defeated shrugs~ ~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~ More penning done on the Kougar's WIP ~ Her Midnight Stardust Cowboys ~ whoopee... and whoopee is happening. ~grinz~ ~~~
Authorly ruminations ~ So, what if way back in 1947 the truth about the Roswell aliens had become common knowledge? What would our society look like? The infamous Brookings Report suggested that any knowledge of otherworld beings would tear society apart. Gee, isn't that what's happening now in our world? Obviously, society is being torn apart at the seams at this time.
So, gosh, which is better? What would our world look like now, if the truth had been told, known worldwide? The Kougar would find it intriguing to pen that story. Of course, it would have to be a romance. And, likely, there are various timelines. Hmmmm.... ~~~~~~
Straight Shooter... wordwise, that is... a HUGE word of warning... if you can shoot straight with words, if you can shoot straight from the hip with your truth, as in telling it like it is about the corp-gov, and the current on-the-brink situation we face in the world... if you're particularly erudite, and gifted and powerful at expressing yourself so others understand your message... if others look up to you... if you're mentally sound, a natural leader, and a deep thinker... THEN, THINK TWICE before your 'truth' ever leaves your lips.
Why? Innocent people who have committed NO CRIME whatsoever, and are only exercising their right to free speech... these people are being arrested or duped by the so-called enforcement authorities, and forced into a psych ward for evaluation where any manner of horror can and 'might' happen, including forced medication.
These are the very same tactics used in the old Soviet Union against political opposition. Hey, you don't like the regime... And telling your truth about the regime... well, here's a one way ticket to Siberia. If you're lucky.
What is this Big Cat's advice? DON'T DO THAT ANYMORE especially on Facebook, and other social media venues... unless you have a solid way of protecting yourself from the SYSTEM... not so easy in these times.
Instead, consider other word-smithing tactics that will work to inform others. And go for it.
YouTube: Ben Swann Reality Check: U.S. Marine Held In A Mental Hospital Against His Will Because Of Facebook Posts
Aug 22, 2012 - Ben Swann Reality Check takes a look at the case of U.S. Marine Brandon Raub who is being held in a mental hospital in Virginia over Facebook posts.~~~~~~
Big Cat by-the-numbers ~
1:11 am... 2:22 am... 2:12 pm... 4:44 pm... 10:10 pm... space, the final frontier... the truth arrives step-by-step... ~~~~~~
Note: This is why this Big Cat said from the beginning the only lawful question on the census, which is purely voluntary... that is, not required either, is: How many people live here? ~ This info IS ONLY SUPPOSED to be used for the purposes of how many representatives a state can have in congress. According to our founders. Now... what follows is the partial result... not to mention THEY, the corp-gov sells the info to anyone who will pay... the whole PRIVACY thing is an outright and deliberate lie!!!
U.S. Census Bureau helped racially target thousands of American citizens for armed government kidnappings, camp internments
(NaturalNews) The U.S. Census Bureau claims you are required by law to reveal your race on their (coercive) questionnaire, and Census Bureau workers can get ridiculously adamant about stalking you until you agree to fill out such forms. What they don't tell you is that the data you voluntarily provide the Census Bureau may be used to target you and your entire family for armed government kidnappings and involuntary relocation to a concentration camp where you are forced into slave labor. ~ naturalnews.com/036922_Census_Bureau_racial_profiling_internment_camps.html ~
... That this has already taken place is likely to be of special interest to those who are watching the proliferation of so-called "FEMA camps" today. Here's the "lost episode" of Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory show which details the existence of these FEMA camps: tv.naturalnews.com/v.asp?v=C67234C7049D2AB2F3D897B805FEFEC2
Government Hypes White Supremacist "Racial Holy War" in Effort to Demonize Veterans
Kurt Nimmo - Despite a lack of evidence, the establishment media claims white supremacists, skinheads and neo-Nazis are joining to U.S. military and preparing for a "racial holy war." Reuters reports that racist groups are actively encouraging members to enlist and receive military training to overthrow the "Zionist Occupation Government," a term invented by the Order, a racist organization created by the National Alliance, a group controlled by the FBI. ~ infowars.com/government-hypes-white-supremacist-racial-holy-war-in-effort-to-demonize-veterans ~
It's here, bigger than ever... bioterrorism against 'the people'...
The New West Nile Virus Epidemic...Bioterrorism Or Mother Nature?
rense.com - New Emerging Diseases; Accident of Nature or man-made illnesses? In the 1970s it was thought that many infectious diseases had been banished from the industrialized world. But, remarkably, over the last four decades more than 30 new "emerging infectious diseases" have appeared in various places. Some of the better-known diseases include AIDS, Legionnaire's disease, toxic shock syndrome, Lyme disease, hepatitis C, "mad cow disease," hanta virus, various new encephalitis and hemorrhagic viruses, Lassa fever, and Ebola virus.~~~~~~
The most powerful weapon is the human soul on fire. ~ Have a magickal month of August ~ ~ MAY YOU ALWAYS HAVE ENOUGH ~ And, May you live the dreams of your heart, not in interesting times...
Straight Shooter kisses from the Kougar...
Late night yowls, my pretty, sparkly-eyed Pussycats... another wacky-busy day... also a hot day on the tame prairie, with no rain, and this Big Cat is raw with emotion, and really despises THOSE who are manipulating the weather for their corrupt and foul purposes [all proven with documents]... no, she refuses to be forced into believing a fiction... are there global climate changes happening... well, yes... is it because of excess carbon dioxide... absolutely not!!! That's like saying a magician causes each and every eclipse. ~~~~~~
Freedom 2012 Rises... In a bid to overcome the censorship now taking over the world wide web, and to keep going despite the gov's internet kill switch, Infowars is returning to print, and this is their first magazine. ~ infowars.com/print-2-0-answer-to-the-internet-kill-switch ~ and to view the magazine online ~ static.infowars.com/magazine/premier/index.html ~ Note: Darling, kittens, those of you who enjoy reading romance novels, if we don't stand up and say NO to every form of censorship, then *count on* the fact that romance novels will be on the chopping block and become a thing of the past... maybe, even a forgotten memory. Given the current trajectory of the dark-side globalist crowd, ROMANCE will not be tolerated. Think: North Korea meets Skynet meets the Star Wars' Death Star.
Believe that's impossible? This Big Cat will take that bet. Because it ain't impossible. Just consider the very recent PAYPAL debacle where they seized the accounts of ebook publishers in a giant move to censor certain types of erotic books. Only a huge outcry from authors/readers and Smashwords caused them to 'reconsider' and back off. ~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~ Yes, the Kougar got some penning done on her WIP ~ Her Midnight Stardust Cowboys ~ wahoo! ~~~
Zombie Lobsters And Other Unusual Foods.
by Rebecca Gillan
Hi and a happy Wednesday to you all. I do not have a flash fiction for you today. I saw this Snookie picture meme on Face Book last night and decided that today needed to be a picture day. Enjoy! ~~~
From Astrololgy.com ~
Aggressive Mars and Sexy Scorpio Wrangle with Sleepy Neptune!
Mars, the warrior of the zodiac, has hardly felt at home in diplomatic Libra, where it has impatiently set up camp for the last month or so. However, all the passive-aggressive behavior caused by this transit comes to an end on August 23, when Mars moves out of Libra and into Scorpio (the sign it co-rules with Pluto), bringing relief. "Relief" could be a slight exaggeration, though, given the Mars-Scorpio tendency toward vengefulness and an inability to forgive and forget. Fortunately, this pairing also produces relentless determination, which, if focused on worthwhile projects and goals -- rather than paybacks! -- can bring impressive results!
However, before Mars and Scorpio can shift into high gear, dreamy Neptune will come along for a couple days of indecision and inaction. First, on August 24, Neptune pits itself in direct opposition to the practical, no-frills Virgo Sun, at which point your spirituality, artistry, and compassion will butt heads with reality! Then, on August 26, Neptune sidles up to Mars, a transit that can lead to panic if your resolve fails you. However, if you can turn your attention back to those Neptunian traits dulled by the Sun only two days before, you'll enjoy a surge of Mars-fueled energy!~~~~~
Big Cat by-the-numbers ~
2:12 am... 2:22 am... 3:33 am... 4:44 pm... 8:44 pm... 10:10 pm... freedom lovers become a new tornadic force... Preparation and resistance is the theme for the rest of 2012... ~~~~~~
The most powerful weapon is the human soul on fire.
~ Have a magickal month of August ~ ~ MAY YOU ALWAYS HAVE ENOUGH ~ And, May you live the dreams of your heart, not in interesting times... Sparkly-eyed Pussycat kisses from the Kougar...
Once upon a time life was a grand adventure... Almost midnight meows and yowls, my fascinating and frolicsome Felines... the moon was a lovely crescent in the early evening sky, eventually becoming a breathtaking shade of pastel orange-gold... it was a warmish, back in the mid-nineties day... yes, no rain occurred... the Kougaress needs to brush up on her shaman skills from another life experience to encourage the rains... which she would gladly do... if her energy wasn't already consumed by getting all the necessary stuff done... and, of course, that's why the dark-side crafted this false-matrix society... it can be compared to busywork in grade school, which this Big Cat despised... however, keep everyone super busy and drained, and struggling to just get by... thus, control is much easier to establish and maintain.
The Kougaress had an interesting hour or so of culture shock this evening. While listening to internet radio, she allowed herself to be bombarded with brainless sports info because the lady host is a sports nut. Now, as the Kougaress has stated before, she LOVES sports, both playing and watching. However, since mainstream sports has turned into this mindless, hype-crazy, CIRCUS CIRCUS, mafia-betting controlled 'entity'... hey, watching TV sports doesn't turn this Big Cat on in the least. She likes the real thing. The real game. Anyhoo... she endured this sports talk for reasons she won't go into now... and, since she hasn't paid any attention to mainstream sports whatsoever for about four years now... yes, IT WAS A CULTURE SHOCK!
All blessings, my darlings, wherever and whoever you are. Because this Big Cat loves you! ~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~ Yeah, tons o' authorly stuff, some promo, etc... but, gosh, not a lick of writing on the WIP. ~~~
The Story Behind the Story ~ Curiosity's Martian Landing
By Savanna Kougar
Khazzy gave a final tug on the lacings of her tall thick leather boots. She checked the frequency protection device mounted on her hip to make certain it operated correctly. Near invisible predators were always a danger in this arid region of Mars, and the device emitted wavelengths that shut down their nervous system.
Smiling in anticipation, Khazzy trekked up the winding, red-dirt path. The thin air carried the astringent scents of Martian landscape's scant vegetation. Khazzy breathed them in as if it was a rare perfume. ~~~
Digital Book World Launching Weekly Bestseller List for EBooks
~ digitalbookworld.com/2012/big-publishers-and-higher-price-points-dominate-new-dbw-e-book-best-seller-list ~ ~~~~~~
Yes, it's true... the world is secretly ruled by two-year olds... so it feels in these times, and the Kougaress wouldn't be surprised at all... certainly the mentality and intelligence of THOSE who designate themselves as leaders is that of tantrum-throwing two year olds... that is, if you go by appearance, evidence, and the ensuing results of their leadership... but, hey, why not have actual two-year olds? They might do a heckuva better job.
So, yeah, the soulless ones are making their bid to super-control the lives of everyone on the planet, while destroying Mother Earth... yeah, true... but, hey, what happened to any manner of real caring and real responsibility? But, not to mention if you demonstrate compassion and taking responsibility in these times, THE STATE comes down on you with... it you're lucky... a two-by-four. Or is that a laser drone that blasts you and your loved ones to kingdom come... and wouldn't it be nice if the queendom did come... about now. ~~~~~~
Big Cat by-the-numbers ~
1:11 am... 2:22 am... 4:44 am... 2:12 pm... 2:22 pm... 4:44 pm... 11:44 pm... 11:55 pm... 12:12 am... watch out for the UNEXPECTED... ~~~
From ~ earthchangesmedia.com ~
Ecuadoran Eruption Causes Evacuations
QUITO, Ecuador – Ecuadoran authorities say 110 families have been evacuated from the vicinity of the Tungurahua volcano, which has been spewing molten rock, ash and lava since the weekend.
Aug 21, 2012 - 4:48:40 PM ~~~~~~
The most powerful weapon is the human soul on fire. ~ Have a magickal month of August ~ ~ MAY YOU ALWAYS HAVE ENOUGH ~ And, May you live the dreams of your heart, not in interesting times... Frolicsome feline kisses from the Kougar...
David Boreanaz as the character, Angel, in Buffy, Vampire Slayer... he was the first vampire to impress this Big Cat. Late night yowls, my special and spunky Kittens... a mild lovely day on the tame prairie, with no rain... sad, sad, to see so much of the vegetation drought-brown... wow, are cows loud when they want to be... the Kougaress followed an air-exploding bellowing sound, and discovered her south neighbor's herd stood in the closest corner of their pasture... they were cow-talking back and forth with her north neighbor's cows, who where grazing a pasture away from them... hey, at least, they still have cattle, given a lot of rancher-farmers are having to sell their herds because they can't feed and water them.
Whatever happened to fair play... the Kougaress had to ask this question today upon hearing that a woman was being fined for giving people water, and a highschool student was denied her diploma after saying 'hell' in her speech... WHAT?! given how most of the playing fields in the country, and in the world are now slanted in favor of the completely corrupt, and are utterly bogus, anyway... and not-to-mention completely unfair to those of us who play fairly... well, HELL! no one even has a sporting chance, anymore, as they say.
Except for those of us who do try to play fair, and want to play fair... are we a dying breed? ~~~~~~
Authoress news and mews ~ So, the Kougar is writing her flash scene for her Tuesday post at SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS... but, she never knows these days how anything will turn out. ~~~~~~
Blatant Shameless Plug: Temptation and Tights
by Pat Cunningham
I love it when I have a new release. I can use a shameless plug and an excerpt as my blog post and not have to come up with a new flash scene. Temptation and Tights isn’t a shapeshifter story, though it has a shifter of sorts in it: one of the heroes can change himself into a human velociraptor. Having a character who sprouts claws, fangs and a tail when he gets excited makes for interesting sex scenes.
Temptation and Tights is available at a 10% discount until Sunday, August 26. If the Avengers, Spider-Man, and Batman movies have whetted your appetite for superheroes and you’re a fan of M/M romantic comedy, you won’t want to miss out on this. You can check out the excerpts at www.bookstrand.com/temptation-and-tights, or enjoy the one below. ~~~~~~
Weekly Angelic Forecast from Volcano Straight from the Carnal Cherub himself...Angelic Forecast ~ #207 The Good, Good Vibrations Bombardment is here, direct from the angelic realms, and increases daily. Power-of-love frequencies are saturating Mother Earth's atmosphere, and also saturating the consciousness of humanity.
One consequence of this will be to cause a greater split between those of us who desire GOOD -- or, those of us who want to create a true paradise on Earth -- and those in the population who will no longer be able to handle these ultra strong LOVE vibes.
During this massive transformational shift on Earth in this year of 2012, very little will be as it seems. Illusion rules and insanity reigns. To counter the soulless ones' matrix of deception, it is time to raise the level of your discernment, and tune into higher self.
On the paranormal front, UFO sightings are at peak levels and will only ramp up as First Contact nears -- first contact as a global event, not the ongoing contact that has always happened on Earth.
This 'event' will only occur in the context of divine timing. Thus, there is no set-in-stone date. In the meantime, the new world order cabal continues it's fear-porn campaign, and dramatically increases chaos all over the planet.
Also, ghostly activity will strengthen and accelerate. This will be true for other paranormal phenomena, as well.
On the economic front, a complex and dirty-rotten-bastard picture as usual. However, as another avalanche of corruption comes to LIGHT, a backlash against the BIG BANKS by the people, becomes a grand force sweeping across the world.
This week and next week, there will likely be major moves by the BIG BANKS so they are able stay afloat. Bottom line: the financial system is broke and the banks are beggars. How these 'moves' will play out precisely is still in the planning stages.
As always, prepare to become independent of the banking system in whatever way you are able. Look for creative solutions and form good relationships with others who are of like mind. It's all about community. It's all about helping and protecting each other.
On the personal front, as the sun moves from the sign of Leo into the sign of Virgo, look for a big shift in your personal relationships. Where there was an attitude of playfulness, now there is likely to be concerns about the practical side of life. Also, what the near future brings.
This is an excellent week to simply gaze up at the skies, at the stars, to look around at the grand panoramic scenes of nature. Notice and study your surroundings whenever the scene resonates with you. For, new horizons are opening up in your life, and this will crack the door of your mind.
On the truth front, the hot and heavy 'truth' hits just keep coming. However, this week, look for revelations that expose the various religious establishments. And not in a good light.
On the war front, in the Mideast the horrific conflict caused largely by the 'dark cabal' heightens, and the rhetoric becomes strident, more ruthlessly insane.
New conflicts breaks out all over the planet, raging like the western wildfires. More brush-fire wars will be started in Africa. Because it's all about control, the destruction of life, and dominating the human race.
Meanwhile, a chess game of global proportions is being played out behind the scenes by the nations with the biggest war toys. Cosmic-however, there are intergalactic players who are intervening on behalf of humanity and Mother Earth.
On the AWAKENING front, with the rise of the borg mind, and the machine-human interface, many people will WAKE UP, and realize they want no part of this skynet scenario. There will follow a trend, where droves of people return to the land, and learn to commune with nature -- with the natural elements.
On the home front, there is a low-key civil war in progress which is being hidden from the public. This reflects the ever-growing division between those who cherish freedom, and those who have little awareness of what liberty means to the human soul.
On the food front, at this time it is wise for anyone who is able, to build even the simplest of greenhouses. There is a 'possibility' that food plants will need to be protected from what is in the atmosphere. One key to living well in the upcoming times is growing the healthiest food possible.
On the land changes front, now begins the 'quickening' rise of the ancient lands of Lemuria and Atlantis. So far, these land changes are being hidden from 'the people'. For, knowledge about our antediluvian past would 'free' us from the dark-side cabal.
At this time, earthquakes, volcanic activity, and superstorms continue across the globe, and will increase. Look for the sun to become dangerously active during the next month, and for the current weather patterns to significantly change in the next two weeks.
On the energy front, the battle for supremacy in the new age of energy goes on far from the public eye. There is a faction who wants to bring in what are called 'free energy' devices, while the 'old global-gangster guard' wants to keep an iron grip on the supply of oil, and ration it. To know who is winning, watch for hints about what the future holds energy-wise.
Also, soon all forms of alternative energy will be in demand. This includes the widespread use of alcohol to run machinery, especially generators.
On the really bad news front, super-thug gangs arise from every segment of society as the economy sinks like the Titanic. This means both super-villain gangs, and 'law enforcement' gangs. For, there will be no difference in their violent, reprehensible plundering of 'the people'.
In reaction, old-west like posses of good people will come together to protect themselves, and others.
On the good news front, degree-by-degree, 'the people' are becoming independent-minded in their actions and attitudes. Being self-reliant, and working within a community, is the wave of the future.
Also, despite the corp-gov propaganda that permeates these times, more of us are bypassing the system everyday. We are seeing through the lies, and the 'Wizard of Oz' deceptions.
As has been stated before, everything the bankster gangsters do at this point in history WILL backfire.
Trendwise, there are several emerging trends on the near horizon. Sadly, one will be a *lemming* state of mind, or 'death by trendiness', as it has been termed. There is such a heightened level of psi-ops propaganda that says "dying for the planet is good" that many will succumb.
On the good side, another trend is invention. Similar to times past, many individuals will become garage/workshop inventors once again, and bring new life to their communities.
This is a perfect week to stroll through nature, and let your mind wander. You might be wonderfully surprised by what you discover.
Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona
~~~~~~MORE...Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ sirenbookstrand.blogspot.com ~ ~~~~~~
Big Cat by-the-numbers ~
3:33 am... 4:44 pm... 10:10 pm... 11:11 pm... 11:22 pm... 11:33 pm... 11:44 pm... once again, the calm before the superstorm event... ~~~~~~
From ~ earthchangesmedia.com ~
Breaking News
Magnitude 6.2 Earthquake Hit Near North Coast Of New Guinea, P.N.G.
Magnitude 6.2 earthquake hit near North Coast Of New Guinea, P.N.G. on Sunday, August 19, 2012 at 22:41:50 UTC/08:41:50 AM at epicenter/.
Aug 19, 2012 - 10:10:47 PM
Breaking News
Popocatépetl Volcano: Increase Of Activity
A sharp increase in activity has been observed at Popocatépetl since yesterday. During 17-18 August, 176 mostly small explosions were observed (compared to values of 10-20 for the previous week), and 74 alone during the following 9 hours, i.e. about 1 every 8 minutes.
Aug 19, 2012 - 10:03:53 PM~~~~~~
The most powerful weapon is the human soul on fire. ~ Have a magickal month of August ~ ~ MAY YOU ALWAYS HAVE ENOUGH ~ And, May you live the dreams of your heart, not in interesting times... Fair play kisses from the Kougar...