Yep, meow, luscious and lovely Big Kittens, the Sexy Summer Hunt contest is here, put on by incomparable erotic romance author, Celia Kyle. Books galore to the lucky big kitties who participate, not to mention roving good times by checking out all the author’s websites.
For all of you who are getting a head start, the Kougar’s Sexy Summer Hunt button is located beneath her book pics on the left hand side.
Okay, darling KitKats... no yowl-kidding this evening’s sunset on the tame prairie is the same color as the button, only with more orchid purply shades. Ah, the sweet mysteries of life.~~~
And, purring-yahoo, check out what you can be wearing this summer. Yep and lots o’ bucking pep, you too can snare your own cowboy with the cowgirl hat, Gem Sivad, author of INTIMATE STRANGERS, is giving away.
And, while you’re peering around, KitKats, enjoy Gem’s prequel story to Wolf’s Tender, her current western WIP. It is sweep-you-away wonderful.
HER INSATIABLE DARK HEROES ~ Over three weeks on Siren-BookStrand’s bestseller list, *8* days at NUMBER TWO...roaring-wahoo... let your appetite for pleasure rule, indulge in the Insatiable Dark brothers.
This is what one reader wrote after living the pleasure ~
Savanna Kougar's Insatiable Dark Heroes lit the fires of my desire, fanned the embers into flames, wound the coil of my need, yadayadayada...
I know all about sizzle, but Savanna can write a sex scene that revs into life every indecent, lusty, thought I've ever had. I went looking for dh after i read one passage
(He says bravo too)
This was posted on the Siren-BookStrand loop... the Kougaress thought it beautifully worthy for all of us Big Kittens who adore romance novels.
Posted by: "bethdcarter1221" bethdcarter1221
Thu May 28, 2009 8:59 pm (PDT)
I had a co-worker give me "that smirk" today when I told her what I write. So I found these wonderful words written by Diana Duncan, who writes many Silhouette books. It brought a tear to my eye and made sit a little straighter, so I thought I'd share it:
Some people belittle writers and readers- especially of romance. They think we're living in a make believe world. They condemn us for wasting time with "trash".
But when I write, I'm reaching out to women ? and perhaps a few men- but it's mostly women who read romance.
Women who've had the worst day ever.
Women with nasty bosses.
Women with broken hearts.
Women who are sick and suffering.
Abused women who've been humiliated and hurt.
Women trying to overcome terrible circumstances I can't even begin to imagine enduring.
I hope that through my stories, I can help ease these women's sufferings a little. I hope they forget their own troubled lives and take off on an adventure with my characters. That they escape from the real world.
And when they finish, when they reach "the end", and close the cover of the book, they go back to their own lives with a little more peace in their hearts.
Better able to cope.
Because in romance novels, good always defeats evil. Tomorrow is a better a day. Relationships are mended, hope is restored, love triumphs over all.
This is why I write.
For the angst-ridden adolescent who wonders, "what does real, lasting love look like?"
For the office administrator stuck on the commuter bus forty minutes a day.
For the weary nurse on the cancer ward who's lost one too many patients.
For the young mother with three kids under three and reaching the end of her rapidly fraying rope.
For the elderly woman trapped in a body that no longer works, with a still-young mind that cries out for companionship.
What an incredible gift. What a humbling responsibility.
What a privilege.
Write on.
-Posted by Diana Duncan
This Big Cat author contends there are many reasons why we love our romance novels... for fundamental reasons we all share... and for reasons that are personal to each one of us. What one story does for the reader, it doesn’t do for another. Moi knows her erotic romance novels are not for every reader. She also knows that there are some readers who treasure what she’s written... big kitty grinz here...
There has been a discussion on the Passionate Ink forum about what each of us enjoys most in a romance story... below is a quote... and forgive moi... but she doesn’t have the author’s name who gave the seminar where this was said... still ~
"Readers read fiction for the emotional ride. They want to vicariously face obstacles, live in the skin of someone who is flawed and who must rise to meet challenges." Later in the same lesson I saw this: "What the hero learns is the message."Yowl-okay, the Kougar is certain there is a lot of truth stated here. Is it her truth as a reader? Mew-no, at least, not entirely. So, here’s moi’s perspective ~
To be utterly honest here... no, that is not applicable to me as a reader. Yes, I want conflict. I want to live in the story, the adventure... but that vicarious angle stuff just doesn't do it for me. I want an intensity of feeling, a passion of feeling. I want to know how the heroines and heroes relate to each other as people, as lovers, as rivals. I want their romance, their passion, their eroticism with each other. Yes, there are personal issues, deep ones... but, no, I don't want that to be the *only* core to the story ~ that just plain turns me off because to me that is not living life to its real potential or fullness.~~~~~~
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~Happy Courtship on another EarthX-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues....
Part 155 ~Sylva decided now was as good a time any to test out her cowboy husband’s response. “How easy is it for me to be friends with Lydia, to visit with her?” Zeke gentlemanly opened the booth door, handing her inside. “Soon as we get back home from our honeymoon, I’ll have a private com line set up for you. You’ll be able to speak that way. We’ll arrange a supper date together as married couples. If you two get on, you can meet for shopping dates, or whatever pleases you durin’ the day. We have our own air car, darlin.”
Zeke sought to reassure his bride about the pleasures of being married to him, beyond their marital union. Twirling her toward the table he picked up the list of cherry elixirs, handing it to her with a flourish. She smiled with sweet appreciation. “And do I get to learn how to drive or is it fly the air car?” Zeke nodded. “Operate, that’s the term. Sure do. Once you get the hang of it, we’ll look for one that suits you.” She smiled fondly, her eyes bright as diamonds. Zeke treasured her, knowing she’d be obstinate about other matters later.
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 154 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies...
Presented in its entirety on the Liquid Silver forum ~ click on ~ Savanna Kougar ~~~~~~~
Friday ~ Come enjoy Lindsay Townsend’s gorgeous short story about blooming love and a midsummer rose.
Wednesday ~ the Kougar blogs ~ Escape to Romance
Monday ~ Francesca blogs.
Friday ~ Serena ~ Lunar Magic ~ the moon and shapeshifers... howl and prowl!
Wednesday ~ Crystal featured a beautifully written excerpt between her Guardian Gargoyle and the heroine.
Tuesday ~ The Kougar - Third, a Black Cat Seduction Tail for Halloween~~~
For the next part of the Never-Ending Story by the Kougar - Hawk Warriors ~ RomanticSynonmous ~
Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ Siren-BookStrand blog ~
No! Internet Two... Resistance is victory...
Have a Happy Summer...
May your most romantic dreams come true...
Summer sunset kisses from the Kougar...
From the Coast-to-Coastam website ~ UFO Over La Porte, Texas
In researching a multitude of photos from our local Heritage Society, I found this shot (taken circa 1915) of downtown Main Street in La Porte, Texas. It is truly one of the most unique UFOs that I've ever seen from that era, as the object appears to have large "spoiler" on the top and an exhaust(?) plume emitted from below. Upon closer inspection, the head of what appears to be an extraterrestrial can be seen as well.
Brian S. ~~~
Remember that Steve Miller Band song, Fly Like an Eagle, my Sweet-Fierce Kittens? Time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping into the future...
The Kougar blinked and now it’s late Saturday night. Meow! The lyrics should be changed to time keeps on flying, flying, flying into the future... like an eagle.
What? Are we all traveling at warp speed on our blue marble world now? It is the time of the Quickening, the transition between the Piscean Age into the Aquarian Age, all of us fully born as eagles. For, the eagle is considered by some Astrologers to be a truer representation than the Water Bearer.
The Quickening. Moi thinks that’s a colossal understatement now. It’s hyper-dimensional speed by now. We, as the human race, as inhabitants on Earth, are hurtling toward the future. Personally, this Big Cat girl doesn’t feel prepared whatsoever, despite the fact that she has spent a lifetime preparing spiritually.
One might suppose we humans are being kicked out of the nest and being told to fly... leap, soar, spread your wings and fly...
Course, wings for real would be really cool. Gee, talk about shapeshifting... from Kougaress to flying like an eagle... if only...~~~~~~
Authoress mews ~
Just for the cowboy lovin’ big cats ~ a sneaky peekie snippet from BRANDED BY THE TEXANS...
“One reason we saved the Republic and keep ourselves free. Our people know how to survive in the backwoods.”
“When you said ranch, I thought... well, like a ranch. Not a cabin in the backwoods.”
Dillon tossed his head back, howling a short laugh.
“What’s so damn funny?”
“A cabin in the backwoods with you sounds all too good, Sparks. There are three cabins we use for working the back acres of the ranch.”
“We? Who is we?”
Cool as the first winter wind, Dillon answered, “Me, my brother, Dono, and my brother, Dash.”
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~Happy Courtship on another EarthX-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues....
Part 154 ~Sylva threw herself against her handsome cowboy. Her tongue twisted with his, the taste of the liquor he’d drank sizzled through her. All she wanted was his lips and tongue united with hers. She wanted to keep on kissing him for a long, long time, until she’d had her fill. Sylva had a feeling ‘her fill’ might never happen. That she would be satiated for a time, then only want him again. When they finally both came up for air, he nuzzled her mouth with his. “You taste wonderful,” she whispered against his lips. “Stud Black tastes good on you.”
Zeke pressed his forehead to hers, even more as her little fingers dived through his hair. He smoothed his hands over her back, then down the skirts of her gown. “Let’s continue in the booth,” he purred. She nodded, her forehead a sweetness against his. Turning them, he offered her his arm. “Do you know the man waiting for Lydia?” she asked, as they moved slowly along the corridor. The sensual sway of her hip rubbing his thigh had him smiling with happiness. “Yep. Know him better now. Bryce is in charge of the buffalo herds on his family’s ranch.”
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 153 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies...
Presented in its entirety on the Liquid Silver forum ~ click on ~ Savanna Kougar ~~~~~~~
Friday ~ Come enjoy Lindsay Townsend’s gorgeous short story about blooming love and a midsummer rose.
Wednesday ~ the Kougar blogs ~ Escape to Romance
Friday ~ Sara blogged about Memorial Day.~~~
Friday ~ Serena ~ Lunar Magic ~ the moon and shapeshifers... howl and prowl!
Wednesday ~ Crystal featured a beautifully written excerpt between her Guardian Gargoyle and the heroine.
Tuesday ~ The Kougar - Third, a Black Cat Seduction Tail for Halloween
Monday ~ Francesca blogged about heroes and Memorial Day...
Saturday ~ Paris blogged about *the eyes have it*~~~
For the next part of the Never-Ending Story ~ RomanticSynonmous ~
Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ Siren-BookStrand blog ~
No! Internet Two... Resistance is victory...
~~~Have a Happy Summer...
May your most romantic dreams come true...Kitteny kisses from the Kougar...
For angel cat’s story ~ ~That’s right, my gorgeous Big Cats, the Kougar’s ruff is riding high and stiff... and she’s on a grrrrring rant...
We’ve all had our feelings hurt, most of us have cried countless tears and been the victim of someone’s pettiness and hate too many times to count... yowl! most of us have had our feelings crushed, stomped on, savagely abused and battered. This big cat has endured the *slings and arrows of outrageous* mental cruelty often in her long life, including being accused of plagiarism while in college for a short story she wrote.
Yes, moi was so devastated over the lies and the fact no one would believe her that the story could not be plagiarized, nor even look at her proof, she sank down in a corner and bawled her eyes out for probably an hour. Not only that, the incident was a constant agonizing wound for years. Now, that short story begun, lo those many years ago, morphed into MURDER BY HAIR SPRAY IN GARDENIA, NEW ATLANTIS, an ATIV finalist and soon to be in print from Siren-BookStrand.
Yes, this big cat took that personal nightmare of feelings and eventually made erotic romance novel lemonade. This is not acceptance of the injustice done to her. No, what was done was entirely wrong... and, unfortunately, all too human.
Consider, how many times in your life have you had your feelings hurt? Perhaps, you’re in the midst of that engulfing misery now... where knives seem to tear away your insides, and the pain is so mammoth life doesn’t seem to be worth living.
Consider, also, the times you’ve accidently hurt someone’s feelings without knowing it, without meaning too. Or, you’ve hit someone’s emotional sore spot... we all have them. That’s life.
For all the pain this big cat has gone through because her feelings were hurt, for all the times she’s been called FAT!!!, for all the times she’s had thoughts of suicide over someone’s cruelty, THE KOUGARESS WOULD NOT TRADE ONE MOMENT OF THAT NIGHTMARE AGONY, not one moment of the torment she went through as a young teenager, to lose our precious FIRST AMENDMENT, our right to speak freely. Never, never, never!!! No, not screaming-roaring ever!
Hannah Montana, if you can’t take the heat, get out of the public-eye kitchen. If you’re feelings are hurt, yes, you have the money to pay for a therapist, where you can speak *freely* and *openly* and *endlessly* about your feelings and how hurt you are. You have the money to pay for a person to read all those ‘bad’ things someone might say about you, so you don’t have let them soil your soul.
In fact, dear little one, it hurts my feelings tremendously that you would personally advocate taking away my free speech. What kind of real red-blooded American would trade ‘free speech’ for a nanny tyranny of *You can’t say that. It hurts my feelings*? You, absolutely hurt my feelings by refusing to face what all the rest of us oldsters have faced and continue to face everyday... dare I say? Keep growing up and live your life... make lemonade out being called FAT... or, will that advice *hurt* your feelings?~~~~~~
Number Thirteen now on the Siren-BookStrand’s bestseller list ~ HER INSATIABLE DARK HEROES ~ it’s been a yippy yahoo ride since May 7 and since hitting #2... the past three weeks have been a delicious dance. Once again, thank you to everyone who has purchased and rated moi’s bookie... purring-especially, the FIVES.
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~
Happy Courtship on another EarthX-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues....Part 153 ~Sylva looked between her cowboy and the dark-haired man who reminded her of a
Spanish Grandee in oil paintings she’d seen in the museum. His dark eyes sparkled with such force, Sylva wondered if he were merely human. Lydia rushed to him and he swept her petite form up before him, kissing her mouth soundly. Zeke claimed Sylva’s waist, bringing her close to his side. Before she knew it, Sylva had covered his hand with hers, lightly stroking. ”Still thirsty?” he asked, his purring tone aimed toward her ear. “That cherry drink still sounds good.” Sylva gazed at sexy-smelling husband.
Zeke drew his beautiful bride before him. Splaying his hands over her delicate little back, he encouraged her close to his body. Her gown flowed between his braced legs as she slid her palms up his chest. “What did you smoke?” she asked. “It smells masculine.” She softly pressed her nose to his lower chest, inhaling. “A cheroot,” he answered. “Want a taste of Stud Black, my wife?” She gave a lovely nod, her eyes alight with curiosity and desire. Lowering his head, Zeke took her lips. Languidly, yet forcefully, he kissed her, then let her tongue twine with his.
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 152 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies...
Presented in its entirety on the Liquid Silver forum ~ click on ~ Savanna Kougar ~~~~~~~
Friday ~ Come enjoy Lindsay Townsend’s gorgeous short story about blooming love and a midsummer rose.
Wednesday ~ the Kougar blogs ~ Escape to Romance
Friday ~ Sara blogged about Memorial Day.~~~
Friday ~ Serena ~ Lunar Magic ~ the moon and shapeshifers... howl and prowl!
Wednesday ~ Crystal featured a beautifully written excerpt between her Guardian Gargoyle and the heroine.
Tuesday ~ The Kougar - Third, a Black Cat Seduction Tail for Halloween
Monday ~ Francesca blogged about heroes and Memorial Day...
Saturday ~ Paris blogged about *the eyes have it*
For the next part of the Never-Ending Story ~ RomanticSynonmous ~
Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ Siren-BookStrand blog ~~~~
No! Internet Two... Resistance is victory...
~~~Have a Happy Summer...
May your most romantic dreams come true...
Thirteen playful kissies from the Kougar...
My Big KitKats, good late evening, the early-rising crescent moon was a splendid mystical being this night.
Yes-meow of wonder, as the Kougar returned from her mailbox she spied hawks perched on top of the large old barn. Regal and powerful in their demeanor, they watched moi’s progress. Three of them launched, sailing above the van in a circle. Then another one took flight. The Kougaress attempted to communicate her happiness at seeing them while trying to count how many there actually were. The leafy trees already obscure the full view of the barn. As she passed, yep, there was one still perched on top, a magnificent sight. So, five hawks on the barn. Wow-meow!
Okay, so moi likes a little roaming around time... shhh and truth, my Big Cubs, the Kougaress couldn’t stand the nasty yippy barking and merely wanted to quell the endless sound... the taste of border terrier is not all that appetizing.
Big grinz... btw, Chiquita the Chihuahua will be a character in book II of MURDER BY HAIR SPRAY IN GARDENIA, NEW ATLANTS... such a pluckie yipster.
Small dogs scare off cougar in Oregon
From Associated Press
May 28, 2009 1:18 PM EST
PHILOMATH, Ore. - A big cat picked the wrong little dogs for a fight. Chiquita the Chihuahua and Rosie the border terrier chased off a cougar that strayed into this small town near the Oregon State University campus. The dogs' owner, Loren Wingert, said Chiquita and Rosie are tough, but lucky.
The cougar pinned down Rosie, who squealed, but Chiquita convinced the big cat to flee by barking ferociously.
Wingert lives in a cul-de-sac atop a hill that backs up to a wooded area with deer trails. Warning signs about cougars are posted on the trails.
Wingert said the dogs are fine.
Roars, Comments and Rants... straight ahead, my brave Big Cats...On the Liquid Silver Author’s forum, an author talked about her current editor who was giving her a particularly nasty time. This big cat authoress would like all editors to know there is no reason to be mean. There is a difference between being tough and being plain ole’ mean. Also, there is no reason to act like some sort of maniacal drill sargent. After all, this big cat didn’t join the military for a reason. Nor would she ever hire a personal trainer. No, she does not want to be whipped into writerly shape. Nor does she wish for her mss to be whipped into published shape... leave all whippings for the pleasures of the heroines and heros in erotic romance novels.
Further yowl, there is a reason honey attracts more flies than vinegar. There is a reason why politeness and regard for a fellow being actually works to grease the wheels of society. This big cat has always responded with a smille to kindness. She appreciates the kind of honesty which truly serves her and her story. Indeed-maooww, this author will go to the ends of the earth or galaxy or universe, to create the absolute best story she can... sans the brow-beating process.
What follows is a comment on the Liquid Silver forum in response to what another author posted ~
And! Over on the Passionate Ink forum there was a discussion about the lack of angst and a significant growth arc for the main characters. The following comment is presented on moi’s bloggie for readers who are interested in the Kougar’s books, so you kittehs will have an idea if it’s the right read for you, or purring-not. ~
I must be somewhere in the middle here. I personally can't get into the heavy angsty stuff... at all. I find it a turn off for me emotionally. However, on the other hand, I can't stand just a cutsy no-growth fest of sex with mediocre villains, either. I really prefer external conflict where my heroines and heroes have to interact with each other for a do or die purpose beyond just their relationship. At the same time, it's also all about the relationship. That's why I write romance. That's why I write erotic romance.
HER INSATIABLE DARK HEROES ~ NUMBER TEN on Siren-BookStand’s bestseller list... so if you have a big steely yen for a superhero menage... this might be your read. Big smoochies to everyone who had purchased moi’s bookie and given it a rating... purring-hummm... five hawks, maybe another five rating is on the way...~~~
Authoress mews ~
Just for the cowboy lovin’ big cats ~ a sneaky peekie snippet from BRANDED BY THE TEXANS...
“I suppose you think it’s just fine to spank women here.” Her voice slurred with fatigue. “Without their consent.”
Dillon puzzled over her words, without their consent. “You’ve never been spanked?”
“No. Not like that. Only as a kid.”
Dillon shouted yeehaw to himself several times, not caring if he was acting like a crude primitive male. As he’d suspected, he was the first man to know her this way.
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~Happy Courtship on another EarthX-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues....
Part 152 ~
Sylva rose, knowing Lydia was ready to leave. No doubt, Zeke waited for her. What did men do here? if their wife spent a long time in the ladies lounge? She was about to find out. “Thank you, for speaking with me,” Lydia sweetly lilted, twining her arm around Sylva’s. They strolled toward the exit. “No, thank you,” Sylva returned. “I hope we can stay in contact. I’m alone here. And I don’t know my way around.” Lydia patted her arm. “I am certain my Bryce will be favorable to our remaining in contact. He does everything for my happiness.”
Zeke took another swallow of his coffee, then sensed his Sylva’s arrival. “I think our wives are returning.” Bryce nodded, setting his cup down on the serving tray. “Let us plan to continue our acquaintance, Zeke Vintorr. I have long been interested in your horses. However, the fast pace of business often leaves me with too little time.” Zeke nodded. “Know what you mean, pardner. We’ll stay in contact. I’d like to test some of my horses running with the buffalo. They are excellent at handling the fiercest of longhorn bulls. Have you created your own ranch breed of horse?”
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 151 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies...
Presented in its entirety on the Liquid Silver forum ~ click on ~ Savanna Kougar ~~~~~~~
Wednesday ~ the Kougar blogs ~ Escape to Romance
Friday ~ Sara blogged about Memorial Day.
Wednesday ~ Bekki blogged about submitting the best manuscript you can.
Monday ~ Bekki blogged about a new review for LAST GLASS OF WINE
Wednesday ~ Crystal featured a beautifully written excerpt between her Guardian Gargoyle and the heroine.
Tuesday ~ The Kougar - Third, a Black Cat Seduction Tail for Halloween
Monday ~ Francesca blogged about heroes and Memorial Day...
Saturday ~ Paris blogged about *the eyes have it*
Friday ~ Serena talked about the Twist and Rub of her latest WIP...
For the next part of the Never-Ending Story ~ RomanticSynonmous ~
Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ Siren-BookStrand blog ~
No! Internet Two... Resistance is victory...
Have a Happy Summer...
May your most romantic dreams come true...Ten whirly swirly happy steps and kisses from the Kougar...
Yep and meow, my darling-est Big Kittens, a lovely slow drenching rain and a gray cool day. The plant life is celebrating by shooting upwards and spreading thickly. About an hour ago the Kougar heard the froggies singing with a beautiful united voice.
Goodness... the birds are taking center stage in moi’s country-livin’ life. Imagine if you will, snoozing away with some manner of peace when you hear a singing bird. I mean this birdie sounded as though it was directly outside the Kougaress’s window, the one right next to her lair bed. With regularity birdie sang his morning song, gradually waking up moi... until something launched off the back of her pillow with a muffled fluttering sound. It dawned on the Kougar it was probably a bird rather than a rat... an experience she had while in college... a rat ran over the back of her pillow and her hair laying over the pillow.
Okay, waking up, moi hunted for birdie, quickly discovering the adorable culprit at the other window... yep, birdie was soon winging his way outside.~~~
Still at EIGHT on Siren-BookStrand’s bestseller list, that’s great! Why wait for HER INSATIABLE DARK HEROES... looks like another reader rating, a *3*... meow and lots of purrs, the FIVES are winning. THANK YOU, EVERYONE, the Kougar is thrilled and more thrilled that her story is being enjoyed.~~~
Authoress mews ~
Howdy, ma’am, the Kougar is making some good rowdy progress on BRANDED BY THE TEXANS. A sneaky peekie snippet.Just for the cowboy lovin’ big cats ~
Dillon roared inside, feeling like a bear during mating season. His cock pressed against her thigh like a pile of lumber and his swollen balls were being chafed by his denims. God, he wanted to take possession of the woman he now considered to be his wife. Kylie, that was her first name. At least that was the name she’d given Craig, who had been johnny on the spot about contacting him. Craig had included a video shot of her and Dillon had nearly busted through his zipper right then and there.
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~
Happy Courtship on another EarthX-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues....Part 151 ~Sylva smiled at the light in Lydia’s eyes. She also witnessed the strain of adjustment. “Bryce will be impatient for my return by now.” Lydia delicately straightened her posture. “Has Bryce been a good husband?” Sylva asked, curious to the core, and concerned. “Besides, that is, sexually,” she added. Lydia laced her fingers in her lap. “He has been patient because he loves me. Yet, there have been times when neither of us knew how to handle the other. Life here is completely different. Even though there were cruel restrictions in my life before, I possessed more independence of travel.”
Zeke lifted his steaming cup of hellbent coffee to his nose, and inhaled the fragrance for long moments. “Yeehaw,” he murmured enthusiastically. “Yeehaw,” Bryce echoed. They both blew on their brews, then took long savoring sips. “Mmmm... mmmm. That’s tasty.” Zeke settled his cup in his palm, the heat easing his mood over Sylva’s long stay in the lounge. “How has your bride, Lydia, adjusted to ranch life?” Bryce drew in a long swallow before answering. “Both excellently and poorly. She is pleased by performing domestic skills, especially decorating, a pleasure to my Mother. She adores teaching my two nephews.”
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 150 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies...
Presented in its entirety on the Liquid Silver forum ~ click on ~ Savanna Kougar ~
Wednesday ~ the Kougar blogs ~ Escape to Romance
Friday ~ Sara blogged about Memorial Day.
Wednesday ~ Bekki blogged about submitting the best manuscript you can.
Monday ~ Bekki blogged about a new review for LAST GLASS OF WINE
Tuesday ~ The Kougar - Third, a Black Cat Seduction Tail for Halloween
Monday ~ Francesca blogged about heroes and Memorial Day...
Saturday ~ Paris blogged about *the eyes have it*
Friday ~ Serena talked about the Twist and Rub of her latest WIP...
Wednesday ~ Crystal penned about her transition to writing vampire stories.~~~
For the next part of the Never-Ending Story ~ RomanticSynonmous ~
Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ Siren-BookStrand blog ~~~~
No! Internet Two... Resistance is victory...
Have a Happy Summer...
May your most romantic dreams come true...
Eight big smiley kisses from the Kougar...
Good evening, my adorable KitKats... Escape to Romance is the title of the Kougar’s bloggie for the HAPPILY EVER AFTER blog, posted on Wednesday. Perhaps, the title should be Escape to Romance with the Birds... meow, a wonderful tingly thing happened today. Earlier when the Kougaress was back at her fave north-facing window, a brown birdie suddenly flew to sill, perching briefly before noticing this Big Cat. Swiftly, he/she high-tailed it away. In the meantime moi penned three 100 word installments for the her Flash ~ Romance’s Red Ribbon... because she was in that kind of romantic mood and wanted to use it for the HEA blog.
The last 100 words included Bellari, the heroine’s messenger dove. After finally finishing the next part of the Flash, the Kougar went back to her window again. To her surprise brown birdie clunked softly against the glass, then flew to a nest-building site not far away. The window sill is a great lookout point before moving onto the nest site. Upon opening the window a bit more, moi saw a tiny twiglet on the inside track. Wondering if brown birdie would return for it she placed it on the outside sill. Lo and behold before the Kougaress left, mere moments later, brown birdie swooped to the sill and departed. Yep, the twiglet was gone. How purring-smile cool is that?~~~
Eight, yes, and bring a date, #8 is the current position of HER INSATIABLE DARK HEROES on Siren-BookStrand’s bestseller list. Mew-Wahoo... still, it’s a darn happy thrill. THANKS AGAIN TO EVERYONE WHO HAS PURCHASED AND RATED moi’s bookie. Yippy skippy and trippy... there’s another FIVE rating from a reader!
Oh, by the maoww-way, the Kougar just learned this on Jay Leno from the ~ Fruitcake Lady ~ who has since passed on from this mortal coil... her advice... and moi quotes *You should always keep Miss Puss clean*. There you have it, the wisdom of the ages.
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~Happy Courtship on another EarthX-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues....
Part 150 ~Sylva tingled with excitement. “What next?” she asked. Lydia fluttered one hand, continuing, “As I watched this tremendously large herd of animals approached. Clouds of dust surrounded them. I stared utterly frightened and fascinated. As I now know it was a buffalo herd. The beasties headed my way, running. I choked on the dust as they neared and sealed the coach. Listening to the thunder of their hooves I wondered if they were going to trample me. However, as the awesome sound faded, I heard a knock on the door. When I peeked I saw the most handsome of men.”
Zeke signaled the nearby attendant for service. “Two cups of hellbent coffee,” he ordered. “Might as well rev up our man engines for later.” He gave Bryce a companionable grin. “Lydia will appreciate my ‘revving’ up later.” Bryce positioned himself more comfortably. “How’s the ranch?” Zeke asked. “I hear your buffalo herds are paying off well.” Bryce nodded. “New markets are emerging everyday, it seems. However, the real coin remains in our trail rides and the running of the buffalo rides.”
Zeke smiled wide as the sky. “Not much more fun than riding a fleet brave horse alongside running buffalo.”
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 149 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies...
Presented in its entirety on the Liquid Silver forum ~ click on ~ Savanna Kougar ~~~~~~~
Wednesday ~ the Kougar blogs ~ Escape to Romance
Friday ~ Sara blogged about Memorial Day.
Wednesday ~ Bekki blogged about submitting the best manuscript you can.
Monday ~ Bekki blogged about a new review for LAST GLASS OF WINE~~~
Tuesday ~ The Kougar - Third, a Black Cat Seduction Tail for Halloween
Monday ~ Francesca blogged about heroes and Memorial Day...
Saturday ~ Paris blogged about *the eyes have it*
Friday ~ Serena talked about the Twist and Rub of her latest WIP...
Wednesday ~ Crystal penned about her transition to writing vampire stories.
For the next part of the Never-Ending Story ~ RomanticSynonmous ~
Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ Siren-BookStrand blog ~~~~
Beware, my beloved Big Cats, because of a recent Supreme Court ruling, the police have been given the right to question you without an attorney present. If you request an attorney, they are still allowed to question you and use whatever they want against you. In essence you now have no Miranda rights and they can put you in jail for twenty-four hours or more. No one may even know you’re in jail because they don’t have to allow you a phone call, either. So, please be careful, people are being arrested for the most ridiculous reasons, including an old lady because she had a brown lawn. With the shrinking economy, sadly, there is a push by *some* in law enforcement to get money wherever and however they can in the form of fines. Also, since a lot of the prisons are private businesses there have been news stories about judges who have and are being paid off to send people to prison, guilty or not.~~~
No! Internet Two... Resistance is victory...
~~~Have a Happy Summer...
May your most romantic dreams come true..Eight swishy smoochies from the Kougar...
The tame prairie is rainy and gray, but beautifully emerald with plant life, especially with tall grasses and leafy trees around moi’s lair. The enduring rain is gently soaking into the ground, and very much needed. There were dry cracks forming in the earth... so a big meow of thanks to the Divine.~~~
Slipped to #6 – but, yowl! This Big Cat is happy... HER INSATIABLE DARK HEROES is nearing three weeks on Siren-BookStrand’s bestseller list... it may be three weeks, since the Kougar didn’t check until May 7... thank you, Lindsay Townsend! For letting moi know.
Sad mug, though, moi received another ‘1' rating from a reader... hmmm... not everyone is satisfied by Insatiable Dark... Wide squinchy grin for all those readers who have rated the story... purring-thanks, especially for all the FIVES!.. still in the lead by a good margin.
Authoress mews ~ Today, the Kougar wrote a synopsis for STALLION OF ASH AND FLAME. She formatted for submission, then e-winged her somewhat-experimental, not politically correct, Hero POV story with the hope it will be accepted. After reading through and fine-tuning, plus adding two key interactions between Trail and Seneca and, also, expanding the end of the story... yeppers peppers, my KitKats, it is a better story now. So, claws crossed.
With that accomplished BRANDED BY THE TEXANS becomes the writerly focus. Yay! Those Vega brothers are chomping at the bit for their one and only woman. Yeehaw, they don’t know it yet, but they’ve got a tigress by the tail. Kylie can be darn tough and obstinate when she wants to be. Oopsie, no real shapeshifters in this story... just your inner animal spirit.
And, tail-slowly flicking, the Kougaress took a respite from promo-ing. It just wasn’t in her today, despite all the good opportunities on the chat loops.
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~
Happy Courtship on another EarthX-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues....
Part 149 ~Sylva’s head twirled, a feeling of overwhelm and fascination at what she learned, what she’d already experienced. Lydia cocked her head. “I never did explain how I arrived, did I?” Sylva shook her head no. “How did you? By stagecoach?” Lydia offered a small smile. “A furious storm suddenly sprang up. There was nowhere to take immediate refuge. My coach was battered with high spinning winds and a downpour of smashing rain. I crouched beneath the seat in a protected area, praying for the safety. As fast as it began, the storm stopped. When I peeked outside nothing looked familiar.”
Zeke nodded his understanding. “Whatever you say will remain a secret. Code of honor.” Bryce leaned forward, his elbow elegantly planted on one knee. “Given your honesty at the gaming table, I figured to trust in your silence. My Lydia has made friends, yet I wish her to have someone she can confide in fully, as our women care to do. If they do speak, my hope is your bride, Sylva, will understand. And, perhaps, they will form a lasting friendship.” Zeke slid an easy palm down his thigh. “My bride’s happiness is all. She will need a good friend.”
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 148 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies...
Presented in its entirety on the Liquid Silver forum ~ click on ~ Savanna Kougar ~
Friday ~ Sara blogged about Memorial Day.
Wednesday ~ Bekki blogged about submitting the best manuscript you can.
Monday ~ Bekki blogged about a new review for LAST GLASS OF WINE
Friday ~ Sara’s first HAPPY RELEASE DAY ~ read her blurb and excerpt.
HOG ON A HAWG ~ this is an adorable post...
SEA TURTLES... give this blog a glimpse
Tuesday ~ The Kougar - Third, a Black Cat Seduction Tail for Halloween
Monday ~ Francesca blogged about heroes and Memorial Day...
Saturday ~ Paris blogged about *the eyes have it*
Friday ~ Serena talked about the Twist and Rub of her latest WIP...
Wednesday ~ Crystal penned about her transition to writing vampire stories.
For the next part of the Never-Ending Story ~ RomanticSynonmous ~
Weekly Angelic Forecast from Volcano
Straight from the Carnal Cherub himself...
Angelic Forecast ~ XXXVIII
Shimmeria, my unicorn, carries me into a cloud realm. Her hoofbeats do not sound on the cotton puff clouds, yet there is a vibration as she gallops across the white glistening landscape. Her golden horn emits a stream of the tiniest golden stars. I thrill with the sensations of being astride her silky back. A wind flavored with sweetness rushes over me, the loveliest and fiercest of caresses.
Angelic blessings from Volcano & SedonaMORE... Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ Siren-BookStrand blog ~
No! Internet Two... Resistance is victory...
Have a Merry Month of May...
May your most romantic dreams come true...
Six smashing smooches from the Kougar...

For a flash of turning-point memories take a peek over at the Liquid Silver SEx blog, where Gem Sivad, author of INTIMATE STRANGERS, hosted today’s flashies with insight and integrity.
The Kougar will not be posting her Flash of Memory here on her bloggie... it cuts too deep right now.
Why is this hep cat listening to 1938 vintage Country music right now? Or Bob Wills and his Texas Playboys ~ it’s a dang snappy tune ~ why just for her latest WIP ~ BRANDED BY THE TEXANS ~ yep and a twangy meow, this authoress kitten needs to get inside the heads and hearts of the Vega brothers.
And, nope, sirreee, this ain’t a pic of one of the Vega brothers, but it is a pic of Bob Wills, when he was inducted into the Texas Country Music Hall of Fame.
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~
Happy Courtship on another Earth
X-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues....
Part 148 ~Sylva leaned forward as Lydia nodded. “Stagecoaches have remained part of our culture since London town.” Sylvia blinked, what a story. Her questions hit her like a battering ram. “Are, were you from London town?” she asked. Lydia tossed back her head tinkling a long laugh. “My apologies. However, London town is now a slavers market for purchasing men to favor your bed. Only those with wealth and privilege live there. I was merely a woman of intelligence and not deemed worthy for those pleasures. I must say Bryce has convinced me such pleasures are my right as a woman.”
Zeke leisurely shook Bryce’s hand. “My wife, Lydia, I believe, is indulging in some female conversation. Perhaps with your new bride, Sylva, since Lydia will have an understanding of her situation.” Zeke raised his brows in question. “I didn’t know your bride was from another Earth.” Bryce indicated the waiting chairs with a wave of his arm. Zeke nodded, following and seating himself. “We rarely discuss it among anyone other than family. There are those,” Bryce seriously continued, “on my wife’s Earth who have the power of inter-dimensional travel. She has no desire to be discovered and taken from me.”
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 147 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies...
Presented in its entirety on the Liquid Silver forum ~ click on ~ Savanna Kougar ~
Friday ~ Sara blogged about Memorial Day.
Wednesday ~ Bekki blogged about submitting the best manuscript you can.
Monday ~ Bekki blogged about a new review for LAST GLASS OF WINE
Friday ~ Sara’s first HAPPY RELEASE DAY ~ read her blurb and excerpt.
HOG ON A HAWG ~ this is an adorable post...
SEA TURTLES... give this blog a glimpse
Saturday ~ Paris blogged about *the eyes have it*
Friday ~ Serena talked about the Twist and Rub of her latest WIP...
Wednesday ~ Crystal penned about her transition to writing vampire stories.
Tuesday ~ Second, the Prince of a Stallion by the Kougar
Monday ~ Francesca blogged about her paranormal growing up...
For the next part of the Never-Ending Story ~ RomanticSynonmous ~
Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ Siren-BookStrand blog ~
No! Internet Two... Resistance is victory...
~~~Have a Merry Month of May...
May your most romantic dreams come true...
Blessing to all those who fight for freedom... forever, thank you...
Vintage country smooches from the Kougar...
First-meow, a huge roar of gratitude to all those who serve freedom and fight for freedom now, and in the past. The Kougar honors you and is completely grateful.~~~
Yep, wrong holiday, my Beautiful Big Cats... whisker-twitching however...
Kittens, do you remember those good, fun times as a little gal or guy when you went out for Halloween trick or treat, or attended a spooky apple-dunking party? The Kougar realized after re-reading her Black Cat Beauty bloggie, part of a Halloween celebration on Belinda McBride’s Wylde by Nature blog ~ just how much she took for granted all those wonderful people who gave out the candy and celebrated with cheesy and amazing decorations.
So, this is her public roaring THANK YOU! Thanks to every person who has ever been a part of and celebrated Halloween, especially those during this Big KitKats cubhood. The Kougaress is grateful.
Today, moi listened to this week’s radio show on Whitley Strieber’s Unknown Country. Whitley commented what this Big Space Cat has believed for several months now, or come to realize. Government disclosure of UFOs and/or any other such related phenomena IS NO longer relevant. Who needs those in the government to tell or reveal what a lot of people already know, or suspect?
There is massive amounts of evidence, it anyone is inclined to do a little research on the subject. So... one large and lazy dismissive shrug... the Kougaress no longer cares if the government ever discloses what has been kept hidden, at least, since Roswell.
Live! And still at # 5 on Siren-BookStrand’s bestseller list ~ HER INSATIABLE DARK HEROES ~ yippy, skippy and cat-nippy... yowl!~~~
Okay, authoress mews... moi woke up with a couple of new ideas for STALLION OF ASH AND FLAME... just some minor, but important additions, which she has integrated the story. Now her heroine’s character is revealed more fully.~~~~~~
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~
Happy Courtship on another EarthX-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues....Part 147 ~
Sylva felt stunned. “That would be a huge adjustment. How long have you been here?” Lydia wove her arm around Sylva’s, indicating two extravagant brocade chairs with a nod. “Shall we sit?” Deciding Zeke could do without her for a time, Sylva let her avid curiosity rule. “Sounds good. I’d like to hear your story.” Once they seated themselves on the angled, deliciously comfortable chairs and Lydia folded her hands in her lap, she began, “I arrived approximately two years ago. We have stagecoaches in my former world and I was traveling inside mine.” Sylva stared. “Stagecoaches for regular travel?”
Zeke powerfully strode from the gentlemen’s lounge, his fighting dander still up. Any man gave him one instant of trouble whatsoever, he was likely to end up just like Jimmy. Out cold and quieter than a rock. Steeling his jaw, his thumb hooked in the front of his belt, he headed for the ladies lounge. His Sylva was still inside or he would have been notified. “Bryce,” he called out to the darkly handsome man he knew from the gaming tables. He ran a ranch empire along with his father and brothers. “Are you waiting too?” Zeke raised his brows.
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 146 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies...
Presented in its entirety on the Liquid Silver forum ~ click on ~ Savanna Kougar ~
Friday ~ Sara blogged about Memorial Day.
Wednesday ~ Bekki blogged about submitting the best manuscript you can.
Monday ~ Bekki blogged about a new review for LAST GLASS OF WINE
Friday ~ Sara’s first HAPPY RELEASE DAY ~ read her blurb and excerpt.
HOG ON A HAWG ~ this is an adorable post...
SEA TURTLES... give this blog a glimpse~~~
Saturday ~ Paris blogged about *the eyes have it*
Friday ~ Serena talked about the Twist and Rub of her latest WIP...
Wednesday ~ Crystal penned about her transition to writing vampire stories.
Tuesday ~ Second, the Prince of a Stallion by the Kougar
Monday ~ Francesca blogged about her paranormal growing up...~~~
For the next part of the Never-Ending Story ~ RomanticSynonmous ~
Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ Siren-BookStrand blog ~
No! Internet Two... Resistance is victory...
Have a Merry Month of May...
May your most romantic dreams come true...Blessing to all those who fight for freedom... forever, thank you...
Cattitude smooches from the Kougar...
A weird, but strange and wonderful synchronicity, my Big Beautiful Cats. *Wendi* Darlin, Siren author of COWBOY GAMES, and many other erotic romance novels, became eligible for PAN membership the same day the Kougar did.
How unique is it that moi’s heroine in *Insatiable Dark* has the nickname of *Wendy*?
Meow-taking a dive, now at position #5 on BookStrand’s bestseller list ~ HER INSATIABLE DARK HEROES ~ the Kougar is still grinning...~~~
Gollee, what a strange day, my Big Kittens... the new bee man showed up with his hives and bees, but a lot of the bees don’t seem to know where there new home is... they like the Kougaress’s van and moi is allergic to their stings... funsies. However, saving the honeybees is crucial ... so, this Cat girl wants to give them a home.
Then, two of her beloved canines had a serious squabble. However, neither one of them is hurt, and all is well again. It just takes its toll emotionally on all of us.
Plus, moi couldn’t sleep worth a you know what... and she feels like a truck ran over her. Sluggish as a cold slug...
There was a big earthquake in Mexico City... and today feels like the calm before a nasty, nasty storm.
Be careful out there, my Beloved KitKats!!!~~~
Moi was able to get some good work done on proofing and finalizing STALLION OF ASH AND FLAME for submission... the Kougar’s heroine, Seneca, is independent and definitely her own woman. She is not politically correct, perhaps a downfall with some readers. Nor does she have a diary of erotic desires waiting to be discovered by the hero... and, horror of horrors, she doesn’t know why she trusts Trail, the hero... but she does, relying on her own instinct and intuition, even though her experience with men and relationships has not been that good, overall.
Oh, and she does actually rise to the occasion against their enemies, instead of acting like a shrinking violet, because she discovers abilities and reserves of strength she didn’t know she possessed.
That does happen in life sometimes. It’s certainly happened to this Big Cat authoress. How about you?
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~
Happy Courtship on another EarthX-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues....Part 146 ~Sylva’s eyes bolted open. Uh-oh... “Why? What color is your husband’s hair?” Lydia delicately moved to face her. “Bryce’s hair is jet black.” She smiled at the apparent irony. “However, on my Earth married life is rare since there are so few men. I was never raised with the idea of being married, as it is here.” Sylva felt her brows spike upwards. “As it is here,” she parroted. “There are what is called group marriages,” Lydia continued, “several women and one man. I had been educated to become a spiritual teacher. I would never have been allowed to marry.”
Zeke scanned the surrounding faces. “Yeah, aim him my way,” Clint volunteered. “Come on.” He grabbed his brother’s arm, moving them both behind the sullen-faced Jimmi. Not wasting a moment, Zeke launched into a fast stride. Ignoring Jimmi’s raised dukes and *ready to pound it out* posturing, he powerfully slung his fist upwards in an arc and crashed it into Jimmi’s jaw. Jimmi’s head flew back. He staggered one step back. “Bastard,” he spat before crumpling like paper into the waiting arms of Clint. “We’ll take him to holding,” Clint assured. “Thanks, fellas. Whatever they want,” Zeke hollered to the bartender.
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 145 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies...
Presented in its entirety on the Liquid Silver forum ~ click on ~ Savanna Kougar ~~~~~~~
Friday ~ Sara blogged about Memorial Day.
Wednesday ~ Bekki blogged about submitting the best manuscript you can.
Monday ~ Bekki blogged about a new review for LAST GLASS OF WINE
Friday ~ Sara’s first HAPPY RELEASE DAY ~ read her blurb and excerpt.
HOG ON A HAWG ~ this is an adorable post...
SEA TURTLES... give this blog a glimpse
Animal blogs are featured this week First was Lindsay’s delightful posting about her pet dragon.
Friday ~ Serena talked about the Twist and Rub of her latest WIP...
Wednesday ~ Crystal penned about her transition to writing vampire stories.
Tuesday ~ Second, the Prince of a Stallion by the Kougar
Monday ~ Francesca blogged about her paranormal growing up...
Saturday ~ Paris penned a post on the perils of a writer’s muse...~~~
For the next part of the Never-Ending Story ~ RomanticSynonmous ~
Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ Siren-BookStrand blog ~
No! Internet Two... Resistance is victory...
Have a Merry Month of May...
May your most romantic dreams come true...
Blessing to all those who fight for freedom... forever, thank you...Five big smoochies from the Kougar...
It’s a red letter PAN day, my Gorgeous Big Cats. Yeppers and yowl, moi has made the big time with enough sales of HER INSATIABLE DARK HEROES to qualify for PAN membership at Romance Writers of America.
As usual, moi is torn, a ragged ripping and rending of her writerly flesh. While she is thrilled at the accomplishment, she is more thrilled over all those lovely Kittens who have purchased her bookie.
And, the pure truth, this Big Cat author really has no desire to enter the rarified realms of PAN membership and play in the big romance sandbox with the so-called professional authors. This is not a clawing ‘dish’ against any author, who the Kougaress knows are wonderful people, overall, and fantastic writers. She admires them and their books.
It is a statement about Romance Writers of America as an organization. Many of the policies are simply unfair and there is nothing being done to correct that sad state of affairs. Not really. Merely a lot of words and rule this and rule that, not to mewing mention an empty back and forth with those who are actively attempting to right the wrongs. At least, as far as this Big Cat can tell and assess.
Roaring-nope, such petty politics and overdone diva drama as this Big Cat has witnessed on occasion is NOT what drives moi’s purring engine.
Now, should real changes be instituted, then the Kougar will revisit her decision to stay far away. And, on the other paw, moi doubts her participation in PAN is actually wanted or truly desired, since she can be a ferocious troublemaker when riled up over an issue.
Still, the Kougar is smiling, her eyes squinchy with happiness as she sinuously rolls on a comfy rug, her paws in the air.
Meow-Wow!!!! HER INSATIABLE DARK HEROES is still at # 4 on Siren-Bookstrand’s bestseller list. Happy-dance on all fours for this Big Kitten authoress.
Halloween-frisky KitKats, if you’d like a little peeky into the Kougar’s Halloween past as a cub paw-click over to Belinda McBride’s Wylde by Nature blog ~ ~
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~
Happy Courtship on another EarthX-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues....
Part 145 ~Sylva tried to imagine what Lydia’s Earth would look like with a population of only dark-haired people. “It must have been a big adjustment, finding yourself here.” Lydia giggled nervously, her cheeks flushing prettily. “It was frightening at first. I can’t even say why, except that every time I saw anyone with blonde or red hair it was jarring to my senses. I only wanted to run and hide.” Sylva smiled, feeling empathetic. “That’s understandable. How long did it take you to get used to it?” Lydia fingered a sumptuous violet gown. “It was quicker than adjusting to married life here.”
Zeke seared his gaze at Jimmy while his jaw tightened. He felt like drawing down on the inebriated idiot, and taking off a small hunk of his ear. Instead, he glared, feeling his own impatient savagery. “You’re drunk as a Saturday night boozer, Jimmy. I’m givin’ you one chance to walk away. Take it or I’m bustin’ open your jaw.” Petulantly, the slim younger man stared, his eyes swimming with the whiskey he’d tossed back. “You were supposed to marry my sister,” Jimmy shouted. “I want satisfaction.” Zeke heaved an enormously irritated sigh. “Anyone want to catch him?” he hollered.
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 144 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies...
Presented in its entirety on the Liquid Silver forum ~ click on ~ Savanna Kougar ~
Wednesday ~ Bekki blogged about submitting the best manuscript you can.
Monday ~ Bekki blogged about a new review for LAST GLASS OF WINE
Friday ~ Sara’s first HAPPY RELEASE DAY ~ read her blurb and excerpt.
Monday ~ Bekki blogged about the Acer and a Dell netpad. Great info, kitkats.~~~
HOG ON A HAWG ~ this is an adorable post...
SEA TURTLES... give this blog a glimpse
Animal blogs are featured this week First was Lindsay’s delightful posting about her pet dragon.
Wednesday ~ Crystal penned about her transition to writing vampire stories.
Tuesday ~ Second, the Prince of a Stallion by the Kougar
Monday ~ Francesca blogged about her paranormal growing up...
Saturday ~ Paris penned a post on the perils of a writer’s muse...
For the next part of the Never-Ending Story ~ RomanticSynonmous ~
Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ Siren-BookStrand blog ~~~~
No! Internet Two... Resistance is victory...
~~~Have a Merry Month of May...
May your most romantic dreams come true...
Kisses of sweet excitement from the Kougar...
A rare white elephant seal has been caught on camera. The creature, spotted on a sub-Antarctic beach, is similar to an albino but has normal coloring in its eyes. More at BBC news.Cool beans, my Sassy Kats, HER INSATIABLE DARK HEROES is still at #4 on Siren-Bookstrand’s bestseller list... roaring-bellow like a boar for four *it rhymes, please forgive*
Yep-meow, the Kougar just gutted up and had a look... MUCHO KISSES AND THANKS to everyone who has purchased and rated moi’s bookie... the FIVES are still winning... purring-yay!~~~
Oh my darling Big KitKats, when the Kougar traveled down to her mailbox she disturbed a beautiful girl cardinal, who flew in front of her for a time. Then another smaller girl cardinal flew by. They were so tingly-utterly adorable.
Later, moi found out her mommy had seen three hawks circling the pasture in the late morning.
Tired droopy eyes tonight, my Big Kittens, probably because moi got some more tomato plants in the ground in her tiny evolving garden.
Hmmm... my precious Big Cats, the Kougaress has a nasty feeling something huge is about to occur on the world stage, or huge in the sense of being exclusively covered by the big media types.
If this is in the works, moi does not know the timetable ~ and this Big Cat girl is NOT looking forward to whatever it is... IF it does occur.
There have been a couple of earthquakes in the LA region of California. Though, that might not be what shows up... still California, as a state does not have a stable energy, right now.
Wanted dead or alive... those are the lyrics of a bumper song on Coast-to-Coastam, nighttime radio... currently playing...
Synchronicity strikes! Moi was just hunting for a snippet from BRANDED BY THE TEXANS... and, yep, Kylie is feeling wanted dead or alive...Heading outside, she surveyed her surroundings as she moved to her car. A tall broad-shouldered man in a tan Western suit, complete with bolo, gassed up what looked like a Caddy. Sidling in front of her pump, Kylie checked out the directions, then unscrewed her gas cap.
“Need some assistance, ma’am?” the Caddy Cowboy asked politely. He tipped his impressive cream-colored Stetson as Kylie met his gaze. “I can fill ‘er up in two shakes of a lamb’s tail.”
Kylie blinked at the old phrase he’d used. “Thanks. I think I can handle it.”
“It’s, okay, ma’am, I’m not moving in on another man’s territory. Happily married myself.” He extended his hand flashing a wide gold band on his ring finger. “Mabel wouldn’t be happy if she knew I didn’t give you a hand.”
Kylie knew when she’d been defeated in a good way. She gave a nod and stepped back. “Thanks.” She was about to say her name again, but realized she shouldn’t be doing that anymore. In fact, she probably needed to decide on another name, and get used to it fast.
With smooth efficiency, he handled the nozzle gassing up her car. “There ya go, little lady. And don’t you worry, you’ll be married in no time.” He screwed her gas cap back on. “Come to Texas from the eastern states?” he asked.
Kylie’s brain felt like it spun, and she saw the image of whirling clothes inside a dryer. Where had that come from -- married in no time? Still, she’d better go with the flow. “I came from the east. Does it show a lot?”
“Yer accent, mostly. But we have a few ladies that make it across the border the way you have, lookin’ for a better life.”
Border? “I am looking for a better way of life.”
Turning on his boot heel, he tipped his hat again. “It’s right around the corner I’m bettin’, little lady.”
Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~
Happy Courtship on another EarthX-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues....Part 144 ~
Sylva faced Lydia, wanting the truth. It wasn’t that she objected, she simply wanted to know, felt compelled to know. “I offered to be with you because I know what it’s like to arrive from another Earth dimension.” Lydia’s gaze darkened to a deep seriousness. “I don’t think we came from the same dimension.” Sylva cocked her head, intrigued to say the least. “Why do you say that?” she asked. Lydia noticeably swallowed. “No one looks like you.” Sylva blinked furiously. “Okaaay... no one?” Lydia shook her head slowly. “In my Earth dimension there are only people with dark-colored hair.”
Zeke raised his filled shot glass in a salute. “A round a drinks for everyone,” he called out, then tossed down the Stud Black. “Your bride is going to be one happy woman,” Grayson ribbed using his most exaggerated drawl. “I aim to make her the happiest bride that’s ever been,” Zeke returned. Dang, he itched like crazy wild to get back to his Sylva. Decisively, he set the glass down on the bar. “Later, fellas.” Zeke strode for the door impatiently. “Not so fast, you black-hearted sidewinder.” Zeke instantly recognized Jimmy’s voice. Gradually he turned to face Merlinda’s brother.
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 143 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies...
Presented in its entirety on the Liquid Silver forum ~ click on ~ Savanna Kougar ~~~~~~~
Wednesday ~ Bekki blogged about submitting the best manuscript you can.
Monday ~ Bekki blogged about a new review for LAST GLASS OF WINE
Friday ~ Sara’s first HAPPY RELEASE DAY ~ read her blurb and excerpt.
Monday ~ Bekki blogged about the Acer and a Dell netpad. Great info, kitkats.~~~
HOG ON A HAWG ~ this is an adorable post...
SEA TURTLES... give this blog a glimpse
Animal blogs are featured this week First was Lindsay’s delightful posting about her pet dragon.~~~
Wednesday ~ Crystal penned about her transition to writing vampire stories.
Tuesday ~ Second, the Prince of a Stallion by the Kougar
Monday ~ Francesca blogged about her paranormal growing up...
Saturday ~ Paris penned a post on the perils of a writer’s muse...~~~
For the next part of the Never-Ending Story ~ RomanticSynonmous ~
Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ Siren-BookStrand blog ~
No! Internet Two... Resistance is victory...
Have a Merry Month of May...
May your most romantic dreams come true... ,
Four whippy snippy smooches from the Kougar...
Lovely pinkie sky at sunset, my Beautiful Big Cats... the kind the Kougar would like to whirl and dance inside as if it were a veil around her or a splendid dress of chiffon.
~~~Purr and pout... purring-yep, HER INSATIABLE DARK HEROES is still at #4 on Siren-BookStrand’s bestseller list. Pout-yowl... someone doesn’t like moi’s bookie giving it a score of 2. However, big Cheshire smile, the 5 ratings are winning!!!~~~
Oh, my Sassy Kittehs... moi is having a fantasy pic of herself created. One of the pics she sent was Barbarella. Yep-mew, why go with reality at the Kougaress’s age when fantasy is so much better?
Okay, one of the Siren authors couldn’t find her books on Amazon, except for Kindle. She requested we check our names. Yes, the Kougar has her nice Amazon page and discovered MURDER BY HAIR SPRAY IN GARDENIA, NEW ATLANTIS is now available for Kindle. Although, this Big Cat cannot accept nor endorse many of Amazon’s policies, readers have a right to purchase wherever they please.
The rest of the story... doing a Googlie Wooglie for her name ~ this is what the Kougar found ~ ~ a page for authors who have written non-fiction and fiction 2012 books ~ WHEN A GOOD ANGEL FALLS is listed. How cool is that? Plus, Terrance McKenna, who has passed from this blessed Earth, was one of the giants in advanced spiritual thought. Moi has heard a couple of his interviews. He is absolutely amazing.~~~
Oh, the Kougaress was so good today, as far as writing up her Halloweeny blog about BLACK CAT BEAUTY, to be featured on May 22 at romance author, Belinda McBride’s Wylde by Nature blog ~ ~
It’s about to occur... tail-slapping authoress excited here... Kylie is about to be ‘found’ by one of the Vega brothers, then Branded by the Texans... stay tuned for sneak peek snippets.
~~~~~~Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~
Happy Courtship on another EarthX-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke’s story continues....Part 143 ~
Sylva sipped the vanilla-flavored sparkling water. She and Lydia looked over the selections of gowns and accessories. “I am certain your husband will purchase any of them you desire. Here it is a tradition for the bride to select the wardrobe of her choice.” Moving to a spectacular gown of deep gold, she stroked the luxuriant billowing sleeve with her fingertip. “You aren’t from this Earth, are you?” Sylva asked. “Is that why you’re mentoring me, for lack of better a word?” Sylva floated her palm over the sheer layer on the skirt that looked like a glistening golden veil.
Zeke tossed down the shot of Stud Black to the raucous congratulatory chant of every man he personally knew. “I thought there for awhile, Merlinda was gonna have her whip-cracking way with you,” Jason chortled, then clapped Zeke on the back. “Naw, Zeke, the son of a gun, was too fast-thinking for her,” Grayson drawled as if it had been his triumph instead. “Yeah, Zeke, you out-drew her with the steely strength of your nerve,” Edward added. Zeke faced outward, smiling. He raised a calming hand. “Gentleman, my friends, give all credit to Barnabas. It was his victory, claiming Merlinda.”
Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...
Part 16 ~ 142 ~ see the Kougar’s prior bloggies...
Presented in its entirety on the Liquid Silver forum ~ click on ~ Savanna Kougar ~~~~~~~
Monday ~ Bekki blogged about a new review for LAST GLASS OF WINE
Friday ~ Sara’s first HAPPY RELEASE DAY ~ read her blurb and excerpt.
Monday ~ Bekki blogged about the Acer and a Dell netpad. Great info, kitkats.
HOG ON A HAWG ~ this is an adorable post...
SEA TURTLES... give this blog a glimpse
Animal blogs are featured this week First was Lindsay’s delightful posting about her pet dragon.
Tuesday ~ Second, the Prince of a Stallion by the Kougar
Monday ~ Francesca blogged about her paranormal growing up...
Saturday ~ Paris penned a post on the perils of a writer’s muse...
For the next part of the Never-Ending Story read HAWK SPIRIT by the Kougar ~ RomanticSynonmous ~
Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ Siren-BookStrand blog ~~~~
No! Internet Two... Resistance is victory...
Have a Merry Month of May...
May your most romantic dreams come true...Four satisfied kisses from the Kougar...